No Strings Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about No Strings.

Quotes About No Strings

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God attaches no strings to His love. None. His love for us does not depend on our loveliness. It goes one way. As far as our sin may extend, the grace of our Father extends further. ~ Tullian Tchividjian
No Strings quotes by Tullian Tchividjian
You know, I'll tell you, nothing changed after 'No Strings' for me. A lot of people said, like, 'Your game will be different,' but it wasn't. It really wasn't. ~ Jake Johnson
No Strings quotes by Jake Johnson
The good thing about kids is that they'll tell you the truth, straight-up, no strings attached, no holds barred honesty. The bad thing about kids is that they'll tell you the truth, straight-up, no strings attached, no holds barred honesty. ~ C.M. Stunich
No Strings quotes by C.M. Stunich
For the next week, every day, listen to the words of your friends or colleagues. Try to hear what others communicate as a need or want. Your goal is to begin to give to others out of things that you already have in your possession. They may just need to borrow something, or you may choose to give them a gift with no strings attached. Listen to statements like this: "I really need _______." "I could really use a _______." "I have been wanting to get ______." Try to think about everyday things in your home that you could give to make a friend's life easier and your life simpler. Match something you have in your possession with a need of a friend. No strings attached. Just let it go. Give it away. Be generous. Give something larger than usual. You will be amazed how others will respond positively and with surprise. Get a taste of what it feels like to give out of your excess this week. ~ Jeff Shinabarger
No Strings quotes by Jeff Shinabarger
Unconditional love is a gift of the heart. It's a gift that we can both give and receive that comes with no strings attached, no qualifications, reservations, footnotes, asterisks, objections, judgments, or other kinds of fine print legalese that later have to be uncovered, argued over, or cried about. ~ Catherine Carrigan
No Strings quotes by Catherine Carrigan
I'm not talking about the girl who wants to have fun and a good time with no strings attached. I'm talking about the girl who's looking for a free ride after the ride ends. ~ Penny Reid
No Strings quotes by Penny Reid
Caretaking is different from care giving. Care giving has no second agendas or hidden motives. The care is given from love for the joy of giving without expectation, no strings attached. It cannot be manipulated or discouraged because love cannot be manipulated or discouraged. ~ Gary Zukav
No Strings quotes by Gary Zukav
I do not have a hero complex. I have always been attracted to strong, independent women. I like a girl who has her shit together. No strings. Simple. Confident. But the way she nearly sighed the word 'broken'--as if it was her sole identifier, as if it's branded on her somehow, as if admitting this has cost her dearly, shamed her--just killed me a little bit. I want to save her. I want to be her hero. I want to make her see she is so much more than her damaged past. ~ Cheryl McIntyre
No Strings quotes by Cheryl McIntyre
We said it from the beginning. No strings. No regrets. We lay, tangled in a web of sheets, Limbs and anemic light, And we passed promises back and forth like slippery stars. You told me you were recovering from A broken heart. I told you I was recovering from A broken life. Fair enough, we agreed and laughed. We wrote stories on our bodies. Middles and endings Etched onto our feet and the palms of our hands. Our hopes were lettered in black and silver On a background of stark white flesh. We traded words on our tongues like tiny drops of melted sugar. ~ Autumn Doughton
No Strings quotes by Autumn Doughton
A good father loves his daughter with no strings attached. He is available. He is both strong and tender. Being big and strong doesn't mean being separate from one's feelings; to the contrary, it means being very much in touch with them. Women who experienced fathers like that know that a strong man can cry, and that a man who can cry can also be very strong. ~ Marlin S. Potash
No Strings quotes by Marlin S. Potash
In LA, you can't do anything unless you drive. Now I can't do anything unless I drink. And the drink-drive combination, it really isn't possible out there. If you so much as loosen your seatbelt or drop your ash or pick your nose, then it's an Alcatraz autopsy with the questions asked later. Any indiscipline, you feel, any variation, and there's a bullhorn, a set of scope sights, and a coptered pig drawing a bead on your rug.
So what can a poor boy do? You come out of the hotel, the Vraimont. Over boiling Watts the downtown skyline carries a smear of God's green snot. You walk left, you walk right, you are a bank rat on a busy river. This restaurant serves no drink, this one serves no meat, this one serves no heterosexuals. You can get your chimp shampooed, you can get your dick tattooed, twenty-four hour, but can you get lunch? And should you see a sign on the far side of the street flashing BEEF-BOOZE – NO STRINGS, then you can forget it. The only way to get across the road is to be born there. All the ped-xing signs say DON'T WALK, all of them, all the time. That is the message, the content of Los Angeles: don't walk. Stay inside. Don't walk. Drive. Don't walk. Run! ~ Martin Amis
No Strings quotes by Martin Amis
If you want something with no strings attached, sometimes you need to tie up the loose ends first. ~ Russell Eric Dobda
No Strings quotes by Russell Eric Dobda
Wyatt complements me beautifully. Where I'm a dreamer, he's a thinker. Where I'm silly, he's grounded. And the love he shows me in unlike anything I've ever known. There are no strings. No expectations. Just love. ~ Kristen Proby
No Strings quotes by Kristen Proby

