Ttfn Book Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Ttfn Book.

Quotes About Ttfn Book

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The way people behave. They refuse to admire their contemporaries, the people whose lives they share. No, but to be admired by Posterity -- people they've never met and never will -- that's what they set their hearts on. You might as well be upset at not being a hero to your great-grandfather. ~ Marcus Aurelius
Ttfn Book quotes by Marcus Aurelius
Read! Read something every day. Discipline yourself to a regular schedule of reading. In fifteen minutes a day you can read twenty books a year. ~ Wilferd Peterson
Ttfn Book quotes by Wilferd Peterson
I mean, if a poet sees a daffodil he stares at it and writes a long poem about it, but Twoflower wanders off to find a book on botany. And treads on it. Then ~ Terry Pratchett
Ttfn Book quotes by Terry Pratchett
He selected one of these incantations and began to chant in a loud, wailing voice. All the clocks in the house suddenly went off at once, though it was only three-twenty; the copper pots hanging in the kitchen clanged and whanged against each other; and a couple of the wizard's books fell off their shelves with a clump. But nothing else happened. Prospero slammed the magic book shut and slumped into an overstuffed chair. He fumbled in his smoking stand for his pipe and tobacco. "I learned that spell fifty years ago," he mumbled as he lit his pipe. "And I still don't know what it's for. ~ John Bellairs
Ttfn Book quotes by John Bellairs
I write because the book I want to read has not been written yet. ~ Richard H.R. Penn
Ttfn Book quotes by Richard H.R. Penn
Thank You for Purchasing This Book. You Have Been Qualify To Get Our Newest Release "Minecraft Master Handbook" 9.97 for only 2.99! (Limited Time Offer) Newest Release"Minecraft Master Handbook" ~ Tony Williams
Ttfn Book quotes by Tony Williams
This is Martin Canning, Neil. He's written a wonderful book." "Fantastic," Neil Winters said, shaking Martin's hand. His hand was damp and soft and made Martin think of something dead you might pick up on the beach. "The first of many, I ~ Kate Atkinson
Ttfn Book quotes by Kate Atkinson
The world is a library of strange and wonderful books, and sometimes we just need to go prowling through the stacks. ~ Michael Dirda
Ttfn Book quotes by Michael Dirda
I think there really is no other way to write a long, serious
novel. You work, shelve it for a while, work, shelve it again,
work some more, month after month, year after year, and then
one day you read the whole piece through and, so far as you
can see, there are no mistakes. (The minute it's published and
you read the printed book you see a thousand.) This tortuous
process is not necessary, I suspect, for the writing of a popular
novel in which the characters are not meant to have depth and complexity, where character A is consistently stingy and character
B is consistently openhearted and nobody is a mass of
contradictions, as are real human beings. But for a true novel
there is generally no substitute for slow, slow baking.
We've all heard the stories of Tolstoy's pains over Anna Karenina,
Jane Austen's over Emma, or even Dostoevsky's over Crime and Punishment, a novel he grieved at having to publish prematurely,though he had worked at it much longer than most popular-fiction writers work at their novels. ~ John Gardner
Ttfn Book quotes by John Gardner
A classic is a work which gives pleasure to the minority which is intensely and permanently interested in literature. It lives on because the minority, eager to renew the sensation of pleasure, is eternally curious and is therefore engaged in an eternal process of rediscovery. A classic does not survive because of any ethical reason it does not survive because it conforms to certain canons, or because neglect would kill it. It survived because it is a source of pleasure and because the passionate few can no more neglect it then a bee can neglect a flower. The passionate few do not read "the right things" because they are right. That is to put the cart before the horse "the right things" are the right things solely because the passionate few like reading them …

Nobody at all is quite in a position to choose with certainty among modern works. To sift the wheat from the chaff is a process that takes an exceedingly long time. Modern works have to pass before the bar of the taste of successive Generations; whereas, with Classics, which have been through the ordeal, almost the reverse is the case. Your taste has to pass before the bar of the classics. That is the point. If you differ with a classic, it is you who are wrong, and not the book. If you differ with a modern work, you may be wrong or you may be right, but no judge is authoritative to decide your taste is unformed. It needs guidance and it needs authoritative guidance.

