Njoku Fantasy Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Njoku Fantasy.

Quotes About Njoku Fantasy

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Often a cold shudder has run through me, and I have asked myself whether I may have not devoted myself to a fantasy. ~ Charles Darwin
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Charles Darwin
I sound the same to myself ~ Brandon Mull
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Brandon Mull
You going to make pulling a gun on me a regular part of foreplay?" Wes smirked. ~ Kait Ballenger
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Kait Ballenger
Vincent knew he was dying. A horrendous fever overwhelmed him with intolerable pain throughout many sleepless hours. It came as a result of a malaria epidemic that erupted in his hometown during early nineteenth century Europe. The disease spread so fast, physicians had to ration their stocks of quinine only to use it on patients who weren't declared "hopeless". Vincent was one of the unlucky ones. Speculating his time on Earth may be short, he requested spiritual guidance, even if he wasn't a faithful man, nor did he believe in forgiveness. He appealed to the Church as a "just in case" like many other petrified atheists. ~ Don Luis Zavala
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Don Luis Zavala
It's not enough to listen to their words. You have to mine their silences for buried ore. It's often only in the lies that we refuse to speak that truth can be heard at all. ~ Karen Marie Moning
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Karen Marie Moning
What grows best in the heat: fantasy; unreason; lust. ~ Salman Rushdie
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Salman Rushdie
Fantasy isn't something I put into the pictures; I don't try and inject them with a sense of play. But it's about being an honest photographer; a photograph is as much of a mirror of the photographer as it is the subject. ~ Tim Walker
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Tim Walker
Envy, however, is a thoroughly doomed state. And the only pity would be to let it introduce hatred to your heart. Hate only what you love. ~ Constantina Maud
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Constantina Maud
It's a sauna in her," Lily complained. She flapped her hands, trying to wave a breeze into the robe Rowan had told her to wear to this afternoon's ritual instead of the silk slip. "What are we making today? Deep-fried witch? ~ Josephine Angelini
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Josephine Angelini
This is where we are at right now, as a whole. No one is left out of the loop. We are experiencing a reality based on a thin veneer of lies and illusions. A world where greed is our God and wisdom is sin, where division is key and unity is fantasy, where the ego-driven cleverness of the mind is praised, rather than the intelligence of the heart. ~ Bill Hicks
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Bill Hicks
I know California isn't a real destination. You can't get there from New Jersey, not simply by following a line drawn on a map. The process of arrival is more subtle and complex. It involves acts of contrition. You must appease the gods. You must find novel forms of penance. You must tattoo your children and look at the wonder. It's about conjuring and awakening and intuitions you wish you never had. ~ Kate Braverman
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Kate Braverman
Throughout history, truth has been considered a form of dementia, and those who have turned away from fantasy and fixed their eyes on reality, judged insane. ~ Malcolm Muggerridge
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Malcolm Muggerridge
Jamie was like no one else he had ever met. She had ethics; she had moral integrity. She was clearly not corruptible, at least not for money
that test was over. ~ Patricia Cori
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Patricia Cori
Theologians, and religionists in general, start with a fantasy premise and then proceed to apply rigorous formal logic to tease out its implications. Stark himself points out that "theology consists of formal reasoning about God." This is admirably exact. Theologians, beginning with a wished-for creation of their own minds, analyze that creation's characteristics by rigorous application of the principles of formal - that is, deductive - logic. ~ Andrew Bernstein
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Andrew Bernstein
While I have the floor, here's a question that's been bothering me for some time. Why do so few writers of heroic or epic fantasy ever deal with the fundamental quandary of their novels . . . that so many of them take place in cultures that are rigid, hierarchical, stratified, and in essence oppressive? What is so appealing about feudalism, that so many free citizens of an educated commonwealth like ours love reading about and picturing life under hereditary lords?

