Rankine To Celsius Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Rankine To Celsius.

Quotes About Rankine To Celsius

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To live through the days sometimes you moan like deer. Sometimes you sigh. The world says stop that. Another sigh. Another stop that. Moaning elicits laughter, sighing upsets. Perhaps each sigh is drawn into existence to pull in, pull under, who knows; truth be told, you could no more control those sighs than that which brings the sighs about. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
The hypothesis of molecular vortices is defined to be that which assumes - that each atom of matter consists of a nucleus or central point enveloped by an elastic atmosphere, which is retained in its position by attractive forces, and that the elasticity due to heat arises from the centrifugal force of those atmospheres revolving or oscillating about their nuclei or central points.According to this hypothesis, quantity of heat is the vis viva of the molecular revolutions or oscillations. ~ William John Macquorn Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by William John Macquorn Rankine
How difficult is it for one body to feel the injustice wheeled at another? Are the tensions, the recognitions, the disappointments, and the failures that exploded in the riots too foreign? ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
Black Lives Matter, the movement founded by the activists Alicia Garza, Patrisse Callie's, and Opal Tometi, began with the premise that the incommensurable experience of systemic racism creates an unequal playing field. The American imagination has never been able to fully recover from its white-supremacist beginnings. Consequently, our laws and attitudes have been straining against the devaluation of the black body. Despite good intentions, the associations of blackness with inarticulate, bestial criminality persist beneath the appearance of white civility. This assumption both frames and determines our individual interactions and experiences as citizens. ~ Jesmyn Ward
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Jesmyn Ward
That's the bruise the ice in the heart was meant to ice. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
The Black Lives Matter movement can be read as an attempt to keep mourning an open dynamic in our culture because black lives exist in a state of precariousness. Mourning then bears both the vulnerability inherent in black lives and the instability regarding a future for those lives. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
A friend argues that Americans battle between the "historical self" and the "self self." By this she means you mostly interact as friends with mutual interest and, for the most part, compatible personalities; however, sometimes your historical selves, her white self and your black self, or your white self and her black self, arrive with the full force of your American positioning. Then you are standing face-to-face in seconds that wipe the affable smiles right from your mouths. What did you say? Instantaneously your attachment seems fragile, tenuous, subject to any transgression of your historical self. And though your joined personal histories are supposed to save you from misunderstandings, they usually cause you to understand all too well what is meant. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
The Earth is bathed in a flood of sunlight. A fierce inundation of photons - on average, 342 joules per second per square meter. 4185 joules (one calorie) will raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius. If all this energy were captured by the Earth's atmosphere, its temperature would rise by ten degrees Celsius in one day. Luckily much of it radiates back to space. How much depends on albedo and the chemical composition of the atmosphere, both of which vary over time. A good portion of Earth's albedo, or reflectivity, is created by its polar ice caps. If polar ice and snow were to shrink significantly, more solar energy would stay on Earth. Sunlight would penetrate oceans previously covered by ice, and warm the water. This would add heat and melt more ice, in a positive feedback loop. ~ Kim Stanley Robinson
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Kim Stanley Robinson
In any case, it is difficult not to think that if Serena lost context by abandoning all rules of civility, it could be because her body, trapped in a racial imaginary, trapped in disbelief - code for being black in America - is being governed not by the tennis match she is participating in but by a collapsed relationship that had promised to play by the rules. Perhaps this is how racism feels no matter the context - randomly the rules everyone else gets to play by no longer apply to you, and to call this out by calling out "I swear to God!" is to be called insane, crass, crazy. Bad sportsmanship. Two ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
In a taxi speeding uptown on the West Side Highway, I let my thoughts drift below the surface of the Hudson until it finally occurs to me that feelings fill the gaps created by the indirectness of experience. Though the experience is social, thoughts carry it into a singular space and it is this that causes the feelings of loneliness; or it is this that collides the feeling with the experience so that what is left is the solitude called loneliness. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
In the future, we've forgotten it. It's disappointing to find out that the past is the present is the future. Nobody wants that. And yet, that's what it is. Maybe it's a kind of surrealist move, to use language like "post-racial" - thinking that if you create the language for it, it will happen. I wish it worked that way. But that's not our reality. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
The words 'theory' and 'practice' are of Greek origin; they carry our thoughts back to the ancient philosophers by whom they were contrived, and by whom they were also contrasted and placed in opposition, as denoting two mutually conflicting and mutually inconsistent ideas ... [this fallacy] based on a double system of natural laws retarded for centuries the development of physical science, notably mechanics. ~ William John Macquorn Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by William John Macquorn Rankine
I don't know about forgiving, but it's an "I'm still here." And it's not just because I have nowhere else to go. It's because I believe in the possibility. I believe in the possibility of another way of being. Let's make other kinds of mistakes; let's be flawed differently. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
She has grown up, another decides, as if responding to the injustice of racism is childish and her previous demonstration of emotion was free-floating and detached from any external actions by others. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
Stars are bright, hot, rotating masses of
gas which emit large quantities of light and heat as a result of nuclear
reactions. Most newly-forming large stars begin to collapse under the
weight of their own gravitational pull. That means that their centres are
hotter and denser. When the matter in the centre of the star is sufficiently
heated-when it reaches at least 10 million degrees Celsius (18
million degrees Fahrenheit)-nuclear reactions begin.56 What happens
inside a star is that with enormous energy (fusion), hydrogen turns into
helium. Nuclear fusion takes the particles that make up hydrogen and
sticks them together to make helium (1 helium atom is made from 4
hydrogen atoms). In order to make the protons and neutrons in the
helium stick together, the atom gives off tremendous energy. The energy
released in the process is radiated from the surface of the star as light
and heat. When the hydrogen is consumed, the star then begins to burn
with helium, in exactly the same way, and heavier elements are formed.
