Saving Poughkeepsie Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Saving Poughkeepsie.

Quotes About Saving Poughkeepsie

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The men toasted their bottles, as they did when Mouse was mentioned. The part of their tattoo that no longer existed. The man had died on the job, protecting Blake because he was loyal to Beckett.
"And ... " Cole shot Beckett a look.
"You're unofficially known as Sparkles and Jesus." Beckett squinted as Cole pretended to be offended.
"I think it's only fair if we give you a nickname, Blake?" Cole asked.
Blake stood and added a log to the fire. It'd been burning steady since right after dinner. Being with his brothers like this was Beckett's favorite. It his wildest dreams he never pictured getting to sit with them in a Blake's backyard. ~ Debra Anastasia
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Debra Anastasia
Eve started in on his jeans, obviously knowing he was commando as usual by grasping his penis and pulling it free without hesitation.
She went down on him hard. It was like she was punishing her mouth for wanting him as much as she did. Driving the car while Eve expertly handled his stick made him feel so powerful, he wanted to head butt the windshield. ~ Debra Anastasia
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Debra Anastasia
Dear Lord, Please protect and guide Eve at her time of recovery. Life has given her a lot of emotional wounds, and now her physical body is mirroring this pain. Please take her hand and keep her safe. Let her live to lead a life that shows her the power of your love."
Together they added, "Amen."
Blake hated that it was all they could do right now. ~ Debra Anastasia
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Debra Anastasia
Emme pulled on Cole's hand. "Why are they crying?"
Her uncle bent down. "Well, sometimes when all your dreams come true? The best you can do is cry. It's happy, not sad. ~ Debra Anastasia
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Debra Anastasia
She'd led her father to believe she was undecided in her profession when in actuality she quickly became one of Beckett's most trusted enforcers. ~ Debra Anastasia
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Debra Anastasia
If he lost her now, he'd not be able to live. He would drive off a cliff - maybe the same one the fucker who shot her did. And then he'd be able to spend his time in hell beating the fuck out of the man who'd hurt Eve. ~ Debra Anastasia
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Debra Anastasia
Outside, again?" She teased him.
"You know I love it best when you're wearing nothing but the stars."
Blake wrapped her in his arms and reclined on the grass. She pat his chest gently, loving the tap back from his heart and his white smile. He looked amazing cloaked in stars, too. ~ Debra Anastasia
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Debra Anastasia
How you want me, baby?"
She answered him by biting his forearm hard.
He spun her in his arms. When he went in for a kiss, she slapped his face.
"So that's how?" He put her hard against the wall, holding her by her throat. "You have to fight me? Cause I'm the toughest fucker you've ever met. Say it. ~ Debra Anastasia
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Debra Anastasia
His life was forever a chess game played on a roulette wheel. He'd had to take precise, informed, ball-dropping gambles to get where he'd been. ~ Debra Anastasia
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Debra Anastasia
Impossible is just the shit nobody's tried yet," Beckett shot back. "My balls are way too big not to hope for the best. ~ Debra Anastasia
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Debra Anastasia
No, numb nuts. I've just learned some shit these last few years while I was away. You give people a little respect, and they rise up to meet you. Not always, but sometimes. Don't mistake it for me going soft. I'll just as soon pound someone's asshole into their brain if they fucking deserve it. Do you all understand? ~ Debra Anastasia
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Debra Anastasia
It takes a hell of a lot of courage to walk into your own story, but to be the hero of your own life you have to rescue yourself. ~ Shannon L. Alder
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Shannon L. Alder
Instead of a perpetual and perfect measure of the divine will, the fragments of the Koran were produced at the discretion of Mahomet; each revelation is suited to the emergencies of his policy or passion; and all contradiction is removed by the saving maxim that any text of Scripture is abrogated or modified by any subsequent passage. ~ Edward Gibbon
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Edward Gibbon
We should all stop wasting time using things we need, and start using most of our time saving them! ~ Carollynn Lemky
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Carollynn Lemky
Jesus, I'm sorry. I have wasted your time with a fake deal. I acknowledge that this means you are of the case, and that I am now totally on my own in saving the family from destruction. I shall go back to not believing in you again. We will revert to our former positions. Sorry about all that. Take care. Lots of love to God. Amen. ~ Caitlin Moran
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Caitlin Moran
I know exactly what is at stake, Captain. You are trying to convince yourself that whatever cause you follow is worth that girl's death.
