Teaching Bell Hooks Quotes

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Quotes About Teaching Bell Hooks

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For black folks, the camera provided a means to document a reality that could, if necessary, be packed, stored, moved from place to place ... [Photography] offered a way to contain memories, to overcome loss, to keep history. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
The men in my life have always been the folks who are wary of using the word 'love' lightly. They are wary because they believe women make too much of love. And they know that what we think love means is not always what they believe it means. Our confusion about what we mean when we use the word 'love' is the source of our difficulty in loving. If our society had a commonly held understanding of the meaning of love, the act of loving would not be so mystifying. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
When we are loving, we openly and honestly express care, affection, responsibility, respect, commitment, and trust. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Individuals who want to believe that there is no fulfillment in love, that true love does not exist, cling to these assumptions because this despair is actually easier to face than the reality that love is a real fact of life but is absent from their lives. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
It is obvious that many women have appropriated feminism to serve their own ends, especially those white women who have been at the forefront of the movement; but rather than resigning myself to this appropriation I choose to re-appropriate the term "feminism," to focus on the fact that to be "feminist" in any authentic sense of the term is to want for all people, female and male, liberation from sexist role patterns, domination, and oppression. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
The soul of our politics is the commitment to ending domination. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Her love of words is a private passion - one she would rather not share. In the house of her childhood though everything had to be shared. If she tried to hold anything back, they would search and find the hidden places. Her written words, discovered, read were just the source of more pain and punishment. This was why she loved poetry. They did not always understand it so they left it alone. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Feminist movement is pro-family. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
As bell hooks wrote in a 1998 essay, "Naked Without Shame," about black women's bodies and politics, "Marked by shame, projected as inherent and therefore precluding any possibility of innocence, the black female body was beyond redemption." She points out that since the time of U.S. slavery, men have benefited from positioning black women as naturally promiscuous because it absolves them of guilt when they sexually assault and rape women of color. "[I]t was impossible to ruin that which was received as inherently unworthy, tainted, and soiled," hooks wrote.
Women of color, low-income women, immigrant women- these are the women who are not seen as worthy of being placed on a pedestal. It's only our perfect virgins who are valuable, worthy of discourse and worship. ~ Jessica Valenti
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Jessica Valenti
Professors rarely speak of the place of eros or the erotic in our classrooms. Trained in the philosophical context of Western metaphysical dualism, many of us have accepted the notion that there is a split between the body and the mind. Believing this, individuals enter the classroom to teach as though only the mind is present, and not the body. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
There is no life to be found in violence. Every act of violence brings us closer to death. Whether it's the mundane violence we do to our bodies by overeating toxic food or drink or the extreme violence of child abuse, domestic warfare, life-threatening poverty, addiction, or state terrorism. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Fame is fun, money is useful, celebrity can be exciting, but finally life is about optimal well-being and how we achieve that in dominator culture, in a greedy culture, in a culture that uses so much of the world's resources. How do men and women, boys and girls, live lives of compassion, justice and love? And I think that's the visionary challenge for feminism and all other progressive movements for social change. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Understanding knowledge as an essential element of love is vital because we are bombarded daily with messages that tell us love is about mystery, about that which cannot be known. We see movies in which people are represented as being in love who never talk with one another, who fall into bed without ever discussing their bodies, their sexual needs, their likes and dislikes. Indeed, the message is received from the mass media is that knowledge makes love less compelling; that it is ignorance that gives love its erotic and transgressive edge. These messages are brought to us by profiteering producers who have no clue about the art of loving, who substitute their mystified visions because they do not really know how to genuinely portray loving interaction. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Women will only be truly sexually liberated when we arrive at a place where we can see ourselves as having sexual value and agency irrespective of whether of not we are the objects of male desire. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Knowing love or the hope of knowing love is the anchor that keeps us from falling into that sea of despair. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Even though some individual scholars try to tell us there is no direct connection between images of violence and the violence confronting us in our lives, the commonsense truth remains- we are affected by the images we consume and by the states of mind we are in when watching them. If consumers want to be entertained, and the images shown us as entertaining are images of violent dehumanization, it makes sense that these acts become more acceptable in our daily lives and that we become less likely to respond to them with moral outrage or concern. Were we all seeing more images of loving human interaction, it would undoubtedly have a positive impact on our lives. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