These reactions continue until the mass of the star has been consumed.
However, since oxygen is not used in these reactions inside stars,
the result is not ordinary combustion, such as that takes place when
burning a piece of wood. The combustion seen as giant flames in stars
does not actually derive from fire. Indeed, burning of just this kind is
described in the verse ~ Harun Yahya
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Harun Yahya
A hypothetical theory is necessary, as a preliminary step, to reduce the expression of the phenomena to simplicity and order before it is possible to make any progress in framing an abstractive theory. ~ William John Macquorn Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by William John Macquorn Rankine
He said, I don't know what the water wanted. It wanted to show you no one would come. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
We have shared responsibility for global climate; we have to reduce climate change below 2 degrees Celsius. ~ Angela Merkel
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Angela Merkel
How our availability, our showing up, our presence, leaves us open to that violence. I think it's a question of language, as it arrives from one body to another. It becomes the thing in between the two bodies. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
I think of the described dynamics as a fluid negotiation. I don't think these specific interactions can happen to the black or brown body without the white body. And there are ways in which, if you say, "Oh, this happened to me," then the white body can say, "Well, it happened to her and it has nothing to do with me." But if it says "you," that you is an apparent part of the encounter. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
How do you keep the black female body present, and how do you own value for something that society won't give value to? It's a question I try to answer through my own life. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
The subject of so many films is the protection of the victim, and I think, I don't give a damn about those things. It's not the job of films to nurse people. With what's happening in the chemistry of love, I don't want to be a nurse or a doctor, I just want to be an observer."

As a child, Claire Denis wished to be a nurse; she is no longer a child. Years have passed and soon we love this world, so soon we are willing to coexist with dust in our eyes. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
We know the surface temperature of the Earth is warming. It has risen by .6 degrees Celsius over the past 100 years. There was a warming trend from the 1890s to the 1940s, cooling from the 1940s to the 1970s, and then sharply rising temperatures from the 1970s to today. ~ George W. Bush
Rankine To Celsius quotes by George W. Bush
The world is wrong. You can't put the past behind you. It's buried in you; it's turned your flesh into its own cupboard. Not everything remembered is useful but it all comes from the world to be stored in you. Who did what to whom on which day? Who said that? She said what? What did he just do? Did she really say that? He said what? What did she do? Did I hear what I think I heard? Did that just come out of my mouth, his mouth, your mouth? Do you remember when you sighed? ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
Hey you
All our fevered history won't instill insight,
won't turn a body conscious,
won't make that look
in the eyes say yes, though there is nothing
to solve
even as each moment is an answer. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
The subject who speaks is situated in relation to the other. This privilege of the other ceases to be incomprehensible once we admit that the first fact of existence is neither being in itself nor being for itself but being for the other, in other words, that human existence is a creature. By offering a word, the subject putting himself forward lays himself open and, in a sense, prays. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
It is possible to express the laws of thermodynamics in the form of independent principles , deduced by induction from the facts of observation and experiment, without reference to any hypothesis as to the occult molecular operations with which the sensible phenomena may be conceived to be connected; and that course will be followed in the body of the present treatise. But, in giving a brief historical sketch of the progress of thermodynamics, the progress of the hypothesis of thermic molecular motions cannot be wholly separated from that of the purely inductive theory. ~ William John Macquorn Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by William John Macquorn Rankine
But if you haven't figured it out by now, then let me assure you, Lula - nobody's normal. And pretty much everybody you meet in life is trying to figure out how to be a so-called 'normal person'. As if it's some fixed point that you reach, like zero degrees Celsius. But everybody's just who they are. Weird, flawed, good at some things, bad at others. There's no single person who's doing everything right all the time. Trust me on that. There is no such thing as normal" -Sam ~ Meagan Brothers
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Meagan Brothers
The laws of thermodynamics may be regarded as particular cases of more general laws, applicable to all such states of matter as constitute Energy , or the capacity to perform work, which more general laws form the basis of the science of energetics, a science comprehending, as special branches, the theories of motion, heat, light , electricity , and all other physical phenomena. ~ William John Macquorn Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by William John Macquorn Rankine
My tendency is to want to say to the person, "Do you understand why I feel this way?" I usually do say that. And sometimes it doesn't go well. By this I mean we hit an impasse again. Not that I need to hear exactly what I want to hear, but I need to know I am heard. Those moments make for a better friendship. But I can't let it go. For good or bad. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
Yes, and in your mail the apology note appears referring to "our mistake." Apparently your own invisibility is the real problem causing her confusion. This is how the apparatus she propels you into begins to multiply its meaning. What did you say? ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
