Joel Annesley Quotes

Most memorable quotes from Joel Annesley.

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It is through this practise of gratitude that I discovered something quite profound: shyness doesn't survive when your cup is overflowing with gratitude. It doesn't matter if you're grateful for things that have happened or things that have yet to come to fruition, gratitude grows Quiet Confidence.
Joel Annesley Quotes: It is through this practise
Stop trying to find yourself. You've had it all along.
Never feel ashamed for feeling different; different is the new normal.
Joel Annesley Quotes: Stop trying to find yourself.
When you've had a life of overthinking, you have the same reaction time and time again. Shyness becomes habitual. When you're put in an unfamiliar situation, all you want to do is retreat and hide by default. You watch but don't participate. You listen but don't respond. You read, but rarely comment. You take a photo, but you rarely post. You write, but you rarely publish. All of this is because your overthinking mind cannot stop thinking about how you will be perceived by the outside world.
Joel Annesley Quotes: When you've had a life
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