Mlango Iko Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Mlango Iko.

Quotes About Mlango Iko

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We all have our weaknesses."
"I know," said Iko. "Mine is shoes. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
The others sat down to watch Iko work. She'd just finished teasing the hair at the crown of Scarlet's head when Scarlet asked, "Why is Wolf's tuxedo missing?"
Cinder traded looks with the others. "It ... um ... we were ..."
"Thorne came up and took it," interrupted Cress. "When you were changing."
Scarlet frowned. "What for?"
"Because .. he wanted to ..." Cress swallowed. "Um ... compare it to his own tuxedo. To make sure they were, uh ... matching?" Her gaze darted to one side as she realized how implausible that sounded, even for Thorne.
"She means," interrupted Cinder, "that Thorne was concerned that he and Wolf might have purchased the same tuxedo, which I guess is considered a big faux pas. You know how Thorne is about that sort of thing. Can't be seen in the same tux as the groom! How embarrassing, right? ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Thorne clapped his hands. "Great, then let's get this diplomatic envoy started. Ship, raise the ramp! You all just sit back and relax and we'll be on Earth in no time." He turned to head for the cockpit, adding over his shoulder, "I've been practicing takeoffs, by the way. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised."
As soon as he was out of earshot, Cress turned back to Iko and Cinder with a grimace. "He hasn't really gotten any better," she whispered. "Let's go back to the crew quarters. There's more to hold on to back there. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Your Majesty," he greeted. His respectful expression turned sour as he addressed Iko, "Madame Counselor." Iko's eyes went coppery with pride at her new title, even though she met the guard with a sour glare of her own. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Now, what I'm worried about is how we're going to be dividing the reward money when this is all over. Because this ship is starting to feel awfully crowded and I'm not sure I'm happy with all of you cutting into my profits."
"What reward money?" asked Scarlet.
"The reward Cinder's going to pay us out of the Lunar treasury once she's queen."
Cinder rolled her eyes. "I should have guessed. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Broken isn't the same as UN-fixable ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
I think it's meant to be thought provoking, said Cinder. Iko frowned, looking unprovoked. They ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
I know," said Iko with a dreaminess in her tone, though Cinder hadn't said anything. "He's fantastic. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Having a mental breakdown is not on my list of things to do today. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Cinder gaped at her stepmother, her own anger eclipsed with a surprising jolt of pity. This woman was full of so much ignorance it was almost like she wanted to stay that way. She saw what she wanted, believed anything to support her limited view of the world. ( ... )Five years she had lived with this woman, and never once had she seen Cinder as she was. As Kai saw her, and Thorne and Iko and all the people who trusted her. All the people who knew her.
She shook her head, finding it easier than she'd expected to dismiss her stepmother's words. I'm done trying to explain myself to you. I'm done seeking your approval. I'm done with you. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Scarlet and Wolf are saying gushy things in the galley," Iko said. "Normally I like gushy things, but its different when its real people. I prefer the net dramas. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Iko fell silent. Cinder glanced around, sensing Iko all around her. The engine rotated faster for a moment, then reduced to normal speed. The temperature barely dropped. A light flickered in the hallway behind Thorne, who was stiff and uncomfortable in the doorway, looking like a poltergeist had just taken over his beloved Rampion. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
That's very...big of you. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
And you are going to get her far away from here. Keep her hidden." She planted her hands on her hips. "And here we were just keeping her holed up in a tiny little house in a completely random mining sector. Why didn't it ever occur to us to try and keep her hidden?" Kinney's face was unreadable for a long moment before he asked, "You understand sarcasm?" "Of course I understand sarcasm," she spat. "It's not like it's theoretical physics, is it?" The guard's jaw worked for a moment, before he shook his head and turned away. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
I'm enormous." There was a distinct whine in her metallic tone. "You're a ship, Iko. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
When they reached a maintenance closet, Iko ushered the escort-droid inside.
"I want you to know that I hold nothing against you," she said, by way of introduction. "I understand that it isn't your fault your programmer had so little imagination."
The escort-droid held her gaze with empty eyes.
"In another life, we could have been sisters, and I feel it's important to acknowledge that."
A blank stare. A blink, every six seconds.
"But as it stands, I'm a part of an important mission right now, and I cannot be swayed from my goal by my sympathy for androids who are less advanced than myself."
"All right then." Iko held out her hands. "I need your clothes. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
My net search is finding only a Cadet Carswell Thorne, of the American Republic, imprisoned in New Beijing prison on - "
"That's him," said Cinder, ignoring Thorne's glare.
Another silence as the heat in the engine room hovered just upside of comfortable. The, "You're ... rather handsome, Captain Thorne."
Cinder groaned.
"And you, my fine lady, are the most gorgeous ship in these skies, and don't let anyone ever tell you different."
The temperature drifted upward, until Cinder dropped her arms with a sigh. "Iko, are you intentionally blushing?"
The temperature dropped back down to pleasant. "No," Iko said. Then, "But am I really pretty? Even as a ship?"
"The prettiest," said Thorne. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Do I get a good-bye kiss too?" said Thorne, stepping in front of Cinder. Scowling, Cinder shoved him away. "Wolf's not the only one who can throw a right hook around here." Thorne chuckled and raised a suggestive eyebrow at Iko. The android, still on the floor, shrugged apologetically. "I would love to give you a good-bye kiss, Captain, but that lingering embrace from His Majesty may have fried a few wires, and I'm afraid a kiss from you would melt my central processor." "Oh, trust me," said Thorne, winking at her. "It would. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Sorry, sorry, don't mind me, coming through, oh why hello there - " This to a particularly handsome Kai look-alike droid, which had no more reaction than any of the others. "Or not," she muttered, brushing past him. "Pardon me, a little space, please? ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
I feel like I should be going with her," said Kinney. Snarling, Iko stepped over the fallen guard and jabbed a finger at his chest. "I have known her a lot longer than you have, mister, and if there's one of us who should be going with her, it's me. Now open these doors." One ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
With pleasure," Kinney deadpanned. "In fact, I was hoping that if I came to see you off, I would be asked to do manual labor." Iko shrugged. "If you don't want to do any heavy lifting, then stop having such impressive muscles. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Thorne and Cress were waiting for them at the bottom of the ramp, and when Cress and Iko spotted each other they shared a squeal. Thorne and Cinder shared a cringe, and then they were all smiling and embracing as if they hadn't seen each other in years - even though they still got together with some regularity. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Levana agreed to a cease-fire," said Wolf, "but we're waiting to hear if it's been implemented." "Also, Cress destroyed me in a game of Mountain Miners," said Iko. Thorne nodded, as if these two announcements carried the same weight. "She is a genius." Cress ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
See? Injustice. Here we are, risking our lives to rescue Kai and this whole planet, and Adri and Pearl get to go to the royal wedding. I'm disgusted. I hope they spill soy sauce on their fancy dresses."

