Schifter Glass Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Schifter Glass.

Quotes About Schifter Glass

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Thou doubtest because thou lovest the truth. Some would willingly believe life but a phantasm, if only it might for ever afford them a world of pleasant dreams: thou art not of such! Be content for a while not to know surely. The hour will come, and that ere long, when, being true, thou shalt behold the very truth, and doubt will be for ever dead. Scarce, then, wilt thou be able to recall the features of the phantom. Thou wilt then know that which thou canst not now dream. Thou hast not yet looked the Truth in the face, hast as yet at best but seen him through a cloud. That which thou seest not, and never didst see save in a glass darkly - that which, indeed, never can be known save by its innate splendour shining straight into pure eyes - that thou canst not but doubt, and art blameless in doubting until thou seest it face to face, when thou wilt no longer be able to doubt it. ~ George MacDonald
Schifter Glass quotes by George MacDonald
It was the exact opposite
for me. At first all I
wanted was sex with her,
but soon I wanted more.

More sex, yes, in unusual
places, and all different kinds.
But that wasn't all. I wanted
her to fill the empty spaces

left by a father who never
once praised me, 'friends' who
used me, an ice princess mom
who raised me with glass kisses. ~ Ellen Hopkins
Schifter Glass quotes by Ellen Hopkins
That's how the Germans are ... The aristocrats at the top hard as glass, cold as ice, servants of the King, the working masses willing, pliable, sentimental, susceptible to brutality, the middle class educated and cowardly to the point of servility. ~ Alfred Doblin
Schifter Glass quotes by Alfred Doblin
All that spring and summer, there were times when she felt as if she had no joints or muscles, no physical means with which to move about the world. ~ Julia Glass
Schifter Glass quotes by Julia Glass
The work I've done is the work I know, and the work I do is the work I don't know. I don't know what I'm doing. ~ Philip Glass
Schifter Glass quotes by Philip Glass
All my life, I [Pari] have lived like an aquarium fish in the safety of a glass tank, behind a barrier as impenetrable as it has been transparent. I have been free to observe the glimmering world on the other side, to picture myself in it, if I like. But I have always been contained, hemmed in, by the hard, unyielding confines of the existence that Baba has constructed for me, at first knowingly, when I was young, and now guilelessly, now that he is fading day by day. I think I have grown accustomed to the glass and am terrified that when it breaks, when I am alone, I will spill out into the wide open unknown and flop around, helpless, lost, gasping for breath. ~ Khaled Hosseini
Schifter Glass quotes by Khaled Hosseini
Lucy preferred gin and tonics during the summer and switched over to whiskey sours in the winter. At dinner, a sit-down affair with the family, Lucy drank whatever the Temerlins drank, including expensive French wines. "She never gets obnoxious, even when smashed to the brink of unconsciousness," wrote Maurice, revealing more about the chimp's alcoholism than perhaps he intended. At one point, he tried to wean Lucy off the good stuff and onto Boone's Farm apple wine. Assuming she would delight in the fruity swill, he purchased a case and filled her glass one night at dinner. Lucy took a sip of the apple wine, noticed her parents were drinking something else, and put her glass down. She then graabbed Maurice's glass of Chablis and polished it off. She finished Jane's next. Not another sip of Boone's farm ever touched her lips. ~ Elizabeth Hess
Schifter Glass quotes by Elizabeth Hess
I'm petrified of spiders. I hate them. I sleep with a glass of water beside my bed every night. I woke up once to take a sip of water and almost swallowed a dead one floating in the glass. ~ Kyle Schmid
Schifter Glass quotes by Kyle Schmid
Do you really want me to tell the girl you're not allowing her to get her art piece because you think I want in her knickers?" he asks like he's confused.

"Violet! Vance is having daddy issues and is trying to talk him out of giving you the stained glass!" Anna yells very loudly.

Vance's eyes widen. "I'm going to fucking kill you for fifty-three years, you stupid son of a b - " He stops, calming himself, because his grandmomma was a damn fine woman who'd punch him in the nuts for calling her that word…if she knew what it meant.

