Veneranda Aguirre Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Veneranda Aguirre.

Quotes About Veneranda Aguirre

Enjoy collection of 34 Veneranda Aguirre quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Veneranda Aguirre. Righ click to see and save pictures of Veneranda Aguirre quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

It's only a sure defeat when you stop trying. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
I'll always want him. Until every sun goes dark in every sky, until I am nothing more than long-forgotten cosmic dust, I will want him. And even then I suspect my particles will long for his. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
But if you're to be punished regardless if we're caught wouldn't it be better to have done something worth the price? ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
But Perdition was a much asylum as prison, and when you were standing in somebody else's delusions, it was both polite and politic to play along. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
Not all love stories end happily. Sometimes they just end. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
Vel once told me that the heart isn't like a cup of water. You can't drain it. It's more like an endless well, and the more you love, the more it pumps out. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
March is such a maddening bundle of contradictions, brutal strength wrapped around a vulnerable core. The way he used to need me scared me to death - and now I'm afraid he'll never need me again.
I'm just never satisfied, am I? ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
A good huntress respected her partners instincts, even if he was socially ignorant. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
I want to drag you off and hide you away," he whispered.
"I always knew you were beautiful, but now everyone else will too. I won't be able to keep other boys away from you, and it'll make me crazy. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
Not just when its easy. All the time. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
I'll start with the Internet and work from there. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
He bent his head and brushed my lips with his. His hair spilled against my forehead, sleek and startling. Shock held me immobile, shock - and something else. Part of me wanted to lean into him. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
With my partner beside me, I fear nothing, not even death. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
Kids deserve to have answers to their questions if they're brave enough to ask. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
People are capable of incredible gallantry and terrible cruelty in situations of extreme duress. I tried to showcase that range in 'Enclave.' ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
My life experiences are different than the average person because I've spent the last 10 years living in Mexico. I generally don't know what's going on in America, and when I do visit for work, I'm often interrogated about my life choices by random strangers. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
Men can be very stupid. We cease to value what we have until it's gone, and only then do we realize the gold we glimpsed in distant hills pales as dross compared to treasure we had in hand. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
Does God think that, because it is raining, I am not going to destroy the world? - Lope de Aguirre after going mad in the Amazon ~ David Grann
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by David Grann
The people I write are real to me, and basically, they tell me about their environments on a need-to-know basis. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
Are you afraid of falling, baby?
No, I'm afraid of landing.
[He's laughing, and I'm smiling.]
Stupid idiot smile, don't you know what comes next? ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
Do you miss him?" he asked. "Every day. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
I immerse myself in everything I write; I feel what my characters do. I suffer with them. I cry as I type, sometimes to the point that I can't see the screen. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
What you said about the sweetest pain? That fits us. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
That's what I want without you running away afterward. I want to fall asleep and know there's no place you'd rather be. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
This face. I could love this face. And everything about the guy that goes along with it." - Nadia, Chapter Eight ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
She has eyes that shine like a night-hunting cat, and she's so lethal she can kill somebody with just her pinky. I'm not kidding about that. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
How do you measure love? Quantify it? It's not something you can put on a scale or pour into a beaker to examine its volume and viscosity. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
And maybe what I meant when I said that about Deuce is I don't want to do without her. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
Yeah, sorry. I can't help my genetics. Take your frustration out on me if it'll make you feel better, but don't mess up my pretty face. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
Just ... love me, and let tomorrow look after itself. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
Most people can't stomach silence; it provides too much opportunity to think about things they prefer to avoid. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
A shiver ran through me. Freaks looked almost human
and weren't. They had lesions on their skin, razor-sharp teeth, and claws instead of fingernails. I'd heard you could detect them by smell, though in the tunnels, that could be hard. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
This guilt is a joke, and it's exhausting to watch you martyr yourself. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
I felt like the blonde in every horror movie who hears a noise in the basement and goes to investigate alone. Sometimes you smell the stupid all around you, but you step in it anyway. ~ Ann Aguirre
Veneranda Aguirre quotes by Ann Aguirre
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