Mukasey Clinton Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Mukasey Clinton.

Quotes About Mukasey Clinton

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I respect the Congress's oversight responsibility. ~ Hillary Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton has been The Smartest Woman in the World in her circle since 1970 when she went away to college. ~ Rush Limbaugh
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Rush Limbaugh
It is my hope that all of the Republicans who recognize that nominating a candidate who agrees with Hillary Clinton on a host of issues, who has a very similar record, is not the path to victory. And if we come together, if conservatives stand together, we're going to have a great night on Tuesday. ~ Ted Cruz
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Ted Cruz
When times are tough and people are frustrated and angry and hurting and uncertain, the politics of constant conflict may be good, but what is good politics does not necessarily work in the real world. What works in the real world is cooperation. ~ William J. Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by William J. Clinton
It was very clear, even from long before Donald Trump got in this race, when he would talk to Republicans, the number-one concern they had about Jeb Bush was whether he was too rusty for this, and whether he was going to be strong enough to stand up to Hillary Clinton. ~ Amy Walter
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Amy Walter
Let's create an integrated global community where we have shared benefits and responsibilities, and we don't fight because of our differences. ~ William J. Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by William J. Clinton
I was very disappointed, very disappointed when President [George W.] Bush proclaimed Kwanzaa as a national holiday. Prior to that, Bill Clinton did the same thing. ~ Tucker Carlson
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Tucker Carlson
A parent may be without a job, but no child should be without a doctor. ~ William J. Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by William J. Clinton
I think that we have to look at ISIS as the leading threat of an international terror network. It cannot be contained, it must be defeated. ~ Hillary Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
There's never a perfect bipartisan bill in the eyes of a partisan. ~ William J. Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by William J. Clinton
What will a Hillary Clinton presidency look like? The answer by now seems obvious: It will look like her presidential campaign, which in turn looks increasingly like the first Clinton presidency. Which is to say, high-minded ideals, lowered execution, half truths, outright lies (and imaginary flights), take-no prisoners politics, some very good policy ideas, a presidential spouse given to wallowing in anger and self-pity, and a succession of aides and surrogates pushed under the bus when things don't go right. Which is to say, often. ~ Carl Bernstein
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Carl Bernstein
My father was raised with brothers, he was a football player and a boxer, he was a chief petty officer in the Navy, he was a man of his times. ~ Hillary Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
Part of our essential humanity is paying respect to what God gave us and what will be here a long time after we're gone. ~ William J. Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by William J. Clinton
I, myself, deeply regret what happened between me and President Clinton. Let me say it again: I. Myself. Deeply. Regret. What. Happened. ~ Monica Lewinsky
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Monica Lewinsky
We have a presidential nominee in Hillary Clinton who knows that, in a time of stunningly wide disparities of wealth in our nation, America's greatness must not be measured by how many millionaires and billionaires we have, but by how few people we have living in poverty. ~ Cory Booker
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Cory Booker
As you can imagine I'm disappointed as anything that I was not selected to be the presidential running mate. And I find it continually appalling that it would be a radical thing to have a woman on the ticket. ~ Kate Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Kate Clinton
The new energy future is decentralised, entrepreneurial and needs people like you to say 'Give me a clean car, give me solar shingles to put on my roof - give me a clean future' ~ William J. Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by William J. Clinton
There is no happiness without liberty, no liberty without self-government, no self-government without constitutionalism, no constitutionalism without morality
and none of these great goods without stability and order. ~ Clinton Rossiter
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Clinton Rossiter
We need a leader who won't be silent - as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have been - as millions of Christians are persecuted throughout the Middle East. ~ Carly Fiorina
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Carly Fiorina
Hillary Clinton's opponent in the U.S. Senate race, the Republican she's going to be running against, has been married three times, had an affair with his chief of staff, had two kids with her while still married to his second wife. This is the first time in history that a Clinton is the 'family values' candidate. ~ Jay Leno
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Jay Leno
Old or young, healthy as a horse or a person with a disability that hasn't kept you down, man or woman, Native American, native born, immigrant, straight or gay - whatever; the test ought to be I believe in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. I believe in religious liberty. I believe in freedom of speech. I believe in working hard and playing by the rules. I'm showing up for work tomorrow. I'm building that bridge to the 21st century. That ought to be the test. ~ William J. Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by William J. Clinton
She got to go to heaven four days early. ~ William J. Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by William J. Clinton
If you wish to fault the administration, it is that we didn't have a clear picture and we probably didn't do as clear a job explaining that we did not have a clear picture until days later ... ~ Hillary Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
I think I will serve as secretary of state as my last public position. ~ Hillary Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
If you believe in making change from the bottom up, if you believe the measure of change is how many people's lives are better, you know it's hard, and some people think it's boring. ~ William J. Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by William J. Clinton
Our country deserves no less, because all of the other issues we want to deal with depend upon us being secure and strong. ~ Hillary Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
I try something new every night. It's an hour show; if it works I maybe try it a few more times and then move that off and try something new. It's a great workshop for me. ~ Kate Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Kate Clinton
Between trying to impeach Bill Clinton, Florida 2000, and the recall in California, I'm beginning to think that Republicans will do anything to win an election-except get the most votes. ~ Bill Maher
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Bill Maher
If you get so unequal that people believe they don't have a chance, that the field isn't level for them and their children, that puts democracy at risk. ~ Hillary Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
I know a few expressions. I know what Hilary Clinton basically says in Russian when you translate her into Russian over and over and over is, 'izvinite pozhaluista.' That's, 'excuse me please, excuse me please.' Let's reset things. That's not the way you deal with folks. You show strength if you made a mistake. ~ Louie Gohmert
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Louie Gohmert
Millions of people of color still experience racism daily. ~ William J. Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by William J. Clinton
I'm not going to be responding to [Donald Trump]. ~ Hillary Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by Hillary Clinton
The Reagan-Bush years have exalted private gain over public obligation, special interests over the common good, wealth and fame over work and family. The 1980s ushered in a Gilded Age of greed and selfishness, of irresponsibility and excess, and of neglect. ~ William J. Clinton
Mukasey Clinton quotes by William J. Clinton
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