During the winter much of Yakutia experiences a temperature inversion which results in an unusual phenomena. When the temperature dips below minus 53° Celsius, you can often hear a soft whooshing noise like the sound of grain being poured. It is caused by vapour in one's own breath turning to ice crystals in the cold, dry air. The local Yakut people call this sound "The Whisper of the Stars. ~ Jonathan Safran Foer
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Jonathan Safran Foer
If the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s civil rights movement made demands that altered the course of American lives and backed up those demands with the willingness to give up your life in service of your civil rights, with Black Lives Matter, a more internalized change is being asked for: recognition. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
When you achieve it fully, you create something that's transparent - that people can move into and through their own experiences. As a writer, I don't want people spending time thinking, "What does she mean?" I want, in a way, my text to go away. So that the words on the page become a door to one's own internal investigation. It's just a passage. If the work does its job, it just opens. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
What does a victorious or defeated black woman's body in a historically white space look like? Serena and her big sister Venus Williams brought to mind Zora Neale Hurston's "I feel most colored when I am thrown against a sharp white background." This appropriated line, stenciled on canvas by Glenn Ligon, who used plastic letter stencils, smudging oil sticks, and graphite to transform the words into abstractions, seemed to be ad copy for some aspect of life for all black bodies. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
After her three-second celebratory dance on center court at the All England Club, the American media reported, And there was Serena ... Crip-Walking all over the most lily-white place in the world ... . You couldn't help but shake your head ... . What Serena did was akin to cracking a tasteless, X-rated joke inside a church ... . What she did was immature and classless. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
Leaving the day to itself, you close the door behind you and pour a bowl of cereal, then another, and would a third if you didn't interrupt yourself with the statement - you aren't hungry.
Appetite won't attach you to anything no matter how depleted you feel. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
I want to believe that in any relational moment a person understands that the other person in front of them is just another human being. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
I was at Yale and I said to the poet Elizabeth Alexander, "I'm interested in the ways in which black health seems precarious in the United States." She introduced me to the term "John Henryism." And then I went back and researched it and understood that, woah, this thing I am thinking about is actually a condition that's named. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
How to care for the injured body,
the kind of body that can't hold
the content it is living? ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
Some field days can be tough. I've worked inside fuel tanks with 3 foot ceilings, in -42 to +42 Celsius temperatures, in snow and smoke and hail, and I've dug through snow and ice and pavement to find legal evidence. I've worked clear through the night by headlamp, and I've flown in a rickety long-islander with propane tanks strapped into the other seats. I've jury-rigged missing equipment, broken into my own truck, and cut out an emergency helicopter pad with a machete. I've been hungry, cold, tired, lost, injured, and downright hopeless! ~ Mark Mason
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Mark Mason
The American imagination has never been able to fully recover from its white-supremacist beginnings. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
You can't put the past behind you. It's buried in you; it's turned your flesh into its own cupboard. Not everything remembered is useful but it all comes from the world to be stored in you. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
I think the idea that the systemic problems in a society lead to illness is important to know. We shouldn't be separating out how we live with where we live, and what ails us with the environment we're in. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
I also found it funny to think about blackness as the second person. That was just sort of funny. Not the first person, but the second person, the other person. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
Words work as release - well-oiled doors opening and closing between intention, gesture. A pulse in a neck, the shiftiness of the hands, an unconscious blink, the conversations you have with your eyes translate everything and nothing. What will be needed, what goes unfelt, unsaid - what has been duplicated, redacted here, redacted there, altered to hide or disguise - words encoding the bodies they cover. And despite everything the body remains. Occasionally it is interesting to think about the outburst if you would just cry out - To know what you'll sound like is worth noting - ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
A hoodie is worn by everybody: kids, white men, white women, black men. But it clings to the black body as a sign of criminality like nothing else. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
I was really interested in the fact that blacks have high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes at a higher percentage than the rest of the population. That didn't stay very aggressively in the book, but that's how it started. I began to document these moments as support for this other thing I was thinking about, and then the moments themselves began to take over. ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
I think having a term for a condition that is prevalent is useful, because then people understand it as something not particular to them. It allows you not to ask the question, "What's wrong with me?" and begin to ask the question, "What's wrong with this place that I'm in?" ~ Claudia Rankine
Rankine To Celsius quotes by Claudia Rankine
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