Nuvens De Magalhaes Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Nuvens De Magalhaes.

Quotes About Nuvens De Magalhaes

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There are only two families in the world, my old grandmother used to say, the Haves and the Have-nots. ~ Miguel De Cervantes
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Miguel De Cervantes
Only make yourself honey and the flies will suck you. ~ Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra
To punish you for your suspicions, I shall leave you to live with them: I shan't tell you anything at all. ~ Pierre Choderlos De Laclos
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Pierre Choderlos De Laclos
Now, I'm not going to deny that I was aware of your beauty. But the point is, this has nothing to do with your beauty. As I got to know you, I began to realise that beauty was the least of your qualities. I became fascinated by your goodness. I was drawn in by it. I didn't understand what was happening to me. And it was only when I began to feel actual, physical pain every time you left the room that it finally dawned on me: I was in love, for the first time in my life. I knew it was hopeless, but that didn't matter to me. And it's not that I want to have you. All I want is to deserve you. Tell me what to do. Show me how to behave. I'll do anything you say. ~ Pierre-Ambroise Choderlos De Laclos
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Pierre-Ambroise Choderlos De Laclos
From an early age I set myself above the monstrous fantasies of religion, being perfectly convinced that the existence of the creator is a revolting absurdity in which not even children believe any more; there is no need for me to restrain my tastes in order to please Him, it is from Nature that I received these tastes, and I should offend her by resisting them – if they are wicked, it is because they serve her purposes. In her hands I am nothing but a machine for her to operate as she wishes, and there is not a single one of my crimes that fails to serve her; the greater her need, the more she spurs me on – I should be a fool to resist her. Only the law stands in my way, but I defy it – my gold and my influence place me beyond the reach of those crude scales meant only for the common people. ~ Marquis De Sade
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Marquis De Sade
L'amoureux qui n'oublie pas quelquefois meurt par exce' s, fatigue et tension de me moire (tel Werther). The lover who does not forget sometimes dies from excess, fatigue, and the strain of memory (like Werther). ~ Roland Barthes
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Roland Barthes
They took over from the old order not only most of its customs, conventions, and modes of thought, but even those ideas which prompted our revolutionaries to destroy it; that, in fact, though nothing was further from their intentions, they used the debris of the old order for building up the new. ~ Alexis De Tocqueville
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Alexis De Tocqueville
There are no accidents so unlucky but the prudent may draw some advantage from them. ~ Francois De La Rochefoucauld
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Francois De La Rochefoucauld
Monsieur Lerebour was short, round and jovial, with the joviality of a shopkeeper who liked to do himself well. His wife, who was thin, self-willed and perpetually discontented, had still not succeeded in overcoming her husband's good humour. ~ Guy De Maupassant
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Guy De Maupassant
I worked on movies with a lot of violence when I was a cinematographer, and it always bothered me. It's a personal thing. I wouldn't want my kids to see it. I certainly believe that freedom of expression shouldn't be taken away, but I also believe you can make movies that are thrilling and exciting without too much violence. ~ Jan De Bont
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Jan De Bont
You curl your hair and paint your face. Not I: I am curled by the wind, painted by the sun. ~ Julia De Burgos
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Julia De Burgos
Roberto Mancini's got that Italian style, the old joie de vivre. ~ Perry Groves
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Perry Groves
On the evenings when my parents held parties, the drawing-room mirrors multiplied to infinity the scintillations of a crystal chandelier. Mama would take her seat at the grand piano to accompany a lady dressed in a cloud of tulle who played the violin and a cousin who performed on a cello. I would crack between my teeth the candied shell of an artificial fruit, and a burst of light would illuminate my palate with a taste of blackcurrant or pineapple: all the colours, all the lights were mine, the gauzy scarves, the diamonds, the laces; I held the whole party in my mouth. ~ Simone De Beauvoir
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Simone De Beauvoir
The grace of God is abundant. It is for all lands, for all ages, for all conditions. It seems to undergird everything. Pardon for the worst sin, comfort for the sharpest suffering, brightest light for the thickest darkness. ~ Thomas De Witt Talmage
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Thomas De Witt Talmage
One can have a society without God," writes Régis Debray, "but there cannot be a society without religion." He adds, "Those nations on the way to disbelief are on the path to abdication." One can also cite Georges Bataille, according to whom, "religion, whose essence is the search for lost intimacy, boils down to a clearly conscious effort to become entirely self-conscious. ~ Alain De Benoist
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Alain De Benoist
There ain't no coupe de Ville hidin' in the bottom of a Cracker Jack box. ~ Meat Loaf
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Meat Loaf
Gratitude is a fool's word; we find it in the dictionary, but it is not in the heart of man. ~ Honore De Balzac
