Tesouros Da Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Tesouros Da.

Quotes About Tesouros Da

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Black is like a broken vessel, which is deprived of the capacity to contain anything. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
Old age takes in part savoury wisdom for its food - see to that your old age will not lack in nourishment. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
My wife is the host of 'Big Brother.' Her name is Julie Chen, and she'll say, 'Da da da, but first we do this.' So they mashed together her saying 'but first' a couple dozen times. Literally. In different outfits. And when you cut it together like that, it appears very robotlike. They called her the Chenbot. ~ Leslie Moonves
Tesouros Da quotes by Leslie Moonves
For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
Many are they who have a taste and love for drawing, but no talent; and this will be discernible in boys who are not diligent and never finish their drawings with shading. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
It's not enough that you believe what you see. You must also understand what you see. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
Viva fui in silvis sum dura occisa securi dum vixi tacui mortua dulce cano" is inscribed on the fingerboard of a 16th-century viola da gamba made by Kaspar Tieffenbrucker. It translates, "I was alive in the woods; I was cut down by the cruel axe. While I lived I was silent; In death I sweetly sing. ~ Anonymous
Tesouros Da quotes by Anonymous
But when I went to sit down, I hesitated. The shining silk fabric of my purple dress winked in the sunlight, mocking me. "What's wrong now?" "I can't - My dress, it will - I shouldn't," I stuttered again, feeling stupid. "No worries." The boy rose up on his knees as he removed his simple gray coat. He laid it out on the grass across from himself and sat back down, gesturing for me to do the same. "Sit there. I've seen my da do that for my mum loads of times." "Thank you very much." "What ~ Tracey Ward
Tesouros Da quotes by Tracey Ward
but even with the gift of tongues, I'm having trouble learning to speak hip-hop. Why is it that one can busta rhyme or busta move anywhere but you must busta cap in someone's ass? Is "ho" always feminine, and "muthafucka" always masculine, while "bitch" can be either? How many peeps in a posse, how much booty before baby got back, do you have to be all that to get all up in that, and do I need to be dope and phat to be da bomb or can I just be "stupid"? I'll not be singing over any dead mothers until I understand. The ~ Christopher Moore
Tesouros Da quotes by Christopher Moore
What is fair in men, passes away, but not so in art ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
Unfortunately, Da Vinci was a prankster who often amused himself by quietly gnawing at the hand that fed him. He incorporated in may of his Christian paintings hidden symbolism that was anything but Christian - tributes to his own beliefs and a subtle thumbing of his nose at the Church. ~ Dan Brown
Tesouros Da quotes by Dan Brown
He taught me to be a Da Vinci
and I sit here, with his portraits
waiting for him to return
I do not think he will
Is that what it means to be human
to be all powerful,
to build a temple to yourself
and leave
only the walls to pray ~ Phil Kaye
Tesouros Da quotes by Phil Kaye
When you draw a nude, sketch the whole figure and nicely fit the members to it and to each other. Even though you may only finish one portion of the drawing, just make certain that all the parts hang together, so that the study will be useful to you in the future. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
Feel it all, feel it all, leave it all behind. Love it and let it go. Let the living live, maybe that's the lesson, my lesson, and maybe within that awareness, ta-da, the path I need to the light of peace will be revealed. ~ Stephanie Gangi
Tesouros Da quotes by Stephanie Gangi
As of this afternoon, you are a Defense Agent for the THIRDS." The man grew quiet and Dex couldn't help but wait for him to throw his arms out and shout "Ta-da!" with a show of jazz hands. ~ Charlie Cochet
Tesouros Da quotes by Charlie Cochet
The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
Every action needs to be prompted by a motive. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
As you cannot do what you want, Want what you can do ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
The beginnings and ends of shadow lie between the light and darkness and may be infinitely diminished and infinitely increased. Shadow is the means by which bodies display their form. The forms of bodies could not be understood in detail but for shadow. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
The ancient triumph of Christianity proved to be the single greatest cultural transformation our world has ever seen.

Without it the entire history of Late Antiquity would not have happened as it did.

We would never have had the Middle Ages, the Reformation, the Renaissance, or modernity as we know it.

There could never have been a Matthew Arnold. Or any of the Victorian poets. Or any of the other authors of our canon: no Milton, no Shakespeare, no Chaucer.

We would have had none of our revered artists: Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, or Rembrandt. And none of our brilliant composers: Mozart, Handel, or Bach.

To be sure, we would have had other Miltons, Michelangelos, and Mozarts in their places, and it is impossible to know whether these would have been better or worse.

But they would have been incalculably different. ~ Bart D. Ehrman
Tesouros Da quotes by Bart D. Ehrman
But after taking command of the Army of Italy in 1796, Napoleon took organized theft to a new level ... The French also stole art at a new level: Napoleon requested that the government send him experts qualified to judge which paintings his men should steal; priceless canvases by Titian, Raphael, Rubens, and Leonardo da Vinci were shipped to Paris. ~ Tom Reiss
Tesouros Da quotes by Tom Reiss
He bores me. He ought to have stuck to his flying machine.
[On Leonardo Da Vinci] ~ Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Tesouros Da quotes by Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Drawing a good figure doesn't make you a good artist. I can name you ten men, right off the bat, who draw better than I do. But I don't think their work gets as much response as mine. I can't think of a better man to draw Dick Tracy than Chester Gould, who certainly is no match for Leonardo Da Vinci. But Chester Gould told the story of Dick Tracy. He told the story of Dick Tracy the way it should have been told. No other guy could have done it. It's not in the draftsmanship, it's in the man.

