Neuropsychological Disorders Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Neuropsychological Disorders.

Quotes About Neuropsychological Disorders

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I long ago came to the understanding that the problems I once had with food were not merely about food. Eating was a way of trying to fill up the emptiness, to provide comfort. It was a substitute for love. I'm not referring to the love that comes from someone else. The love that was missing from my life was self-love. With age I've discovered a sense of worth that makes me less hungry. A piece of cake is just a piece of cake. ~ Valerie Harper
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Valerie Harper
Their [those with eating disorders'] task is to rescue themselves from a drive that is destroying them. Food embodies the false values that their own bodies refuse to assimilate, by which I mean that their bodies become edemic, bloated, allergic, or resort to vomiting the poison out. The unconscious body, and certainly the conscious body, will not tolerate the negative mother. ~ Marion Woodman
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Marion Woodman
I am in love with myself. I am healthy. I am loving and loved. I am determined to take a step towards recovery. I am alive. ~ Charlena E. Jackson
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Charlena E.  Jackson
I need to make myself strong on the inside instead of what is on the outside. I know all of this, but why can't I put any of it into action? I guess that's why I am in this place. ~ Piper Caleb
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Piper Caleb
You can do it! You can find the strength to carry this load. ~ Charlena E. Jackson
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Charlena E.  Jackson
•Eating disorders are addictions. You become addicted to a number of their effects. The two most basic and important: the pure adrenaline that kicks in when you're starving - you're high as a kite, sleepless, full of a frenetic, unstable energy - and the heightened intensity of experience that eating disorders initially induce. At first, everything tastes and smells intense, tactile experience is intense, your own drive and energy themselves are intense and focused. Your sense of power is very, very intense. You are not aware, however, that you are quickly becoming addicted. ~ Marya Hornbacher
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Marya Hornbacher
It is possible to regulate watercourses over any given distance without embankment works; to transport timber and other materials, even when heavier than water, for example ore, stones, etc., down the centre of such water-courses; to raise the height of the watertable in the surrounding countryside and to endow the water with all those elements necessary for the prevailing vegetation."
"Furthermore it is possible in this way to render timber and other such materials non-inflammable and rot resistant; to produce drinking and spa-water for man, beast and soil of any desired composition and performance artificially, but in the way that it occurs in Nature; to raise water in a vertical pipe without pumping devices; to produce any amount of electricity and radiant energy almost without cost; to raise soil quality and to heal tuberculosis, cancer and a variety of physical disorders. ~ Viktor Schauberger
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Viktor Schauberger
The only way to move forward is to focus on the good in your life and the good that you are doing for others and yourself. My past has shown me things in life, others and myself that I wouldn't wish upon anyone, but I can choose to pick up the pieces and build a beautiful life for myself and help others to do the same. ~ Brittany Burgunder
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Brittany Burgunder
The fact is that Chinese parents can do things that would seem unimaginable-even legally actionable-to Westerners. Chinese mothers can say to their daughters, "Hey fatty-lose some weight." By contrast, Western parents have to tiptoe around the issue, talking in terms of "health" and never ever mentioning the f-word, and their kids still end up in therapy for eating disorders and negative self image. ~ Amy Chua
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Amy Chua
Reflecting on various aspects of our lives is essential for a person to grow and adjust to changing phases in their life. Self-analysis entails examining a person's existing level of self-esteem and documenting the inner voice that speaks to a person, which is frequently either affirming of self-defeating. Failure to periodically engage in self-analysis, make crucial revisions in our personas, and modify our thinking patterns when we encounter transformative events in life can lead to mood disorders, burnout, and other emotional maladies. ~ Kilroy J. Oldster
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Kilroy J. Oldster
If you weren't humping, you were waiting. I remember the monotony. Digging foxholes. Slapping mosquitoes. The sun and the heat and the endless paddies. Even in the deep bush, where you could die any number of ways, the war was nakedly and aggressively boring. But it was a strange boredom. It was boredom with a twist, the kind of boredom that caused stomach disorders. You'd be sitting at the top of a high hill, the flat paddies stretching out below, and the day would be calm and hot and utterly vacant, and you'd feel the boredom dripping inside you like a leaky faucet, except it wasn't water, it was a sort of acid, and with each little droplet you'd feel the stuff eating away at important organs. You'd try to relax. You'd uncurl your fists and let your thoughts go. Well, you'd think, this isn't so bad. And right then you'd hear gunfire behind you and your nuts would fly up into your throat and you'd be squealing pig squeals. That kind of boredom. I ~ Tim O'Brien
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Tim O'Brien
Unlike 'mere' medical or physical disorders, mental disorders are not just problems. If successfully navigated, they can also present opportunities. Simply acknowledging this can empower people to heal themselves and, much more than that, to grow from their experiences. ~ Neel Burton
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Neel Burton
I am almost at the finish line.
