Pologne Et Covid Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Pologne Et Covid.

Quotes About Pologne Et Covid

Enjoy collection of 41 Pologne Et Covid quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Pologne Et Covid. Righ click to see and save pictures of Pologne Et Covid quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

You're never isolated and alone when God lives within your heart and soul. ~ Anthony T. Hincks.
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Anthony T. Hincks.
While there is a real urgency for caution, there is also an overwhelming urgency for calm. My greatest concern is that the driving force of this pandemic may cause those who have no signs or symptomology to develop other chronic fears, anxieties and medical conditions. Heightened fears and anxieties will not make you feel safer. Compulsive and impulsive purchases will not protect you from the virus. It is important that you take care of your physical and mental health. Follow what your state and county are advising you to do. The sky is not falling and life will return to normal. The most prudent thing that people can do at this time, is to take commonsense approaches to reduce your risk of exposure. ~ Asa Don Brown
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Asa Don Brown
Hope shines through
unsealed blinds
Cobwebs cleared
From overworked minds
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Puja Bhakoo
Crisis either causes regress or progress depending on the will of the people. ~ Abhijit Naskar
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Abhijit Naskar
COVID-19 makes me glad that I no longer work in hospitals. ~ Steven Magee
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Steven Magee
Smart people stay home when the COVID-19 lock-down ends. ~ Steven Magee
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Steven Magee
There are a large number of COVID-19 survivors that have been left disabled and are in the process of finding out how fraudulent the government disability system is. ~ Steven Magee
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Steven Magee
It's literally a new world now, so either we adapt to it collectively as one species or only the privileged healthy will be left to live. And the only way to adapt to a new world is to keep working through mistakes, failures and changes, driven by a sense of community. ~ Abhijit Naskar
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Abhijit Naskar
2020 was the year of obsessive hand washing. ~ Steven Magee
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Steven Magee
When walking hand in hand with COVID-19, you must remember from the moment we are born, it is our destiny to leave planet Earth at a time chosen by Mother Nature. ~ Steven Magee
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Steven Magee
My assumption with COVID-19 is I will be infected at some point and to ensure my body is prepared for it by taking antiviral supplements. ~ Steven Magee
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Steven Magee
Remember we are not fighting each other ,but we are fighting the virus. We are not enemies ,but the virus is. ~ De Philosopher DJ Kyos
Pologne Et Covid quotes by De Philosopher DJ Kyos
Attending doctors offices during the COVID-19 pandemic is a very risky activity. ~ Steven Magee
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Steven Magee
Air quality is gradually improving in countries that remain under coronavirus quarantine. This is a positive change that is happening because of social distancing, home quarantine, and work from home that the people are embracing during this pandemic of COVID 19. But it is far too early to speak of long-term change. Countries and governments need to seriously rethink on adopting and practicing such positive changes in the long run. Thus, the improvement and sustenance of the environment of our world will ensue. ~ Avijeet Das
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Avijeet Das
Always thought being a writer would be one of the most useless things you could be in a zombie apocalypse, but it turns out arts and culture and storytelling is what helps us get through. Along with science, doctors, nurses, delivery people, farm workers and supermarket cashiers. ~ Lauren Beukes
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Lauren Beukes
We can't allow everyone to do what they want or as they please, because some of those people are not doing the right thing and others are not in the sane state of mind. Their actions are the consequences everyone is suffering today. ~ De Philosopher DJ Kyos
Pologne Et Covid quotes by De Philosopher DJ Kyos
COVID-19 enabled people to go to the bank looking like robbers, hazmat suits became fashionable, and social distancing was the norm. ~ Steven Magee
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Steven Magee
I wish we changed before we had to. COVID-19 brought so many changes to the world that will benefit everyone. We needed the wake-up call. ~ Farshad Asl
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Farshad Asl
World in Peril (The Sonnet)

The world is in peril and security is out of the window.
If now we don't be humans, what's the point of us!
Humankind is in turmoil and anxiety is running amok.
If now we don't be responsible what's the point of us!
Neighborhoods are wailing in fear and desperation.
If now we don't lend a hand what's the point of us!
Communities are struggling in crippling uncertainty.
If now we don't break narrowness what's the point of us!
Nations are panting to sustain health and sanity.
If now we don't rush to rescue what's the point of us!
Nature is revolting to reclaim her kingdom.
If now we don't make peace with her what's the point of us!
Now is not the time for theorizing and criticizing.
Forgetting argumentation we must stand as one people unbending. ~ Abhijit Naskar
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Abhijit Naskar
In this time of Covid-19 I feel an overwhelming exhilaration every morning that I have survived to see another day, and on Monday mornings that feeling of elation endows me with colorful words to express my gratitude to God for his gift of life. ~ Fidelis O. Mkparu, 2020
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Fidelis O. Mkparu, 2020
COVID-19 devours you from the inside. ~ Steven Magee
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Steven Magee
Hyper-connected is used in the context of the Internet. COVID-19 shows we are hyper-connected in the physical world. COVID-19 is a wake-up call for the world to realize how dependent we are on each other. There will always be winners, but life doesn't need to be a zero-sum game. - Tom Golway ~ Tom Golway
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Tom Golway
This, today, right now, will seem like the good old days in 2 weeks. Things are about to get a hell of a lot worse. ~ Oliver Markus Malloy
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Oliver Markus Malloy
COVID-19, also known as Mother Nature's Revenge! ~ Steven Magee
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Steven Magee
COVID-19 is like 5G wireless radiation, as it will take a lot of people dying from it before the masses acknowledge it to be a problem. ~ Steven Magee
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Steven Magee
This lockdown has enough me time to help you to get your life together. Refuse to come out of this lockdown being the same. ~ De Philosopher DJ Kyos
Pologne Et Covid quotes by De Philosopher DJ Kyos
Some situations are beyond control. So relax and have faith that things will work out fine.
Let go and let life happen. ~ Avijeet Das
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Avijeet Das
Some people think Corona virus is myth or rumor to scare people. Corona virus doesn't exist. Don't be the first one to be infected with it for people to believe its real. Be safe and follow all the health guidelines that are in place.

