Painful Truth Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Painful Truth.

Quotes About Painful Truth

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We do not have to dig deep into history to understand the reality. The examples of Saddam Hussain, who was executed after a sham trial and the case of Muammar Gaddafi, who killed after surrendering in broad daylight, have given enough factual reality to understand the painful truth. ~ Nilantha Ilangamuwa
Painful Truth quotes by Nilantha Ilangamuwa
This book bore the label R>3214 VIII/2. And this painful truth was suddenly borne in upon the mind of Monsieur Sariette: to wit, that the most scientific system of numbering will not help to find a book if the book is no longer in its place. ~ Anatole France
Painful Truth quotes by Anatole France
It is natural to man to indulge in the illusion of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, till she transforms us into beasts. ~ Patrick Henry
Painful Truth quotes by Patrick Henry
Assyria soon discovered a painful truth: empires are like Ponzi schemes: financial frauds in which previous investors are paid returns out of new investors' deposits. The costs of holding imperial territory can only be underwritten by loot and tribute extracted by constant new conquests; empires must continue to expand if they are not to collapse. ~ Paul Kriwaczek
Painful Truth quotes by Paul Kriwaczek
Sometimes it's more noble to tell a small lie than to deliver a painful truth. ~ Robin Williams
Painful Truth quotes by Robin Williams
Just so you know, I'd rather hear the painful truth than the false comfort of beautiful lies. ~ Tina Reber
Painful Truth quotes by Tina Reber
McGovern is the only major candidate - including Lindsay and Muskie - who invariably gives a straight answer when people raise these questions. He lines out the painful truth, and his reward has been just about the same as that of any other politician who insists on telling the truth: He is mocked, vilified, ignored, and abandoned as a hopeless loser by even his good old buddies like Harold Hughes. On ~ Hunter S. Thompson
Painful Truth quotes by Hunter S. Thompson
The painful truth is that while we might have the illusion, none of us are free. ~ Laura Anne Gilman
Painful Truth quotes by Laura Anne Gilman
Painful truth is better than a pleasant lie. ~ Bryant McGill
Painful Truth quotes by Bryant McGill
The truth is that God is to be found in all things - even and most especially in the painful, tragic and unpleasant things. ~ David Brenner
Painful Truth quotes by David Brenner
Law is not as disinterested as our concepts of law pretend; law serves power; law in large measure is a recapitulation of the status quo; it confirms a rigid order designed to insulate the beneficiaries of the status quo from the disturbances of change. The painful truth
one with a long history
is that police are around in large part to guarantee a peaceful disgestion for the rich. ~ William Sloane Coffin Jr.
Painful Truth quotes by William Sloane Coffin Jr.
Sometimes being real means allowing pain or accepting a painful truth. Yet something in us aligns with an inner ground of authenticity when we are real. We love it because of its inherent rightness in our soul, the sense of "Aha, here I am and there is nothing to do but be. ~ A.H. Almaas
Painful Truth quotes by A.H. Almaas
The kindest and most meaningful thing anyone ever said to me is: Your mother would be proud of you ... The strange and painful truth is that I'm a better person because I lost my mom young. When you say you excperienced my writing as sacred, what you are touching is the divine place within me that is my mother. Sugar is the temple I build in my obliterated place. I'd give it all back in a snap, but the fact is, my grief taught me things ... It required me to suffer. It compelled me to reach. ~ Cheryl Strayed
Painful Truth quotes by Cheryl Strayed
Life asked Death 'why do people love me, but hate you?'. Death responded 'because you are a beautiful lie and I am a painful truth'. ~ Unknown
Painful Truth quotes by Unknown
Life is beautiful and this earth is heaven, but your mind is capable enough to create hell for you, on this very earth, if you go on living your life, without understanding. ~ Roshan Sharma
Painful Truth quotes by Roshan Sharma
Flattery does not encourage the perfect flow of love in the vein of your relationship. Be genuine and speak out what you feel for each other without hiding the painful truth. ~ Michael Bassey
Painful Truth quotes by Michael Bassey
When I started writing every day, I realized a painful truth: I can't react and create at the same time. Neither can you. ~ Jeff Goins
Painful Truth quotes by Jeff Goins
It is one of the severest tests of friendship to tell your friend his faults. So to love a man that you cannot bear to see a stain upon him, and to speak painful truth through loving words, that is friendship. ~ Henry Ward Beecher