I am trying to make it the best way I can. ~ Charlena E. Jackson
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Charlena E.  Jackson
I am ready to fly with both wings! ~ Charlena E. Jackson
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Charlena E.  Jackson
I am grateful for myself because I am seeking help. ~ Charlena E. Jackson
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Charlena E.  Jackson
You are such an amazing person who has been through a lot, yet you still look at the good in everything. ~ Charlena E. Jackson
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Charlena E.  Jackson
They (...) call what I have an invisible illness, but I often wonder if they're really looking. Beyond the science stuff. It doesn't bleed or swell, itch or crack, but I see it, right there on my face. It's like decay, this icky green colour, as if my life were being filmed through a grey filter. I lack light, am an entire surface area that the sun can't touch. ~ Louise Gornall
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Louise Gornall
Early traumatization is a major risk factor for more severe symptoms that persist over time. Thus childhood traumatization plays a central role in the development of trauma-related disorders in children and adults. ~ Onno Van Der Hart
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Onno Van Der Hart
I wonder what your idea of heaven would be - A beautiful vacuum filled with wealthy monogamists. All powerful and members of the best families all drinking themselves to death. And hell would probably an ugly vacuum full of poor polygamists unable to obtain booze or with chronic stomach disorders that they called secret sorrows. ~ Ernest Hemingway,
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Ernest Hemingway,
You can't compare men or women with mental disorders to the normal expectations of men and women in without mental orders. Your dealing with symptoms and until you understand that you will always try to find sane explanations among insane behaviors. You will always have unreachable standards and disappointments. If you want to survive in a marriage to someone that has a disorder you have to judge their actions from a place of realistic expectations in regards to that person's upbringing and diagnosis. ~ Shannon L. Alder
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Shannon L. Alder
Enthusiasm produces the most cruel disorders in human society; but its fury is like that of thunder and tempest, which exhaust themselves in a little time, and leave the air more calm and serene than before. ~ David Hume
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by David Hume
It is time for me to stop surviving and start living. I cannot please everyone, but one person I can please is myself. ~ Charlena E. Jackson
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Charlena E.  Jackson
A layman will no doubt find it hard to understand how pathological disorders of the body and mind can be eliminated by 'mere' words. He will feel that he is being asked to believe in magic. And he will not be so very wrong, for the words which we use in our everyday speech are nothing other than watered-down magic. But we shall have to follow a roundabout path in order to explain how science sets about restoring to words a part at least of their former magical power. ~ Sigmund Freud
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Sigmund Freud
I am no longer letting questions haunt me. I want and deserve peace in my life. ~ Charlena E. Jackson
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Charlena E.  Jackson
You're helpless to the behaviour but the effort involved is just unbelievable. ~ Patrick Ness
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Patrick Ness
Edmund doesn't solve any of his grievances or personality disorders by going through the wardrobe. If anything, they're exacerbated and brought to a crisis by his experiences in Narnia. When you go to Narnia, your worries come with you. Narnia just becomes the place where you work them out and try to resolve them. ~ Levi Grossman
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Levi Grossman
Read! When your baby is finally down for the night, pick up a juicy book like Eat, Pray, Love or Pride and Prejudice or my personal favorite, Understanding Sleep Disorders: Narcolepsy and Apnea; A Clinical Study. Taking some time to read each night really taught me how to feign narcolepsy when my husband asked me what my "plan" was for taking down the Christmas tree. ~ Tina Fey