Just your hot heart,
nothing more.

My Paradise, a field,
no nightingales,
no strings,
a river, discrete,
and a little fountain.

Without the spurs,
of the wind, in the branches,
without the star,
that wants to be a leaf.

An enormous light
that will be
the flow
of the Other,
in a field of broken gazes.

A still calm
where our kisses,
sonorous circles
of echoes,
will open, far-off.

And your hot heart,
nothing more. ~ Federico Garcia Lorca
No Strings quotes by Federico Garcia Lorca
Contrary to what we conclude naturally, the gospel is not too good to be true. It is true! It's the truest truth in the entire universe. No strings attached! No fine print to read. No buts. No conditions. No qualifications. No footnotes. And especially, no need for balance. ~ Tullian Tchividjian
No Strings quotes by Tullian Tchividjian
There is a huge difference between giving out of love and giving out of guilt. Giving out of love is a genuine giving, it comes from the deepest place of honesty and compassion and it has no strings attached. On other hand giving out of guilt is untruthful giving that comes from the darkest dungeon of manipulation, hoping the guilt will go away. The person who gives out of guilt always reminds others about her giving and she/he demands a public appreciation. Gratitude comes from the pure thankful heart, people should not be forced to do it, let them voice it out on their
own time. ~ Euginia Herlihy
No Strings quotes by Euginia Herlihy
I was shooting a scene in my new film, No Strings Attached, in which I say to Natalie Portman, If you miss me. you can't text, you can't email, you can't post it on my Facebook wall. If you really miss me, you come and see me. ~ Ashton Kutcher
No Strings quotes by Ashton Kutcher
She cleared her throat and asked, "Do you have a preference?"
Christ, was she insane?
"I'd love to feel at least one part of you without latex between us. ~ Aline Hunter
No Strings quotes by Aline Hunter
Accept the good, however big or small, with no strings attached. ~ Charles F. Glassman
No Strings quotes by Charles F. Glassman
It wasn't until I'd walked halfway across the parking lot that I realized:
1. I wasn't wearing shoes.
A. Or a shirt.
2. I didn't bring my keys
A. Or anything really.
3. I'd just left a complete stranger in my apartment.
A. Naked.
Whoever said one-night stands were supposed to be simple with no strings attached had clearly never met the disaster that was me. ~ Cora Carmack
No Strings quotes by Cora Carmack
Lookin back on it at least my pride is in tact cause we said no strings attached and I still got tied up in that ~ Drake
No Strings quotes by Drake
Every day, my mom and I would watch a different Judy Garland VHS. I love how she tells a story when she sings. It was just about her voice and the words she was singing - no strings attached or silly hair or costumes, just a woman singing her heart out. I feel like that doesn't happen that much anymore. ~ Ariana Grande
No Strings quotes by Ariana Grande
My big break was really Liz Meriwether saw me in a movie called 'Paper Heart' and really liked it, and then saw me in a movie called 'Ceremony' because she knew Max Winkler and said, 'I want you to be in 'No Strings Attached,' but you gotta audition for it.' From that it was easier for her to get me in 'New Girl.' ~ Jake Johnson
No Strings quotes by Jake Johnson
His love came with no strings attached, which I thought was the greatest gift one human being could give to another. ~ Lisa Kleypas
No Strings quotes by Lisa Kleypas
Independence. Freedom. Liberty. These have become bywords of our time. And yet we hardly understand the terms at all anymore ... The assumption is now nearly automatic that freedom is without substance. It is an extrinsic condition, and a negative at that. It means that there are no strings upon the autonomous self. It is ... freedom as license, as a permission slip to do as you please. It is freedom that worships the abstraction of choice: choice is the only thing that matters; whether it is one choice or another matters not at all. ~ Anthony Esolen
No Strings quotes by Anthony Esolen
Just don't tell me you're in love, OK?"
"Sister, I ain't even in line. ~ Thomas Pynchon
No Strings quotes by Thomas Pynchon
Politicians see a more politically and socially active population that must be appeased, and they will continue to fall all over themselves to get the female vote. Women are better suited to and better served by the globalism and consumerism of modern democracies that promise security, no-strings attached sex and shopping.