Painful Truth quotes by Henry Ward Beecher
Malcolm X and Edmund Burke shared an appreciation of this important insight, this painful truth
that the state wants men to be weak and timid, not strong and proud. ~ Thomas Szasz
Painful Truth quotes by Thomas Szasz
We all talk about how much we hate lies. Yet we prefer, so often, to be lied to ... because it allows us to dodge all those painful truths we'd rather not hear. ~ Douglas Kennedy
Painful Truth quotes by Douglas Kennedy
A painful truth I'd learn later: you may be ready to grow, but you can't fertilize friends and grow them with you. ~ Sara Levine
Painful Truth quotes by Sara Levine
Ah, the painful truth: Fate was a cosmic toilet. It was the nature of the universe to flush sluggish things that failed to exercise free will. Stasis was stagnancy. Change was velocity. Fate - a sniper that preferred a motionless target to a dancing one. ~ Karen Marie Moning
Painful Truth quotes by Karen Marie Moning
Admit at least one painful truth to yourself every day. Teach yourself to feel that life would still be worth living even if you were not immeasurably superior to all your friends. Exercises of this sort, prolonged through several years, will at last enable you to admit facts without flinching, and will, in so doing, free you from the empire of fear over a very large field. ~ Bertrand Russell
Painful Truth quotes by Bertrand Russell
We hurt most who we love the most. Bad grammar, painful truth. ~ Andy Stanley
Painful Truth quotes by Andy Stanley
We see the evil in others because we know the evil in ourselves. We never forgive those whou wound us because we believe that we would never be forgiven. We say the painful truth to others because we want to hide it from ourselves. We show our strength, so that no one can see our frailty. That is why, whenever you judge your brother, be aware that it is you who is in the dock. ~ Paulo Coelho
Painful Truth quotes by Paulo Coelho
It is better to choose to know the painful truth rather than settle on a comforting lie. Resolve to look for and to accept the truth, no matter how much it hurts. Nothing built on lies lasts. ~ Rod Dreher
Painful Truth quotes by Rod Dreher
Coachable people seek out those who speak truth to them, even if it is a painful truth, because it protects them and it makes them a better person and leader. ~ Gary Rohrmayer
Painful Truth quotes by Gary Rohrmayer
The painful truth about life is not death but death while you are alive. ~ Santosh Kalwar
Painful Truth quotes by Santosh Kalwar
Someone once said to me, 'Some of us choose to live with a lifeboat just a little bit out of our reach.' I'd like to reach a point where I no longer bullshit myself. I think that's the natural human condition - to lie to yourself. Because the truth is painful. ~ Dustin Hoffman
Painful Truth quotes by Dustin Hoffman
If truth is like the terrain, are we the generation who sees it as one who has worn shoes all his life or one who has never worn shoes? Yet still, even if the walk starts out as painful, the experience may be well worth it. ~ Criss Jami
Painful Truth quotes by Criss Jami
Your mind will believe comforting lies while also knowing the painful truths that make those lies necessary. And your mind will punish you for believing both. ~ Patrick Ness
Painful Truth quotes by Patrick Ness
You've got to have confidence in the very thing that makes you unique – then wait for the world to catch up ~ Lindsey Stirling
Painful Truth quotes by Lindsey Stirling
I know, it's been told; lies compromise but the truth gets old. ~ Stick Figure
Painful Truth quotes by Stick Figure
Truth has very few friends and those few are suicides. ~ Antonio Porchia
Painful Truth quotes by Antonio Porchia
The truth is the most important part of being impeccable with your word ... Only the truth will set us free. ~ Miguel Angel Ruiz
Painful Truth quotes by Miguel Angel Ruiz
Home is to be a safe place, a refuge for all who enter, a protection from the harm and storms of the world. Yet often or even daily we open our doors
usually via television or the internet
to ideas and images that can damage our faith, abuse our hearts and minds, sear our psyches, and tear apart our peace. Home should be a place where, behind its doors, one should expect to find protection and safety from all the harms of life, including voices that do not speak truth or wisdom. Only the foolish would invite just anyone to enter the door of their home. ~ Sally Clarkson
Painful Truth quotes by Sally Clarkson
A state may well not survive its writers telling its people the truth. ~ Korney Chukovsky
Painful Truth quotes by Korney Chukovsky
Us women, no matter how crude we are with one another,we must always remember that we have two enemies in common."
