Wall Painting Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Wall Painting.

Quotes About Wall Painting

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I'd rather sit next to Brian for two hours in a dark theater than have a wall painting party with Jackson Pollock ~ Jandy Nelson
Wall Painting quotes by Jandy Nelson
Here the focus is narrow, almost obsessive. Everything that is not absolutely necessary to your happiness has been removed from the visual horizon. The dream is not only of happiness, but of happiness conceived in perfect isolation. Find your beach in the middle of the city. Find your beach no matter what else is happening. Do not be distracted from finding your beach. Find your beach even if - as in the case of this wall painting - it is not actually there. Create this beach inside yourself. Carry it with you wherever you go. The pursuit of happiness has always seemed to me a somewhat heavy American burden, but in Manhattan it is conceived as a peculiar form of duty. ~ Zadie Smith
Wall Painting quotes by Zadie Smith
I kept ... returning to the (ancient Roman) wall paintings with their veiled melancholy and elegant plasticity. ~ William Baziotes
Wall Painting quotes by William Baziotes
I have a predilection for painting that lends joyousness to a wall. ~ Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Wall Painting quotes by Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Abolishing the book is like abolishing the symphony, or sonata form, or the sonnet, or the wall painting. ~ David Gelernter
Wall Painting quotes by David Gelernter
Well, painting today certainly seems very vibrant, very alive, very exiting. Five or six of my contemporaries around New York are doing very vital work, and the direction that painting seems to be taken here - is - away from the easel - into some sort, some kind of wall, wall painting ... ~ Jackson Pollock
Wall Painting quotes by Jackson Pollock
I could see everything she said as if it were a wall painting inside the cave of my own skull. ~ Jack Gantos
Wall Painting quotes by Jack Gantos
Paint right into the darkness. While painting in these conditions the mind shifts gears, engaging the unconscious. Unique 'insights' happen in the dark. ~ Allison Mackie
Wall Painting quotes by Allison Mackie
I'll start." The king placed large hands on the table, his voice pleasant and very peaceful.
Mercy relaxed a little. It was nice to be around a calming influence for once.
The king leaned forward. "What the holy fuck of a fuckup of a disaster have you assholes gotten into?" Dage yelled, his booming voice echoing off every wall. ~ Rebecca Zanetti
Wall Painting quotes by Rebecca Zanetti
Just four or five hours later we begin to see a country whose beauty penetrates our bones. I say beauty I mean beauty. Oftentimes in America you could go stark mad from the ugliness of things. Grass that goes for a thousand miles and never a hill to break it. I ain't saying there ain't beauty on the plains when well there is. But you ain't long travelling on the plains when you begin to feel clear loco. You can rise up out of your saddle and sort of look down on yourself riding, it's as if the stern and relentless monotony makes you die, come back to life, and die again. Your brain is molten in its bowl of bones and you just seeing atrocious wonders everywhere. The mosquitoes have your hide for supper and you are one hallucinating lunatic then. But now in the far distance we see a land begin to be suggested as if maybe a man was out there painting with a huge brush. ~ Sebastian Barry
Wall Painting quotes by Sebastian Barry
If you knew everyone's story, you would love them. You can't really hate anyone if you know everything that happened to them between their birth and now; why they became the way they became; why they have walls up or down. If you truly know someone, you'd get it. ~ Emma Stone
Wall Painting quotes by Emma Stone
A dinner party is the oldest experiment. Trap a bunch of souls in a room. Faces move like painted moons, rising and setting, as talk blows in from the east. The thunk and freckles of a hand slammed down on the table in laughter, the noise of a long night unscrolled like a map. Madeira and Roquefort. Paper towels for napkins. The maroon wall telephone rings: next round of folks on their way! ~ Jardine Libaire
Wall Painting quotes by Jardine Libaire
The Occupy Wall Street protests at last suggest that America's wealth gap is once again becoming an organizing political principle in the country. ~ Jon Meacham
Wall Painting quotes by Jon Meacham
The coolness of the wall mirror. He ~ Colin Dexter
Wall Painting quotes by Colin Dexter
I'd love to try to sell a blank white canvas to an art dealer. And when he asks what it is, I'd tell him, "It's a landscape painting of Key West, from the perspective of an optimistic blind man. ~ Jarod Kintz
Wall Painting quotes by Jarod Kintz
OK, so here's the deal. First of all, "The Wall Street Journal" was bought for $5 billion. It's now worth $500 million, OK. They don't have to tell me what to do. "The Wall Street Journal" has been wrong so many different times about so many different things. I am all for free trade, but it's got to be fair. When Ford moves their massive plant to Mexico, we get nothing. We lose all of these jobs. ~ Donald Trump
Wall Painting quotes by Donald Trump
Just because a woman is good at something doesn't necessarily mean it's what she should do in life. If that were the case most of the women in the Belle family would be hookers. ~ Paula Wall
Wall Painting quotes by Paula Wall
Russians had a reputation for being the best programmers on Wall Street, and Serge thought he knew why: They had been forced to learn to program computers without the luxury of endless computer time. Many years later, when he had plenty of computer time, Serge still wrote out new programs on paper before typing them into the machine. "In Russia, time on the computer was measured in minutes," he said. "When you write a program, you are given a tiny time slot to make it work. ~ Michael Lewis
Wall Painting quotes by Michael Lewis
So, it's pretty crazy. Look, we're bailing out Wall Street, we're bailing out banks, we're bailing out car companies. In fact, did you know there's a special box on your tax form this year you can check if you want a portion of your taxes to actually go to running the government? ~ Jay Leno
Wall Painting quotes by Jay Leno
The glass wall behind must have blown out as well, four stories of lethal shards surfing the roar of air and fire. ~ Marcus Sakey
Wall Painting quotes by Marcus Sakey
Painting is the aesthetic side of the object but it has never been original, has never been its own goal. ~ Kazimir Malevich
Wall Painting quotes by Kazimir Malevich
The elements of a good story are most definitely details, little bitty details. That does it, especially when you're describing, when you're setting the scene and everything. It's like you're painting a picture, so details are very important. Also, the music gotta be right. The music can really set the tone for the story and let you know what the story is gonna be about, but definitely, it's the vibe in the place where you at and the detail. ~ Big Boi
Wall Painting quotes by Big Boi
I never saw a man fight as Conan fought. He put his back to the courtyard wall, and before they overpowered him the dead men were strewn in heaps thigh-deep about him. But at last they dragged him down, a hundred against one. ~ Robert E. Howard
Wall Painting quotes by Robert E. Howard
Everything that comes by you has your name on it. ~ Carolyn Wall
Wall Painting quotes by Carolyn Wall
As actors, we're a little faster than other people, with breaking down the walls. ~ Paula Malcomson
Wall Painting quotes by Paula Malcomson
Unlike the photography and prints, I never catalogued, kept track of or exhibited the sketches. I sold some occasionally, but never saw myself as a graphic artist. They became more important to me thanks to the exhibition, however, and I realized that these drawings were quite interesting after all. ~ Gerhard Richter
Wall Painting quotes by Gerhard Richter
When you're on a highway, viewing the western U.S. with the mountains and the flatness and the desert and all that, it's very much like my paintings. ~ Edward Ruscha
Wall Painting quotes by Edward Ruscha
I have, and do sometimes, work with other media. But there is something about the physical activity and the directness of painting that I find fascinating. I am very attracted to the materiality of paintings and the visual phenomena of hue and value. ~ Stephen Beal
Wall Painting quotes by Stephen Beal
Whoever can endure unmixed delight, whoever can tolerate music and painting and poetry all in one, whoever wishes to be rid of thought and to let the busy anvils of the brain be silent for a time, let him read in the "Faery Queen." ~ James Russell Lowell
Wall Painting quotes by James Russell Lowell
God loves everyone. so if you say nobody loves you then i'm calling bullshit
Dear bullies, see that boy you made fun of for crying? Last night his best friend committed suicide. See that girl you called fat? She's starving herself. See that old man you made fun of because of the ugly scars? He fought for our country. Post this if you're against bullying. I bet 95% of you won't."