Why should the deposed prince or princess in every clichéd tale be chosen to lead the quest against the Dark Lord? Why not elect a new leader by merit, instead of clinging to the inbred scions of a failed royal line? Why not ask the pompous, patronizing, "good" wizard for something useful, such as flush toilets, movable type, or electricity for every home in the kingdom? Given half a chance, the sons and daughters of peasants would rather not grow up to be servants. It seems bizarre for modern folk to pine for a way of life our ancestors rightfully fought desperately to escape. ~ David Brin
Njoku Fantasy quotes by David Brin
Vincent made his way closer to the group and shuffled his feet while he watched them embrace. Breccan's head remained buried in the huddle while his large hand reached out, grabbed Vincent's good wing, and pulled the archangel into the fold. ~ Madison Thorne Grey
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Madison Thorne Grey
My mind does not change with the rising and setting of a few suns ~ J.R.R. Tolkien
Njoku Fantasy quotes by J.R.R. Tolkien
Reality is highly overrated. ~ Roxanne Bland
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Roxanne Bland
If this were a fantasy world, there would be ten of me and we would each be doing what we wanted to do. ~ George Lucas
Njoku Fantasy quotes by George Lucas
That somehow, this insufferable girl would become the one person I am forever, hopelessly, madly drawn to against my will and possibly even my better judgment. ~ Rachel E. Carter
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Rachel E. Carter
There are lots of imposters in this earth, and to very first there always comes a second, to every reality there always come a fantasy, and the fantasy wants to come and live the life of the reality ~ Peter Tosh
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Peter Tosh
Knowing all the languages in the world could help you to really understand all the jokes you can hear ... from my future Kids' Funny Business. ~ Ivan Stoikov
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Ivan Stoikov
And if you lose the willingness, what do you have? ~ Sabrina Benulis
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Sabrina Benulis
I'm no coward. But I'm no fool, either. I know when to fight, and I know when to survive to fight another day.
I will not cease to exist. I will not die, no matter how much pain there is. I made a promise to someone. Someone who is my highest star, my brightest sun. Someone I want to be like. I wonder who it is.
Inside that hollowed-out woman, there's a place they can't touch. There's more to me than I thought there was. Something that no one and nothing can take away from me. ~ Karen Marie Moning
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Karen Marie Moning
Did I hurt you?" Tobias whispered, frowning.

"N-No," Eldon stammered. "It's just . . . No one's ever touched me like this before."

"And no one ever will," Tobias answered.

Eldon smiled, and they kissed again. ~ Ash Gray
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Ash Gray
Growing up, I had the weird fantasy list: I wanted to be Alice Cooper, Steven Spielberg, and Stan Lee. You have to have almost psychotic drive, because you're going to have years of failure. ~ Rob Zombie
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Rob Zombie
You're going to eat yourself alive. Like Draakuna who bit off his own tail, and finding that he tasted very good, quickly devoured the rest of himself.

I really hoped that was some sort of dragon legend and not something true. It sounded awful.

No more awful than what you're doing to yourself. Set it aside. Raise your chin high. You are Amel Leafbrought, rider of Raolcan the Purple. Your value does not lie in your leg. ~ Sarah K.L. Wilson
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Sarah K.L. Wilson
How is it every time we're talking about the real world, you manage to bring up fantasy, and every time we're talking about fantasy, you manage to bring up the real world?