The three of us look at each other confused, then back at Ms. Eleanor waiting for her to answer.
"Men," she sighs, still staring off. "And old age. ~ Chelsea Ballinger
Painful Truth quotes by Chelsea Ballinger
Nine of us now seem to feel that the defendant is innocent, but we're just gambling on probabilities. We may be wrong. We may be trying to return a guilty man to the community. No one can really know. But we have a reasonable doubt, and this is a safeguard that has enormous value in our system. No jury can declare a man guilty unless it's sure. We nine can't understand how you three are still so sure. Maybe you can tell us. ~ Reginald Rose
Painful Truth quotes by Reginald Rose
To speak of a communication failure implies a breakdown of some sort. Yet this does not accurately portray what occurs. In truth, communication difficulties arise not from breakdown but from the characteristics of the system itself. Despite promising beginnings in our intimate relationships, we tend over time to evolve a system of communication that suppresses rather than reveals information. Life is complicated, and confirming or disconfirming the well-being of a relationship takes effort. Once we are comfortably coupled, the intense, energy-consuming monitoring of courtship days is replaced by a simpler, more efficient method. Unable to witness our partners' every activity or verify every nuance of meaning, we evolve a communication system based on trust. We gradually cease our attentive probing, relying instead on familiar cues and signals to stand as testament to the strength of the bond: the words "I love you," holidays with the family, good sex, special times with shared friends, the routine exchange, "How was your day?" We take these signals as representative of the relationship and turn our monitoring energies elsewhere.
Not only do the initiator's negative signals tend to become incorporated into the existing routine, but, paradoxically, the initiator actively contributes to the impression that life goes on as usual. Even as they express their unhappiness, initiators work at emphasizing and maintaining the routine aspects of life with the other person, ~ Diane Vaughan
Painful Truth quotes by Diane Vaughan
We can change our outer aspect of life by changing our attitude of mind. ~ Debasish Mridha
Painful Truth quotes by Debasish Mridha
He who knows more is more responsible. ~ Alireza Salehi Nejad
Painful Truth quotes by Alireza Salehi Nejad
I do that a lot of authors still do not do is allow people to write directly to me. I get about 50 fan letters a day, and I answer every single one of them myself. It takes a lot of time and sometimes it's a pain in the neck and I answer the same questions over and over. But the truth is these people come to my readings clutching these letters saying, "You wrote me back. I can't believe you wrote me back", and I think it really means a lot for them to know that the author values them just as much as they value the author. ~ Steven Tyler
Painful Truth quotes by Steven Tyler
Telling the truth should be kept as a last resort, Daniel, even more so to a nun ~ Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Painful Truth quotes by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Coming from the William Morris mailroom as I have, this book
is the truth of what I experienced, and it reminded me of all the
fun and craziness and fake drama that trained me for this
profession. It's hilarious, a bit crazy, and it should make anyone
wonder why people put their careers in the hands of these
idiotsand remember I'm one of them. If you have a child,
make sure he or she reads this before starting at the bottom-
anywhere. ~ Bernie Brillstein
Painful Truth quotes by Bernie Brillstein
In life, finding a voice is speaking and living the truth. Each of you is an original. Each of you has a distinctive voice. When you find it, your story will be told. You will be heard. ~ John Grisham
Painful Truth quotes by John Grisham
When inspiration touches talent, she gives birth to truth and beauty. ~ Steven Pressfield
Painful Truth quotes by Steven Pressfield
Humans are born in truth, but we grow up believing in lies. one of the biggest lies in the story of humanity is the lie of our imperfection. ~ Miguel Ruiz
Painful Truth quotes by Miguel Ruiz
1. Modern thinking is a mysterious entity, it is covered in blood and is two meters tall, its smile opens your soul to you and its smile descends to the earth and opens a portal to the dimension of eternal laughter, into a world without values.
