Philosophy Of Relaxation Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Philosophy Of Relaxation.

Quotes About Philosophy Of Relaxation

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When you get organized, I want you to sit down. Sip some coffee and look out of the window at all the other people rushing around to go somewhere.
Makes you glad that you're where you are, doesn't it? ~ Anthony T. Hincks
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Anthony T. Hincks
Actually it is quite devastating to realise how few people ever think at all. They mostly take their ideas from what they are told on the wireless, television, or in the newspapers, from people who are prepared to take a reasonable fee. To suggest anything different makes you tread on many corns of vested interest. No professional pathfinder likes you for doing it. ~ T C Lethbridge, The Power Of The Pendulum
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by T C Lethbridge, The Power Of The Pendulum
It is triple ultra forbidden to respond to criticism with violence. There are a very few injunctions in the human art of rationality that have no ifs, ands, buts, or escape clauses. This is one of them. Bad argument gets counterargument. Does not get bullet. Never. Never ever never for ever. ~ Eliezer Yudkowsky
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Eliezer Yudkowsky
One of the greatest pains to human nature is the pain of a new idea. ~ Walter Bagehot
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Walter Bagehot
You are where you always wanted to be; so enjoy the beauty of life. ~ Debasish Mridha
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Debasish Mridha
Considering the inner fitness of things, one would rather think that the very first act of a will endowed with freedom should be to sustain the belief in the freedom itself. ~ William James
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by William James
The Unknown is not the Unknowable; it need not remain the unknown for us, unless we choose ignorance or persist in our first limitations. For to all things that are not unknowable, all things in the universe, there correspond in that universe faculties which can take cognisance of them, and in man, the microcosm, these faculties are always existant and at a certain stage capable of development. We may choose not to develop them; where they are partially developed, we may discourage and impose on them a kind of atrophy. But, fundamentally all possible knowledge is knowledge within the power of humanity. And since in man there is the inalienable impulse of Nature towards self-realisation, no struggle of the intellect to limit the action of our capacities within a determined area can for ever prevail. ~ Sri Aurobindo
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Sri Aurobindo
But through years of myth-making and fear-sowing, Christianity meta-morphosed antichrists into a single Antichrist, an apocalyptic villain and Christian bogeyman used to scare people as much as Santa Claus is used to regulate children's behavior. After years of studying the concept, I began to realize the Antichrist is a character--a metaphor--who exists in nearly all religions under different names, and maybe there is some truth in it, a need for such a person. But from another perspective, this person could be seen as not a villain but a final hero to save people from their own ignorance. The apocalypse doesn't have to be fire and a brimstone. It could happen on a personal level. ~ Marilyn Manson
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Marilyn Manson
For a short time, your beauty is an important matter. It the long run, what is important is what you are. ~ Debasish Mridha
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Debasish Mridha
The beauty of real peace is that it is immune to the cares of this world. ~ Delma Pryce
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Delma Pryce
Why bear malice? Just let it go. So what of pride? It will swallow you whole. ~ Ray Davies
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Ray Davies
We find and understand the beauty of life through education. ~ Debasish Mridha
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Debasish Mridha
Art requires philosophy, just as philosophy requires art. Otherwise, what would become of beauty? ~ Paul Gauguin
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Paul Gauguin
I flipped it over: Ping Xi's business card with his name, number, e-mail address, and the corniest quotation I'd ever read: "Every act of creation is an act of destruction. - Pablo Picasso ~ Ottessa Moshfegh
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Ottessa Moshfegh
When a caterpillar bursts from its cocoon and discovers it has wings, it does not sit idly, hoping to one day turn back. It flies. ~ Kelseyleigh Reber
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Kelseyleigh Reber
If you know the answer then you have knowledge, but if you know why the answer is right, how to find the answer, and what is the implications of the answer, then you are educated. ~ Debasish Mridha
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Debasish Mridha
If a man insisted on always being serious, and never allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or become unstable without knowing it. ~ Herodotus
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Herodotus
That said, I do have my own set of beliefs. One of them is 'each to their own' and I've got absolutely no problem with other people believing whatever the hell they want to believe. Worship away my friends – that's absolutely fine by me. My only problem comes when people try to force their set of beliefs on others. That's not cool. In short, don't try to convince me to worship your God and I won't call bull shit on your charade. ~ Beans On Toast
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Beans On Toast
I have been a refugee for the last forty years in the luminous land of opportunity. Still my heart is aching with hiraeth for my native land. ~ Debasish Mridha
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Debasish Mridha
Once Kafka came to regard any philosophy as nothing more than a system of rules to be enforced, a dogma both bigger and smaller than himself, he withdrew from it. ~ Franz Kafka
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Franz Kafka
Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure. ~ Seth Grahame-Smith
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Seth Grahame-Smith
Shoot your enemies with the bullets of love, it will kill them instantly and forever. ~ Debasish Mridha
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Debasish Mridha
Philosophy, for Plato, is a kind of vision, the 'vision of truth' ... Everyone who has done any kind of creative work has experienced, in a greater or less degree, the state of mind in which, after long labour, truth or beauty appears, or seems to appear, in a sudden glory - it may only be about some small matter, or it may be about the universe. I think that most of the best creative work, in art, in science, in literature, and in philosophy, has been a result of just such a moment. ~ Bertrand Russell
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Bertrand Russell