I know all about gods, Captain. I know that a god that demands a child's life is not a god worth saving. ~ Ursula Vernon
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Ursula Vernon
I've come to believe that what we need is a republic. People need to be run by people who like them, not boxed into a game they can't win by people who can't lose it. We need a head of state who's been on the run. An interior minister who's had the two o'clock knock and done solitary. A minister of agriculture who's seen a spade fired in anger and done twenty years on the land. A health minister who's had his life saved through swift transportation to a well-staffed, properly equipped hospital. An interior minister dedicated to dismantling the state with its futile bureaucratic waste and saving real money. And a police force that would put an end to the Bowmans of this world. ~ Derek Raymond
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Derek Raymond
Health care is a far more serious, immediate and destructive problem than social security ... The upfront investment needed to fund system wide [health care] reform ... would be far offset by the savings. ~ Henry Simmons
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Henry Simmons
We are like a glass. You can have a glass for years, decades even, It will server its purpose, being filled and drained over and over. Then one day, someone will come along and be a little too hard on it, and a tiny crack will form. That fissure will weaken the glass. Every bump and bang. Every mouth that touches it or hand that grips it will contribute to its inevitable shatter. But in its time, it will server its purpose and when it's a million pieces of glass, someone will come along and pick it up. They will decide if it should be thrown away or if it's worth saving. ~ Davidson King
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Davidson King
Breeze raised his dueling cane, pointing it at Ham. "I see my period of intellectual respite has come to an end."
Ham smiled. "I thought up a couple of beastly questions while I was gone, and I've been saving them just for you, Breeze."
"I'm dying of anticipation," Breeze said. He turned his cane toward Lestibournes. "Spook, drink."
Spook rushed over and fetched Breeze a cup of wine.
"He's such a fine lad," Breeze noted, accepting the drink. "I barely even have to nudge him Allomantically. If only the rest of you ruffians were so accommodating."
Spook frowned "Niceing the not on the playing without."
"I have no idea what you just said, child," Breeze said. "So I'm simply going to pretend it was coherent, then move on."
Kelsier rolled his eyes. "Losing the stress on the nip," he said. "Notting without the needing of care."
"Riding the rile of the rids to the right," Spook said with a nod.
"What are you two babbling about?" Breeze said testily.
"Wasing the was of brightness," Spook said. "Nip the having of wishing of this."
"Ever wasing the doing of this," Kelsier agreed.
Breeze turned to Dockson with exasperation. "I believe our companions have finally lost their minds, dear friend."
Dockson shrugged. Then, with a perfectly straight face, he said, "Wasing not of wasing is."
