Vivono Su Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Vivono Su.

Quotes About Vivono Su

Enjoy collection of 39 Vivono Su quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Vivono Su. Righ click to see and save pictures of Vivono Su quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

Two parts of me have been at war. Your... odd family, your financial troubles- your in a different world from me. people expect me to travel in certain circles. And I do respect the wishes of my family, but not today. I've tried to fight it for months now, but Lizzie Bennet... I'm in love with you. ~ Bernie Su
Vivono Su quotes by Bernie Su
ze a n d st y le . A q u ic k lo o k sh o w s th a t th is fa b u lo u s g re e n su e d e $300 va lue Miu Miu b e lt is o nly $59 a nd this le a the r G uc c i to te for $199! Forg et ~ Anonymous
Vivono Su quotes by Anonymous
In the Universe all things have their owner; and if it does not belong to me, not a tiny speck can I take. Encounter fresh breeze on the river or bright moon between the hills, any ears can take as music and eyes as sights; nothing prohibits anyone from taking and it will never be depleted with consumption, they are Creator's infinite treasures delighting both you and I. (from Red Cliff Rhapsody by Su Shih) ~ Sung Yee Poon
Vivono Su quotes by Sung Yee Poon
The oldest human skull in existence has a hole in it from a spear. Prostitution is a much older profession than farming. The first son in the Bible was also a murderer. For thousands of years, human achievements were only possible through war - including civilization, art, religion, and even peace. Do you know what that means? About the human race? It means that from the very beginning human beings have been plotting to kill one another in order to live. ~ Un-su Kim
Vivono Su quotes by Un-su Kim
After dinner, as we had so many times during our months and months together, Marlboro Man and I adjourned to his porch. It was dark--we'd eaten late--and despite my silent five-minute battle with the reality of my reproductive system, there was definitely something special about the night. I stood at the railing, breathing in the dewy night air and taking in all the sounds of the countryside that would one day be my home. The pumping of a distant oil well, the symphony of crickets, the occasional moo of a mama cow, the manic yipping of coyotes…the din of country life was as present and reassuring as the cacophony of car horns, traffic sounds, and sirens had been in L.A. I loved everything about it.
He appeared behind me; his strong arms wrapped around my waist. Oh, it was real, all right--he was real. As I touched his forearms and ran the palms of my hands from his elbows down to his wrists, I'd never been more sure of how very real he was. Here, grasping me in his arms, was the Adonis of all the romance-novel fantasies I clearly never realized I'd been having; they'd been playing themselves out in steamy detail under the surface of my consciousness, and I never even knew I'd been missing it. I closed my eyes and rested my head back on his chest, just as his impossibly soft lips and subtle whiskers rested on my neck. Romancewise, it was perfection--the night air was still--almost imperceptible. Physically, viscerally, it was almost more than I could stand. Six babies? Su ~ Ree Drummond
Vivono Su quotes by Ree Drummond
When it comes to languages, I'm passably fluent in HTML. ~ Bernie Su
Vivono Su quotes by Bernie Su
Yosuke: When did you like yourself best?
Yuu: When you didn't know me. ~ Hiroshi Ishikawa
Vivono Su quotes by Hiroshi Ishikawa
Honestly, I don't want to worry about the trivial feelings here. I have nothing and I still have a far way to go. There's no time for me to hesitate. The people around me force me to hesitate. ~ Kim Su-mi
Vivono Su quotes by Kim Su-mi
Manuela de La Mancha," says a deep voice. It sounds strange to hear such a long name, but that's the manada I'm pretending to be from.

"Hola, Marilén," I say to Tiago and Saysa's great-grandmother, whom I met moments ago.

"No sos bruja." You're not a witch.

My tongue feels like sandpaper, and my mouth seals dry. Since our wolf-shadows roam outside the Citadel, and my fangs and claws are retracted, I didn't think there would be any indicator of my identity -

"No te preocupes, no vengo a interrogarte." Don't worry, I'm not here to interrogate you.