The new Way of Women depends on prosperity, security, and globalism. Any return of honor and The Way of Men and the eventual restoration of balance and harmony between the sexes will require the weakening of all three. ~ Jack Donovan
No Strings quotes by Jack Donovan
Your giving is sacred and therefore should be kept secret. It is wise to give quietly with no strings attached. ~ Catherine Ponder
No Strings quotes by Catherine Ponder
Love is ... like a spring coming up out of the ground of our own depths. "I am gift." All that I am is something that's given, and given freely. Being doesn't cost anything. There's no price tag, no strings attached. ~ Thomas Merton
No Strings quotes by Thomas Merton
Comedy is a very delicate business, especially comedies that sort of attempt to do things in an honest way and in a very naturalistic way the way that 'No Strings Attached' is. ~ Ivan Reitman
No Strings quotes by Ivan Reitman
There she is," he said.

I scanned the room for Mason's current love interest. "Where?"

"Pink top, brown ponytail."

"She's cute. But a little too innocent for your taste."

"Looks can be deceiving." He grinned.

"How did a girl like me end up with a man-whore like you for a best friend?"

"I'm the one who should be asking how a guy like me ended up with a prude like you."

"Hey, I'm not a prude. Well, at least I don't think I am. Who knows?"

"I already volunteered my services. Telling you, once you're devirginized you're gonna go wild. Might as well get it out of the way."

I hushed him and looked around. "Someone will hear you."

"A guy who likes sex and a girl who's a virgin. Yeah, that's something no one's ever seen before." He shrugged. "I'm just trying to do you a favor."

I laughed. "Your thoughtfulness amazes me."

"No-strings-attached sex is very generous. You laugh now but one day you'll come around."

"No thanks. I know where you've been."

"Good point." He glanced back at the girl. "And you know where I'm going."

I rolled my eyes. "Go. It's fine."

"That's okay. I'll find her later. I promised not to abandon you."

"Go. Seriously. I'm fine. I'll practice blending in with the walls."

"Now I really can't leave you." He shifted his weight and stared at me.