...consider the possibility that to love blackness is dangerous in a white supremacist culture- so threatening, so serious a breach in the fabric of the social order, that death is the punishment. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
It was an accepted fact among black people that the leaders who were most revered and respected were men. Black activists defined freedom as gaining the right to participate as full citizens in American culture; they were not rejecting the value system of that culture. Consequently, they did not question the rightness of patriarchy. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Emotionally shut-down black males are often represented as epitomizing desirable masculinity. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Discipline and devotion are necessary to the practice of love, all the more so when relationships are just beginning. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
True love does have the power to redeem but only if we are ready for redemption. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
The feminist call was for women to embrace ways of seeing beauty and adorning ourselves that are healthy, life-affirming, and not overly time-time consuming. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
When we leave the realm of cinema, it is obvious that the dynamics of white supremacist capitalist patriarchy---which has historically represented black females as "undesirable mates" even if they are desirable sex objects, and so rendered it socially unacceptable for powerful white males to seek committed relationships with black women---continue to inform the nature of romantic partnership in our society.

What would happen to the future of white supremacist patriarchy if heterosexual white males were choosing to form serious relationships with black females?

Clearly, this structure would be under mined. Significantly, The Bodyguard reaffirms this message. Frank Farmer is portrayed as a conservative Republican patriarch, a defender of the nation. Once he leaves the black woman "she devil" who has seduced and enthralled him, he returns to his rightful place as keeper of the nation's patriarchal legacy. In the film, we see him protecting the white male officers of state. These last scenes suggest that loving a black woman would keep him from honoring and protecting the nation. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Self-acceptance is hard for many of us. There is a voice inside that is constantly judging, first ourselves and then others. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
No matter that information abounds that lets the public know that gay males come from two-parent homes and can be macho and women-hating, misguided assumptions about what makes a male gay still flourish. Every day boys who express feelings are psychologically terrorized, and in extreme cases brutally beaten, by parents who fear that a man of feeling must be homosexual. Gay men share with straight men the same notions about acceptable masculinity. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Since we live in a society that promotes faddism and temporary superficial adaptation of different values, we are easily convinced that changes have occurred in arenas where there has been little or no change. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Ironically, the worship of of death as a strategy for coping with our underlying fear of death's power does not truly give us solace. It is deeply anxiety producing. The more we watch spectacles of death, of random violence and cruelty, the more afraid we become in our daily lives. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
The process begins with the individual woman's acceptance that American women, without exception, are socialized to be racist, classist and sexist, in varying degrees, and that labeling ourselves feminists does not change the fact that we must consciously work to rid ourselves of the legacy of negative socialization. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
A vision of cultural homogeneity that seeks to deflect attention away from or even excuse the oppressive, dehumanizing impact of white supremacy on the lives of black people by suggesting black people are racist too indicates that the culture remains ignorant of what racism really is and how it works. It shows that people are in denial. Why is it so difficult for many white folks to understand that racism is oppressive not because white folks have prejudicial feelings about blacks (they could have such feelings and leave us alone) but because it is a system that promotes domination and subjugation? ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Maintaining connections with family and community across class boundaries demands more than just summary recall of where one's roots are, where one comes from. It requires knowing, naming, and being ever-mindful of those aspects of one's past that have enabled and do enable one's self-development in the present, that sustain and support, that enrich. One must also honestly confront barriers that do exist, aspects of that past that do diminish. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
All other spiritual teachings are in vain if we cannot love. Even the most exalted states and the most exceptional spiritual accomplishments are unimportant if we cannot be happy in the most basic and ordinary ways, if, with our hearts, we cannot touch one another and the life we have been given. What matters is how we live. - Jack Kornfield ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