Like I say, a tool is dead. A brush is a dead object. It's in the man.

If you want to do, you do it. If you think a man draws the type of hands that you want to draw, steal 'em. Take those hands.

The only thing I can say is: Caniff was my teacher, Alex Raymond was my teacher, even the guy who drew Toonerville Trolley was my teacher. Whatever he had stimulated me in some way. And I think that's all you need. You need that stimulation. Stimulation to make you an individual. And the draftsmanship, hang it. If you can decently: learn to control what you can, learn to control what you have, learn to refine what you have. Damn perfection. You don't have to be perfect. You are never going to do a Sistine Chapel, unless someone ties you to a ceiling. Damn perfection.

All a man has in this field is pressure. And I think the pressure supplies a stimulation. You have your own stresses, that will supply your own stimulation. If you want to do it, you'll do ~ Jack Kirby
Tesouros Da quotes by Jack Kirby
The urgency of the global situation is such that the foundation work of activating the totality of humankind via the Global Cooperative Forum must happen now, so that, during the next few years, there can be global conversion of all systems to a right functioning in the context of the total system. ~ Adi Da
Tesouros Da quotes by Adi Da
The five senses are the ministers of the soul. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
Nature is constrained by the cause of her laws which dwell inborn in her. Variant: Nature is constrained by the order of her own law which lives and works within her. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
If you are on the side whence the wind is blowing you will see the trees looking much lighter than you would see them on the other sides; and this is due to the fact that the wind turns up the reverse side of the leaves which in all trees is much whiter than the upper side. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
Advertisers constantly invent cures to which there is no disease. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
Time abides long enough for those who make use of it. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
The memory of benefits is a frail defence against ingratitude. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
I was being an artist, being sensitive and technical as artists are. I'm sure Leonardo Da Vinci did that. Artists don't always feel the same as others feel about their work. ~ Roy Ayers
Tesouros Da quotes by Roy Ayers
Leo went to work with his pliers, reprogramming the signs until the top one flashed: THE DOCTOR IS: IN DA HOUSE. The bottom sign changed to read: NOW SERVING: ALL DA LADIES LUV LEO! ~ Rick Riordan
Tesouros Da quotes by Rick Riordan
While I thought I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
My small friend, do you really understand? Or are you just looking for pity? Do you want me to say "It's not your fault, it was determined by fate"? Or do you want me to say, "You have done enough, rest, for now"?
My small friend. When the day comes, that you truly understand the meaning of the word "Path", is the day we shall talk about "Inactivity". ~ Da Xia
Tesouros Da quotes by Da Xia
When you put your hand in a flowing stream, you touch the last that has gone before and the first of what is still to come ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
When a question has no correct answer, there is only one honest response.
The gray area between yes and no.
Silence. ~ Dan Brown
Tesouros Da quotes by Dan Brown
No human investigation can claim to be scientific if it doesn't pass the test of mathematical proof. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
On, those ever-changing moods of Moscow! How swiftly they go from black to white, from one extreme to another, from friendship to accusations, from adoration to hatred, from the permissive 'da' to that annihilating 'nyet.' Those eternal swings from a thaw to a freeze, whims that disregard their own rules, norms, and regulations! ~ Svetlana Alliluyeva
Tesouros Da quotes by Svetlana Alliluyeva
Virtue is our true wealth and the true reward of its possessor; it cannot be lost, it never deserts us until life leaves us. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
58. "Love is something so ugly that the human race would die out if lovers could see what they were doing" (Leonardo da Vinci). ~ Maggie Nelson
Tesouros Da quotes by Maggie Nelson
Demetrius was wont to say that there was no difference between the words and speech of the unskilled and ignorant and the sounds and rumblings caused by the stomach being full of superfluous wind. This he said, not without reason, for, as he held, it did not in the least matter from what part of them the voice emanated, whether from the lower parts or the mouth, since the one and the other were of equal worth and importance. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
The people welcome a new da yas if they were certain of liking it, the shopkeepers pull up their blinds serene in the expectation of good trade, the workers go happily to their work, the people who have sat up all night in night clubs go happily to their rest, the orchestra of motor-car horns, of clanking trams, of whistling policemen tunes up for the daily symphony, and everywhere is joy. ~ Nancy Mitford
Tesouros Da quotes by Nancy Mitford
Painting is mute poetry, and poetry is blind painting ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Tesouros Da quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci
It is indeed in no way settled that the "self" is ever determinable by means of a representation of the ego. Instead, it must be acknowledged that selfhood first arises out of the grounding of Da-sein, a grounding that is carried out as an appropriation of the belonging to the call. Accordingly, the openness and grounding of the self arise out of, and as, the truth of beyng ~ Martin Heidegger
Tesouros Da quotes by Martin Heidegger
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