She always hated dogs. Especially female dogs. ~ Kristy Cunning
Schifter Glass quotes by Kristy Cunning
If you have only a glass of water, then one person can drink. If you have a bucket, a whole family can benefit. ~ Chen Guangbiao
Schifter Glass quotes by Chen Guangbiao
Watching this little scene makes my throat ache. It seems an apt metaphor for the role most men play--even in egalitarian modern marriages--as quasi-outsiders in their own families. Of course, men have always contributed importantly to the family, and our wives and children would miss us if we were gone. But there's also a tacit understanding that we are the expendable ones: if something evil comes through the front door, everyone knows whose job it is to die guarding the family's retreat out the back. Men are a little on the periphery of family life, cut off from the biologically precious mother and children as though by an invisible pane of glass. ~ Jonathan Gottschall
Schifter Glass quotes by Jonathan Gottschall
All that was a dream, you couldn't hold on, you couldn't depend on frosted glass and Debussy. ~ Janet Fitch
Schifter Glass quotes by Janet Fitch
The image in the glass seemed only vaguely familiar. I didn't like my new tie, so I took off my coat and tried another. I didn't like the change either. All at once everything began to irritate me. The stiff collar was strangling me. The shoes pinched my feet. The pants smelled like a clothing store basement and were too tight in the crotch. Sweat broke out at my temples where the hat band squeezed my skull. Suddenly I began to itch, and when I moved everything crackled like a paper sack. ~ John Fante
Schifter Glass quotes by John Fante
No matter what ailed you, a small glass of schnapps would take care of it at once. This particular remedy was so good my grandfather would frequently take the cure even before there was anything wrong with him. ~ Molly Picon
Schifter Glass quotes by Molly Picon
The general's daughter? We'd be fools not to. You talk about her as if she's made of spun glass. Know what I see? Steel. ~ Marie Rutkoski
Schifter Glass quotes by Marie Rutkoski
Our glass train, on fragile tracks
Beneath bombs that fall like the flood
To wash away the shards
- But all this sorrow will recede
And we will leave
Two by two
And until then, I will only think of you. ~ Danny M. Cohen
Schifter Glass quotes by Danny M. Cohen
God has prepared for Himself one great song of praise throughout eternity, and those who enter the community of God join in this song. It is the song that the "morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy" at the creation of the world. (Job 38:7). It is the victory song of the children of Israel after passing through the Red Sea, the Magnificat of Mary after the annunciation, the song of Paul and Silas in the night of prison, the song of the singers on the sea of glass after their rescue, the "song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb" (Rev. 15:3) It is the song of the heavenly fellowship. ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Schifter Glass quotes by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
In L.A., nobody touches you. We're always behind this metal and glass. ~ Brendan Fraser
Schifter Glass quotes by Brendan Fraser
With his immaculately coiffured blond locks and his impeccable cut-glass accent, he looks, and sounds, like a dab hand. 'People are as nice as you make them,' he enunciates. 'Which gives you a heck of a lot of power over them, of course. ~ Kevin Dutton
Schifter Glass quotes by Kevin Dutton
On the heels of his words, the front window exploded. As if time slowed down, he watched the shards of glass scatter across the floor, luminous crystals dancing about the wooden slats of the floor like insects scurrying in choreographed retreat. ~ Barry Brennessel
Schifter Glass quotes by Barry Brennessel
Marie felt a sudden urge to smash the glass, break down the door, pull down the building. She wanted to tear apart the world. Mather would have never treated a white student that badly, nor would he have shut the door in the face of a man. At that moment, she wanted Dr. Mather to disappear. She wanted every white man to disappear. She wanted to burn them all down to ash and feast on their smoke. Hateful, powerful thoughts. She wondered what those hateful, powerful thoughts could create. ~ Sherman Alexie
Schifter Glass quotes by Sherman Alexie
He lifted his glass, smiled over the rim at Eve. And when someone said his name, and he glanced toward them, Eve saw something come into his eyes, just a flash of it. A something she'd only seen when he looked at her.
