Urban Areas Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Urban Areas.

Quotes About Urban Areas

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Whether we can somehow listen in on tree talk is a subject that was recently addressed in the specialized literature. Korean scientists have been tracking older women as they walk through forests and urban areas. The result? When the women were walking in the forest, their blood pressure, their lung capacity, and the elasticity of their arteries improved, whereas an excursion into town showed none of these changes. It's possible that phytoncides have a beneficial effect on our immune systems as well as the trees' health, because they kill germs. Personally, however, I think the swirling cocktail of tree talk is the reason we enjoy being out in the forest so much. At least when we are out in undisturbed forests.

Walkers who visit one of the ancient deciduous preserves in the forest I manage always report that their heart feels lighter and they feel right at home. If they walk instead through coniferous forests, which in Central Europe are mostly planted and are, therefore, more fragile, artificial places, they don't experience such feelings. Possibly it's because in ancient beech forests, fewer "alarm calls" go out, and therefore, most messages exchanged between trees are contented ones, and these messages reach our brains as well, via our noses. I am convinced that we intuitively register the forest's health. ~ Peter Wohlleben
Urban Areas quotes by Peter Wohlleben
Between 45 and 75 per cent of worldwide carbon emissions are controlled by or attributed to urban areas.7, ~ Stephen R.J. Sheppard
Urban Areas quotes by Stephen R.J. Sheppard
As remains the case today, blacks in the past were overrepresented among those arrested and imprisoned. In urban areas in 1967 blacks were seventeen times more likely than whites to be arrested for robbery. In 1980 blacks comprised about one-eighth of the population but were half of all those arrested for murder, rape, and robbery, according to FBI data. And they were between one-fourth and one-third of all those arrested for crimes such as burglary, auto theft, and aggravated assault. ~ Jason L. Riley
Urban Areas quotes by Jason L. Riley
the fact is, our relationships to these corporations are not unambiguous. some memebers of negativland genuinely liked pepsi products. mca grew up loving star wars and didn't mind having his work sent all over the united states to all the "cool, underground magazines" they were marketing to--why would he? sam gould had a spiritual moment in the shower listening to a cd created, according to sophie wong, so that he would talk about tylenol with his independent artist friends--and he did. many of my friends' daughters will be getting american girl dolls and books as gifts well into the foreseeable future. some skateboarders in washington, dc, were asked to create an ad campaign for the east coast summer tour, and they all love minor threat--why not use its famous album cover? how about shilling for converse? i would have been happy to ten years ago. so what's really changed?
the answer is that two important things have changed: who is ultimately accountable for veiled corporate campaigns that occasionally strive to obsfucate their sponsorship and who is requesting our participation in such campaigns. behind converse and nike sb is nike, a company that uses shit-poor labor policies and predatory marketing that effectively glosses over their shit-poor labor policies, even to an audience that used to know better. behind team ouch! was an underground-savvy brainreservist on the payroll of big pharma; behind the recent wave of street art in hip urban areas near you was omd worl ~ Anne Elizabeth Moore
Urban Areas quotes by Anne Elizabeth Moore
We want to bring enterprise back to blighted urban areas. People there have been told nothing is ever going to change. The policy makers may feel the same way. ~ Majora Carter
Urban Areas quotes by Majora Carter
This century is going to be linked with the virtual world. Maybe in the days to come we will have virtual malls and digital manufacturing. Change is coming fast and we need our urban areas to keep pace with these changes. ~ Narendra Modi
Urban Areas quotes by Narendra Modi
He was confronted at an early age with adult-strength realizations about powerlessness, desperation, and distrust, taking his dose right alongside the overwhelmed adults. This steady stream of shocks and realizations leaves so many boys raised in poor, urban areas stumbling toward manhood with a hardened exterior masking deep insecurities. ~ Ron Suskind
Urban Areas quotes by Ron Suskind
Gang violence in America is not a sudden problem. It has been a part of urban life for years, offering an aggressive definition and identity to those seeking a place to belong in the chaos of large metropolitan areas. ~ Dave Reichert
Urban Areas quotes by Dave Reichert