"It was a joke. Any ~ Renita Pizzitola
No Strings quotes by Renita Pizzitola
Caregiving has no second agendas or hidden motives. The care is given from love for the joy of giving without expectation, no strings attached. ~ Gary Zukav
No Strings quotes by Gary Zukav
He raised his bottle. "Well, if you ever want to go diving when you're off duty, let me know." "I'm not looking for a relationship, Mr. Carver. I'm here to solve a murder." He opened his front door to go inside. "Who said anything about a relationship? I'm just offering a no-strings recreational dive." A ~ Toni Anderson
No Strings quotes by Toni Anderson
My life is a blank check before God ... No strings attached. ~ David Platt
No Strings quotes by David Platt
No strings attached," Constance said again. "Oh, there are always strings," I replied. "Whether we put them there or not. ~ Caitlin R. Kiernan
No Strings quotes by Caitlin R. Kiernan
No questions. No strings. You were right: it's the only way it'll work."
Dismayed, I stare at him. "But James--"
"Until September comes and you walk out of my life forever, we're going to spend every day as if its out last. No regrets. No looking back or forward. Just being in the moment. Making every minute count. Making memories we both can treasure after we go back to our real lives. ~ J.T. Geissinger
No Strings quotes by J.T. Geissinger
This is why hookups never work for me: I don't like having to mentally process it all after. I don't like questioning my behaviour, questioning theirs. There are too many rules to such a game that are purported to have no strings attached. ~ Christina Lauren
No Strings quotes by Christina Lauren
I still feel like the 10-year-old dancing in front of her mirror, mostly to 'No Strings Attached.' ~ Betty Who
No Strings quotes by Betty Who
To love with expectations is, in the end, an oppressive, driven thing, and people know it when they receive it. To love as God loves us
in freedom and with no strings attached
is a way to grant others a liberating gift. ~ Mark Galli
No Strings quotes by Mark Galli
I am going to see if there's any hot hunks that I can club over the head and drag back to the ship for some no-strings, hot and sweaty sex." She expected a reaction. What she didn't expect was growling. ~ Eve Langlais
No Strings quotes by Eve Langlais
Spiritual love, derived from Love-Intelligence, is nonconditional, nonpersonal benevolence. It is the love of being loving, with no strings attached, just for the sake of being what God wants us to be. ~ Thomas Hora
No Strings quotes by Thomas Hora
True generosity is an offering; given freely and out of pure love. No strings attached. No expectations. Time and love are the most valuable possession you can share. ~ Suze Orman
No Strings quotes by Suze Orman
What about the support group? What if I decide I'm not ready to leave?"
"It won't take me long to find somewhere else to go."
"You'd be willing to do that?"
"To have you beneath me? To hear you scream my name? To go down on you, lick you from bottom to top and finally see if you taste as good as you smell?" He smiled when her lips parted in shock and her eyes
went wide. "I'd give up group altogether, sweetheart. ~ Aline Hunter
No Strings quotes by Aline Hunter
Philip Marlowe, 38, a private licence operator of shady reputation, was apprehended by police last night while crawling through the Ballona Storm Drain with a grand piano on his back. Questioned at the University Heights Police Station, Marlowe declared he was taking the piano to the Maharajah of Coot-Berar. Asked why he was wearing spurs, Marlowe declared that a client's confidence was sacred. Marlowe is being held for investigation. Chief Hornside said police were not yet ready to say more. Asked if the piano was in tune, Chief Hornside declared that he had played the Minute Waltz on it in thirty-five seconds and so far as he could tell there were no strings in the piano. He intimated that someting else was. A complete statement to the press will be made within twelve hours, Chief Hornside said abruptly. Speculation is rife that Marlowe was attempting to dispose of a body. ~ Raymond Chandler
No Strings quotes by Raymond Chandler
The Work is merely four questions; it's not even a thing. It has no motive, no strings. It's nothing without your answers. These four questions will join any program you've got ad enhance it. Any religion you have-they'll enhance it. If you have no religion, they will bring you joy. And they'll burn up anything that isn't true for you. They'll burn through to the reality that has always been waiting. ~ Byron Katie
No Strings quotes by Byron Katie
[..] the innate tendency of a society of consumers to instil in their members a willingness to accord other people the same - and no more - respect as they are trained to feel and to show to consumer goods, the objects designed and destined for instantaneous, and possibly untroubled satisfaction, with no strings attached. ~ Zygmunt Bauman
No Strings quotes by Zygmunt Bauman
I have got wine, but I am too lazy to drink;
So it's just the same as if my cup were empty.
I have got a lute, but am too lazy to play;
So it's just the same as if it had no strings. ~ Bai Juyi
No Strings quotes by Bai Juyi
I don't want complicated. I don't want forever. I just want simple. No strings.
I'm offering you exactly what you want. No-strings, no-shame, no-limits, no-complications, wicked-good sex. Complete with a agreed-upon end date, a vow of secrecy, and an eight-thousand-mile anti-stalking guarantee when it's over. ~ Skye Jordan
No Strings quotes by Skye Jordan
The skilful binder uses no strings or knots, while to unloose what he has bound will be impossible. ~ Lao-Tzu
No Strings quotes by Lao-Tzu
What is a writer?
A writer is a magician who can create a masterpiece
With a wave of a pencil
A writer has the key to a new world
Capturing readers and taking them on a roller coaster ride away from reality
But a writer can be a commanding tyrant
Or a hypnotist stealing minds
What is a writer?
A writer is a powerful being, an intelligent thinker
And an artist creating mind pictures through words.
A writer is a keeper of secrets
Or like a roomful of words waiting for a book
But a writer is also a puppet master taking control
With no strings attached
What is a writer?
A writer is a true friend
Using words to spread smiles to the world
A writer is ... ..
The voice of the hear ~ Carol Archer
No Strings quotes by Carol Archer
Our life a harp is, with unnumbered strings, And tones and symphonies; but our poor skill Some shallow notes from its great music brings. ~ John Boyle O'Reilly
No Strings quotes by John Boyle O'Reilly
The sound of the mandolin is a very curious sound because it's cheerful and melancholy at the same time, and I think it comes from that shadow string, the double strings. ~ Rita Dove
No Strings quotes by Rita Dove
Well, it's a marvelous night for a Moondance
With the stars up above in your eyes ...
And I'm trying to please to the calling
Of your heart-strings that they play soft and low
And all the night's magic seems to whisper and hush
And all the soft moonlight seems to shine in your blush ...
One more Moondance with you in the moonlight
On a magic night ~ Van Morrison
No Strings quotes by Van Morrison
General relativity is the cornerstone of cosmology and astrophysics. It has also provided the conceptual basis for string theory and other attempts to unify all the forces of nature in terms of geometrical structures. ~ Paul Davies
No Strings quotes by Paul Davies
A dozen or more boats on the lake swung their rosy and moon–like lanterns low on the water, that reflected as from a fire. In the distance, the steamer twanged and thrummed and washed with her faintly–splashing paddles, trailing her strings of coloured lights, and occasionally lighting up the whole scene luridly with an effusion of fireworks, Roman candles and sheafs of stars and other simple effects, illuminating the surface of the water, and showing the boats creeping round, low down. Then the lovely darkness fell again, the lanterns and the little threaded lights glimmered softly, there was a muffled knocking of oars and a waving of music.