It was gone, shuttered down into polite pleasure. But it had been there. Very slowly, Eve tracked her gaze over, and saw her. ~ J.D. Robb
Schifter Glass quotes by J.D. Robb
I feel an extremely annoyed thunderstorm nearby," Kade warned. "Actually, I'm the one annoyed. The thunderstorm could go either way." - Storm Glass ~ Maria V. Snyder
Schifter Glass quotes by Maria V. Snyder
A young friend of mine has written a rather surprising little novel about this; about in its way. About the extent to which we're able to penetrate the looking-glass and imagine a life, indeed a consciousness, that goes some way to reduce the blind spots in our own. It's a novel that on the surface would seem to have nothing to do with its author, but in fact is a kind of veiled portrait of someone determined to transcend her provenance, her privilege, her naivete. ~ Lisa Halliday
Schifter Glass quotes by Lisa Halliday
He was rather a low sort of pony. The fact is, he had been originally jobbed out by the day, and he never quite got over his old habits. He was clever in melodrama too, but too broad
too broad. When the mother died, he took the port-wine business.'
'The port-wine business!' cried Nicholas.
'Drinking port-wine with the clown,' said the manager; 'but he was greedy, and one night bit off the bowl of the glass, and choked himself, so his vulgarity was the death of him at last. ~ Charles Dickens
Schifter Glass quotes by Charles Dickens
Her smile colud've broen glass. ~ Colum McCann
Schifter Glass quotes by Colum McCann
The boy was twelve, reveling in the strange dust-smelling murk of a New Orleans library, watching motes flash gold in a beam of sun. He loved the ceiling lights on chains and the table lamps with their green glass shades. The room was as beautiful as another world. ~ Marly Youmans
Schifter Glass quotes by Marly Youmans
In the early evening time Dr. Kemp was sitting in his study in the belvedere on the hill overlooking Burdock. It was a pleasant little room, with three windows - north, west, and south - and bookshelves covered with books and scientific publications, and a broad writing-table, and, under the north window, a microscope, glass slips, minute instruments, some cultures, and scattered bottles of reagents. Dr. Kemp's solar lamp was lit, albeit the sky was still bright with the sunset light, and his blinds were up because there was no offence of peering outsiders to require them pulled down. Dr. Kemp was a tall and slender young man, with flaxen hair and a moustache almost white, and the work he was upon would earn him, he hoped, the fellowship of the Royal Society, so highly did he think of it. ~ H.G.Wells
Schifter Glass quotes by H.G.Wells
It was all a part of being trustworthy - of being a piece of sea glass. High tides, low tides, storms, sand and mistakes all contributed to the polishing process. Though difficult to endure at the time, the demanding elements helped smooth the surface, transforming one into a better person, not worse. A person who learned from the harsh environment, who knew the storm would end, and who felt confident she would still be in one piece. ~ Maria V. Snyder
Schifter Glass quotes by Maria V. Snyder
Rainstorms are incredible: falling shards of glass, the air full of diamonds. ~ Lauren Oliver
Schifter Glass quotes by Lauren Oliver
How's your orange juice, Anna? Does it have a touch of lime?"
The glass paused at my lips as I processed his innuendo, and I took a second to make sure my embarrassment stayed hidden inside. I let the drink swish over my tongue a moment before swallowing and answering.
"Actually it's a little sour," I said, and he laughed.
"Thats a shame. " he picked up a green pear from his plate and bit into it, licking juice that dripped down his thumb. My cheeks warmed as I set down my glass.
"Okay, now you're just being crude," I said.
He grinned with lazy satisfaction. ~ Wendy Higgins
Schifter Glass quotes by Wendy Higgins
By the end of the week, clouds darker still had arrived and with them hot, damp air. Turner could smell the coming storm. The darkness of it gathering an hour or so away, racing ahead of dusk - the edges of the cloud through the wide skylight, deep in the West. Bruised. Fractious. Rising up to smother the slowly sinking sun. And now it was all but upon him, this vast wave of vapour, tumbling overhead.
A deep violet shadow poured down through the glass, its false twilight drowning everything. There came the first shudderings of thunder. And, all around, a dangerous stormlight. Carravaggian. ~ John A. Scott
Schifter Glass quotes by John A. Scott
