Versed Drug Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Versed Drug.

Quotes About Versed Drug

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The work became like the drug addiction, the clothes, anything in my life. It became - it's become an addiction. I'm addicted to working. ~ Elton John
Versed Drug quotes by Elton John
The combination of drugs, homosexuality, some good prose recited on screen ... In the sweat lodge ceremony we went through, did you get any glimpse of the Ugly Spirit, what that was historically or biographically? ~ Allen Ginsberg
Versed Drug quotes by Allen Ginsberg
Humans are beautifully imperfect and complex. We're horny, ass-saving, ego-driven drug fiends, among other, more noble things. ~ Cheryl Strayed
Versed Drug quotes by Cheryl Strayed
Testosterone is the world's most dangerous drug. Get one molecule on you and you're helpless. ~ Julie Smith
Versed Drug quotes by Julie Smith
You've got to stop letting women slip drugs into your mouth, Dex, it's unhygienic. And dangerous. One day it'll be a cyanide capsule. ~ David Nicholls
Versed Drug quotes by David Nicholls
Time is a drug. Too much of it kills you. ~ Terry Pratchett
Versed Drug quotes by Terry Pratchett
In pharmaceutical speak, psilocybin is known as an asshole inhibitor. ~ Bill Maher
Versed Drug quotes by Bill Maher
Drunkenness. This Greek word means overindulgence in alcohol. Alcohol may be used for medicine, but it can also become a terrible drug. The way it is used in our world is probably one of the great evils of our day. It is a self-inflicted impediment that springs from "a man taking a drink, a drink taking a drink, and drink taking the man."
Distilled liquors as we have them today were unknown in Bible times.12 ~ Billy Graham
Versed Drug quotes by Billy Graham
The number of annual drug arrests more than tripled between 1980 and 2005, as drug sweeps and suspicionless stops and searches proceeded in record numbers. ~ Michelle Alexander
Versed Drug quotes by Michelle Alexander
I drug your ghost across the country, and we plotted out my death. Every city and memory we whispered "Here is where you rest." Well I was determined in Chicago but I dug my teeth into my knees And I settled for a telephone, sang into your machine: "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. ~ Conor Oberst
Versed Drug quotes by Conor Oberst
I couldn't imagine living the way I used to live. Now people come up to me from the drug days and go, 'Hi, remember me?' And I'm going, 'No, did I have sex with you? Did I take a dump in your tool box?' ~ Robin Williams
Versed Drug quotes by Robin Williams
Women who were reputed believers began to resort to drugs for producing sterility. They also girded themselves around, so as to expel what was being conceived. For they did not wish to have a child by either slave or by any common fellow - out of concern for their family and their excessive wealth. See what a great impiety the lawless one has advanced! He teaches adultery and murder at the same time! ~ Hippolytus Of Rome
Versed Drug quotes by Hippolytus Of Rome
It is impossible to know for certain how many innocent drug defendants convict themselves every year by accepting a plea bargain out of fear of mandatory sentences, ~ Michelle Alexander
Versed Drug quotes by Michelle Alexander
New Rule: There is no devil, so stop blaming your screw-ups on him. Last week, one of the biggest evangelical leaders in America, the Reverend Ted Haggard, was outed for drugs and extramarital gay sex with a male prostitute. Or as Fox News reported it, 'John Kerry hates our troops'. ~ Bill Maher
Versed Drug quotes by Bill Maher
Theodore Dalrymple is a brilliant observer of both medicine and society, and his book wittily engages with two versions of the current nonsense: orthodox medicine on drug addiction, and romantic poets on the wisdom you supposedly enjoy from getting high. ~ Kenneth Minogue
Versed Drug quotes by Kenneth Minogue
I wrote about drugs, and I didn't think I was being unsafe or careless by writing about them. I didn't want fans to think heroin was cool. But then I've had fans come up to me and give me the thumbs up, telling me they're high. That's exactly what I didn't want to happen. ~ Layne Staley
Versed Drug quotes by Layne Staley
No, let's be fair," I said. "Being a villain's an option."

"You did not say that," Fox-mask said, incredulous, "It's not an option at all."

The girl in blue looked at Mrs. Yamada, "Ex-villain's corrupting the kids, and you're not stopping her?"