Gudrun paddled almost imperceptibly. Gerald could see, not far ahead, the rich blue and the rose globes of Ursula's lanterns swaying softly cheek to cheek as Birkin rowed, and iridescent, evanescent gleams chasing in the wake. He was aware, too, of his own delicately coloured lights casting their softness behind him. ~ D.H. Lawrence
No Strings quotes by D.H. Lawrence
A lot of the strings that hold us like puppets are really inventions of our own minds. I'm not saying that there aren't armies and police and various ways to punish deviants, but there isn't any way to punish a large number of deviants. It's too expensive to even try. So, the solution is to colonize the minds of children as they're growing up, so that they become their own police, and to report on others who are deviating. ~ John Taylor Gatto
No Strings quotes by John Taylor Gatto
Whether on Ida's shady brow,
Or in the chambers of the East,
The chambers of the sun, that now
From ancient melody have ceas'd;

Whether in Heav'n ye wander fair,
Or the green corners of the earth,
Or the blue regions of the air,
Where the melodious winds have birth;

Whether on crystal rocks ye rove,
Beneath the bosom of the sea
Wand'ring in many a coral grove,
Fair Nine, forsaking Poetry!

How have you left the ancient love
That bards of old enjoy'd in you!
The languid strings do scarcely move!
The sound is forc'd, the notes are few!

- "To the Muses ~ William Blake
No Strings quotes by William Blake
It all goes back and back," Tyrion thought, "to our mothers and fathers and theirs before them. We are puppets dancing on the strings of those who came before us, and one day our own children will take up our strings and dance in our steads. ~ George R R Martin
No Strings quotes by George R R Martin
More often than not, a C.E.O is merely a puppet whose strings are pulled by a board of directors. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana
No Strings quotes by Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Friends are like fiddle strings; they must not be screwed too tight. ~ Henry George Bohn
No Strings quotes by Henry George Bohn
There the whole sky is filled with sound, and there that music is
made without fingers and without strings;
There the game of pleasure and pain does not cease.
Kabir says: "If you merge your life in the Ocean of Life, you
will find your life in the Supreme Land of Bliss. ~ Kabir
No Strings quotes by Kabir
Wondering When the Strings Will Snap" poem:

"The marigolds herald autumn's colors already
In their sun-shrine faces, iconographic
Floral worship of their distant deity -- yet they
Die at the first touch of frost, unlike chrysanthemums,
The true flowers of fall. ~ Elizabeth Barrette
No Strings quotes by Elizabeth Barrette
She was this girl living in a bottomless hole of her thoughts.
One day she saw a light. She felt the warmth and walked in its direction.
It was there that she found him.
He spoke to her and wove tendrils of love on her heart.
His compassion was over whelming for her.
His words, his love, his eyes- everything about him was so pure, so true.
Her heart was getting intertwined with the love he was bestowing upon her.
The mesh of affection he weaved around her heart made it breathe. And live.
Vine by vine the mesh thickened.
Today, he is her beloved. They are inseparable.
He smiles, she smiles. They weave dreams.
She loves him beyond infinity.
He has her heart strings. And as he walks, she walks with him. ~ Geetansha Sood
No Strings quotes by Geetansha Sood
There is something in the place where we were born that holds us always by the heart-strings. ~ Lucy Larcom
No Strings quotes by Lucy Larcom
One of the strangest things is the act of creation.
You are faced with a blank slate - a page, a canvas, a block of stone or wood, a silent musical instrument.
You then look inside yourself. You pull and tug and squeeze and fish around for slippery raw shapeless things that swim like fish made of cloud vapor and fill you with living clamor. You latch onto something. And you bring it forth out of your head like Zeus giving birth to Athena.
And as it comes out, it takes shape and tangible form.
It drips on the canvas, and slides through your pen, it springs forth and resonates into the musical strings, and slips along the edge of the sculptor's tool onto the surface of the wood or marble.
You have given it cohesion. You have brought forth something ordered and beautiful out of nothing.
You have glimpsed the divine. ~ Vera Nazarian
No Strings quotes by Vera Nazarian
Reporters are like puppets. They simply respond to the pull of the most powerful strings. ~ Lyndon B. Johnson
No Strings quotes by Lyndon B. Johnson
I've got the world on a string, sittin' on a rainbow, got the string around my finger. ~ Ted Koehler
No Strings quotes by Ted Koehler
When you see contention amongst your enemies, go and sit at ease with your friends; but when you see them of one mind, string your bow, and place stones upon the ramparts. ~ Saadi
No Strings quotes by Saadi
Moderation is the silken string running through the pearl chain of all virtues. ~ Joseph Hall
No Strings quotes by Joseph Hall
In every cell in every body in every living thing, strings of words make sentences, meanings locked together ~ Johnny Rich
No Strings quotes by Johnny Rich
And me? Well, I don't aspire to be king. That's just like being a highly paid pawn. I'm a bishop, a vizier. I'm always behind the scenes pulling the strings. ~ Charlie Human
No Strings quotes by Charlie Human
There is not a string attuned to mirth but has its chord of melancholy. ~ Thomas Hood
No Strings quotes by Thomas Hood
One is that you have to take time, lots of time, to let an idea grow from within. The second is that when you sign on to something, there will be issues of trust, deep trust, the way the members of a string quartet have to trust one another. ~ Yo-Yo Ma
No Strings quotes by Yo-Yo Ma
Look at the size of the universe and look at what we're discovering about string theory. There's a wide-eyed sense of we're just getting started here. ~ Rob Bell
No Strings quotes by Rob Bell
There's still room for flair and artistry and playing a game that's going to confuse people. Federer has proven that, time and time and time again. Even with the new string technology, which has been around for ten years. ~ Darren Cahill
No Strings quotes by Darren Cahill
In public worship all should join. The little strings go to make up a concert, as well as the great. ~ Thomas Goodwin
No Strings quotes by Thomas Goodwin
For her beauty, as we are told, was in itself not altogether incomparable, nor such as to strike those who saw her; but converse with her had an irresistible charm, and her presence, combined with the persuasiveness of her discourse and the character which was somehow diffused about her behaviour towards others, had something stimulating about it. 3 There was sweetness also in the tones of her voice; and her tongue, like an instrument of many strings, she could readily turn to whatever language she pleased, so that in her interviews with Barbarians she very seldom had need of an interpreter, but made her replies to most of them herself and unassisted, whether they were Ethiopians, Troglodytes, Hebrews, Arabians, Syrians, Medes or Parthians. 4 Nay, it is said that she knew the speech of many other peoples also, although the kings of Egypt before her had not even made an effort to learn the native language, and some actually gave up their Macedonian dialect. ~ Plutarch