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Honore De Balzac
Paganism therefore implies the rejection of this discontinuity, this rupture, this fundamental tear, which is the "dualistic fiction," which, as Nietzsche wrote in The Antichrist, "degenerated God into the contradiction of life, instead of being its transfiguration and eternal Yes! ~ Alain De Benoist
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Alain De Benoist
Back at the oasis you told me that one day I'd figure out I was special... I'm done waiting. - Nephenia ~ Sebastien De Castell
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Sebastien De Castell
To judge from the notions expounded by theologians, one must conclude that God created most men simply with a view to crowding hell. ~ Marquis De Sade
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Marquis De Sade
"You ought to be ashamed," a woman in an Easter bonnet told Stein. "Your race gave us our religion ... " "From ancient polytheism, the belief in lots of gods," the woman continued a little more eruditely, "the Hebrew nation led us on to the idea that there is only one." "Which is just a step from the truth," said Stein. ~ Peter De Vries
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Peter De Vries
Rejection hurts so much because we take it as a damning judgement passed not merely on our physical appeal but on our entire selves, and by extension (at this stage we're crying into our pillow, as something by Bach or Leonard Cohen plays on the stereo) on our very right to exist. 2. ~ Alain De Botton
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Alain De Botton
Upon my arrival in the United States the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention; and the longer I stayed there, the more I perceived the great political consequences resulting from this new state of things. In France, I had almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom marching in opposite directions. But in America I found they were intimately united and that they reigned in common over the same country. ~ Alexis De Tocqueville
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Alexis De Tocqueville
O my child, bethink you that just as the bee, having gathered heaven's dew and earth's sweetest juices from amid the flowers, carries it to her hive; so the Priest, having taken the Saviour, God's Own Son, Who came down from Heaven, the Son of Mary, Who sprang up as earth's choicest flower, from the Altar, feeds you with that Bread of Sweetness and of all delight. ~ Saint Francis De Sales
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Saint Francis De Sales
And the first thing I have got to say is, that for my own part I hold my master Don Quixote to be stark mad, though sometimes he says things that, to my mind, and indeed everybody's that listens to him, are so wise, and run in such a straight furrow, that Satan himself could not have said them better; but for all that, really, and beyond all question, it's my firm belief he is cracked. ~ Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra
One of the greatest and also the commonest of faults is for men to believe that, because they never hear their shortcomings spoken of, or read about them in cold print, others can have no knowledge of them. GEORG CHRISTOPH LICHTENBERG, The Reflections of Lichtenberg We are often more agreeable through our faults than our good qualities. ~ Francois De La Rochefoucauld
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Francois De La Rochefoucauld
My dear and old country, here we are once again together faced with a heavy trial. ~ Charles De Gaulle
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Charles De Gaulle
I enter into conference, and dispute with great liberty and facility, forasmuch as opinion meets in me with a soil very unfit for penetration, and wherein to take any deep root; no propositions astonish me, no belief offends me, though never so contrary to my own; there is no so frivolous and extravagant fancy that does not seem to me suitable to the production of human wit. We, who deprive our judgment of the right of determining, look indifferently upon the diverse opinions, and if we incline not our judgment to them, yet we easily give them the hearing. ~ Michel De Montaigne
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Michel De Montaigne
In friendship as well as love, ignorance very often contributes more to our happiness than knowledge. ~ Francois De La Rochefoucauld
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Francois De La Rochefoucauld
Love is the soul of every life of prayer and of every good work. ~ Concepcion Cabrera De Armida
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Concepcion Cabrera De Armida
It clearly appears that there are no races in the world, however rude, uncultivated, barbarous, gross, or almost brutal they may be, who cannot be persuaded and brought to a good order and way of life, and made domestic, mild and tractable, provided ... the method that is proper and natural to men is used; that is, love and gentleness and kindness. ~ Bartolome De Las Casas
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Bartolome De Las Casas
The woman who loves always smells good. ~ Remy De Gourmont
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Remy De Gourmont
All my life I've wanted to be the kid who gets to cross over into the magical kingdom. ~ Charles De Lint
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Charles De Lint
We must always live in hope; without that consolation there would be no living. ~ Marie De Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise De Sevigne
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Marie De Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise De Sevigne
As the Arabs say, The nature of rain is the same, but it makes thorns grow in the marshes and flowers in the gardens. ~ Anthony De Mello
Nuvens De Magalhaes quotes by Anthony De Mello
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