Saheeh Data Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Saheeh Data.

Quotes About Saheeh Data

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If you can follow only one bit of data, follow the earnings - assuming the company in question has earnings. I subscribe to the crusty notion that sooner or later earnings make or break an investment in equities. What the stock price does today, tomorrow, or next week is only a distraction. ~ Peter Lynch
Saheeh Data quotes by Peter Lynch
The U.S. Department of Education changed the education privacy regulations in at least two crucial ways. Firstly, it increased the number of players that could have access to your child's centralized personal data to include, not just your child's teachers, but any organization or group tangentially involved in your child's education. This can include testing, technology, textbook, and research companies, just to name a few examples. Secondly, it no longer requires parent notification or permission when it shares your child's personal data with these chosen groups or companies. ~ Brad McQueen
Saheeh Data quotes by Brad McQueen
There is not substantial data that AZT stops the transmission of HIV from mother to child. There is too much conflicting data to make concrete policy. ~ Manto Tshabalala-Msimang
Saheeh Data quotes by Manto Tshabalala-Msimang
The willingness to reexamine lifelong beliefs because of conflicting data takes enormous courage, and contrasts sharply with recent examples of public discourse in which our political, cultural, and religious leaders have fit data to preconceived theories. ~ Donal O'Shea
Saheeh Data quotes by Donal O'Shea
Washington is not a city that takes great pride in being a healthy place, necessarily. Now, I have no data. That's just my own observation. ~ Tom Rath
Saheeh Data quotes by Tom Rath
That's because the analysts are writing about a country they call Mind and the neuroscientists are reporting from a country they call Brain. ~ Susanna Kaysen
Saheeh Data quotes by Susanna Kaysen
People realised this is real pollution; it is not fog. Now everyone has to face the data and come out of their comfort zone. ~ Ma Jun
Saheeh Data quotes by Ma Jun
Imagine if you had access to data that allowed you to rank on a scale of overall happiness which people in your life made you the happiest. ... Would you make more time for those people? ~ Ariel Garten
Saheeh Data quotes by Ariel Garten
Like so many of the decisions to exclude women in the interests of simplicity, from architecture to medical research, this conclusion could only be reached in a culture that conceives of men as the default human and women as a niche aberration. To distort a reality you are supposedly trying to measure makes sense only if you don't see women as essential. It makes sense only if you see women as an added extra, a complicating factor. It doesn't make sense if you're talking about half of the human race. It doesn't make sense if you care about accurate data. ~ Caroline Criado Perez
Saheeh Data quotes by Caroline Criado Perez
But *why* do clean torture and democracy appear to go hand in hand? This is an important puzzle (though by no means the only one suggested by the data). My explanation for this pattern generally is this: Public monitoring leads institutions that favor painful coercion to use and combine clean torture techniques to evade detection, and, to the extent that public monitoring is not only greater in democracies, but that public monitoring of human rights is a core value in modern democracies, it is the case that where we find democracies torturing today we will also be more likely to find stealthy torture. ~ Darius M. Rejali
Saheeh Data quotes by Darius M. Rejali
But what I would say to my successor is that it is important not just to shoot but to aim. And it is important, in this seat, to make sure that you're making your best judgments based on data, intelligence, the information that's coming from your commanders and folks on the ground and you're not being swayed by politics. ~ Barack Obama
Saheeh Data quotes by Barack Obama
Have you noticed the people most likely to be up in arms about governments apparently spying on us tend to be the most non-private people you know? The people launching petitions and wailing about Big Brother and data collection are most likely to be the most constant self-presenters. ~ Russell Smith
Saheeh Data quotes by Russell Smith
Imagine the kind of quantum leap that human culture would undertake if we were all suddenly given a direct link to the knowledge and experience of everyone else on the planet - if, when we made a decision, we were drawing from not just our own limited experience and expertise but from that of billions of other people. Big data has enabled this quantum leap for the cognitive development of robots. ~ Alec J. Ross