2. Death from the dust of all the dead and dust of memories. Fear is all out of the darkness of the subconscious of billions of threads of manipulation.
3. Under the ordinary eye, the eye of anger. Under the eye of anger, the eye of despondency. Under the eye of despondency, the eye of insight of enlightenment of good and light, selfless nobleness.
4. The face tears up from laughter, and there is not flesh and soul, but a continuous smile of awareness.
5. Love is a sports scoreboard, the score of the one who loves more is kept.
6. Truth is a card. An illusion. You tilt a little, you see one, and you straighten up you see another.
7. Lust is erotic poker cards, poker for stripping the truth. Here you will win only loneliness.
8. Reality is a terrible dystopia of smiling optimism, with wired senses, with laughing monsters in your head, that is, your vices.
9. Wandering around in the midst of twilight darkness, the creative person revealed to the world what was hidden in the egg that lay in this fog, essences and monsters of the subconscious crawled out of it through the force field of imagination and depravity, through the force field they arise in the mind. Some in the imagination become prettier, ~ Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
Painful Truth quotes by Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
The worst enemy of unscrupulous political movers and dishonest, destructive, greedy, ambitious, Machiavellian politicians is the TRUTH.
~ Angelica Hopes, The F. F. Trilogy ~ Angelica Hopes
Painful Truth quotes by Angelica Hopes
When possession of wealth or splendors brings happiness- it is an illusion, when attainment of certain mental state brings happiness- it is a real possession. ~ Debasish Mridha
Painful Truth quotes by Debasish Mridha
Every Superstate has one iron rule: logic is an enemy and the truth is a menace. ~ Rod Serling
Painful Truth quotes by Rod Serling
I believe that organized religion is an ornament to the truth, and that aesthetics are part of its power. ~ Andrew Solomon
Painful Truth quotes by Andrew Solomon
If now isn't a good time for the truth I don't see when we'll get to it. ~ Nikki Giovanni
Painful Truth quotes by Nikki Giovanni
The Study of philosophy is not that we may know what men have thought, but what the truth of things is. ~ Thomas Aquinas
Painful Truth quotes by Thomas Aquinas
What I seek to accomplish is simply to serve with my feeble capacity truth and justice, at the risk of pleasing no one. ~ Albert Einstein
Painful Truth quotes by Albert Einstein
The whole thing had been painful to the point of nausea, made worse by covert sympathetic looks from Nina. If there's one thing I dislike more than being hurt, it's being seen to be hurt. I've always preferred to creep away and lick my wounds in private. ~ Ruth Ware
Painful Truth quotes by Ruth Ware
For we conceive it as the aim of a philosopher, as such, to do somewhat more than define and formulate the common normal opinions of mankind. His function is to tell men what they ought to think, rather than what they do think: he is expected to transcend Common Sense in his premises, and is allowed a certain divergence from Common Sense in his conclusions. It is true that the limits of this deviation are firmly, though indefinitely, fixed: the truth of a philosopher's premises will always be tested by the acceptability of his conclusions: if in any important point he be found in flagrant conflict with common opinion, his method is likely to be declared invalid. Still, though he is expected to establish and concatenate at least the main part of the commonly accepted moral rules, he is not necessarily bound to take them as the basis on which his own system is constructed. Rather, we should expect that the history of Moral Philosophy--so far at least as those whom we may call orthodox thinkers are concerned--would be a history of attempts to enunciate, in full breadth and clearness, those primary intuitions of Reason, by the scientific application of which the common moral thought of mankind may be at once systematized and corrected. ~ Henry Sidgwick
Painful Truth quotes by Henry Sidgwick
Despite the best efforts of apologists like William Lane Craig, the 'evidence' for Christianity's truth is, in truth, not the kind that science will or should ever admit. We believers mean something different by the word: something that puts faith permanently in the category of irreproducible results. ~ Francis Spufford
Painful Truth quotes by Francis Spufford