Travis shrugged. "My fantasies are more interesting than the real world and machines and tools are more interesting than you guys' fantasies. ~ Jeff Zentner
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Jeff Zentner
Ah yes, now you're beginning to feel it. It's so satisfying to see my best efforts coming to fruition. Undoubtedly one of the most gratifying rewards of my profession. It would warm my heart - if I had one. ~ Jaye Frances
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Jaye Frances
Her own vague red trail created a livid atmosphere. She was like an avalanche and they were her nostalgia. ~ E.J. Koh
Njoku Fantasy quotes by E.J. Koh
Film and television have convinced too many writers that heaps of dialogue make novels more like movies and therefore good. This is an amateur's fantasy, and it has induced some writers to surrender the few advantages they have over cinematic storytelling. The moviemaker is stuck with what the camera can see and the microphone can hear. You have more freedom. You can summarize situations. You can forthrightly give us people's histories. You can concentrate ten years into ten words. You can move anywhere you like outside real time. You can tell us - just tell us - what people are thinking and feeling. Yes, abundant dialogue can lighten a story, make it more readable and sparkle with wonders. But it is pitiably inadequate before what it is not suited to do. ~ Stephen Koch
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Stephen Koch
You will be the one chosen to reach out to embrace man once again as the heart. So that all will be as it should. 'Fatu-ma-le-ele-ele' You will give your fire so that Man may live. And he will give his heart so that earth may live.
Thus it has been spoken. ~ Lani Wendt Young
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Lani Wendt Young
To Calbernans, love and happiness were not simply emotions. They were as essential as air and water. A Calbernan could not live without them. ~ C.L. Wilson
Njoku Fantasy quotes by C.L. Wilson
My whole life changed after I drowned and died in the flood. ~ Kerry Alan Denney
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Kerry Alan Denney
Feeling your body beneath me was the closest to heaven that I shall ever come." He spoke not in a whisper but on an intimate level, his voice rolling like the caress of dark velvet. "Your skin, your mouth, your body, your sweet, sweet moans, and your blood… I want them all. I want quite a bit more, actually. So you best prepare yourself, my lady. Since I'm already damned, I aim to have all of you. I want to see that look of ecstasy on your face over and over again when I'm buried deep inside you and you're screaming my name. ~ Juliette Cross
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Juliette Cross
One can't exactly savor vengeance when one is dead. ~ Roshani Chokshi
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Roshani Chokshi
In order to abandon the uncomfortable world, I began to linger about in abstraction. Because the world suffocated me with inhibition, an unrestrained fantasy life proceeded to remove me from it for release. It was the natural result of my anxiety to seek some tranquil escape, and my dreams became elaborate, wondrous things to explore in moments when trouble would otherwise have eroded my sense of well-being. I became better and better at dreaming, entering the invisible every time I felt uneasy. Over the years, I refined my fantasies, gliding along languidly in my thoughts, until my gestures were either feeble with hypnotism or ethereal with half-sleep. - Beyond the Furthest Edge of Night ~ Cliff Gogh
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Cliff Gogh
Better to have your failure right in front of you than the fantasy in your head. ~ Sheila Heti
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Sheila Heti
The very concept of a loving personal creator was only ever a secondary invention, a grinning wicker man thrown together in antiquity and stood in place as a chimerical response to a world whose everyday works betray the fantasy in every possible way. ~ John Zande
Njoku Fantasy quotes by John Zande
Do you have a thing against knights?"

"Pretty boys who run around slaying dragons to save the fair maiden?" He let the sarcasm dangle for a moment. "Nah. I'm just not one. ~ Abigail Owen
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Abigail Owen
Fantasy works inwards upon its author, blurring the boundary between the visioned and the actual, and associating itself ever moreclosely with the Ego, so that the child who has fantasied himself a murderer ends by becoming a Loeb or a Leopold. The creative Imagination works outwards, steadily increasing the gap between the visioned and the actual, till this becomes the great gulf fixed between art and nature. Few writers of crime-stories become murderers
if any do, it is not the result of identifying themselves with their murderous heroes. ~ Dorothy L. Sayers
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Dorothy L. Sayers
If the president and the Vice President dies who becomes President" "Thats easy Arnold Swartzanager ~ Dan Gutman
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Dan Gutman
Sometimes fantasy provides the only reasonable explanation for life's inexplicable moments. ~ J.S. Holm
Njoku Fantasy quotes by J.S. Holm
They didn't speak again but sat in disbelief and wonder as the cookies, made with butter, sugar, flour, eggs, and a dollop of exasperation, slowly cooled on their tray. ~ Diane Zahler
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Diane Zahler
Don't panic. Panic will kill you when nothing else wants to. ~ Elizabeth Haydon
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Elizabeth Haydon
Unlike most traditional, season-long fantasy sports sites, which make most of their money from administrative fees and advertising, FanDuel and DraftKings take a cut of every bet. That is what bookies do, and it is illegal in New York. ~ Eric Schneiderman
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Eric Schneiderman
~:.*.:~~:.*.:~May the magic always brighten your world~:.*.:~~:.*.:~
~ Sheri L. McGathy
Njoku Fantasy quotes by Sheri L. McGathy
All medieval and classic cultures of the ancient world, including those on which Tolkien modeled his elves, routinely exposed their young and marriageable women to the fortunes of war, because bearing and raising the next generation of warriors is not needed for equality-loving elves.
Equality-loving elves. Who are monarchists. With a class system. Of ranks.
Battles are more fun when attractive young women are dismembered and desecrated by goblins! I believe that this is one point where C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and all Christian fantasy writers from before World War Two were completely agreed upon, and it is a point necessary in order correctly to capture the mood and tone and nuance of the medieval romances or Norse sagas such writers were straining their every artistic nerve and sinew to create.
So, wait, we have an ancient and ageless society of elves where the virgin maidens go off to war, but these same virgin maidens must abide by the decision of their father or liege lord for permission to marry?
-- The Desolation of Tolkien ~ John C. Wright
Njoku Fantasy quotes by John C. Wright
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