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Tina Fey
It is in my head! That's why it's called Mental Illness. ~ Roni Askey-Doran
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Roni Askey-Doran
I won't compromise or apologize for something I didn't do. ~ Charlena E. Jackson
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Charlena E.  Jackson
The perturbations, anxieties, depravations, deaths, exceptions in the physical or moral order, spirit of negation, brutishness, hallucinations fostered by the will, torments, destruction, confusion, tears, insatiabilities, servitudes, delving imaginations, novels, the unexpected, the forbidden, the chemical singularities of the mysterious vulture which lies in wait for the carrion of some dead illusion, precocious & abortive experiences, the darkness of the mailed bug, the terrible monomania of pride, the inoculation of deep stupor, funeral orations, desires, betrayals, tyrannies, impieties, irritations, acrimonies, aggressive insults, madness, temper, reasoned terrors, strange inquietudes which the reader would prefer not to experience , cants, nervous disorders, bleeding ordeals that drive logic at bay, exaggerations, the absence of sincerity, bores, platitudes, the somber, the lugubrious, childbirths worse than murders, passions, romancers at the Courts of Assize, tragedies,-odes, melodramas, extremes forever presented, reason hissed at with impunity, odor of hens steeped in water, nausea, frogs, devilfish, sharks, simoon of the deserts, that which is somnambulistic, squint-eyed, nocturnal, somniferous, noctambulistic, viscous, equivocal, consumptive, spasmodic, aphrodisiac, anemic, one-eyed, hermaphroditic, bastard, albino, pederast, phenomena of the aquarium, & the bearded woman, hours surfeited with gloomy discouragement, fantasies, acrimonies, monsters, demoral ~ Comte De Lautreamont
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Comte De Lautreamont
In just two years, CSAS ignited the flame Grandmother lit years before. Carl would never succeed in his attempts to extinguish it. But his parental authority was able to keep it dormant and unthreatening for several years. At Ooltewah High School, I was like a lion forced into captivity after a liberating romp in the jungle. Nothing challenged me. Nothing motivated me. Nothing moved me. My claustrophobia itched to the point where clawing at my own skin seemed to be my only method of relief. With no social outlets and no intellectual nourishment, I caved into self-destruction. My bulimia amplified from throwing up obligatory family dinners to driving to grocery stores, Dollar Generals, and gas stations, shoving junk food into my purse in between security camera reach, devouring the calories in the corners of desolate parking lots, and scurrying into remote public restrooms in the outskirts of town. My knees would rest on the cold, sticky tile floors as I wrapped my arms around bleach-scented toilets as if embracing an old friend. ~ Maggie Georgiana Young
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Maggie Georgiana Young
Much of the left's hate speech bears greater similarity to a psychological disorder than to standard political discourse. The hatred is blinding, producing logical contradictions that would be impossible to sustain were it not for the central element faith plays in the left's new religion. The basic tenet of their faith is this: Maybe they were wrong on facts and policies, but they are good and conservatives are evil. You almost want to give it to them. It's all they have left. ~ Ann Coulter
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Ann Coulter
We should be worrying about if you live in the city you're more likely to have anxiety or mood disorders and to be schizophrenic. More than the problems people have from social media. ~ Nick Harkaway
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Nick Harkaway
I am angry that I starved my brain and that I sat shivering in my bed at night instead of dancing or reading poetry or eating ice cream or kissing a boy ... ~ Laurie Halse Anderson
Neuropsychological Disorders quotes by Laurie Halse Anderson
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