Treasure Island Parrot Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Treasure Island Parrot.

Quotes About Treasure Island Parrot

Enjoy collection of 33 Treasure Island Parrot quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Treasure Island Parrot. Righ click to see and save pictures of Treasure Island Parrot quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

In the immediate nearness of the gold, all else had been forgotten [ ... ], and I could not doubt that he hoped to seize upon the treasure, find and board the Hispanola under cover of night, cut every honest throat about that island, and sail away as he had at first intended, laden with crimes and riches. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Robert Louis Stevenson
Every few days the sea delivers us gifts, and I am convinced that there is something of the divine nature in this process. Often I have prayed for a jacket, a bucket, or a handsaw, but instead I find one single flip-flop. Many times it has left my heart bitter, but then I find some useful purpose for my found treasure. Maybe the sea doesn't give me what I want, but what I need. ~ Jennifer Arnett
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Jennifer Arnett
Treasure Island is completed! The entire set of seventeen canvases without one break in my enthusiasm and spirit. Better in every quality than anything I ever did. ~ N. C. Wyeth
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by N. C. Wyeth
If you keep on drinking rum, the world will soon be quit of a very dirty scoundrel! ~ Robert Louis Stevenson
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Robert Louis Stevenson
He leaned closer. "That's what I'm trying to do. Your face is absolutely adorable when you blush."

My ears burned. Oh great, am I the color of a tomato now?

"Yeah, well, I can make you blush," I retorted. "By telling you how hot you are, and that when that little piece of black hair falls into your eyes, it's so sexy it makes me forget my words, and..." I stopped, suddenly aware of how warm the mausoleum was.

"Go on," Caspian prodded, shaking his head so that his hair covered one green eye. I blushed again, and glanced around me, slowly backing away from him. I just needed some... space to clear my head. He followed me, stalking my every move. My blood felt like pure oxygen racing through my veins, fizzy and bubbling and making me want to float away. A hard wall at my back stopped me, but Caspian kept coming. I thought desperately of some way to change the subject.

"I got you Moby-Dick," I blurted out. He gave me a sly smile.
"Mmmm, did you? How... interesting."
"And Treasure Island, and The Count of Monte Cristo." I babbled on. "I thought you might like some boy books." He stopped an inch away from me. I felt like I was his prisoner.

"Let's go back to the sexy and hot thing," Caspian said. "Could we add a gorgeous or mysterious in there, too?"
I gulped. "Like you don't already know you're all of those things. You probably had girls falling all over you before."

