Gary J. Byrne Quotes

Most memorable quotes from Gary J. Byrne.

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He finessed his way through it all, playing the "I don't recall" game. He played the same game when asked about how Betty and UD officers had inserted Betty's name on their official visitors' log when it was Monica who actually visited, so as not to betray the president. It was yet another obvious lie on his part. I knew that game. Everyone with eyes could see it. He never recalled how she came to him with letters or papers. There was a back-and-forth on how the Clintons had garnered a lawyer for Monica so she could obfuscate matters and not implicate the president in his defense in Paula Jones's civil sexual harassment case. They discussed how unethical that was, and that's when the president had the nerve to blame the debacle on the information's getting leaked, not that it actually happened. Finally it came down to blaming Monica.
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: He finessed his way through
The staff used to say, "When the president eats, everybody eats." That kind of leadership is real. I figured the saying applied to every president but really the saying came from Bush 41's years. He appreciated the lowest on the totem pole because he'd once pounded the Navy pavement.
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: The staff used to say,
Bill Clinton was friendly and charming with just about everyone besides Hillary. He always seemed to want to give his company extra time. He was very generous that way. Like him or not, share his political ideas or not, find yourself in the same room with him, and you are hooked. You can't help but like him. But that was not Hillary. She was clearly all business, 24/7. Her private leadership style was based on pure fear and loathing - and I never saw her that turn off. Even in the president's presence, Mrs. Clinton operated at far greater than arm's length - a cheerless grifter always on her scheming way to someone or something else more important than the person directly in front of her.
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: Bill Clinton was friendly and
it was how the Bushes operated - 100 percent class.
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: it was how the Bushes
As I listened to his cunning, scripted message, I became even angrier. He never apologized to us. He never apologized for putting us in that position. He lied out of both ends of his mouth, blaming the Secret Service while saying he wanted to be forthcoming but couldn't - two lies in one! He and his staff created the Protective Function Privilege. He was the one who did the deed, committed the misconduct. He was the one who lied. Not only did he never apologize for costing the taxpayers, the Justice Department, the Secret Service, his staff, his constituents, or anyone for putting them through the ringer, endangering our careers, and our very lives. He wanted us to believe that he was sorry for embarrassing his family, Chelsea and Hillary. (I can understand about Chelsea.)
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: As I listened to his
Failure in training identifies weaknesses so as to prevent them in the field, because as the common saying goes in the tactical community, "We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training." We live by that code.
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: Failure in training identifies weaknesses
her humor kept tension at bay around the White House. Mrs. Bush was famous for it. Executive life was constantly stressful and it can consume everyone who works at the White House. She knew it and appreciated us, and it meant the world.
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: her humor kept tension at
Performance standards and accountability applied to everyone.
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: Performance standards and accountability applied
Technically it was FLOTUS's job to extend the invitations, but the idea that Mrs. Clinton would take responsibility for someone under her command? Laughable. I surely never saw it.
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: Technically it was FLOTUS's job
I testified that the incident had traveled up the chain of command to the sergeant and the watch commander. I informed them that even in discussing the incident among ourselves within UD, we remained circumspect. An attorney asked why. The real answer, which I also couldn't say, was to save ourselves from being dragged through the mud like this. The less you knew, the safer you were. Not to mention, we simply feared the Clintons.
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: I testified that the incident
Hillary Clinton is now poised to become the Democratic nominee for president of the United States, but she simply lacks the integrity and temperament to serve in the office.
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: Hillary Clinton is now poised
As the old military adage goes, "If you're in a fair fight, you're doing it wrong.
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: As the old military adage
How they got in touch with each other in other instances, only they know. But paying a mistress with taxpayer funds and giving her a security clearance? These were new lows.
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: How they got in touch
In April 2002, I saw the Bush family once again during a JJRTC tour similar to the one we had conducted for the Clintons. It was strange to see George W. Bush grown up and president. It took me back to when I first arrived at the White House - a rookie being cued in by old hats. I hoped President Bush could bring back what was so sorely missed and what once existed under his father. Dynasties made me nervous, but I sorely hoped Bush 43 (our forty-third president) would restore the White House to the level of dignity that Papa Bush had promoted. I thought of my own father, the life I led, and what my son might be like. Was I as strong as my father? Had I kept my promise to protect others? Would my children retain their character? I was honored that the new president remembered me and shook my hand, just as his father would have. I asked about Bush 41 (our forty-first president). It was blast.
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: In April 2002, I saw
We all respected him because, in a way, we felt as though the president was one of the guys, albeit of a salty older generation. When he issued orders for a national fight, he understood the consequences of sending people into harm's way.
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: We all respected him because,
You know, that's what real diversity is: a diversity of the mind, which is absolutely apolitical as opposed to the politically correct version of diversity.
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: You know, that's what real
Character in leadership comes down to two questions: Would you trade places with anyone under your command? Do you hold yourself to the same level of accountability as those for whom you bear responsibility?
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: Character in leadership comes down
Once Monica appeared wearing a borderline unprofessional dress, a bit too short, if you asked me. I could only think, Who does she think she is? She was straphanging around George Stephanopoulos, and I shooed her like a stray cat. She hissed another lame excuse. I was fed up with her games, but at this moment the president arrived, easily catching her sight (or scent - I don't know which). They made small talk. She walked away. Her mission was complete; she had caught the president's wandering eye. She turned back to ensure she had his attention - and flipped up her black-and-white print dress to reveal her blue thong.
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: Once Monica appeared wearing a
On Sunday, evening, May 2, 2015, in Garland, Texas, an active-shooter incident didn't end in a massacre. It ended when an armed police officer took the fight to the enemy, literally pushing toward them and killing the duo before they could massacre innocents in a crowded event center. Forget politics. Forget before and after. When the attack is initiated there is no negotiation, no thinking - only fighting, pushing, and close killing. The event in Garland wasn't quite the soft target the terrorists thought it would be. They didn't have the access to the defenseless civilians they thought they'd have. Defend yourself - now rather than later. Strength stops strength. Overwhelming strength stops massacres in their tracks.
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: On Sunday, evening, May 2,
I believe Leon Panetta genuinely placed America's well-being first and foremost. I never took his politics personally.
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: I believe Leon Panetta genuinely
In typical Billary fashion, they claimed they hadn't created the problem. The media had, the Republicans, the lawyers - anyone but them. He was sorry, he said. I couldn't stand it anymore.
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: In typical Billary fashion, they
Some were mistresses. Some alleged they were victims of sexual harassment - even rape. There were actresses, career businesswomen, and former employees. It seemed too strange not to be true, but not everyone believed them. The Clinton pattern was deny-deny-deny. Behind the scenes, the Clinton Machine slut-shamed accusers, impugned their integrity, and supposedly even paid them off and intimidated them.
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: Some were mistresses. Some alleged
Byrne," I said. Cops answer phones like cops even when they're home. "They f - d us, Gary! They f - ed us!" "Whoa, whoa. Calm down. Who f - ed us? What are - ?" "I can't believe it! I can't believe it! Are you watching? They f - ed us, Gary! They released the g-ddamn tapes! Our depositions are playing on the damn television. We're all over the g-ddamn news! They're showing our faces!" She kept repeating
Gary J. Byrne Quotes: Byrne,
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