Stupid Hillary Clinton Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Stupid Hillary Clinton.

Quotes About Stupid Hillary Clinton

Enjoy collection of 48 Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Stupid Hillary Clinton. Righ click to see and save pictures of Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

There is a hunger for the United States to be present again. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
Lifting whole passages from someone else's speeches is not change you can believe in. It's change you can Xerox. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
I have to tell you, as your Secretary of State, I went to 112 countries, and when people hear those words, they hear America. So don't let anyone tell you that our country is weak. We're not. Don't let anyone tell you we don't have what it takes. We do. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
Who is going to find out? These women are trash. Nobody's going to believe them. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
I've never understood the division between so-called realists and so-called idealists. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
I believe in delegating power. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
I know as much as anyone how much her most fervent supporters want Hillary Clinton to run for president. ~ Tina Brown
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Tina Brown
Democrats like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders want to raise taxes on the rich, saying it will solve inequality. It won't. All that will do is significantly reduce incentives to work, save, and invest. But I say inequality is not the problem. The problem is a lack of growth. ~ Lawrence Kudlow
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Lawrence Kudlow
With two years till the nomination, both [Joe] Biden and [Hillary] Clinton are positioning themselves to be the Democratic nominee. And are they stressing their experience, their ideas, their excellent hair? No. They've been talking about their poverty. ~ Peter Sagal
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Peter Sagal
I look for people who have raw intelligence and a great work ethic and loyalty, and I can quickly identify people who have the right ingredients. But sometimes it is more difficult to get them to accept the fact that they can take on increasing responsibility. Oftentimes individuals will decide how far [they] go by how much work they're willing to put in and how quick they are to ask for help. Too many people have this deep-seated fear that if they ask for help, they will be thought less of. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
One of my favorite times was sitting reading quote books, which I did for hours on end ... ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
Flint is a city of a hundred thousand that was having a rough go of it even before its water was poisoned by lead. And when the water crisis finally grabbed national headlines this winter, the Democratic presidential candidates noticed. Hillary Clinton sent senior staff to investigate and asked her supporters to donate to a fund for Flint's kids. Bernie Sanders called on Michigan's Republican governor, Rick Snyder, to resign. ~ Tamara Keith
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Tamara Keith
My fervent hope is that it would be possible for me and my family to leave for the U.S. on Hillary Clinton's plane, ~ Chen Guangcheng
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Chen Guangcheng
I have a very, very hard time voting for Mrs. [Hillary] Clinton. ~ Bret Stephens
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Bret Stephens
I called for a consumer protection financial bureau before it was created. And I think the best evidence that the Wall Street people at least know where I stand and where I have always stood is because they are trying to beat me in this primary. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton is listening to the scientists who tell us that - unless we act boldly and transform our energy system in the very near future - there will be more drought, more floods, more acidification of the oceans, more rising sea levels. ~ Bernie Sanders
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Bernie Sanders
Of all the jobs I've had, sliming fish was pretty good preparation for life in Washington. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
Between the marketplace and government there exists all of that which makes life worth living-family life, spiritual life, the art and culture that make our spirits soar ... ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
I don't think I've read any of the books that have been written about me. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
I know that some of those plans [of the North Korea] could very well lead to a missile that might reach Hawaii, if not the West Coast. We do have to try to get the countries in the region to work with us to do everything we can to confine, and constrain them. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
We shouldn't leave the work of politics to people who run for public office. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
There is a great deal of political pressure to only talk about abstinence, and to deny support for condoms and education on using them. This policy will lead to the unnecessary deaths of many people. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
I have a history with charismatic, attractive men who just wear me out, ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
There are so many people who don't want her to succeed, and they've been doing everything to deny her what is literally her entitlement. And she has still triumphed over it all, the biggest crack in the glass ceiling ever, and it's Mrs. Hillary Clinton. ~ Rush Limbaugh
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Rush Limbaugh
If Planned Parenthood and Human Rights Campaign were part of the establishment, that would be time for all of us to just quit having to work so hard and defend it and fight for it. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
One reason I continue to oppose efforts to criminalize abortion is that I do not believe any government should have the power to dictate, through law or police action, a woman's most personal decisions."

"I consider that a slippery slope to state control of reproduction, and I'd witnessed the consequences of such control in China and Communist Romania. ~ Hillary Rodham Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Rodham Clinton
There is no doubt that America remains the premier political, economic, military power in the world, and I both expect and count on it remaining so, because I think that's certainly in our best interest but also the best interests of the world. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton, our junior senator from New York, announced that she has no intentions of ever, ever running for office of the President of the United States. Her husband, Bill Clinton, is bitterly disappointed. He is crushed. There go his dreams of becoming a two-impeachment family. ~ David Letterman
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by David Letterman
Let us declare that we are a nation of interdependence, and that in America love always trumps hate. Let us declare, so that generations yet unborn can hear us. We are the United States of America; our best days are ahead of us. And together, with Hillary Clinton as our President, America, we will rise. ~ Cory Booker
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Cory Booker
Every moment wasted looking back, keeps us from moving forward. ~ Hillary Rodham Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Rodham Clinton
We'll get things done together. Democrats, Republicans, independents, we're going to make progress together when I'm president. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
Well, I think both Russia and China have a very strong aversion to interference in internal affairs. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
Giving every child a chance to reach their full potential is the best work anyone can do ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
The first time I spoke to a group this large was at my college commencement in 1969. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
Sexism is all the big and little ways that society draws a box around women and says, 'You stay in there. ~ Hillary Rodham Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Rodham Clinton
We need to unify our party, we need a real Conservative in the White House, and we need to beat Hillary Clinton to take our country back and keep our nation safe. ~ Carly Fiorina
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Carly Fiorina
You can't just give a speech and expect people to fall down and agree with you. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
Of course, parents are the most important people in a child's life. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
It is with tremendous excitement and pride that EMILY's List endorses Senator Hillary Clinton for president. ~ Ellen Malcolm
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Ellen Malcolm
We do not have to choose between a healthy environment and a healthy economy. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
If you don't have anything good to say about someone, you must be talking about Hillary Clinton. ~ Jeff Foxworthy
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Jeff Foxworthy
[Donald Trump] attitude towards our longest defense alliance and NATO, that we should somehow walk away from it. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
When Hillary's getting knocked around by the folks on the Hill is Bill going to go Larry King to knock her enemies around? Will he be going off to foreign countries on his own little diplomatic missions? I had assumed he'd remain a step in the background as he has through through most of this decade. But that doesn't seem to be the case. If the constitution allowed it, I'd happily have Clinton back. I'd happily have Hillary in his place. But I don't want them both. ~ Josh Marshall
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Josh Marshall
My mother and grandmothers could never have lived my life; my father and my grandfathers could never have imagined it. But they bestowed on me the promise of America, which made my life and my choices possible. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
I'm not going to be responding to [Donald Trump]. ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
My husband is not the secretary of state, I am. ~ Hillary Rodham Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Rodham Clinton
I'm the most transparent secretary of state because of that. I've been willing to say, "OK, read them [emails] all." ~ Hillary Clinton
Stupid Hillary Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
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