Waterboy Roberto Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Waterboy Roberto.

Quotes About Waterboy Roberto

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It was raining in the quadrangle, and the quadrangular sky looked like a grimace of a robot or a god made in our own likeness. The oblique drops of rain slid down the blades of grass in the park, but it would have made no difference if they had slid up. Then the oblique (drops) turned round (drops), swallowed up by the earth underpinning the grass, and the grass and the earth seemed to talk, no, not talk, argue, their comprehensible words like crystallized spiderwebs or the briefest crystallized vomitings, a barely audible rustling, as if instead of drinking tea that afternoon, Norton had drunk a steaming cup of peyote. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
Still, American television is full of smiles and more and more perfect-looking teeth. Do these people want us to trust them? No. Do they want us to think they're good people? No again. The truth is they don't want anything from us. They just want to show us their teeth, their smiles, and admiration is all they want in return. Admiration. They want us to look at them, that's all. Their perfect teeth, their perfect bodies, their perfect manners, as if they were constantly breaking away from the sun and they were little pieces of fire, little pieces of blazing hell, here on this planet simply to be worshipped. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
I like being an editor, and I know how to make a magazine. ~ Roberto Civita
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Civita
Only fever and poetry provoke visions.
Only love and memory. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
When it left, death didn't even close our eyes. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
In my planet, fashion, I'm the only straight man. ~ Roberto Cavalli
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Cavalli
So I could say we had our first real conversation in the sea, and the feeling I had then, the conviction that I wouldn't make it back to shore, the intimation of death by drowning under a matte blue sky, a sky that looked like a lung in a tub of blue paint, persisted throughout all of our subsequent conversations. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
You're serving. You're not a servant. Serving is a supreme art. God is the first servant. God serves men but he's not a servant to men. - Eliseo Orefice ~ Roberto Benigni La Vita E Bella
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Benigni La Vita E Bella
It's absurd to see an enchanted princess in every girl who walks by. What do you think you are, a troubadour? ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
There were the usual deaths, yes, those to be expected, people who started off celebrating and ended up killing each other, uncinematic deaths, deaths from the realm of folklore, not modernity: deaths that didn't scare anybody. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
When you are playing a detective, particularly as a woman, you either are going to embrace the fact that it's a man's world you are jumping into, or you're going to ignore it. ~ Roberto Orci
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Orci
In school, you learn that there are only seven kinds of stories. There's man versus nature, man versus man, man versus himself, blah blah blah. So it doesn't matter what they're called. It's this: do you have a new story that fits into one of those things. ~ Roberto Orci
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Orci
Make things better than they have to be. ~ Roberto Giobbi
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Giobbi
Life is shit, thought Pelletier in astonishment, all of it. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
For me, the word "writing" is the exact opposite of the word "waiting". Instead of waiting, there is writing. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
Our history consists of the various ways we find to elude the traps that open endlessly before us. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
A garden is a complex of aesthetic and plastic intentions; and the plant is, to a landscape artist, not only a plant - rare, unusual, ordinary or doomed to disappearance - but it is also a color, a shape, a volume or an arabesque in itself. ~ Roberto Burle Marx
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Burle Marx
It's strange how things happen, Mauricio Silva, known as the Eye, always tried to escape from violence even at the risk of being considered a coward, but the violence, the real violence, can't be escaped, at least not by us, born in Latin America in the 1950s, those of us who were around twenty years old when Salvador Allende died. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
When I put on my uniform, I feel I am the proudest man on earth. ~ Roberto Clemente
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Clemente
At every level the greatest obstacle to transforming the world is that we lack the clarity and imagination to conceive that it could be different ~ Roberto Unger
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Unger
I love the idea of writing these huge, bombastic characters; I'll stay in the superhero world as long as I can. ~ Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
Nurture love. Be honest with yourself. Be kind because you are your best friend. ~ Roberto Carlos Martinez
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Carlos Martinez
... Auxilio, they'd say, that's enough bustling around, Auxilio, leave those papers alone, woman, dust and literature have always gone together. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
Nobody does anything better than me in baseball (said before the 1971 World Series). ~ Roberto Clemente
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Clemente
I ate sitting in the kitchen in silence, thinking about future. I saw tornadoes, hurricanes, tidal waves, fire. Then I washed the frying pan, plate and silverware, brushed away the crumbs and unbolted the door to the courtyard. Before I left, I turned out the light. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
One is prepared for friendship, not for friends. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