Saheeh Data quotes by Alec J. Ross
Personal computing today is a rich ecosystem encompassing massive PC-based data centers, notebook and Tablet PCs, handheld devices, and smart cell phones. It has expanded from the desktop and the data center to wherever people need it - at their desks, in a meeting, on the road or even in the air. ~ Bill Gates
Saheeh Data quotes by Bill Gates
There will soon be streams of data coming from all manner of products - appliances, clothing, sporting goods, you name it. Wouldn't you rather live in a world where you can export the data from your son's football helmet to a new app that monitors force and impact against a cohort of high school players around the country? ~ John Battelle
Saheeh Data quotes by John Battelle
At the federal level, this problem could be greatly alleviated by abolishing the Electoral College system. It's the winner-take-all mathematics from state to state that delivers so much power to a relative handful of voters. It's as if in politics, as in economics, we have a privileged 1 percent. And the money from the financial 1 percent underwrites the microtargeting to secure the votes of the political 1 percent. Without the Electoral College, by contrast, every vote would be worth exactly the same. That would be a step toward democracy. ~ Cathy O'Neil
Saheeh Data quotes by Cathy O'Neil
Apple knows a lot of data. Facebook knows a lot of data. Amazon knows a lot of data. Microsoft used to, and still does with some people, but in the newer world, Microsoft knows less and less about me. Xbox still knows a lot about people who play games. But those are the big five, I guess. ~ Robert Scoble
Saheeh Data quotes by Robert Scoble
The Bill of Rights was written before data-mining," he said. He was awesomely serene, convinced of his rightness. "The right to freedom of association is fine, but why shouldn't the cops be allowed to mine your social network to figure out if you're hanging out with gangbangers and terrorists? ~ Cory Doctorow
Saheeh Data quotes by Cory Doctorow
Modern science is only partially wrong on the plane of physical facts; on the other hand it is totally wrong on higher planes and in its principles. It is wrong in its negations and in the false principles derived from them, then in the erroneous hypotheses deduced from these principles, and finally in the monstrous effects this science produces as a result of its initial Prometheanism. But it is right about many physical data and even about some psychological facts, and indeed it is impossible for this not to be so, given the law of compensations; in other words it is impossible for modern men not to be right on certain points where ancient men were wrong; this is even part of the mechanism of degeneration. What is decisive in favor of the ancients or traditional men in general, however, is that they are right about all the spiritually essential points. ~ Frithjof Schuon
Saheeh Data quotes by Frithjof Schuon
The computer is here to stay, therefore it must be kept in its proper place as a tool and a slave, or we will become sorcerer's apprentices, with data data everywhere and not a thought to think. ~ Jesse Shera
Saheeh Data quotes by Jesse Shera
Over the next ten years, everything that has a cord is going to have data in it. ~ Tony Fadell
Saheeh Data quotes by Tony Fadell
Memory has strange power keeps full data of the past. ~ Kishore Bansal
Saheeh Data quotes by Kishore Bansal
In every branch of knowledge the progress is proportional to the amount of facts on which to build, and therefore to the facility of obtaining data. ~ James Clerk Maxwell
Saheeh Data quotes by James Clerk Maxwell
Scientists learn about the world in three ways: They analyze statistical patterns in the data, they do experiments, and they learn from the data and ideas of other scientists. The recent studies show that children also learn in these ways. ~ Alison Gopnik
Saheeh Data quotes by Alison Gopnik
There was more data transmitted over the Internet in 2010 than the entire history of the Internet through 2009. ~ Ben Parr
Saheeh Data quotes by Ben Parr
My advice was to start a policy of making reversible decisions before anyone left the meeting or the office. In a startup, it doesn't matter if you're 100 percent right 100 percent of the time. What matters is having forward momentum and a tight fact-based data/metrics feedback loop to help you quickly recognize and reverse any incorrect decisions. That's why startups are agile. By the time a big company gets the committee to organize the subcommittee to pick a meeting date, your startup could have made 20 decisions, reversed five of them and implemented the fifteen that worked. ~ Steven Gary Blank
Saheeh Data quotes by Steven Gary Blank