Truth is most people will die from corona virus , not because its pandemic, but because of ignorance. Don't be that person.Your responsible not only for your life, but also for the life of others. ~ De Philosopher DJ Kyos
Pologne Et Covid quotes by De Philosopher DJ Kyos
A pandemic paradoxically becomes an opportunity to finally be able to deal with ourselves, in a long interval where the world has stopped and everything around us starts to function at a slow pace. Shopping becomes a long and slow business, and if before we hated getting stuck in the traffic or queuing at the post office, today we can do nothing but adapt to this new world of expectations and shifts, and discover the faces of our fellow men, finally looking them in the face (or rather, in the eyes).

We have rediscovered the pleasure of cooking and eating, a world that before the quarantine stopped only on TV with masterchef. If before we considered it a waste of time to cook a plate of pasta, now we have had all the time to devote to cakes, pizzas, biscuits and homemade bread as our grandmothers once did. Rediscovering genuine flavors that have little of "fast" and much of "slow".

And so we also found time to read the book that we are not never managed to finish, or we pulled our favorite board game off the shelf. These small gestures, sometimes even insignificant in appearance, are rich in meaning, since they are imbued with our time, our dedication, our passion and our love. Characteristics of the human being that have been forgotten for too long. Thus we find ourselves reflecting on our time, on the past and on the future, observing a precipitous past that makes room for a rich and decidedly slower present.

We have resumed the taste of walk ~ Corina Abdulahm Negura
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Corina Abdulahm Negura
Trust the government on COVID-19 and your life may be in danger. ~ Steven Magee
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Steven Magee
Feeling down? You know what I do. I step outside. I look at the birds, the cars, the trees, from a safe distance for everyone's sake. Soak it in! Look around. YOU ARE STILL HERE! You are healthy and take heart. YOU are doing your patriotic duty staying home! YOU got this! ~ Johnny Corn
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Johnny Corn
Now for some hope. It's Easter Sunday. The day that is usually spent with family and friends. This year is more chill. That's all. Just hanging out by staying in. ON the other side of this we will all talk about this time. It will be like where you were for the great quake of 1989 or 9-11 or where you were when JFK was shot. It's going to be one of those kinds of moments. BUT the we made it through those times. We will make it through this. We are stronger together. Plus we will have a big Easter together next year! This year let's all just chill in place. ~ Johnny Corn
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Johnny Corn
We knew how to combine our strengths in order to overcome our weaknesses, and how to live off faith when nothing else was available. ~ Aberjhani
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Aberjhani
Right now the first and foremost priority of the entire humankind must be to plank the curve through self-isolation. ~ Abhijit Naskar
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Abhijit Naskar
Covid-19 offers us a great opportunity for individual and collective recession. It is a time to go back to the drawing board and rewrite the next phase of our existence. The upcoming generation has to read about how we fought this pandemic with or without vaccines in order to overcome similar situations during their times. ~ Olawale Daniel
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Olawale Daniel
These are not ordinary times where we play politics and juggle with the safety of the society. These are the times that demand prompt decisions and utter responsibility towards not just the self but our kind – the humankind. ~ Abhijit Naskar
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Abhijit Naskar
COVID-19 created social distance and united hearts. It shook people up to see what matters most in life and reminded us that God is still in control. ~ Farshad Asl
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Farshad Asl
Don't let them blind you. It isn't only a disease. But COVID 19 is the world war 3 started by them. ~ Joshua Seguya
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Joshua Seguya
You are governed by incompetents. ~ Steven Magee
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Steven Magee
Here is a COVID-19 Commandment:

Great love has no one than this, to lay on one's couch without friends. ~ Jamie Arpin-Ricci
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Jamie Arpin-Ricci
The biggest environmental change I noticed during COVID-19 was the absence of airplanes in the sky. ~ Steven Magee
Pologne Et Covid quotes by Steven Magee
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