Zimmerberg Sihltal Group Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Zimmerberg Sihltal Group.

Quotes About Zimmerberg Sihltal Group

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The original mistake, which was responsible for all this misery, was committed when our scientists began to create a new world of steel and iron and chemistry and electricity and forgot that the human mind is slower than the proverbial turtle, is lazier than the well-known sloth, and marches from one hundred to three hundred years behind the small group of courageous leaders. ~ Hendrik Willem Van Loon
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Hendrik Willem Van Loon
I went to a high school that didn't have many people in it. There were, like, 60 people in my senior class. There was a group of cool kids and a group of really dorky kids, and I was probably the coolest of the really dorky kids. ~ Matthew Perry
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Matthew Perry
It's not enough that we have to handle our own race's problems," Claude said. "Now we're sucked into the fucking vampire struggles, too."
"No," I said, feeling I was walking uphill in this conversation. "You as a group weren't sucked into the vampire struggles. One of you was taken for a specific purpose. Different scenario. ~ Charlaine Harris
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Charlaine Harris
Candidates must constantly signal their social acceptability to a diverse group of consumers. Neither silence nor a lack of an opinion is an acceptable answer on any subject. And, in order to reduce the chances of losing their livelihood for transgressing, they default to shallow, safe, rehearsed, and socially approved messages. ~ Mary Katharine Ham
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Mary Katharine Ham
I made a list of the happiest periods in my life, and I realized that none of them involved money. I realized that building stuff and being creative and inventive made me happy. connecting with a friend and talking through the entire night until the sun rose made me happy. Trick-or-treating in middle school with a group of my closest friends made me happy. Pickles made me happy. ~ Tony Hsieh
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Tony Hsieh
This is a radical jihadist group that is increasingly sophisticated in its ability, for example, to radicalize American citizens, in its inability to exploit loopholes in our legal immigration system, in its ability to capture and hold territory in the Middle East, as I outlined earlier, in multiple countries. ~ Marco Rubio
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Marco Rubio
There exists no third principle for the organisation of the economics process which can be rationally chosen to achieve any desirable ends, in addition to either a functioning market in which nobody can conclusively determine how well-off particular groups or individuals will be, or a central direction where a group organised for power determines it. ~ Friedrich August Von Hayek
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Friedrich August Von Hayek
I was the first in my peer group to get pregnant. All I craved was reassurance. I needed someone to tell me that all the seemingly random symptoms I had - weird things, such as excess saliva - were normal. And I was worried because I wasn't getting any morning sickness. ~ Heidi Murkoff
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Heidi Murkoff
We don't to be some kind of rock supergroup for the sake of being a supergroup. You want to change things and say something fresh and new so you appeal to people as a new group. ~ Peter Hook
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Peter Hook
Jenna swallowed the lump in her throat. "Good evening, gentlemen."
"You'll be hard pressed to find a gentleman in this bunch," a forty-something guy with close-cropped white hair said, laughing.
She walked closer to the group and held out her hands in apology. "Sorry, didn't mean to offend. ~ Aria Kane
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Aria Kane
Everything goes so fast that you wake up suddenly after 5 years and you just feel like you want to talk about different [things] than everybody in the group, you want to talk about your own things. ~ K-Maro
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by K-Maro
In various states of undress, those about her joined in her fondling, lowering their mouths not only to her nipples but to her arms and legs, so that each limb was held captive about the wrist or ankle, and smothered in kisses and gentle nibbles. In this way, perhaps eight of the assembly joined in pleasuring the young lady, taking care to only deliver the sweetest of sensations.