Urban reinvention is what has been called the "consumer city." The post-World War II years brought about the rise of suburbanization and the creation of the commuter city. People chose suburban life for its amenities and comforts and commuted into the city only for work and the occasional show. But Vancouver and Los Angeles are two urban areas that reversed the trend. They became consumer cities marked by a new phenomenon - the reverse commuter. Increasingly, these and other cities offer residents a quality of life they could not find elsewhere in the region - a dizzying variety of artistic, educational, cultural, and entertainment events and ~ Timothy Keller
Urban Areas quotes by Timothy Keller
Poor air quality, which can be influenced by a variety of fumes, chemicals and allergens, is arguably the leading cause of triggers for most asthmatics in urban areas. ~ Ian Smith
Urban Areas quotes by Ian Smith
Sixty percent of all Indians live in urban areas, but nobody's writing about them. They're really an underrepresented population, and the ironic thing is very, very few of those we call Native American writers actually grew up on reservations, and yet most of their work is about reservations. ~ Sherman Alexie
Urban Areas quotes by Sherman Alexie
Urban areas tend to attract members of the 'knowledge class' - people who work with ideas, data, information. ~ Nancy Pearcey
Urban Areas quotes by Nancy Pearcey
We're creating these massive urban areas in the Third World. It's like you take the entire population of California and put it in one city. Then you remove basic sanitation and medical services, and you have a ticking biological time bomb. ~ Richard Preston
Urban Areas quotes by Richard Preston
Pages could be written on the immense losses of productive soil that occur annually in almost every continent of the earth; on lethal air pollution episodes in major urban areas; on the worldwide distribution of toxic agents, such as radioactive isotopes and lead; on the chemicalization of man's immediate environment - one might say his very dinner table - with pesticide residues and food additives. Pieced together like bits of a jigsaw puzzle, these affronts to the environment form a pattern of destruction that has no precedent in man's long history on earth. ~ Murray Bookchin
Urban Areas quotes by Murray Bookchin
Christians should be well versed in what the Bible has to say about human sexuality and economic issues as well as effective methods of compassion for helping the poor and most vulnerable if we hope to gain a hearing with those living in our urban areas. ~ Christopher W. Brooks
Urban Areas quotes by Christopher W. Brooks
Generally biobanking is really designed more for urban areas, with the offsets being offered in non-urban areas. It may be able to help in some circumstances, but it depends a lot on what we're talking about here. But biobanking does allow for offsets in relation to a specific species, as well as specific ecological communities as well as land. It's quite a flexible tool. ~ Frank Sartor
Urban Areas quotes by Frank Sartor
Meth is a major problem not only in our urban areas, but in most of the rural areas of Colorado. No region has been immune from this scourge and it is getting larger. ~ Ken Salazar
Urban Areas quotes by Ken Salazar
I have an economics degree with a minor in sociology. The reason I have that is because I want to do a ministry in urban areas and help with underprivileged kids. ~ Jeremy Lin
Urban Areas quotes by Jeremy Lin
I want to be promoted in the urban areas. A lot of African-American people should know more about me. ~ Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
Urban Areas quotes by Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
We will primarily focus on affordable housing, water supply and transport infrastructure, as these are critical for Mumbai. Infrastructure deficit is an issue in all urban areas. ~ Sharad Pawar
Urban Areas quotes by Sharad Pawar
Today, as young French and Dutch Muslims wander through Upper Manhattan and Chicago's South Side, it's not uncommon to see European politicians, journalists, and activists in those same urban areas, visiting mosques and community centers trying to identify "best practices" they can take back home. ~ Hisham D. Aidi
Urban Areas quotes by Hisham D. Aidi
Instead, when police go looking for drugs, they look in the 'hood. Tactics that would be political suicide in an upscale white suburb are not even newsworthy in poor black and brown communities. So long as mass drug arrests are concentrated in impoverished urban areas, police chiefs have little reason to fear a political backlash, no matter how aggressive and warlike the efforts may ~ Michelle Alexander
Urban Areas quotes by Michelle Alexander
The majority of small-holder farmers in Africa are women and, in urban areas, you're primarily looking at women-led households. So we can't solve hunger if we don't have gender-sensitive programming that addresses access to opportunities for women, whether it's through education or tools for cooking, like solar-powered stoves. ~ Ertharin Cousin