Mr. Henry James writes fiction as if it were a painful duty. ~ Oscar Wilde
Painful Truth quotes by Oscar Wilde
Chinese define image in these terms: there are three mirrors that form a person's reflection; the first is how you see yourself, the second is how others see you and the third mirror reflects the truth. ~ Robin S. Sharma
Painful Truth quotes by Robin S. Sharma
You can stand on truth but you will limp on lies. ~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Painful Truth quotes by Matshona Dhliwayo
Indeed, the truth that many people never understand, until it is too late, is that the more you try to avoid suffering, the more you suffer, because smaller and more insignificant things begin to torture you, in proportion to your fear of being hurt. The one who does most to avoid suffering is, in the end, the one who suffers the most: and his suffering comes to him from things so little and so trivial that one can say that it is no longer objective at all. It is his own existence, his own being, that is at once the subject and the source of his pain, and his very existence and consciousness is his greatest torture. ~ Thomas Merton
Painful Truth quotes by Thomas Merton
Why do you continue your... charade? Your current position would seem to be a good one for revealing the truth'.
'A few people know, sir. Bobby, Jane, some of the Leatherbacks. For the rest... it just seems easier to keep things as they are.' Winter thought of Novus and his tirade. 'It would be one thing if I had just joined up, but it's been so long. People might be upset that they'd been fooled. And...'
Janus raised an eyebrow. Winter hesitated.
'It's all right for the Girl's Own,' she said. 'They joined up because Vordan needs them, and when the war's over they'll go home. I... I haven't anywhere to go.' She tugged the collar of her uniform. 'This is who I am now, for better or worse. This is my home. After the war, maybe it will be all right for a woman to keep this on, but... maybe not.'
Winter found her throat getting thick. She'd never put it that way before, never even thought it so bluntly. This is my home. ~ Django Wexler
Painful Truth quotes by Django Wexler
The people of today have no nobility. They do not even know what it means to be noble of heart. There is no strength of character; there is only emotion. We live in a worldwide society of emotion-based actions, emotion-based thinking, emotion-based words. People do things because they feel like it, they think things ruled by their emotions to think it and they say things because in that moment it's what they are feeling. Character does, thinks and says from a place of core identity and truth. "This is my truth, thus I will do it, think it, speak it." Nobility means strength of character, a word of honor, immovability and mind over matter. The feelings and emotions of a noble person do not merely come and go with the tides; they are there in the first place because they wouldn't have been there if it were not already decided upon. That is nobility. ~ C. JoyBell C.
Painful Truth quotes by C. JoyBell C.
For Lacan, psychoanalysis at its most fundamental is not a theory and technique of treating psychic disturbances, but a theory and practice that confronts individuals with the most radical dimension of human existence. It does not show an individual the way to accommodate him- or herself to the demands of social reality; instead it explains how something like 'reality' constitutes itself in the first place. It does not merely enable a human being to accept the repressed truth about him- or herself; it explains how the dimension of truth emerges in human reality. ~ Slavoj Zizek
Painful Truth quotes by Slavoj Zizek
A person who makes full use of and exploits his talents, potentialities, and capacities. Such a person seems to be fulfilling himself and doing the best he is capable of doing. The self-actualized person must find in his life those qualities that make his living rich and rewarding. He must find meaningfulness, self-sufficiency, effortlessness, playfulness, richness, simplicity, completion, necessity, perfection, individuality, beauty, and truth. ~ Abraham Maslow
Painful Truth quotes by Abraham Maslow
Do you want the truth or the politically correct version? The truth is that I go plastic, it's so much easier. And I like to put the bags over my head at night when I sleep, which I think all the kids at home should try. Kidding!! ~ George Clooney
Painful Truth quotes by George Clooney
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