The Gentlemen's Club ~ Emmanuelle De Maupassant
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Emmanuelle De Maupassant
There is a whole separate filmmaking team that's doing it, but that's part of what's great about the Brain Trust and about the inspiring leadership of John Lasseter. He leaves it up to that creative group of individuals to help each other elevate each thing that they're working on to only try to make it better and to share what you've learned on the first one. ~ Klay Hall
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Klay Hall
It saddens me that a historic event like this is being misconstrued by a small but vocal group of critics trying to spread the notion that the UN gathering is really the work of radicals and atheists bent on destroying our families. ~ Hillary Clinton
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Hillary Clinton
None other than Malcolm Ericson, drummer for worldwide renowned rock group Stage Dive, had somehow shacked up with my sister. My quiet, calm, color-within-the-lines-or-else sister. ~ Kylie Scott
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Kylie Scott
Two of the behaviors that set early humans apart were the systematic sharing of food and altruistic group defense. Other primates did very little of either but, increasingly, hominids did, and those behaviors helped set them on an evolutionary path that produced the modern world. ~ Sebastian Junger
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Sebastian Junger
In group lesson number six I think we learned how to turn backwards and then just kind of wiggle. That wasn't really skating backward, but I guess I was going in the right direction. ~ Dorothy Hamill
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Dorothy Hamill
My castings sort of go in phases. There'll be several icy professional parts - a lawyer or a cop. And then there'll be the intelligent-but-wounded group and then the period things. It goes in sequence. ~ Laura Linney
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Laura Linney
In reality, though, almost all voters now had their minds made up. You didn't need to persuade them of whom to vote for - indeed, you couldn't persuade them of whom to vote for. What you needed to do was excite the group of them who, if they were going to vote, were going to vote for you. Those people had to register, they had to remember where their polling place was, they had to take time out of their day to go cast a ballot. America isn't like Australia, where voting is compulsory. We make it both optional and, in many places, difficult, so a winning campaign needs not just supporters but motivated supporters. ~ Ezra Klein
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Ezra Klein
The death of Garang has unfortunately unleashed emotions of anger; some genuine, others cultivated by elements who wanted to pit one group of Sudanese against another. ~ Salva Kiir Mayardit
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Salva Kiir Mayardit
When you act in a film, you're inevitably surrounded by people you didn't choose, right down to the set painter. I like being able to pick the family I'm waking up to in the morning that's going to make this group effort to tell a story that applies to what's interesting to me at that stage in my life. ~ Sean Penn
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Sean Penn
It would be hard to name a more certain sign of poor self-esteem than the need to perceive some other group as inferior. ~ Nathaniel Branden
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Nathaniel Branden
A steady exposure to distant human need that is beyond our personal response can gradually inoculate us against particular action ... Isolation from local need, and overexposure to overwhelming but distant need, make our responses to strangers uncertain and tentative at best.
We need to find or create contemporary equivalents of the city gate, community rituals, and small group meetings in which we can build preliminary relations with strangers. ~ Christine Pohl
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Christine Pohl
I believe the gay community is a good group of people but with groups like NAMBLA [a pedophile group] riding on their coattails. ~ Alan Chambers
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Alan Chambers
Mother Nature clearly intended for us to get our food from the "patty" group, which includes hamburgers, fish sticks, and McNuggets- foods that have had all of their organs safely removed. ~ Dave Barry
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Dave Barry
Some fifteen to twenty Burgess species cannot be allied with any known group, and should probably be classified as separate phyla. Magnify some of them beyond the few centimeters of their actual size, and you are on the set of a science-fiction film ... ~ Stephen Jay Gould
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Stephen Jay Gould
So, there we were. The five of us - Marco, Tobias, Rachel, Cassie, and me. Five normal mallrats heading home.
Sometimes I think about that one, last moment when we were still just normal kids. It's like it was a million years ago, like it was some totally different group of kids. You know what I was afraid of right then? I was afraid of admitting to Tom that I hadn't made the team. That was as scary as life got back then.
Five minutes later, life got a lot scarier. ~ Katherine Applegate
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Katherine Applegate
I guess there are some women who like older men, but it's a smaller group. ~ Michael Douglas
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Michael Douglas
I wouldn't want to get stuck being an oldie-goldie group, but I don't mind. I think all the trouble you go through these days to go to one of these concerts, I think I owe them a bit of what they came to hear. ~ Tom Petty
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Tom Petty
I think sometimes maybe you're going to connect with the audience more than others, but the journey is about getting all there is to get out of this group of people. ~ Tom Petty
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Tom Petty
People (a group that in my opinion has always attracted an undue amount of attention) have often been likened to snowflakes. This analogy is meant to suggest that each is unique - no two alike. This is quite patently not the case. People, even at the current rate of inflation - in fact, people especially at the current rate of inflation - are quite simply a dime a dozen. And, I hasten to add, their only similarity to snowflakes resides in their invariably and lamentable tendency to turn, after a few warm days, to slush. ~ Fran Lebowitz
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Fran Lebowitz
That was the thing about Joy Division: writing the songs was dead easy because the group was really balanced; we had a great guitarist, a great drummer, a great bass player, a great singer. ~ Peter Hook
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Peter Hook
Assorted theories have been advanced to explain confirmation bias - why people rush to embrace information that supports their beliefs while rejecting information that disputes them: that first impressions are difficult to dislodge, that there's a primitive instinct to defend one's turf, that people tend to have emotional rather than intellectual responses to being challenged and are loath to carefully examine evidence.
Group dynamics only exaggerate these tendencies, the author and legal scholar Cass Sunstein observed in his book Going to Extremes: insularity often means limited information input (and usually information that reinforces preexisting views) and a desire for peer approval; and if the group's leader "does not encourage dissent and is inclined to an identifiable conclusion, it is highly likely that the group as a whole will move toward that conclusion."
Once the group has been psychologically walled off, Sunstein wrote, "the information and views of those outside the group can be discredited, and hence nothing will disturb the process of polarization as group members continue to talk." In fact, groups of like-minded people can become breeding grounds for extreme movements. "Terrorists are made, not born," Sunstein observed, "and terrorist networks often operate in just this way. As a result, they can move otherwise ordinary people to violent acts. ~ Michiko Kakutani
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Michiko Kakutani
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation funded a study in which one group of healthy volunteers spent fifteen minutes a day practicing "finger abductions," which are basically like a biceps curl but with one finger. ~ Shawn Achor
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Shawn Achor
We Liberals like to think our thoughts aren't controlled. We pride ourselves on our independent thinking. We know we shouldn't believe everything we read. We realize the media is skewed, we know it's owned by a small group of people, we realize it's biased, etc. ~ Marianne Williamson
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Marianne Williamson
In the conduct of our public worship where is the authority of Christ to be found? The truth is that today the Lord rarely controls a service, and the influence He exerts is very small. We sing of Him and preach about Him, but He must not interfere; we worship our way, and it must be right because we have always done it that way, as have the other churches in our group. ~ Aiden Wilson Tozer
Zimmerberg Sihltal Group quotes by Aiden Wilson Tozer
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