Rita Henuber Quotes

Most memorable quotes from Rita Henuber.

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He (Rico) moved to look at the speedometer.
"Come on, Olivia. The speed limit is 70. You're doing 95, and this car is ticket bait. I don't want to risk getting stopped."
"I'm traveling with the flow. This is I-95. If I go the speed limit I'll stand out."
He scowled.
"Okay." She slowed the Corvette.
"Thanks," he muttered. "You always drive like this?"
"Yep, I grew up in Texas. Speed limits there are only a suggestion.
Rita Henuber Quotes: He (Rico) moved to look
(Rico) "Can't wait."
"Neither can I." She prepared herself for another go-on-forever kiss. It didn't come. Between gentle darting kisses, Rico nibbled her lips while his hands explored her body. Olivia moaned. She couldn't help it.
The sound seemed to trigger something in Rico. Now the kissing was hard, wild and insatiable. Strong arms circled her, big hands covered her buttocks and yanked her against him. Without stopping the kisses or separating their bodies, Rico maneuvered them to the passenger side of her Jeep.
Rita Henuber Quotes: (Rico) "Neither can" title="Rita Henuber Quotes: (Rico) "Can't wait."
"Neither can" width="913px" height="515px" loading="lazy"/>
(Olivia) "I'm stopping at the next exit for gas. I'll get rid of the scrubs. You get out and walk around or by the time we get to Miami you'll be too stiff to move."
"Don't worry, when I get stiff I move very well," he muttered as he turned to face away.
"I heard that.
Rita Henuber Quotes: (Olivia)
(Olivia) "What is all of this, your James Bond room?"
"You could say that. It's my backup." He opened cabinets, took out a pill bottle and downed a Percocet. "In here I have weapons, computers, transportation, medical supplies, money and anything else I might need for my survival. Things we'll need to complete this job."
Olivia ran her fingers across several of the weapons on the counter and shelf. "Where's your toothbrush radio and exploding briefcase?
Rita Henuber Quotes: (Olivia)
(Rico) "What's it going to take to get you to dance with me?"
She crooked her index finger and motioned him to come close. "A million in your bank account and seven inches in your pants."
Without missing a beat he replied, "The million I have, but even for a woman as beautiful as you, I won't cut off three inches."
Olivia's eyes went wide and she burst out laughing.
Rita Henuber Quotes: (Rico)
She closed tight around him, pulsing. Rico's fingers dug into her hips. His movements quickened and he found his rhythm. She wrapped her legs around his hips as his body arched, tensed and shuddered with his own release.
Someone growled. Him, her, she didn't know. Her blood pounded so hard and loud in her head she couldn't be sure.
Rita Henuber Quotes: She closed tight around him,
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