Mrs. Yamada was frowning at me.

"I'm going somewhere with this, honest," I said.

"If you're sure," she said. "I can stop you at any time."

"You can."

I looked at the gathered kids. A few of the less successful butterfly catchers had drifted away and approached.

"I always hated the speeches when I was in school, the preaching in auditoriums, the one-note message. Stuff like saying drugs are bad. It's wrong. Drugs are fantastic."

"Um," Fox-mask said.

Mrs. Yamada was glaring at me, but she hadn't interrupted.

"People wouldn't do them if they weren't. They make you feel good, make your day brighter, give you energy-"

"Weaver," Mrs. Yamada cut in.

"-until they don't," I said. "People hear the message that drugs are bad, that they'll ruin your life if you do them once. And then you find out that isn't exactly true because your friends did it and turned out okay, or you wind up trying something and you're fine. So you try them, try them again. It isn't a mind-shattering moment of horrible when you try that first drug. Or so I hear. It's subtle, it creeps up on you, and you never really get a good, conv ~ Wildbow
Versed Drug quotes by Wildbow
The drug smuggling today had, as its godparents, the bootleggers nearly a hundred years ago. The syndicates, the systems, the psyches were created back then. ~ Louise Penny
Versed Drug quotes by Louise Penny
There is no question that abuse, drugs and exposure to violence at home can exacerbate someone's criminal tendencies enormously. But there are many, many criminals who don't come from that background. ~ Andrew Solomon
Versed Drug quotes by Andrew Solomon
Fortunately I am not the first person to tell you that you will never die. You simply lose your body. You will be the same except you won't have to worry about rent or mortgages or fashionable clothes. You will be released from sexual obsessions. You will not have drug addictions. You will not need alcohol. You will not have to worry about cellulite or cigarettes or cancer or AIDS or venereal disease. You will be free. ~ Cookie Mueller
Versed Drug quotes by Cookie Mueller
I've found that all weak people share a basic obsession - they fixate on the idea of satisfaction. Anywhere you go men and women are like crows drawn by shiny objects. For some folks, the shiny objects are other people, and you'd be better off developing a drug habit. ~ Nic Pizzolatto
Versed Drug quotes by Nic Pizzolatto
Drug dealers live vicariously through me ~ Drake
Versed Drug quotes by Drake
Criticism is a surreal state, like a good drug gone bad. When it's bad you wish it would stop, and when it's good, you can't get enough. ~ Gale Harold
Versed Drug quotes by Gale Harold
You are that to me, an oasis. You drug me and at the same time you give me strength. ~ Anais Nin
Versed Drug quotes by Anais Nin
...caffeine is a stimulant drug. Caffeine is also the only addictive substance that we readily give to our children and teens. ~ Matthew Walker
Versed Drug quotes by Matthew Walker
We cannot, by total reliance on law, escape the duty to judge right and wrong ... There are good laws and there are occasionally bad laws, and it conforms to the highest traditions of a free society to offer resistance to bad laws, and to disobey them. ~ Alexander Bickel
Versed Drug quotes by Alexander Bickel
These rules have made it possible for law enforcement agencies to boost dramatically their rates of drug arrests and convictions, even in communities where drug crime is stable or declining.33 But that is not all. These rules have also guaranteed racially discriminatory results. The reason is this: Drug-law enforcement is unlike most other types of law enforcement. ~ Michelle Alexander
Versed Drug quotes by Michelle Alexander
I have a lot of friends who come from alcoholic families, and they aren't alcoholics, because someone explained it to them. When I was in Washington DC, they really talked about the difference statistically between families that talk about drug addiction and ones that don't. The kids that can say "I see where this is going" have a much better chance of not becoming addicts, because they have been educated. ~ Nikki Sixx
Versed Drug quotes by Nikki Sixx
The creative process is a cocktail of instinct, skill, culture and a highly creative feverishness. It is not like a drug; it is a particular state when everything happens very quickly, a mixture of consciousness and unconsciousness, of fear and pleasure, it's a little like making love, the physical act of love. ~ Francis Bacon
Versed Drug quotes by Francis Bacon