She moves closer, and the way her steely eyes seem to see more than others reminds me of Perla. "Toda la vida soñé con conocerte," she whispers. My whole life I've dreamt of meeting you.

Her long black hair is in a tight, elegant bun that pulls her skin, stretching it so that if there's a single wrinkle, I don't see it. "La primera de nosotras que nació fuera de su jaula."

The first of us to be born outside her cage. ~ Romina Garber
Vivono Su quotes by Romina Garber
Reseng was shocked at how treacherous life was. It didn't matter how high you rose, how invincible your body was, or how firmly you clung to greatness, because all of it could vanish with a tiny, split-second mistake. ~ Un-su Kim
Vivono Su quotes by Un-su Kim
Captain's Log...

...Four days have passed with no sign of human life on this island. Hunger is about to push me to the point of...

...Eating pocket lint.

It looks edible. ~ Ken Akamatsu
Vivono Su quotes by Ken Akamatsu
What love it to me ... is his happiness. I'm not like you where I fall in love so I can be happy. All I need is for him to be smiling. ~ Kim Su-mi
Vivono Su quotes by Kim Su-mi
But the night doesn't swallow her up.
Everywhere she goes she is still there;
the silence is as big as herself. ~ Adrienne Su
Vivono Su quotes by Adrienne Su
Whoever we are, we all have to fight our own battles for happiness. ~ Un-su Kim
Vivono Su quotes by Un-su Kim
I thought you'd be halfway to Tokyo by now," she said, stalling.
"Not without you."
Oh, man, she was so screwed. He was bad enough when he was giving her shit. Right now he was looking at her as if
she was the most precious thing on earth, and she knew what she looked and smelled like. The world had turned upside
"I don't suppose you love me," she said. "Even a little bit?"
"Don't be an idiot, Ji-chan. Why else would I be here? Now, do you want to stay here or do you want to prove you're really
crazy and come with me?"
"Will you grow your hair again?"
"If you want me to."
"Then tell me."
"You're not going to make this easy, are you? Su-chan warned me about you."
"She warned me, too. Tell me."
He let out a long-suffering sigh. "Aishiteru," he muttered.
"In English."
"I love you. ~ Anne Stuart
Vivono Su quotes by Anne Stuart
Say a miracle happened and you could pull stars from the sky. Even if that happened there's no way I would give up a game for you. ~ Kim Su-mi
Vivono Su quotes by Kim Su-mi
You, God, who live next door--

If at times, through the long night, I trouble you
with my urgent knocking--
this is why: I hear you breathe so seldom.
I know you're all alone in that room.
If you should be thirsty, there's no one
to get you a glass of water.
I wait listening, always. Just give me a sign!
I'm right here...