Caspian cocked his head to on ~ Jessica Verday
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Jessica Verday
I was 10, and I played Jim Hawkins in 'Treasure Island' at school, and this great Liverpudlian actor called Andrew Schofield - he was Johnny Rotten in 'Sid And Nancy' - came to watch it, and he had a word with my mum and dad afterwards and told them I should have a go at the Everyman youth theatre. I've never looked back. ~ Stephen Graham
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Stephen Graham
I never knew my grandfather. He died the year before I was born. But as a child, he did, of course, those wonderful illustrations, 'Treasure Island,' and whatnot. ~ Jamie Wyeth
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Jamie Wyeth
Wild horses wouldn't draw it from you? ~ Robert Louis Stevenson
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Robert Louis Stevenson
Brooke, I'm already gone. The only reason I tried to get away from you boneheads earlier was because I wanted a couple of hours to see the sights before I headed home. Crooked Street maybe. Or Treasure Island. That sweet little bridge you're all so fond of. I can't say I like the Alcatraz tour, though. It's a little too realistic. ~ Kim Harrison
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Kim Harrison
And then, all of a sudden, he stopped, and his jaw dropped as though he had remembered something.
"The score!" he burst out. "Three goes o' rum! Why, shiver my timbers, if I hadn't forgotten my score!"
And, falling on a bench, he laughed until the tears ran down his cheeks. I could not help joining; and we laughed together, peal after peal, until the tavern rang again. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Robert Louis Stevenson
I read more of Treasure Island to him, and it pleased him a great deal. It seems to me that there are so many lonely people in this world, and so little of life is kind and good. In a way, I am thankful for this flood, since without it, I might never have talked to him much, and Mason is a nice fellow. ~ Nancy E. Turner
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Nancy E. Turner
I'm cap'n here by 'lection. I'm cap'n here because I'm the best man by a long sea-mile. You won't fight, as gentlemen o' fortune should; then, by thunder, you'll obey, and you may lay to it! I like that boy, now; I never seen a better boy than that. He's more a man than any pair of rats of you in this here house, and what I say is this: let me see him that'll lay a hand on him
that's what I say, and you may lay to it. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Robert Louis Stevenson
So many things were testing his faith. There was the Bible, of course, but the Bible was a book, and so were Bleak House, Treasure Island, Ethan Frome and The Last of the Mohicans. Did it then seem probable, as he had once overheard Dunbar ask, that the answers to riddles of creation would be supplied by people too ignorant to understand the mechanics of rainfall? Had Almighty God, in all His infinite wisdom, really been afraid that men six thousand years ago would succeed in building a tower to heaven? ~ Joseph Heller
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Joseph Heller
One night when I was pregnant with Henry, I lay in bed thinking for some reason, about "Treasure Island." I realized that from the entire book there was only one sentence I remembered verbatim, something that Ben Gunn, who has been marooned for three years, says to Jim Hawkins: "Many's the long night I've dreamed of cheese -- toasted mostly." I repeated the last two words over and over again, like a mantra. "Toasted, mostly. Toasted mostly. ~ Anne Fadiman
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Anne Fadiman
Nicole Baart has written a novel that satisfies on every level. Sleeping In Eden is a compelling mystery, a tragic love story, a perceptive consideration of the callous whim of circumstance and, perhaps most important, a beautiful piece of prose. I guarantee this is a book that will haunt you long after you've turned the last page. ~ William Kent Krueger
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by William Kent Krueger
Every island to a child is a treasure island. ~ P.D. James
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by P.D. James
I came to view the world as a word puzzle and, with no special aptitude I can name, fixed on the whys and wherefores of language from my earliest days. Song lyrics. Signs. The stories read in first and second grades. My parents almost always read to us at bedtime. Poems by Whittier. Scenes from Oliver Twist. Kidnapped. Treasure Island. The names alone intrigued me. Dr. Livesey, Squire Trelawney. The name Balfour sounded the knell of the romantic. Robinson Crusoe. I loved to hear read the exploits of Natty Bumppo. Authors had an aura of the godlike to me. The Latin prayers fascinated me as an altar boy. I can still recall carved names on buildings I saw from the MTA train when I was a youngster. Who can explain why? Words were magic to me. I once inadvisably glued my finger and thumb together at the Magoun Library in fourth grade trying to amuse a pretty little girl on whom I had a crush, and when the librarian came over angrily to inquire what the problem was and I pointed with a shrug and replied, "Mucilage" - a word that always made me laugh - she very coldly stated, "You are more to be pitied than censured. ~ Alexander Theroux
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Alexander Theroux
I saw that book in the lot and I needed a better look at it. I overbid terribly, but I needed to be certain I had it. Purely speculation, of course - nobody was allowed to get a good close look before bidding - but I thought there was a chance it was my book. The way Treasure Island is Marie's. But the moment I touched it I knew it wasn't mine. I knew it wasn't for selling, either, not at Churchwarry and Son. I can't explain it other than to say that it was begging to be given away. ~ Erika Swyler
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Erika Swyler
There was the Bible, of course, but the Bible was a book, and so were Bleak House, Treasure Island, Ethan Frome and The Last of the Mohicans. Did it indeed seem probable, as he had once overheard Dunbar ask, that the answers to the riddles of creation would be supplied by people too ignorant to understand the mechanics of rainfall? Had Almighty God, in all His infinite wisdom, really been afraid that men six thousand years ago would succeed in building a tower to heaven? Where the devil was heaven? Was it up? Down? There was no up or down in a finite but expanding universe in which even the vast, burning, dazzling, majestic sun was in a state of progressive decay that would eventually destroy the earth too. ~ Joseph Heller