Great sex is all about freedom and being everything you've always wanted to be. Know now that the only limits you have in regards to your own sexuality are the ones you impose on yourself. ~ Roberto Hogue
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Hogue
I am not going to become crazy in the ring, because I am already crazy. And I am not going to die in the ring. I am going to die in bed as an old man. ~ Roberto Duran
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Duran
These days there's no time to be bored, happiness has vanished somewhere in the world, and all that's left is dismay. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
On Napoli, Elena Ferrante is more ferocious than Roberto Savino. ~ Angela Paolantonio
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Angela Paolantonio
I'd love her until the end of time, he thought. An hour later he'd already forgotten the matter completely. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
Today I realized that what I wrote yesterday I really wrote today: everything from December 31 I wrote on January 1, i.e. today, and what I wrote on December 30 I wrote on the 31st, i.e. yesterday. What I write today I'm really writing tomorrow, which for me will be today and yesterday, and also, in some sense, tomorrow: an invisible day. But enough of that. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
In a world of democracies, in a world where the great projects that have set humanity on fire are the projects of the emancipation of individuals from entrenched social division and hierarchy; in such a world individuals must never be puppets or prisoners of the societies or cultures into which they have been born. ~ Roberto Unger
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Unger
I'm finding that I'm working with more and more Latino artists, and that's exciting. ~ Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
This is where the story should end, but life is not as kind as literature. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
When I started playing the game of baseball, the more I played and the better numbers I got, the more I started thinking about the Hall of Fame. But I never thought I had a chance to be there. ~ Roberto Alomar
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Alomar
Coincidence obeys no laws and if it does we don't know what they are. Coincidence, if you'll permit me the simile, is like the manifestation of God at every moment on our planet. A senseless God making senseless gestures at his senseless creatures. In that hurricane, in that osseous implosion, we find communion. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
God, remember when we defeated Goliath, when we pastured sheep or we threw, in vain, the nets, and You chose us."
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Ornan Roche
When they turned, Pelletier and Espinoza saw an older woman in a white blouse and black skirt, a woman with a figure like Marlene Dietrich, as Pelletier would say much later, a woman who despite her years was still as strong willed as ever, a woman who didn't cling to the edge of the abyss but plunged into it with curiosity and elegance. A woman who plunged into the abyss sitting down. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
These weren't comforting nights, much less pleasant ones, but Espinoza discovered two things that helped him mightily in the early days: he would never be a fiction writer, and, in his own way, he was brave. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
One day the Pope is having a quiet conversation with a German theologian in one of the rooms of the Vatican. Suddenly two French archaeologists burst in, very agitated and nervous, and they tell the Holy Father they have just got back from Israel with some very good news and some rather bad news. The Pope beseeches them to come out with it, and not to leave him in suspense. Talking over each other, the Frenchmen say the good news is they have discovered the Holy Sepulchre. The Holy Sepulchre? says the Pope. The Holy Sepulchre. Not a shadow of a doubt. The Pope is moved to tears. What's the bad news? he asks, drying his eyes. Well, inside the Holy Sepulchre we found the body of Christ. The Pope passes out. The Frenchmen rush to his side and fan his face. The only one who's calm is the German theologian, and he says: Ah, so Jesus really existed? ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
A Latino actor can't play this and a Latino actor can't play that because they're Latino. ~ Roberto Aguire
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Aguire
Everything is a burned book, my dear maestro. Music, the tenth dimension, the fourth dimension, cradles, the production of bullets and rifles, Westerns: all burned books. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
I enjoy vegetarian food like I enjoy a kick in the stomach. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
I always got on well with Roberto Mancini and never had a problem with him. Every manager has their own way of working, tactics, and style of play. As a player, you do what the manager says. There are misunderstandings, but generally, everything was fine under Mancini. ~ Sergio Aguero
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Sergio Aguero
And no one moans: there is no anguish. Only our nocturnal silence when we crawl on all fours toward the fires that someone has lit for us at a mysterious hour and with incomprehensible finality. We're guided by fate, though we've left nothing to chance. A writer must resemble a censor, our elders told us, and we've followed that marvelous thought to its penultimate consequence. A writer must resemble a newspaper columnist. A writer must resemble a dwarf and MUST survive. If we didn't have to read too, our work would be a point suspended in nothingness, a mandala pared down to a minimum of meaning, our silence, our certainty of standing with one foot dangling on the far side of death. Fantasies. Fantasies. In some lost fold of the past, we wanted to be lions and we're no more than castrated cats. Castrated cats wedded to cats with slit throats. ~ Roberto Bolano
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Roberto Bolano
I would love to interview Roberto Benigni just so I could tell him how much his movie, life is beautiful, meant to me. ~ Giuliana Rancic
Waterboy Roberto quotes by Giuliana Rancic
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