Arnold Bennett, Literary Taste: ~ S. I. Hayakawa
Ttfn Book quotes by S. I. Hayakawa
The good, the admirable reader identifies himself not with the boy or the girl in the book, but with the mind that conceived and composed that book. ~ Vladimir Nabokov
Ttfn Book quotes by Vladimir Nabokov
If they failed to enjoy or-even-worse finish the book, she wrote them off just as dismissively. ~ Natalie Jenner
Ttfn Book quotes by Natalie Jenner
You Never Know....what is in the book that you read may lead you to.... ~ Kelvin
Ttfn Book quotes by Kelvin
I am a shadow. I walk the wet roads under the dim light of the pale lamps, in the darkest hour of the cold dull nights.
I walk past the silent graveyard of the dead memories, towards the city of chaos plagued with gloom.
I do not exist, but in the eyes of the shattered souls. In the chapter of an old book. In the poem. In the smile of a wrecked and in the tear of a broken spirit.
Listen me in the songs told in the times long forgotten.
Search for me in the churchs and temples, bars and brothels,pitch black nights and the colorless days.
Dive down in your deepest part of your soul. And you will find my home.
I have many faces but I have no face of my own. I am a shadow. ~ Foaad Ahmad
Ttfn Book quotes by Foaad Ahmad
What does labor want? We want more schoolhouses and less jails; more books and less arsenals; more learning and less vice; more leisure and less greed; more justice and less revenge; in fact, more of the opportunities to cultivate our better natures, to make manhood more noble, womanhood more beautiful, and childhood more happy and bright. ~ Samuel Gompers
Ttfn Book quotes by Samuel Gompers
This book scratches an old itch. Despite being the level of government that is closest to the people and has so much impact on our quality of life, most people don't know too much about how their local governments operate and even less about what it's like to manage a city or county. Occasionally, a city manager character appears in a novel, movie, or TV show but almost always in a mocking or denigrating fashion that belies the professionalism that is more the norm. ~ John Thompson
Ttfn Book quotes by John Thompson
I bring a copy of 'Dracula' with me wherever I go, the book. It's my favorite book in the world, it's absolutely incredible. My great-great grandfather was the guy who printed the first edition, so he's the first person to ever put 'Dracula' on the written page. ~ Jack Reynor
Ttfn Book quotes by Jack Reynor
A man would never set out to write a book on the peculiar
situation of the human male. But if I wish to define myself, I
must first of all say: T am a woman ~ Simone De Beauvoir
Ttfn Book quotes by Simone De Beauvoir
A book can be so much more .one has his one picture in the head. When you read its your own lmagnition thats make the limits. Im sorry about my poor spelling. ~ Kjell
Ttfn Book quotes by Kjell
A book is like a person, and one's reaction to a person invariably has more to do with one's own personality and life experience than with the actual person herself. ~ Chandler Burr
Ttfn Book quotes by Chandler Burr
Children are notoriously literal readers, and I was no exception. Books, I believed, contained the entire truth about everything, and if you could just read every book or even a good chunk of the Truly Important Ones, you would know what you needed to know about real life. And you could be a part of it. Naturally, I got a lot of things wrong. ~ Pamela Paul
Ttfn Book quotes by Pamela Paul
If I can write a book that will help the world make a little more sense to a teen, then that's why I was put on the planet. ~ Laurie Halse Anderson
Ttfn Book quotes by Laurie Halse Anderson
A book isn't rigorous if students aren't reading it. ~ Penny Kittle
Ttfn Book quotes by Penny Kittle
I'd enjoy a good book before watching a movie. ~ Catherine Bybee
Ttfn Book quotes by Catherine Bybee
Books couldn't judge you or hurt you. They didn't make me feel small and insignificant. I know it's weird, but I always felt really close to the characters in books, like they were my true circle of friends, inviting me into their world. ~ Amy Koto
Ttfn Book quotes by Amy Koto
I like books whose virtue is all drawn together in a page or two. I like sentences that don't budge though armies cross them. ~ Virginia Woolf
Ttfn Book quotes by Virginia Woolf
It's been said that every good parent wants only for his child to be happy. I want happiness for you, but so much more. I want you to not know the pain that awaits you. I want you to roar back at the things that scare you. I want for you a life that is not just happy, but meaningful.

