Pascale Naessens Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Pascale Naessens.

Quotes About Pascale Naessens

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Discoveries from one community cannot be repackaged and provided to another as a silver bullet, That's a "best practice" rollout and it invariably evokes the immune rejection response. ~ Richard Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Richard Pascale
The real objective isn't just "knowledge" or getting an 80-20 understanding of the situation. The overriding objective is engagement, creating a buzz, mobilizing people to take action. ~ Richard Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Richard Pascale
People are much more likely to act their way into a new way of thinking, than think their way into a new way of acting. ~ Richard Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Richard Pascale
My generation, we were kind of raised on the super-cool, "I can handle anything" with a gun in his hand hero. Any situation you throw at him, he can handle it - with catchphrases. It was very cool. But Joss Whedon's version of a hero doesn't always win. He loses more than he wins, and when he wins, the victories are tiny, but he takes 'em. "That's a victory! I call that a victory!" It's a tiny victory - he takes it, and that's what he walks away with. And that's something I can actually relate to. ~ Amy Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Amy Pascale
The incremental approach to change is effective when what you want is more of what you've already got. ~ Richard Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Richard Pascale
But to interpret the Islamic waqf as an 'act' of citizenship is at best unconventional. This argument requires changing our modern understanding of citizenship as contractual status. It requires considering the ways in which the concept of citizenship has evolved through history and how it enabled a division between modern and traditional and occidental and oriental.2 Once we fulfill these requirements, new avenues of thought open up through which we can interpret Islamic waqfs as acts of citizenship. ~ Pascale Gazaleh
Pascale Naessens quotes by Pascale Gazaleh
Leadership is making happen what wouldn't happen anyway and this always entails working at the edge of what is acceptable ~ Richard Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Richard Pascale
But what clicked with Joss most of all was that Greenwalt was able to balance his edginess with an old-school approach to narrative. It was Greenwalt, Joss says, who was "constantly pulling us back to 'But do we care about Buffy? But is Buffy in trouble?'" "We learned early on when we started writing that we've got to have the metaphor," Greenwalt explains. After all, a storyline that's just about a cool monster every week would quickly get old and predictable. "You've got to have the Buffy of it - what does it mean? ~ Amy Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Amy Pascale
Little deer, I've stuffed all the world's diseases inside you. / Your veins are thorns // and the good cells are lost in the deep dark woods / of your organs. ~ Pascale Petit
Pascale Naessens quotes by Pascale Petit
Joss would come to understand that this position - respecting, admiring, and identifying with women while acknowledging the objectifying influence of the male gaze - helped him create female characters that worked and connected with an audience. "You can't write from a political agenda and make stories that are in any way emotional or iconic. You have to write it from a place that's a little dark, that has to do with passion and lust and things you don't want to talk about. ~ Amy Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Amy Pascale
it is raining blessings, and we all stand under our large umbrellas. come out and let yourself be rained upon! ~ Pascale Kavanagh
Pascale Naessens quotes by Pascale Kavanagh
As Joss showed up to start work on the new season, Barr gathered everyone on staff and made a speech about how the tabloids were obsessed with her and had sources among the crew feeding them details of her personal life. Joss, who had heard about tabloid drama and the staff conflicts, anticipated a speech that would bring everybody closer: "It's us against the world, and dammit, we've got good work to do here, let's all get it done." Instead, Roseanne told the writers they had better keep their mouths shut or they would all be fired. It was a plot twist that he wasn't expecting. "It made me realize … that every time somebody opens their mouth they have an opportunity to do one of two things - connect or divide. Some people inherently divide, and some people inherently connect," Joss said. "Connecting is the most important thing, and actually an easy thing to do. I try to make a connection with someone every time I talk to them, even if I'm firing them…. People can be treated with respect. That is one of the most important things a show runner can do, is make everybody understand that we're all involved, that we're all on the same level. ~ Amy Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Amy Pascale
Pie may just be the Madonna-whore of the dessert world. ~ Pascale Le Draoulec
Pascale Naessens quotes by Pascale Le Draoulec
Back in our apartment, lights out, The Professor emerged from beneath the bed." - from "The Professor Spends the Night," in issue 4 of Literary Orphans ~ Joseph Patrick Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Joseph Patrick Pascale
With three of its fourteen episodes still unaired and two of them still in production, Firefly was canceled. ~ Amy Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Amy Pascale
Contrary to widespread faith in "communication" and "knowledge transfer," information has a social life, and unless new insights are embedded in the social system they evaporate. ~ Richard Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Richard Pascale
Corporations, in the name of efficiency, suppress variation by "getting all the ducks in line."To optimize productivity, they evolve highly refined and internally consistent operating systems. Payoff - results - as long as the music lasts. But ... all that streamlining and re-engineering limits diversity, suppresses self-organization ... and curtails a bottom up emergent response to disruptive change. ~ Richard Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Richard Pascale
According to Joss [Whedon], "TV is a question, movies are an answer. ~ Amy Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Amy Pascale
Unintended consequences get to the heart of why you never really understand an adaptive problem until you have solved it. Problems morph and "solutions" often point to deeper problems. In social life, as in nature, we are walking on a trampoline. Every inroad reconfigures the environment we tread on. ~ Richard Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Richard Pascale
The inherent preferences of organizations are clarity, certainty and perfection. The inherent nature of human relationships involves ambiguity, uncertainty, and imperfection. How one honors, balances, and integrates the needs of both is the real trick of feedback. ~ Richard Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Richard Pascale
As soon as I was old enough to have a feeling about it, I felt like I was alone. No matter how much I loved my family -- and I actually got along better with my family than I think most people do -- I just always felt separate from everybody, and was terribly lonely all the time,' Joss said. 'I wasn't living a life that was particularly different from anybody else's ... It wasn't like I didn't have friends, but .. we, all of us, are alone in our own minds, and I was very much aware of that from the very beginning of my life. Loneliness and aloneness -- which are different things -- are very much, I would say, [among the] main things I focus on in my work. ~ Amy Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Amy Pascale
Seeing trumps hearing, but doing trumps seeing! ~ Richard Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Richard Pascale
Organizations are, in the last analysis, interactions among people. ~ Richard Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Richard Pascale
Crammed among the stacks of books in his room, the author treated literature as if each book were a window in a city of unstable skyscrapers, and he was the window-washer tasked with the impossible job of cleaning them all. - From "Pageturner" in 365 Tomorrows ~ Joseph Patrick Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Joseph Patrick Pascale
Great companies make meaning. A company has a name, but its people give it meaning. ~ Richard Pascale
Pascale Naessens quotes by Richard Pascale
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