As far back as slavery, white people established a social hierarchy based on race and sex that ranked white men first, white women second, though sometimes equal to black men, who are ranked third, and black women last. What this means in terms of the sexual politics of rape is that if one white woman is raped by a black man, it is seen as more important, more significant than if thousands of black women are raped by one white man. Most Americans, and that includes black people, acknowledge and accept this hierarchy; they have internalized it either consciously or unconsciously. And for this reason, all through American history, black male rape of white women has attracted much more attention and is seen as much more significant than rape of black women by either white or black men. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Feminist effort to end patriarchal domination should be of primary concern precisely because it insists on the eradication of exploitation and oppression in the family context and in all other intimate relationships. It is that political movement which most radically addresses the person – the personal – citing the need for the transformation of self, of relationships, so that we might be better able to act in a revolutionary manner, challenging and resisting domination, transforming the world outside the self. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
When everyone in the classroom, teacher and students, recognizes that they are responsible for creating a learning community together, learning is at its most meaningful and useful. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
To be loving is to be open to grief, to be touched by sorrow, even sorrow that is unending. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
The misuse of the term matriarch has led many people to identify any woman present in a household where no male resides a matriarch. Although anthropologists disagree about whether or not matriarchal societies ever really existed, an examination of available information about the supposed social structure of matriarchies proves without any doubt that the social status of the matriarch was in no way similar to that of black women in the United States. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
White feminists so focused on the disparity between white male/white female economic status as an indication of the negative impact of sexism that they drew no attention to the fact that poor and lower-class men are as able to oppress and brutalize women as any other group of men in American society. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Feminism is the struggle to end sexist oppression. Therefore, it is necessarily a struggle to eradicate the ideology of domination that permeates Western culture on various levels, as well as a commitment to reorganizing society so that the self-development of people can take precedence over imperialism, economic expansion, and material desires. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
The crisis facing men is not the crisis of masculinity, it is the crisis of patriarchal masculinity. Until we make this distinction clear, men will continue to fear that any critique of patriarchy represents a threat. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
If we were constantly remembering that love is as love does, we would not use the word in a manner that devalues and degrades it's meaning. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
One of the most important social myths we must debunk if we are to become a more loving culture is the one that teaches parents that abuse and neglect can coexist with love. Abuse and neglect negate love. Care and affirmation, the opposite of abuse and humiliation, are the foundation of love. No one can rightfully claim to be loving when behaving abusively. Yet parents do this al the time in our culture. Children are told that they are loved even though they are being abused. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Showing aggression is the simplest way to assert patriarchal manhood. Men of all classes know this. As a consequence, all men living in a culture of violence must demonstrate at some point in their lives that they are capable of being violent. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Feminist education - the feminist classroom - is and should be a place where there is a sense of struggle, where there is visible acknowledgment of the union of theory and practice, where we work together as teachers and students to overcome the estrangement and alienation that have become so much the norm in the contemporary university. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
I think this is what people misunderstand about Martin Luther King saying to love your enemies. They think he was just using this silly little phrase, but what he meant was that as Black Americans we need to let our anger go, because holding on to it we hold ourselves down. We oppress ourselves by holding on to anger. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Representation is a crucial location of struggle for any exploited and oppressed people asserting subjectivity and decolonization of the mind. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Women talk about love. From girlhood on, we learn that conversations about love are a gendered narrative, a female subject ... Femaleness in patriarchal culture marks us from the very beginning as unworthy or not as worthy, and it should come as no surprise that we learn to worry most as girls, as women, about whether we are worthy of love. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
Writing is my passion. Words are the way to know ecstasy. Without them life is barren. The poet insists, language is a body of suffering and when you take up language you take up the suffering too. All my life I have been suffering for words. Words have been the source of the pain and the way to heal. Struck as a child for talking, for speaking out of turn, for being out of my place. Struck as a grown woman for not knowing when to shut up, for not being willing to sacrifice words for desire. Struck by writing a book that disrupts. There are many ways to be hit. Pain is the price we pay to speak the truth. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
It seems to me that the binary opposition that is so much embedded in Western thought and language makes it nearly impossible to project a complex response. ~ Bell Hooks
Teaching Bell Hooks quotes by Bell Hooks
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