Urban Areas quotes by Ertharin Cousin
There is another, more sinister consequence of affirmative action: the carefully engineered appearance of great racial progress strengthens the "colorblind" public consensus that personal and cultural traits, not structural arrangements, are largely responsible for the fact that the majority of young black men in urban areas across the United States are currently under the control of the criminal justice system or branded as felons for life. In ~ Michelle Alexander
Urban Areas quotes by Michelle Alexander
Bombing of urban areas was not considered a war crime at Nuremberg; reason is, the West did more of it than the Germans. ~ Noam Chomsky
Urban Areas quotes by Noam Chomsky
Especially in urban areas, nobody cares so much [about castes], because you are forced to live in the same buildings. There is so, so little space. You can't be thinking about whether you are living in a street that has only Brahmins, or in a building that has been touched only by Muslims or Christians. You just live there, because that's the only place that you can find. So such distinctions just crumble away. There are people who maintain them, at all costs. But for the most part, it doesn't matter. ~ Anita Rau Badami
Urban Areas quotes by Anita Rau Badami
I think the guys who are sort of infantry in Somali piracy are not unlike low-level drug dealers in urban areas in America, who see it as, you know, not having many other options. I think it comes down to money and needing to survive. ~ Cutter Hodierne
Urban Areas quotes by Cutter Hodierne
The people from the suburbs are bringing along their suburban values: cleanliness, orderliness, safety - dullness, in other words. As a result, urban areas are being hollowed out. Just look at Times Square in New York. No more sex shops, no drugs, no homeless people. The area is clinically clean and incredibly dull. ~ Rem Koolhaas
Urban Areas quotes by Rem Koolhaas
In the urban areas, we have focused on infrastructure roads, telecommunications, power. ~ Meles Zenawi
Urban Areas quotes by Meles Zenawi
Former brownfields, depressed urban areas, and hard-hit rural towns blossom as eco-industrial parks, green enterprise zones, and eco-villages. Farmers' markets, community co-ops, and mobile markets get fresh, organic produce to the people who can't afford to shop at health-food stores. ~ Van Jones
Urban Areas quotes by Van Jones
Los Angeles County is one of the most park-poor urban areas in the nation, and the San Gabriel Valley - stretching from Pasadena to Pomona - is especially starved for open space. ~ Frances Beinecke
Urban Areas quotes by Frances Beinecke
We all have a dual nature,some of us are just better able to control the energy we expend on each part of it." Lessons for an Urban Goddess ~ Laney Zukerman
Urban Areas quotes by Laney Zukerman
'American Horror' goes for a very specific kind of Seventies suburban downer ambience - 'Flowers in the Attic' paperbacks, Black Sabbath album covers and late-night flicks like 'Let's Scare Jessica to Death.' It even has 'Go Ask Alice'-era urban legends. ~ Rob Sheffield
Urban Areas quotes by Rob Sheffield
That middle ground of films used to be 70, 80, 90, 100; now it's like anything over 20 or under 140, the middle ground has become this huge area where they don't really want to be. ~ Eric Fellner
Urban Areas quotes by Eric Fellner
Deeply disturbing in a way that only the most honest stories are, YACCUB is a fiercely written, daring journey through America's urban wilderness and into the souls of our forgotten brothers. But Wrath James White hasn't forgotten about them
and after reading this book, neither will you. ~ Brandon Massey
Urban Areas quotes by Brandon Massey
Generally, Iowans are Iowans no matter where you go. There are some different issues in Des Moines than in the real rural areas. But I haven't seen any real difference outside of just local issues. ~ Tom Latham
Urban Areas quotes by Tom Latham
Nothing happened. You will go tuck yourself up in your bed and remember nothing. Do not go wandering in these areas at night. You will meet unsavory men and bloodsucking fiends," Raphael told the girl, his eyes on hers, unwavering. "And go to church."
"Do you think your calling might be telling everyone in the world what to do?" Magnus asked as they were walking home.
Raphael regarded him sourly. He had such a sweet face, Magnus thought -the face of an innocent angel, and the soul of the crankiest person in the entire world.
"You should never wear that hat again."
"My point exactly," said Magnus. ~ Cassandra Clare
Urban Areas quotes by Cassandra Clare
It is difficult to design a space that will not attract people. What is remarkable is how often this has been accomplished. ~ William H. Whyte
Urban Areas quotes by William H. Whyte
I'm just a wretched half-blood girl caught in a storm."