Breeze sat, dumbfounded, and the room burst into laughter. Breeze rolled his eyes indignantly, shaking his head and muttering about the ~ Brandon Sanderson
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Brandon Sanderson
So what if he's hot, sometimes. Like every time I look at him. Besides, annoying he may be, but he's had his shining White Knight Moment, what with the whole saving-me-and-my-best-friend-from-a-brawl-and-probable-jail-time thing. Even if I'm no damsel in distress and he's miles away from Prince Charming, such displays of gallantry, combined with his not-bad-okay-actually-pretty-good looks, make my strange lusty feelings completely justified. Practically obligatory, even. ~ Hannah Harrington
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Hannah Harrington
In this day and age it's really stupid to be stupid about financial matters. It doesn't do you any good to make money if you don't know what to do with it other than spend it. ~ Maria Shriver
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Maria Shriver
No woman should build her life waiting for a man to come along and save her. It's a tragic waste of brains and talent. ~ Stephanie Grace Whitson
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Stephanie Grace Whitson
Saving time is one of the great superpowers you can unlock in the modern era. ~ J.R. Rim
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by J.R. Rim
Let us assume that a man gets half his income in the form of interest-bearing securities and half in the form of money; and that he is in the habit of saving three-quarters of his income, and does this by retaining the securities and using that half of his income which he receives in cash in equal parts for paying for current consumption and for the purchase of further securities. Now let us assume that a variation in the composition of his income occurs, so that he receives three-quarters of it in cash and only one-quarter in securities. From now on this man will use two-thirds of his cash receipts for the purchase of interest-bearing securities. If the price of the securities rises or, which is the same thing, if their rate of interest falls, then in either case he will be less willing to buy and will reduce the sum of money that he would otherwise have employed for their purchase; he is likely to find that the advantage of a slightly increased reserve exceeds that which could be obtained from the acquisition of the securities. In the second case he will doubtless be inclined to pay a higher price, or more correctly, to purchase a greater quantity at the higher price, than in the first case. But he will certainly not be prepared to pay double as much for a unit of securities in the second case as in the first case. ~ Ludwig Von Mises
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Ludwig Von Mises
Could a literary life be referred to with the iambic pentameter of, say, harnessing wind power, transplanting hearts or saving the whales. Or did it necessitate the sombre and monotonous dirge of software, priority banking or turbine building. ~ Anita Nair
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Anita Nair
Be not that far from me, for trouble is near; haste Thee to help me. Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight. My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me. O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me ~ Barry Pepper
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Barry Pepper
Yet this was not in fact the strategy that Powers chose. A simpler soul in his position might have seen only a binary decision to make - to talk or not to talk. But the "deluded jerk from Virginia" assumed from the start that if he was to have any chance of saving his life, his honor, and the U-2's most precious secrets, he would have to use his wits. He ~ Giles Whittell
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Giles Whittell
It is a bone calm, a soul calm, as if the unnamable but constant rattle inside me has been silenced for a moment, given a source to express and extinguish itself, I think back to that saving voice in my head and I wonder how I can find her again - the me who is wise and unafraid, who believes I will be okay. ~ Kerry Kletter
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Kerry Kletter
Nevertheless, he had offered her a home under his own roof, which Lavinia accepted with the alacrity of a woman who had spent the ten years of her married life in the town of Poughkeepsie. ~ Henry James
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Henry James
The doctors and nurses at the Biamba Marie Mutombo Hospital are saving lives every day and helping improve health care in the DRC which has been ravaged by more than a decade of war and disease. ~ Dikembe Mutombo
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Dikembe Mutombo
Bootstrapping goes awry when entrepreneurs focus on saving pennies to the detriment of the Big Picture. ~ Guy Kawasaki
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Guy Kawasaki
If I might be the means of saving one soul I should prefer it to all the riches and honor in the world ~ Asahel Nettleton
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Asahel Nettleton
According to the New Testament, the 'good news' is that a unique God-man has come to earth, revealed himself to the world, and offered to save all those who dedicate their lives to him. This only counts as good news, however, if you also believe in some very bad news: that human beings need to be saved from something, and are incapable of saving themselves. The more you emphasize the unique and indispensable role of the God-man, the church that bears his name, and those who speak on his behalf, the more you need there to be a problem so serious that only they can put it right. ~ Linda Woodhead
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Linda Woodhead
Now Brutus had deliberately assumed a mask to hide his true character. When he learned of the murder by Tarquin of the Roman aristocrats, one of the victims being his own brother, he had come to the conclusion that the only way of saving himself was to appear in the king's eyes as a person of no account. If there were nothing in his character for Tarquin to fear, and nothing in his fortune to covet, then the sheer contempt in which he was held would be a better protection than his own rights could ever be. Accordingly he pretended to be a half-wit and made no protest at the seizure by Tarquin of everything he possessed. He even submitted to being known publicly as the 'Dullard' (which is what his name signifies), that under cover of that opprobrious title the great spirit which gave Rome her freedom might be able to bide its time. On this occasion he was taken by Arruns and Titus to Delphi less as a companion than as a butt for their amusement; and he is said to have carried with him, as his gift to Apollo, a rod of gold inserted into a hollow stick of cornel-wood - symbolic, it may be, of his own character.
