Prolific Authors Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Prolific Authors.

Quotes About Prolific Authors

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The Baby Name book can be a very dangerous tool in the hands of a prolific author. ~ Michelle M. Pillow
Prolific Authors quotes by Michelle M. Pillow
I think that every so-called history book and film biography should be prefaced by the statement that what follows is the author's rendition of events and circumstances. ~ Barbara Kruger
Prolific Authors quotes by Barbara Kruger
Our peace is our purpose. ~ A.D. Posey
Prolific Authors quotes by A.D. Posey
There are a million ways to create. It's not always typing words, painting pictures, or acting in a play. And you don't get to decide which is correct. ~ Brandt Legg
Prolific Authors quotes by Brandt Legg
For every bad man and woman I have ever known, I have met ... an overwhelming number of thoroughly clean and decent people who still believe in God and cherish high ideals, and it is upon the lives of these people that I base what I write. To contend that this does not produce a picture true to life is idiocy. It does. It produces a picture true to ideal life; to the best that good men and good women can do at level best.
I care very little for the ... critics who proclaim that there is no such thing as a moral man, and that my pictures of life are sentimental and idealized. They are! And I glory in them! They are straight, living pictures from the lives of men and women of morals, honor, and loving kindness ...
Such a big majority of book critics and authors have begun to teach, whether they really believe it or not, that no book is true to life unless it is true to the worst in life. ~ Gene Stratton-Porter
Prolific Authors quotes by Gene Stratton-Porter
The faults of great authors are generally excellences carried to an excess. ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Prolific Authors quotes by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
We use certain authors at certain times of our lives, and we may never go back to them again. ~ Sam Weller
Prolific Authors quotes by Sam Weller
You are not here for someone else's approval. You are here to bend the unimaginable, and form the impossible. ~ Steven Cuoco
Prolific Authors quotes by Steven Cuoco
Yes, I am an author. I have written some beautiful love stories and witnessed some ugly relationships. ~ Nitin Kumar
Prolific Authors quotes by Nitin Kumar
There is no man who is enterprising and keeps well up with the times but confesses that the women of to-day are in every respect, except political liberty, equal to the men. ~ S. Alice Callahan
Prolific Authors quotes by S. Alice Callahan
When you get some free time, write. When you get some lazy time, plan. When you get down time, world build. When your time comes, shine! ~ Ace Antonio Hall
Prolific Authors quotes by Ace Antonio Hall
We who have been true readers all our life fully realize the enormous of our being which we owe to authors. ~ C.S. Lewis
Prolific Authors quotes by C.S. Lewis
I'm sorry that I hurt you."
"You didn't hurt me." There was a long pause on the phone. Then she said,"You are going to hurt from this longer than I ever will. It's true that I didn't know what kind of Indian you were. But what hurts me most is to know what kind of man. ~ Tony D'Souza
Prolific Authors quotes by Tony D'Souza
Holden Caulfield is the embodiment of what we mean by the phrase "young adult" – too young to be a grown-up, but too wise to the world to be completely innocent. He's caught in the in-between, and that in-between is what all young adult authors write about. ~ David Levithan
Prolific Authors quotes by David Levithan
An autobiography is inherently incomplete unless the last page is written on the eve of the author's demise. ~ Dan Makaon
Prolific Authors quotes by Dan Makaon
The 1850s proved to be the decade of the most prolific patent litigation in America's history. Lincoln himself was involved, as well as his most three prolific cabinet members: Chase, Seward and Stanton. ~ Darin Gibby
Prolific Authors quotes by Darin Gibby
So every dollar spent on finding some gene or hormone to explain why becoming fat is not because of sugary drinks, fried foods or unchecked gluttony is a dollar not spent on getting food for the hungry, vaccines for babies, shelter for the homeless. But the rules are made by the ones in power, these neo-Brahmins, and we must follow them if we want to survive in this global village. ~ Anirban Bose
Prolific Authors quotes by Anirban Bose
I thought it was a novel."
"It is."
"What's it about??"
"You'll have to buy it to find out, but it's got everything: love, death and an amusing dog."
"This one's got a recipe for apple crumble," I said.
"Don't you love that about the novel? The capaciousness?" he said. ~ Marcel Theroux
Prolific Authors quotes by Marcel Theroux
In the underlying bill, I think the authors of the legislation, those in support of it, understand the use of the Mississippi River. Yes, there is commercial navigation on it, and there will be tomorrow. ~ Ron Kind
Prolific Authors quotes by Ron Kind
Sometimes the rain
just for you and me