No Strings quotes by Plutarch
If a violin string could ache, i would be that string. ~ Vladimir Nabokov
No Strings quotes by Vladimir Nabokov
It's a balance between getting the right string gauge that's thick enough where it sound good, and not rubber bands - but not too thick where your hands start to get real tired. ~ John Petrucci
No Strings quotes by John Petrucci
I just couldn't take school seriously: I had this guitar neck with four frets which I kept hidden under the desk. It had strings on it so I would practice my chord shapes under the desk and that's about all I did at school. ~ Alvin Lee
No Strings quotes by Alvin Lee
Tinsley felt like a puppeteer playing with her marionettes, holding all the strings. ~ Cecily Von Ziegesar
No Strings quotes by Cecily Von Ziegesar
Establishment suggests there must be some Wizard of Oz somewhere pulling the strings. That's not the way it works. There are individuals like myself. I sat there and watched Donald Trump, and I said, look, someone has got to say something. ~ Mitt Romney
No Strings quotes by Mitt Romney
When we hear a Mozart piano concerto today, we're most likely to hear the piano part played on a modern concert grand. In the hands of a professional pianist, such a piano can bury the strings and the winds and hold its own against the brass. But Mozart wasn't composing for a nine-foot-long, thousand-pound piano; he was composing for a five-and-a-half-foot-long, hundred-and-fifty-pound piano built from balsa wood and dental floss. ~ Robert Greenberg
No Strings quotes by Robert Greenberg
Revival, as contrasted with a Holy Ghost atmosphere is a clean- cut breakthrough of the Spirit, a sweep of Holy Ghost power, bending the hearts of hardened sinners as the wheat before the wind, breaking up the fountains of the great deep, sweeping the whole range of the emotions, as the master hand moves across the harp strings, from the tears and cries of the penitent to the holy laughter and triumphant joy of the cleansed. ~ Norman Grubb
No Strings quotes by Norman Grubb
That break comes for all of us, at different times and in different ways. The nourishment of food, the bonds of friendship, the occasions for celebration, and the delights of legitimate pleasure end in a matter of a moment for each life and each relationship. It is to this vulnerability of living that Jesus points His finger. The poet puts it in these words: Our life contains a thousand springs and dies if one be gone; Strange that a harp of a thousand strings can stay in tune so long. There is an old adage that says you can give a hungry man a fish, or better still, you can teach him how to fish. Jesus would add that you can teach a person how to fish, but the most successful fisherman has hungers fish will not satisfy. G ~ Ravi Zacharias
No Strings quotes by Ravi Zacharias
There was about Alexandra something of the impervious calm of the fatalist, always disconcerting to very young people, who cannot feel that the heart lives at all unless it is still at the mercy of storms; unless its strings can scream to the touch of pain. ~ Willa Cather
No Strings quotes by Willa Cather
Color directly influences the soul. Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the hammers, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another purposively, to cause vibrations in the soul. ~ Wassily Kandinsky
No Strings quotes by Wassily Kandinsky
Each one of them suffering from the failures of their day, with strings of guilt they tried hard to guide us. ~ Bob Dylan
No Strings quotes by Bob Dylan
Then she lay silent as he moved his fingers over the strings with a grace that astounded and compelled. When he added his voice, keeping the volume low to avoid disturbing her neighbors, she felt her heart stop beating. A fallen angel might have a voice like that, she thought, hard and pure and with an unashamed sexuality to it that invited the listener into sin. ~ Nalini Singh
No Strings quotes by Nalini Singh
Aww, come on man, I can barely handle 6 strings. ~ Kenny Hickey
No Strings quotes by Kenny Hickey
When Ray Flacke came out, it was like 'What in the heck is this?' ... there's a guy who had that Tele players attitude, and he plugged straight into that amp with a delay, and it was unbelievable the way he would bend those big strings ... he was really unique ... ~ Brad Paisley
No Strings quotes by Brad Paisley
Man becomes virtually an automaton in the loss of his individuality and responsibility. He is the harp of a thousand strings played upon by a divine hand, but not a man! ~ John Grier Hibben
No Strings quotes by John Grier Hibben
You've got this piece of wood and some wires, pickups and some strings. How somebody uses that configuration to make something memorable, that's what's interesting to me. ~ Don Felder
No Strings quotes by Don Felder
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