The three young men reached Delphi, and carried out the king's instructions. That done, Titus and Arruns found themselves unable to resist putting a further question to the oracle. Which of them, they asked, would be the next king of Rome? From the depths of the cavern came the mysterious answer: 'He who shall be the first to kiss his mother shall hold in Rome su ~ Livy
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Livy
Rossiter wasn't really on leave. He'd had a catastrophic fall a few years back while saving his wife's life and had lost a leg. He ~ Pamela Clare
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Pamela Clare
A fully Christian view of the Bible includes the idea of God's self-revelation but, by setting it in a larger context, transforms it. Precisely because the God who reveals himself is the world's lover and judge, rather than its absentee landlord, that self-revelation is always to be understood within the category of God's mission to the world, God's saving ~ N. T. Wright
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by N. T. Wright
He'd rather she killed him than walked out on him. ~ Debra Anastasia
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Debra Anastasia
Many people in the community are so scared of the Covid19 that they have lost trust in each other.
But it is the people's war against Coronavirus only, not in between themselves.

Saving lives and reviving livelihoods should be the priorities of society. ~ Srinivas Mishra
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Srinivas Mishra
Given enough time, everything changes. Maybe this sense of how fragile our connections are is what makes us obsessed with saving them - writing them down, taking pictures, recording them in tweets, documenting them with status updates and videos. It is clear to me now that when the earth does move beneath our feet - when our hearts slam and scrape and break apart - when we barely survive the flood, we take precautions. We ~ Aaron Hartzler
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Aaron Hartzler
With Thy blessing, we shall prevail over the unholy forces of our enemy. Help us to conquer the apostles of greed and racial arrogances. Lead us to the saving of our country, and with our sister nations into a world unity that will spell a sure peace
a peace invulnerable to the schemings of unworthy men. And a peace that will let all of men live in freedom, reaping the just rewards of their honest toil. ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Franklin D. Roosevelt
It was nice to meet you, Mila. Thank you for saving my life. ~ Courtney Cole
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Courtney Cole
She ripped the wild bun down from the crown of her head, and then brushed her long hair with her fingers. I couldn't stop staring while she rewrapped it and tied it back again. I imagined that this was what she looked like in the morning, and then had to think about the first ten minutes of Saving Private Ryan to keep my dick from getting hard. ~ Jamie McGuire
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Jamie McGuire
Daisy glanced up into her husband's sparkling eyes. "You're being scandalous, Mr. Swift," she whispered. "This is nothing," Matthew replied in an undertone, his expression soft with love. "I'm saving my worst behavior for tonight. ~ Lisa Kleypas
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Lisa Kleypas
Any time you look into the face of a man you must realize you have a 100% chance of looking into the face of a rapist. You must realize you are looking into the face of a man who will kill. It does not matter if this man is your father, brother, cousin, uncle or grandfather, or whether the man is a neighbor, coworker, a uniform police officer or a fireman. We do not care if the man is White; the young and White kill as often and with as much frequency as the old and Black. Nothing precludes a man from being a rapist. Nothing! Any time you look into the face of a man you must realize you have a 100% chance of looking into the face of a rapist. This is a life saving assumption. To think counter to this assumption is to put your life in that man's hands. Accepting this fact may save your life or you may avoid being raped. ~ Gloria G.Lee
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Gloria G.Lee
It was shocking to realize how many low-income Americans don't have savings accounts. ~ Dan Ariely
Saving Poughkeepsie quotes by Dan Ariely
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