I was shocked to find that there were actually climate scientists who wouldn't share the raw data, but would only share their conclusions in summary graphs that were used to prove their various theories about planet warming. In fact I began to smell something really bad, and the worse that smell got, the deeper I looked. ~ Burt Rutan
Saheeh Data quotes by Burt Rutan
Some of the best theorizing comes after collecting data because then you become aware of another reality. ~ Robert J. Shiller
Saheeh Data quotes by Robert J. Shiller
Disruptive technology is a theory. It says this will happen and this is why; it's a statement of cause and effect. In our teaching we have so exalted the virtues of data-driven decision making that in many ways we condemn managers only to be able to take action after the data is clear and the game is over. In many ways a good theory is more accurate than data. It allows you to see into the future more clearly. ~ Clayton Christensen
Saheeh Data quotes by Clayton Christensen
If you are looking at data over and over you better be taking away valuable insight every time. If you are constantly looking at data that isn't leading to strategic action stop wasting your time and look for more Actionable Analytics. ~ Thomas Carlyle
Saheeh Data quotes by Thomas Carlyle
Chemistry is necessarily an experimental science: its conclusions are drawn from data, and its principles supported by evidence from facts. ~ Michael Faraday
Saheeh Data quotes by Michael Faraday
Every second of every day, our senses bring in way too much data than we can possibly process in our brains. ~ Peter Diamandis
Saheeh Data quotes by Peter Diamandis
Emergency department physicians spent 44 percent of their time entering data into electronic medical records, clicking up to 4,000 times during a 10-hour shift. - Becker's Health IT & CIO Review magazine, October 11, 2013 ~ Robert Wachter
Saheeh Data quotes by Robert Wachter
It is crucial to understand the difference between knowledge, which are facts and data, wisdom, which is your ability to judge and determine which aspects of your knowledge are applicable and useful to your life, and insight, which is the deepest level of knowing based on experience, and the most meaningful to your life and success. ~ Farshad Asl
Saheeh Data quotes by Farshad Asl
What distinguishes the language of science from language as we ordinarily understand the word? ... What science strives for is an utmost acuteness and clarity of concepts as regards their mutual relation and their correspondence to sensory data. ~ Albert Einstein
Saheeh Data quotes by Albert Einstein
On June 20, 2016, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), which tracks forced displacement worldwide based on data from governments, partner agencies, and UNHCR's own reporting, issued a report stating that a total of 65.3 million people were displaced at the end of 2015, compared with 59.5 million just twelve months earlier. ~ Thomas L. Friedman
Saheeh Data quotes by Thomas L. Friedman
Master data management is a discipline that goes hand in hand with information governance. Forward-thinking organizations are instituting processes to gain agreement on roles, responsibilities, policies, and procedures surrounding the maintenance of a single view of the entities needed for conducting business and measuring its performance,. ~ Henry M. Morris
Saheeh Data quotes by Henry M. Morris
We are moving slowly into an era where Big Data is the starting point, not the end. ~ Pearl Zhu
Saheeh Data quotes by Pearl Zhu
They may well have had a backup system, but if it crashed at the same time as their main system, then that's all she wrote,' Riker said. 'Excuse mee, sir' said Data. 'That's all who wrote?' 'It's merely an expression, Mr. Data,' said Picard. 'It means that was the end of it. There was nothing they could do.' 'That's all she wrote' repeated Data. He nodded. 'Yes, I see. She, in this case, doubtless referring to the human conceptualization of Fate, writing a final chapter, as it were, and putting a period to the-' 'Please, Mr. Data,' Picard said impatiently. ~ Simon Hawke
Saheeh Data quotes by Simon Hawke
We must speed up the deployment of broadband in order to bring high-speed data services to homes and businesses. The spread of information technology has contributed to a steady growth in U.S. productivity. ~ Michael Oxley
Saheeh Data quotes by Michael Oxley
That as people age, accumulate more and more private experiences, their sense of history tightens, narrows, becomes more personal? So that to the extent that they remember events of social importance, they remember only for example 'where they were' when such-and-such occurred. Et cetera et cetera. Objective events and data become naturally more and more subjectively colored. ~ David Foster Wallace
Saheeh Data quotes by David Foster Wallace
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