Had passed from its surface and this earth's together. Haunted in a most ghastly manner that abominable place would have been, if the glass could ever have rendered back its reflections, as the ocean is one day to give up its dead. Some passing thought of the infamy and disgrace for which it had been reserved, may have struck the prisoner's mind. Be that as it may, a change in his position ~ Charles Dickens
Schifter Glass quotes by Charles Dickens
A good deal of editing a manuscript looks like mechanical work, as if anyone with time on their hands and a magnifying glass could do it. But at a certain point, you need a strong interpretive conviction and, as you say, an "intangible" relationship to what you are doing. ~ Oliver Harris
Schifter Glass quotes by Oliver Harris
Vexed with herself, Cassandra took a handkerchief from the congealed pocket of her dress and pressed it hard over a new trickle of tears. After a minute or two had passed, she became aware of someone ascending the stairs in a measured tread.
Embarrassed to be caught crying on the steps like a lost child, Cassandra struggled to rise.
A low voice stopped her. "No... please. I only wanted to give you this."
Through a blur, she saw the dark form of Tom Severin, who had come to stand a step below her, with two glasses of iced champagne in his hands. He extended one to her.
Cassandra began to reach for it, but hesitated. "I'm not supposed to have champagne unless it's mixed with punch."
One corner of his wide mouth tipped upward. "I won't tell."
Cassandra took the glass gratefully, and drank. The cold fizz was wonderful, easing the dry tightness of her throat.
"Thank you," she murmured. ~ Lisa Kleypas
Schifter Glass quotes by Lisa Kleypas
Whether your glass is half full or half empty there's still room for more wine. ~ Trish Jackson
Schifter Glass quotes by Trish Jackson
We sang at the chapel annexed to the home every morning. We understood that this was the humans' moon, the place for howling beyond purpose. Not for mating, not for hunting, not for fighting, not for anything but the sound itself. And we'd howl along with the choir, hurling every pitted thing within us at the stained glass. ~ Karen Russell
Schifter Glass quotes by Karen Russell
You see what you want to see. The truth is that the glass is both half empty and half full. What you can control is how you choose to see it. ~ Nicholas Lamar Soutter
Schifter Glass quotes by Nicholas Lamar Soutter
I'm sorry," Bowen says
I look up at him."No.It's my fault for being stupid. I shouldn't have used the glass-"
"Fo," Bowen snaps, silencing me. "I'm not sorry the coagulant hurt your hand. You totally deserved it. But I'm sorry about what I said. About being stuck with you."
Sunshine spreads through my body.I sit up and beam at him."Really?"
"Yeah.Really. Aside from you being my potential-and most likely, terrible painful-death, you're not that bad." He smiles and I feel like I could float away. ~ Bethany Wiggins
Schifter Glass quotes by Bethany Wiggins
So you're saying slow? Or no?" He raised his arms and put his hands back against the glass. "Because you're killing me here. ~ Rebecca Yarros
Schifter Glass quotes by Rebecca Yarros
I was going to be mature about this. And ignore him. ~ Dani Alexander, Shattered Glass
Schifter Glass quotes by Dani Alexander, Shattered Glass
The faint aroma of gum and calico that hangs about a library is as the fragrance of incense to me. I think the most beautiful sight is the gilt-edged backs of a row of books on a shelf. The alley between two well-stocked shelves in a hall fills me with the same delight as passing through a silent avenue of trees. The colour of a binding-cloth and its smooth texture gives me the same pleasure as touching a flower on its stalk. A good library hall has an atmosphere which elates. I have seen one or two University Libraries that have the same atmosphere as a chapel, with large windows, great trees outside, and glass doors sliding on noiseless hinges. ~ R.K. Narayan
Schifter Glass quotes by R.K. Narayan
I see you go bare-shod. This is most likely extremely sensible. Shoes are no end of trouble for girls ... How many have danced to death in slippers of silk and glass and fur and wood? Too many to count - the graveyards, they are so full these days. You are very wise to let your soles become grubby with mud, to let them grow their own slippers of moss and clay and calluses. This is far preferable to shoes which may become wicked at any moment. ~ Catherynne M Valente
Schifter Glass quotes by Catherynne M Valente
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