There is no need to search; achievement leads to nowhere. It makes no difference at all, so just be happy now! Love is the only reality of the world, because it is all One, you see. And the only laws are paradox, humor and change. There is no problem, never was, and never will be. Release your struggle, let go of your mind, throw away your concerns, and relax into the world. No need to resist life, just do your best. Open your eyes and see that you are far more than you imagine. You are the world, you are the universe; you are yourself and everyone else, too! It's all the marvelous Play of God. Wake up, regain your humor. Don't worry, just be happy. You are already free! ~ Dan Millman
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Dan Millman
According to ancient Asian philosophy, life is not a circle but a spiral. Every life lesson that has ever been presented to you (which means everything you have ever been through) will come back again, in some form, until you learn it. And the stakes each time will be higher. Whatever you've learned will bear greater fruit. Whatever you've failed to learn will bear harsher consequences. Whatever didn't work in your life before this point was a reflection of the fact that you hadn't yet integrated the different parts of yourself. Where you didn't yet accept yourself, you attracted a lack of acceptance in others. Where you hadn't yet dealt with your shadows, you manifested shadowy situations. Broken parts of you encountered broken parts of others. So now you know! That was then and this is now. ~ Marianne Williamson
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Marianne Williamson
Education is the key to the door of opportunity. ~ Debasish Mridha
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Debasish Mridha
Time is an encoded pattern of fabric woven with information & energy. ~ Vishwanath S J
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Vishwanath S J
The tantras are ancient sacred books of India and Tibet. The tantras detail specific means for attaining liberation. ~ Frederick Lenz
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Frederick Lenz
to a great extent, the uncertainty of philosophy is more apparent than real: those questions which are already capable of definite answers are placed in the sciences, while those only to which, at present, no definite answer can be given, remain to form the residue which is called philosophy. ~ Bertrand Russell
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Bertrand Russell
However beautifully we carry out an asana, however flexible our body may be, if we do not achieve the integration of body, breath, and mind we cannot claim that what we are doing is yoga. ~ T. K. V. Desikachar
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by T. K. V. Desikachar
It might be plausibly maintained, that in almost every one of the leading controversies, past or present, in social philosophy, both sides were in the right in what they affirmed, though wrong in what they denied. ~ John Stuart Mill
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by John Stuart Mill
We raise predators by treating children as prey. ~ Stefan Molyneux
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Stefan Molyneux
Living in a spiritual manner, exhibiting a joyous and mindful embrace of the manifold wonders of an earthy existence, enhances life. A person develops spirituality by spending solitary time thinking about the larger issues in life. Scripting a personal philosophy for conducting a person's life is a spiritual testament. A spiritual person seeks a system of general truths that encoded statement transforms their character. ~ Kilroy J. Oldster
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Kilroy J. Oldster
Life is nothing but a clump of mud; your thoughts define which statue you can mold out of it. ~ Debasish Mridha
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Debasish Mridha
Are you not ashamed of caring so much for the making of money and for fame and prestige, when you neither think nor care about wisdom and truth and the improvement of your soul? ~ Socrates
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Socrates
It was only toward the middle of the twentieth century that the inhabitants
of many European countries came, in general unpleasantly, to the
realization that their fate could be influenced directly by intricate and
abstruse books of philosophy. ~ Czeslaw Milosz
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Czeslaw Milosz
Opinion is a product of the human mind – but it is not knowledge. ~ Eraldo Banovac
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Eraldo Banovac
Philosophy can add to our happiness in no other manner but by diminishing our misery; it should not pretend to increase our present stock, but make us economists of what we are possessed of. Happy were we all born philosophers; all born with a talent of thus dissipating our own cares by spreading them upon all mankind. ~ Oliver Goldsmith
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Oliver Goldsmith
Don't rush; just relax. Enjoy the journey of life. ~ Debasish Mridha
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Debasish Mridha
But one day you're going to wake up to the smell of a friend making burnt toast and warm coffee, and you're going to smile with relief knowing you made it. Knowing somebody found ways to love you. ~ Vanessa Hogg
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Vanessa Hogg
Whenever you find someone full of hate, purify him with forgiveness, bliss and love. ~ Debasish Mridha
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Debasish Mridha
Those who love to live enjoy the beauty of life. ~ Debasish Mridha
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Debasish Mridha
Do your best; don't worry about the results of your test. ~ Debasish Mridha
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Debasish Mridha
To enjoy the song of love and beauty, just get lost in the wonders of nature. ~ Debasish Mridha
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Debasish Mridha
Toward an Organic Philosophy

The glow of my campfire is dark red and flameless,
The circle of white ash widens around it.
I get up and walk off in the moonlight and each time
I look back the red is deeper and the light smaller.
Scorpio rises late with Mars caught in his claw;
The moon has come before them, the light
Like a choir of children in the young laurel trees.
It is April; the shad, the hot headed fish,
Climbs the rivers; there is trillium in the damp canyons;
The foetid adder's tongue lolls by the waterfall.
There was a farm at this campsite once, it is almost gone now.
There were sheep here after the farm, and fire
Long ago burned the redwoods out of the gulch,
The Douglas fir off the ridge; today the soil
Is stony and incoherent, the small stones lie flat
And plate the surface like scales.
Twenty years ago the spreading gully
Toppled the big oak over onto the house.
Now there is nothing left but the foundations
Hidden in poison oak, and above on the ridge,
Six lonely, ominous fenceposts;
The redwood beams of the barn make a footbridge
Over the deep waterless creek bed;
The hills are covered with wild oats
Dry and white by midsummer.
I walk in the random survivals of the orchard.
In a patch of moonlight a mole
Shakes his tunnel like an angry vein;
Orion walks waist deep in the ~ Kenneth Rexroth
Philosophy Of Relaxation quotes by Kenneth Rexroth
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