Sen komşu tanrı,
Uzun geceler bazen,
Kapına vura vura uyandırıyorsam seni
Solumanı seyrek duyduğumdandır...
Bilirim, yalnızsın odanda.
Sana birşey gerekse kimse yok,
Bir yudum su versin aradığında.
Hep dinlerim, yeter ki bir ses edin,
Öyle yakınım sana... ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Vivono Su quotes by Rainer Maria Rilke
We pass through this world like two gnats in a husk of millet on a boundless ocean! I grieve that life is but a moment in time, and envy the endless current of the Great River. Would that I might clasp to me some flying sprite and forever wander with him! Would that I might embrace the lightsome moon for all eternity! ~ Su Dongpo
Vivono Su quotes by Su Dongpo
Behind closed doors, we're all the fat uncool kid. ~ Su-Mari Diedericks
Vivono Su quotes by Su-Mari Diedericks
What is [insert name here]? Does it taste good? ~ Ken Akamatsu
Vivono Su quotes by Ken Akamatsu
I really want to do well at this upcoming match! I'm going to try really really hard! Because it may be my dad's first memory of a match. I really want to win. ~ Kim Su-mi
Vivono Su quotes by Kim Su-mi
Tin Win sat at an open window, his head buried in his hands. She called his name, but he did not react. With a shrill whistle blast, the engine started to move. Su Kyi walked along beside the window. The train picked up speed. The wheezing grew louder and stronger. She started to run. Stumbled. Bowled into a man, jumped over a basket of fruit. Then the platform came to an end. The two rear lights shone like tiger's eyes in the night. Slowly they vanished behind a gentle curve. When Su Kyi turned around the platform was empty. ~ Jan-Philipp Sendker
Vivono Su quotes by Jan-Philipp Sendker
She thought for a moment, then said, When we are young, we think life will be like a su po: one fabric, one weave, one grand design. But in truth, life turns out to be more like the patchwork cloths
bits and pieces, odds and ends
people, places, things we never expected, never wanted, perhaps. There is harmony in this, too, and beauty. I suppose that is why I like the chogak po. ~ Alan Brennert
Vivono Su quotes by Alan Brennert
The year is ended, and it only adds to my age;
Spring has come, but I must take leave of my home.
Alas, that the trees in this eastern garden,
Without me, will still bear flowers. ~ Su Ting
Vivono Su quotes by Su Ting
Su describes her anger as "a little femina, two centimeters tall" who claps inside her head every time she speaks out. "I'm dedicating my life to her, whatever the trends of the times. No more anger-sitters. No more camps or schools. No more lollipops. She's going to get all the advantages my expanse of years can provide, every opportunity to become whatever she wants to become, even if she wants to get married and have lots of little angers. ~ June Arnold
Vivono Su quotes by June Arnold
Dare to dream, for in the daring there is defiance to live beyond your circumstances ~ Su Williams
Vivono Su quotes by Su Williams
It's been so long since you last saw each other. She could at least smile. ~ Kim Su-mi
Vivono Su quotes by Kim Su-mi
Vivono Su quotes by Cube Kid
I must have been Cinderella. It was nice ... I was so happy ... I guess it's already midnight. ~ Kim Su-mi
Vivono Su quotes by Kim Su-mi
Deep at the bottom of the well no warmth has yet returned,
The rain which sighs and feels so cold has dampened withered roots.
What sort of man at such a time would come to visit the teacher?
As this is not a time for flowers, I find I've come alone. ~ Su Shi
Vivono Su quotes by Su Shi
This Heart at Peace is My Homeland. (Su Shih) ~ Sung Yee Poon
Vivono Su quotes by Sung Yee Poon
Although other (yānas) assert that liberation will be achieved by renouncing the objects, one will not be bound by the mere appearances or the mind and the objects (Yul Dang Ch'os-Su sNang-Ba), but will be bound if one attaches (Zhen-Pa) to them. So it is taught (in scriptures) that one should renounce apprehension and attachment. Tilopā said: 'Appearances do not bind, but attachments do. So, Nāropa, cut off the attachments.... ~ Longchen Rabjam
Vivono Su quotes by Longchen Rabjam
Advising the Prince

The recluse Hsu Su Kwei had come to see Prince Wu.
The Prince was glad. "I have desired," he said, "To see you for a long time. Tell me if I am doing right.
I want to love my people, and by the exercise of justice
To put an end to war.
Is this enough?

"By no means," said the recluse.
"Your 'love' for your people
Puts them in mortal danger.
Your exercise of justice is the root
Of war after war!
Your grand intentions
Will end in disaster!

"If you set out to 'accomplish something great'
You only deceive yourself.
Your love and justice
Are fraudulent.
They are mere pretexts
For self-assertion, for aggression.
One action will bring on another
And in the chain of events
Your hidden intentions
Will be made plain.