Akil tasted his wine and smiled. "Muse, you are the storm. ~ Pippa DaCosta
Urban Areas quotes by Pippa DaCosta
Liam shook his head sadly, his hands still held out to his sides. "You have to shoot me. And it has to be out there, in the common areas, to make sure you're not at risk and to get scuttlebutt going."
Ty shook his head, his voice harsh. "I can't do that."
"You can."
"I can't let you go like that."
Liam gave him a weak smile. "Oh, how I wish you meant that like it sounds, darling. ~ Abigail Roux
Urban Areas quotes by Abigail Roux
I did a quick injury check on my organs and bones. The routine was familiar, one I paced my way through every other morning as I went from dispassionately watching my body heal to wondering if this time, I might have pushed things too far. ~ Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Urban Areas quotes by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Writing is emotional ... it is baring your soul to the world and waiting for someone to acknowledge and love it, or shun and hate it, or worse be indifferent about it. ~ Anne-Rae Vasquez
Urban Areas quotes by Anne-Rae Vasquez
This is why we live and breathe: for the love of Jesus, for the love of our own souls, for the love of our families and people, for the love of our neighbors and this world. This is all that will last. Honestly, it is all that matters. Because as Paul basically said: We can have our junk together in a thousand areas, but if we don't have love, we are totally bankrupt. Get this right and everything else follows. Get it wrong, and life becomes bitter, fear-based, and lonely. Dear ones, it doesn't have to be. ~ Jen Hatmaker
Urban Areas quotes by Jen Hatmaker
Getting on the bus and touring was my life. And when that was not around, I felt myself a bit lost at times, because that was all I had. ~ Keith Urban
Urban Areas quotes by Keith Urban
I admit to being a moron at lots of things. Being a moron in one or two areas serves to highlight my extraordinary brilliance in everything else. ~ Ellie Marney
Urban Areas quotes by Ellie Marney
Well, for her hormones, apparently all it took was saving her life, an unexpected kiss, and hauling her off like some sort of wolf caveman, to turn her into an adventurous vixen. ~ Kait Ballenger
Urban Areas quotes by Kait Ballenger
So what did you do, drug me, stuff me in the trunk, then dump me like a sacrificial offering into that vampire's coffin? - Shella ~ Krista Alasti
Urban Areas quotes by Krista Alasti
The seed of an urban legend find fertile soil at the corner of tragedy and imagination. ~ Thomm Quackenbush
Urban Areas quotes by Thomm Quackenbush
Everything in life worth achieving requires practice. In fact, life itself is nothing more than one long practice session, an endless effort of refining our motions. When the proper mechanics of practice are understood, the task of learning something new becomes a stress-free experience of joy and calmness, a process which settles all areas in your life and promotes proper perspective on all of life's difficulties. ~ Thomas M. Sterner
Urban Areas quotes by Thomas M. Sterner
Hail, Columbia! Home of the six inch cockroach and the stadium-sized lecture hall. A reservation for rich white people guarded by poor brown people in a sea of urban decay. Where nobody on the faculty has ever spent ten minutes in the freshman dorm, but everybody talks about humanism and compassion. They teach you that military people are scum, trash, the lowest of the low
and then they assign Homer's ILIAD just to develop your sense of irony. Where else can you see three suicides a month dismissed as slightly above average, but better than Smith or Brown? ~ Ted Rall
Urban Areas quotes by Ted Rall
The Blair government perhaps ranks as the best the U.K. has had for 50 years. It cannot match the scale of Attlee's reforms, but has a fine record of constitutional reform and economic competence. In my own areas - science and innovation - there have been well-judged and effective changes. ~ Martin Rees
Urban Areas quotes by Martin Rees