- –██ - – Put this on
- –██ - – your Wall
██████ - if you're not
- –██ - – embarrassed
- –██ - – to tell others
- –██ - – that you
- –██ - – believe in God! ~ Stormeborne
Wall Painting quotes by Stormeborne
Plasma on the wall/Write my name on your heart like I'm Lucille Ball/But love changes, a thug changes/And best friends become strangers ~ Ras Kass
Wall Painting quotes by Ras Kass
People may spend their whole lives climbing the ladder of success only to find, once they reach the top, that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall." - Thomas Merton.

What do you want to see when you reach the top of the ladder? ~ 7Cups
Wall Painting quotes by 7Cups
Why do two colors, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? no. Just as one can never learn how to paint. ~ Pablo Picasso
Wall Painting quotes by Pablo Picasso
People call me the painter of dancing girls. It has never occurred to them that my chief interest in dancers lies in rendering movement and painting pretty clothes. ~ Edgar Degas
Wall Painting quotes by Edgar Degas
But how reassuring it was for us, you remember, every now and then ("Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall"), to vibrate to the music of the very heartstrings of the Leader of the Free World who, to qualify convincingly as such, had after all to feel a total commitment to the Free World. ~ William F. Buckley, Jr.
Wall Painting quotes by William F. Buckley, Jr.
It's always the small people who change things. It's never the politicians or the big guys. I mean, who pulled down the Berlin wall? It was all the people in the streets. The specialists didn't have a clue the day before. ~ Luc Besson
Wall Painting quotes by Luc Besson
Wall Street investment banks are like Las Vegas casinos: They set the odds. The customer who plays zero-sum games against them may win from time to time but never systematically, and never so spectacularly that he bankrupts the casino. ~ Michael Lewis
Wall Painting quotes by Michael Lewis
I have walked the streets of New York and the slums of Nowhere ... and I have loved them both. It wasn't the place but the people that made them perfect. ~ Shelley K. Wall
Wall Painting quotes by Shelley K. Wall
Perl programming is an *empirical* science! ~ Larry Wall
Wall Painting quotes by Larry Wall
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