You claim to practice justice. Should you seem to succeed
Success itself will bring more conflict.
Why all these guards
Standing at attention
At the palace gate around the temple altar

You are at war with yourself!
You do not believe in justice,
Only in power and success.
If you overcome
An enemy and annex his country
You will be even less at peace
With yourself than you are now.
Nor will your passions let you
Sit still. You will fight again
And again for the sake of
A more perfect exercise of justice!< ~ Thomas Merton
Vivono Su quotes by Thomas Merton
What a ruler has to rely upon is only the human heart. Human hearts are to the ruler what roots are to a tree, what oil is to a lamp, water to fish, fields to a farmer, or money to a merchant. ~ Su Shi
Vivono Su quotes by Su Shi
If we shuffle three colored quarks and the equations remain the same, then we say that the equations possess something called SU(3) symmetry. The 3 represents the fact that we have three types of colors, and the SU stands for a specific mathematical property of the symmetry. We say that there are three quarks in a multiplet. The quarks in a multiplet can be shuffled among one another without changing the physics of the theory. Similarly, the weak force governs the properties of two particles, the electron and the neutrino. The symmetry that interchanges these particles, yet leaves the equation the same, is called SU(2). This means that a multiplet of the weak force contains an electron and a neutrino, which can be rotated into each other. Finally, the electromagnetic force has U(1) symmetry, which rotates the components of the Maxwell field into itself.

Each of these symmetries is simple and elegant. However, the most controversial aspect of the Standard Model is that it "unifies" the three fundamental forces by simply splicing all three theories into one large symmetry. SU(3) X SU(2) X U(1), which is just the product of the symmetries of the individual forces. (This can be compared to assembling a jigsaw puzzle. If we have three jigsaw pieces that don't quite fit, we can always take Scotch tape and splice them together by hand. This is how the Standard Model is formed, by taping three distinct multiplets together. This may not be aesthetically pleasing, but at lea ~ Michio Kaku
Vivono Su quotes by Michio Kaku
Now Brutus had deliberately assumed a mask to hide his true character. When he learned of the murder by Tarquin of the Roman aristocrats, one of the victims being his own brother, he had come to the conclusion that the only way of saving himself was to appear in the king's eyes as a person of no account. If there were nothing in his character for Tarquin to fear, and nothing in his fortune to covet, then the sheer contempt in which he was held would be a better protection than his own rights could ever be. Accordingly he pretended to be a half-wit and made no protest at the seizure by Tarquin of everything he possessed. He even submitted to being known publicly as the 'Dullard' (which is what his name signifies), that under cover of that opprobrious title the great spirit which gave Rome her freedom might be able to bide its time. On this occasion he was taken by Arruns and Titus to Delphi less as a companion than as a butt for their amusement; and he is said to have carried with him, as his gift to Apollo, a rod of gold inserted into a hollow stick of cornel-wood - symbolic, it may be, of his own character.
The three young men reached Delphi, and carried out the king's instructions. That done, Titus and Arruns found themselves unable to resist putting a further question to the oracle. Which of them, they asked, would be the next king of Rome? From the depths of the cavern came the mysterious answer: 'He who shall be the first to kiss his mother shall hold in Rome su ~ Livy
Vivono Su quotes by Livy
Gell-Mann and Ne'eman discovered that one such simple Lie group, called "special unitary group of degree 3," or SU(3), was particularly well suited for the "eightfold way"-the family structure the particles were found to obey. The beaty of the SU(3) symmetry was revealed in full glory via its predictive power. Gell-Mann and Ne'eman showed that if the theory were to hold true, a previously unknown tenth member of a particular family of nine particles had to be found. The extensive hunt for the missing particle was conducted in an accelerator experiment in 1964 at Brookhaven National Lab on Long Island. Yuval Ne'eman told me some years later that, upon hearing that half of the data had already been scrutinized without discovering the anticipated particle, he was contemplating leaving physics altogether. Symmetry triumphed at the end-the missing particle (called the omega minus) was found, and it had precisely the properties predicted by the theory. ~ Mario Livio
Vivono Su quotes by Mario Livio
The goal of intervention is to use their strengths to learn what they need to know next to benefit fully from classroom instruction. ~ Gay Su Pinnell
Vivono Su quotes by Gay Su Pinnell
Poetry and painting are rooted in the same law,
The work of heaven and of the first cause. ~ Su Shi
Vivono Su quotes by Su Shi
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