Now it is one thing to say I say it that people shouldn't consume psychoactive drugs. It is entirely something else to condone marijuana laws, the application of which resulted, in 1995, in the arrest of 588,963 Americans. Why are we so afraid to inform ourselves on the question? ~ William F. Buckley, Jr.
Versed Drug quotes by William F. Buckley, Jr.
I want a new drug, one that won't make me sick. One that won't make me crash my car, or make my head three feet thick. ~ Huey Lewis
Versed Drug quotes by Huey Lewis
Jack rolled onto his stomach and clutched a pillow over his head. Sure, no problem. Testify against some drug lords. All in a day's work. Get a new name and get yourself relocated thousands of miles away. No sweat. Assassins coming after you? Check. Conscience-ridden hit men spiriting you away? Check. Hiding out in a remote cabin? Oh, got that one covered. Develop unseemly crush on ruthless hired killer?
Jack sighed. I am one incurable illness away from a Lifetime Movie of the Week. ~ Jane Seville
Versed Drug quotes by Jane Seville
Sometimes they almost made me feel glad that I had a few extra years to play my depression out with therapy and other means, because I think its useful in youth- unless suicide or drug abuse are the alternatives- to have some faith in the mind to cure itself, to not rush to doctors or diagnosis's ... I sometimes worry that part of what creates depression in young people is their own, and their parents, and the whole worlds impatience with allowing the phases of life to run their course. We will very likely soon be living in a society that confuses disease with normal life if the panic and rush to judgment and labeling do not slow down a bit. Somewhere between the unbelievable tardiness that the medical profession was guilty of in administering proper treatment to me and the eagerness to with which practitioners prescribe Ritalin for 8 year old boys and Paxil for 14 year old girls, there is a sane course of action. ~ Elizabeth Wurtzel
Versed Drug quotes by Elizabeth Wurtzel
We respect the freedom of all citizens. Young people should have fun, but there is no tolerance of drug abuse. Drugs have become a serious problem in Vietnam. This is why we have very strict penalties for any sort of drug dealing. ~ Nguyen Minh Triet
Versed Drug quotes by Nguyen Minh Triet
What drugs haven't destroyed, the war against them has ~ David Simon
Versed Drug quotes by David Simon
Remember the nature of knowing insider information. It's like a drug. It makes you feel both superior and special. But what if those rumors are false? And even if they are true, you didn't experience them firsthand, and there is most likely a slant to the story you know nothing about. ~ Mary E. DeMuth
Versed Drug quotes by Mary E. DeMuth
In 'Drug Addiction Recovery' Christopher Dines elegantly teaches us a process for healing from paralysing grief, addiction and emotional wounds using a mindfulness-based approach. ~ Christopher Dines
Versed Drug quotes by Christopher Dines
Young boy, let his gun bang, let his nuts hang
Transition to a Lamborghini from a Mustang
Drugs slang in the drug game with the hustling
(I know one thing) Anything is better than that 1 train ~ ASAP Rocky
Versed Drug quotes by ASAP Rocky
There is safety in learning doctrine in gatherings which are sponsored by proper authority. Some members, even some who have made covenants in the temple, are associating with groups of one kind or another which have an element of secrecy about them and which pretend to have some higher source of inspiration concerning the fulfillment of prophecies than do ward or stake leaders or the General Authorities of the Church. Know this: There are counterfeit revelations which, we are warned, "if possible . . . shall deceive the very elect, who are the elect according to the covenant." (JS - M 1:22.) . . .

For the past several years we have watched patterns of reverence and irreverence in the Church. While many are to be highly commended, we are drifting. We have reason to be deeply concerned.

The world grows increasingly noisy. Clothing and grooming and conduct are looser and sloppier and more disheveled. Raucous music, with obscene lyrics blasted through amplifiers while lights flash psychedelic colors, characterizes the drug culture. Variations of these things are gaining wide acceptance and influence over our youth. . . .

This trend to more noise, more excitement, more contention, less restraint, less dignity, less formality is not coincidental nor innocent nor harmless.

The first order issued by a commander mounting a military invasion is the jamming of the channels of communication of those he intends to conquer.

Irreverenc ~ Boyd K. Packer
Versed Drug quotes by Boyd K. Packer
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