to be the violin
in the background
of our loneliness's song. ~ Sanober Khan
Prolific Authors quotes by Sanober Khan
Readers are always surprised to learn that authors have little or no input regarding the cover art for their books. ~ Jane Lindskold
Prolific Authors quotes by Jane Lindskold
The Internet is a big boon to academic research. Gone are the days spent in dusty library stacks digging for journal articles. Many articles are available free to the public in open-access journal or as preprints on the authors' website. ~ Nick Bostrom
Prolific Authors quotes by Nick Bostrom
I had some very, very fond memories of the people I worked with and the authors I worked with - and I won't mention any names - but as I have been traveling through rural Maine over the past few weeks, one of my favorite things to do is to go into bookstores on the side of rural routes and paw through the old copies of Tom Clancy and Trevanian books they have in there for weird old 1970s thrillers that I haven't read yet. ~ John Hodgman
Prolific Authors quotes by John Hodgman
सदियों से चली आ रही इस प्रथा के पार्श्व में जातीय अहम की पराकाष्ठा है। समाज में जो गहरी खाई है उसे प्रथा और गहरा बनाती है। एक साजिश है हीनता के भँवर में फँसा देने की।

Caste pride is behind this centuries-old custom.
The deep chasm that divides the society is made even deeper by
this custom, a conspiracy to trap us in the whirlpool of inferiority. ~ Om Prakash Valimiki
Prolific Authors quotes by Om Prakash Valimiki
Most authors would be the first to admit the best of their writing is beyond even them. It comes from someplace outside the conscious realm. ~ K.M. Weiland
Prolific Authors quotes by K.M. Weiland
Hammett used to be irritated by that and would answer that nobody ever deliberately wrote a potboiler, you just did the best you could and woke up to find it good or no good. ~ Lillian Hellman
Prolific Authors quotes by Lillian Hellman
My own preference, as a reader, for this sort of book, is to experience the closest possible equivalent to culture shock. I want to go to new, strange places, feel lost, and then (probably with quite a few subtle nudges on the author's part) gradually figure out where I am and what the heck's going on. As a reader, I enjoy few things more. From feedback, I know that I'm not alone in that, but also that some readers find it too demanding. But it's impossible to take care of both sides of that particular aisle at once. If you make it through the book, though, then go back and reread the beginning, you may find that you actually enjoy it this time, because everything's as coherent as I was able to make it, and you already know where you are. ~ William Gibson
Prolific Authors quotes by William Gibson
I really began to love to read while in high school, and my favorite authors were my heroes: J.D. Salinger, Kurt Vonnegut. ~ Louis Sachar
Prolific Authors quotes by Louis Sachar
Only mothers will ever know the true struggle and sacrifice it takes to create life. Authors come in at a close second. ~ R.P. Falconer
Prolific Authors quotes by R.P. Falconer
Some build their castles 'mid thunderbolts and fireworks. My worlds take shape in silence. ~ Richelle E. Goodrich
Prolific Authors quotes by Richelle E. Goodrich
Like Desserts, books come in all kinds of tasty treats! ~ Carmela Dutra
Prolific Authors quotes by Carmela Dutra
When first I set eyes on The Isle of Wight Polar Bear, my world was filled, in that instant, with the magic and wonder of childhood - Suzy Davies, Author, "Snugs The Snow Bear ~ Suzy Davies
Prolific Authors quotes by Suzy Davies
Robert Spencer, a prolific anti-Islam writer and a leading Islamophobe who is bent on distorting Islam and demonizing Muslims, has persistently argued that violence and terrorism employed by Muslim extremists is rooted in the Quran and its message. Spencer calls the Quran, a book sacred to Muslim, 'the jihadists' Mein Kampf,' in reference to Hitler's memoir. ~ Louay M. Safi
Prolific Authors quotes by Louay M. Safi
Here follows the substance of what I said, written out entirely for your benefit. Pay attention to it, or you will be all abroad, when we get deeper into the story. Clear your mind of the children, or the dinner, or the new bonnet, or what not. Try if you can't forget politics, horses, prices in the city and grievances at the club. I hope you won't take this freedom on my part amiss; it's only a way I have of appealing to a gentle reader. Lord! haven't I seen you with the greatest authors in your hands, and don't I know how ready your attention is to wander when it's a book that asks for it, instead of a person? ~ Wilkie Collins
Prolific Authors quotes by Wilkie Collins
You deserve more in your life. Think big. Love more and share beyond your limits. You will then become limitless. ~ Steven Cuoco
Prolific Authors quotes by Steven Cuoco
Something we do know is that review coverage does go to male authors more than women authors. That's a fact. I think it's one of those examples of unconscious bias: If you hire a lot of male journalists, they're more likely to pick up the latest Ian McEwan novel than the latest A.S. Byatt novel. ~ Emma Donoghue
Prolific Authors quotes by Emma Donoghue
Perhaps cinema is the most personal art, the most intimate. In cinema only the author's intimate truth will be convincing enough for the audience to accept. ~ Andrei Tarkovsky
Prolific Authors quotes by Andrei Tarkovsky
Even among the Amish, other Amish seem odd. ~ Ira Wagler
Prolific Authors quotes by Ira Wagler
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