But above all, I want you to embrace the love you find yourself drawn to, whatever that may be. I hope this book will show you that if you can find it in you to push past the fear of loving another person - if you can lean to live with the inevitable loss that comes with doing so - you will know a good and meaningful life. ~ Camille Pagan
Ttfn Book quotes by Camille Pagan
For example, an author whose parents fled a war but he himself was born in the country where they fled to, and that is where he went to school and college before he wrote his first book of poetry in the language of this country - he should be labeled as: "Author whose parents fled a war but he himself was born in the country where they fled to, and that is where he went to school and college before he wrote his first book of poetry in the language of this country." ~ Sasa Stanisic
Ttfn Book quotes by Sasa Stanisic
Today, as cities and suburbs reinvent themselves, and as cynics claim that government has nothing good to contribute to that process, it's important that institutions like libraries get the recognition they deserve. After all, the root of the word "library," liber; means both "book" and "free." Libraries stand for and exemplify something that needs defending: the public institutions that -- even in an age of atomization and inequality -- serve as bedrocks of civil society. Libraries are the kinds of places where ordinary people with different backgrounds, passions, and interests can take part in a living democratic culture. They are the kinds of places where the public, private, and philanthropic sectors can work together to reach for something higher than the bottom line. ~ Eric Klinenberg
Ttfn Book quotes by Eric Klinenberg
No matter how beautiful and loved a cover may be, the jury on it remains uncommitted until the book has been in the world for a while. Perhaps bookstore buyers will be indifferent. Perhaps it will be lost on store shelves. Perhaps there's another book or two out there using the same or a similar photo. ~ Nancy Werlin
Ttfn Book quotes by Nancy Werlin
No other style of preaching can so completely guarantee immunity from an indulgence in special crochets and fads. The Bible is an exceedingly broad book in its treatment of life and, he who successfully preaches through, even one small section of it, will find a variety of subjects and principles and lessons
so great a variety that if he is fair with all he will be saved from the error of over-emphasis and of neglecting certain broad tracts of truth. ~ F.B. Meyer
Ttfn Book quotes by F.B. Meyer
If a book were written all in numbers, it would be true. It would be just. Nothing said in words ever came out quite even. Things in words got twisted and ran together, instead of staying straight and fitting together. But underneath the words, at the center, like the center of the Square, it all came out even. Everything could change, yet nothing would be lost. If you saw the numbers you could see that, the balance, the pattern. You saw the foundations of the world. And they were solid. ~ Ursula K. Le Guin
Ttfn Book quotes by Ursula K. Le Guin
There are thousands of books on the joy of gardening and cooking. Alas, there are only few on the joy of living. ~ Robert Muller
Ttfn Book quotes by Robert Muller
A truly good book ... teaches me better than to read it. I must soon lay it down and commence living on its hint. When I read an indifferent book, it seems the best thing I can do, but the inspiring volume hardly leaves me leisure to finish its latter pages. It is slipping out of my fingers while I read ... What I began by reading I must finish by acting. ~ Henry David Thoreau
Ttfn Book quotes by Henry David Thoreau
I testify that one cannot come to full faith in this latter-day work - and thereby find the fullest measure of peace and comfort in these, our times - until he or she embraces the divinity of the Book of Mormon and the Lord Jesus Christ, of whom it testifies. ~ Jeffrey R. Holland
Ttfn Book quotes by Jeffrey R. Holland
McSweeney's as a publishing company is built on a business model that only works when we sell physical books. So we try to put a lot of effort into the design and production of the book-as-object. ~ Dave Eggers
Ttfn Book quotes by Dave Eggers
No story is the same to us after a lapse of time; or rather we who read it
are no longer the same interpreters. ~ George Eliot
Ttfn Book quotes by George Eliot
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