Hypothesis The science Mermaids are related to aliens from outer space who settled areas of Earth deep under the ocean and eventually mated with fish. This hypothesis is "out there." No evidence exists to support it. Creatures that closely resembled mermaids once existed but are now extinct or rare. For instance, a now-extinct species of sea cows might have been mistaken for mermaids. If true, this hypothesis would only prove the existence of a different type of sea cow, not mermaids. Plus, it would not explain recent mermaid sightings. Mermaids once existed but are now extinct. No "mermaid" fossils have yet been found. Mermaid ~ Lori Hile
Urban Areas quotes by Lori Hile
I didn't come from a traditional Tory background; it was urban and metropolitan. ~ George Osborne
Urban Areas quotes by George Osborne
Another part of Bit's unifying urban theory is sprinklers, that you can gauge a neighborhood's wealth by the way people water. If every house has an automatic system, you're looking at a six-figure mean. If the majority lug hoses around, it's more lower-middle class. And if they don't bother with the lawns ... well, that's the sort of shitburg where Bit and Julie always lived, except for that little place they rented in Wenatchee the summer Bit worked at the orchard. ~ Jess Walter
Urban Areas quotes by Jess Walter
Canada has become trouble recently ... It's always the worst Americans who go there ... We could have taken them over so easy. But I only want the western part, with the ski areas, the cowboys, and the right wingers. They're the only good parts of Canada. ~ Ann Coulter
Urban Areas quotes by Ann Coulter
We counted 19 missiles that landed in a small area of Baghdad. ~ Mohammed Saeed Al-Sahaf
Urban Areas quotes by Mohammed Saeed Al-Sahaf
I was so, so done with decapitation for one day. ~ Eliot Grayson
Urban Areas quotes by Eliot Grayson
You both talk too much," the kid says. "Shut up. Don't make me tell you again."
We shut up, which I find hysterically funny. ~ Karen Marie Moning
Urban Areas quotes by Karen Marie Moning
It's very important to not repeat yourself. After 'Delhi Belly,' I was offered 40 'Delhi Belly's and you can't do that! So 'Revolver Rani' is dark and gritty with action, 'Sooper Se Oopar' is a big commercial love story, 'Santa Banta' is a 'theth' Punjabi comedy, 'Golu Aur Pappu' is a kids' film and 'Amit Sahni Ki List' is an urban romcom. ~ Vir Das
Urban Areas quotes by Vir Das
His gaze wandered over my face like a caress. "I can't stop thinking about kissing you."

I ran my hand up his chest, my voice suddenly a raw whisper, each word a puff of fog. "What are you waiting for?"

A playful gleam sparked in his dark eyes, and suddenly he was on the move, gripping my hand as we wove through the people toward a dimly lit archway.

He stopped underneath and pointed up. "Finally found some mistletoe. ~ Lisa Kessler
Urban Areas quotes by Lisa Kessler
Dogwalking can lead o the most cruddy, crapped up areas of any town. But on a snowy day, all sins are covered, it's a WINTER WONDERLAND! ~ Carol Tyler
Urban Areas quotes by Carol Tyler
The inherent lightness or darkness of a form - its local-tone - is a given quality of all forms. It is affected by, but separate from, the light and dark areas that result from light falling on forms. ~ Nathan Goldstein
Urban Areas quotes by Nathan Goldstein
There are a number of good books that draw upon fox legends -- foremost among them, Kij Johnson's exquisite novel The Fox Woman. I also recommend Neil Gaiman's The Dream Hunters (with the Japanese artist Yoshitaka Amano); Larissa Lai's unusual novel, When Fox Is a Thousand; Helen Oyeyemi's recent novel, Mr. Fox; and Ellen Steiber's gorgeous urban fantasy novel, A Rumor of Gems, as well as her heart-breaking novella "The Fox Wife" (published in Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears). For younger readers, try the "Legend of Little Fur" series by Isobelle Carmody. You can also support a fine mythic writer by subscribing to Sylvia Linsteadt's The Gray Fox Epistles: Wild Tales By Mail.

For the fox in myth, legend, and lore, try: Fox by Martin Wallen; Reynard the Fox, edited by Kenneth Varty; Kitsune: Japan's Fox of Mystery, Romance, and Humour by Kiyoshi Nozaki;Alien Kind: Foxes and Late Imperial Chinese Narrative by Raina Huntington; The Discourse on Foxes and Ghosts: Ji Yun and Eighteenth-Century Literati Storytelling by Leo Tak-hung Chan; and The Fox and the Jewel: Shared and Private Meanings in Contemporary Japanese Inari Worship, by Karen Smythers. ~ Terri Windling
Urban Areas quotes by Terri Windling
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