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Joseph Heller
It was Silver's voice, and before I had heard a dozen words, I would not have shown myself for all the world. I lay there, trembling and listening, in the extreme of fear and curiostiy, for, in those dozen words, I understood that the lives of all the honest men aboard depended on me alone. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Robert Louis Stevenson
Can what's buried beneath the ground on Oak Island possibly be worth what the search for it has already cost? Six lives, scores of personal fortunes, piles of wrecked equipment, and tens of thousands of man-hours have been spent so far, and that's not to mention the blown minds and broken spirits that lie in the wake of what is at once the world's most famous and frustrating treasure hunt. ~ Randall Sullivan
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Randall Sullivan
Pirate Hunters is a fantastic book, an utterly engrossing and satisfying read. It tells the story of the hunt for the rare wreck of a pirate ship, which had been captained by one of the most remarkable pirates in history. This is a real-life Treasure Island, complete with swashbuckling, half-crazy treasure hunters and vivid Caribbean settings-a story for the ages. ~ Douglas Preston
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Douglas Preston
I'm not sure that when I read 'Treasure Island' for the first time, when I was about 10, I understood all the words or what was going on. But that didn't stop me reading it, and I certainly didn't forget it. ~ Mal Peet
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Mal Peet
after we cleared the tunnel at Treasure Island, a panicky ~ James Patterson
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by James Patterson
Alexander Smollett, master; David Livesey, ship's doctor; Abraham Gray, carpenter's mate; John Trelawney, owner; John Hunter and Richard Joyce, owner's servants, landsmen
being all that is left faithful of the ship's company
with stores for ten days at short rations, came ashore this day and flew British colours on the log-house in Treasure Island. Thomas Redruth, owner's servant, landsman, shot by the mutineers; James Hawkins, cabin boy
And at the same time, I was wondering over poor Jim Hawkins' fate. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Robert Louis Stevenson
There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island. - WALT DISNEY ~ Ellery Adams
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Ellery Adams
I often think about the island. When the kids are older, we'll have quite a story to tell them.
We'll edit, of course.
We'll also tell them that this house, and the property that surrounds it, is our island.
And that T.J. and I are finally home. ~ Tracey Garvis Graves
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Tracey Garvis Graves
In these days of physical fitness, hair dye, and plastic surgery, you can live much of your life without feeling or even looking old. But then one day, your knee goes, or your shoulder, or your back, or your hip. Your hot flashes come to an end; things droop. Spots appear. Your cleavage looks like a peach pit. If your elbows faced forward, you would kill yourself. You're two inches shorter than you used to be. You're ten pounds fatter and you cannot lose a pound of it to save your soul. Your hands don't work as well as they once did and you can't open bottles, jars, wrappers, and especially those gadgets that are encased tightly in what seems to be molded Mylar. If you were stranded on a desert island and your food were sealed in plastic packaging, you would starve to death. You take so many pills in the morning you don't have room for breakfast.
You lose close friends and discover one of the worst truths of old age: they're irreplaceable. People who run four miles a day and eat only nuts and berries drop dead. People who drink a quart of whiskey and smoke two packs of cigarettes a day drop dead. You are suddenly in a lottery, the ultimate game of chance, and someday your luck will run out. Everybody dies. There's nothing you can do about it. Whether or not you eat six almonds a day. Whether or not you believe in God. ~ Nora Ephron
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Nora Ephron
How can we embrace poverty as a way to God when everyone around us wants to become rich? Poverty has many forms. We have to ask ourselves: 'What is my poverty?' Is it lack of money, lack of emotional stability, lack of a loving partner, lack of security, lack of safety, lack of self-confidence? Each human being has a place of poverty. That's the place where God wants to dwell! 'How blessed are the poor,' Jesus says (Matthew 5:3). This means that our blessing is hidden in our poverty.
We are so inclined to cover up our poverty and ignore it that we often miss the opportunity to discover God, who dwells in it. Let's dare to see our poverty as the land where our treasure is hidden. ~ Henri J.M. Nouwen
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Henri J.M. Nouwen
There isn't an amount of money you could offer me to do reality TV. I would rather get my job back on the building site. Or I could own a construction business. Maybe I could retire to my house in Long Island and take up painting, like Captain Beefheart. A crazy recluse: I like that idea. ~ Dave Gahan
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Dave Gahan
Economically, New Mexico ranks low, but we know the real treasure lies in the people, the landscape, and the history of its many communities. Here, people have struggled and survived for years, and they have not lost sight of the prize. We believe our region is a spiritual corridor; the earth nurtures us, and our deities can be invoked for the good of the community. Here, Native Americans have been saying prayers and keeping the world in balance for thousands of years. It's difficult to make a living here, but beneath the daily struggle there exists a fulfilling spiritual sense. This is sacred space for us. ~ Rudolfo Anaya
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Rudolfo Anaya
For an hour we talked of Anne and that famous farm on Prince Edward Island. Thus the friendship began. ~ Kathy Reichs
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Kathy Reichs
When I learned the news about Harmon today, I felt like I lost a family member. He has treated me like one of his own. It's hard to put into words what Harmon has meant to me. He first welcomed me into the Twins family as an 18-year-old kid and has continued to influence my life in many ways. He is someone I will never forget and will always treasure the time we spent together. Harmon will be missed but never forgotten. ~ Joe Mauer
Treasure Island Parrot quotes by Joe Mauer
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