Jacin's concern turned fast to annoyance. "Your ship has some messed-up priorities, you know that?"

"Iko. My name is Iko. If you don't stop calling me the 'ship,' I am going to make sure you never have hot water during your showers again, do you understand me?"

"Yeah, hold that thought while I go disable the speaker system."

"What? You can't mute me. Cinder! ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Iko's hand shot into the air. "Yes, Iko?" "That is the best idea ever. Count me in." Some ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Iko snorted - a derisive sound that Cinder hadn't even thought escorts were capable of making. Staring ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
But I'm... How can I... No hand, no visual sensor, humongous landing gear... Are those supposed to be my feet?"
" Well, no. It's supposed to be landing gear."
"Oh, what's become of me? I'm hideous!"
"Now hold on just a minute there, Miss disembodied voice." Throne strode into the engine room and crossed his arms. "What do you mean 'hideous'?"
"Who's that? Who's speaking?"
"I am Captain Carswell Thorne, the owner of this fine ship and I will not stand to have her insulted in my presence!" Cinder rolled her eyes.
"Captain Carswell Thorne?"
"That's right."
A brief silence, "My net search is finding only Cadet Carswell Thorne."
"That's him." Said Cinder
Another silence as the heat in the engine room rose. "You're rather handsome, Captain"
"And you my fine lady, are the most gorgeous ship in these skies, and don't let anyone tell you other wise."
"Iko, are you intentionally blushing?"
"But am I really pretty? Even as a ship?"
"The prettiest. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
And thats just the beggining. By the end of this escapade, the world will see us a heroes. Imagine the fame and fortune, the sponsorship oportunitys, the marketing requests, the net dramatization requests. I think we should discuss the profit devision sooner than later, becuase i'm considering a 60 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10 split right now."

"Am i the fourth ten percent? Said iko. "Or is that the satellite girl?"Becuase if its the satellite girl im going on strike. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Are we almost done with the gushing and the weeping?" said Thorne, massaging his temple. "When do we start planning a revolution again?" This time, it was Iko that kicked him. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
In fact, I was hoping that if I came to see you off, I would be asked to do manual labor." Iko shrugged. "If you don't want to do any heavy lifting, then stop having such impressive muscles." Cinder ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Cinder," Iko said after a few silent minutes of explorations. "I'm enormous. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
All right, Miss Cryptic. What's the new plan, then?"
Glancing around the room, Cinder tipped up her chin. "It starts with kidnapping the groom."
Iko's hand shot into the air.
"Yes, Iko?"
"That is the best idea ever. Count me in. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
All dressed up with nowhere to go," said Iko from the doorway.
Cinder spit out the flashlight with a laugh and glanced down at her oil-stained cargo pants. "Yeah, right. All I need is a tiara."
"I was talking about me. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Iko stepped back, but Thorne filled the space she'd left, cupping Cress's face in his hands. His eyes bored into her, full of disbelief. His thumb caught her first tear.
Suddenly, Cress found herself laughing and sniffling and laughing some more. She ducked her head and swiped at the tears. "No crying," she said. "It's dehydrating. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Had he done it for her? "I know," said Iko with a dreaminess in her tone, though Cinder hadn't said anything. "He's fantastic." When ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Cinder grinned."I love you too." "Why are we not moving?" said Storm, his voice rumbling through the tunnel. "We grow inpatient to shred Levana and her court into tiny, bite-size pieces. We will suck the marrow from their bones and drink their blood as if it were fine wine." Iko fixed an uncomfortable look on Cinder. "Good thing they're on our side. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
She heard Thorne say something about freeze-dried cardboard and Iko accuse him of being insensitive to those without any taste buds at all. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Thanks," she murmured, fighting the urge to embrace him, to crawl into his arms and hide from the rest of the galaxy. Maybe forever. "Also" - his voice lowered - "you look beautiful." It was Iko who responded, "Thank you for noticing." Kai ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Oh, Iko ... what happened?" "More stupid Lunar guards, that's what happened. He cornered me in the basement of the med-clinic and did this. I had to play dead until he left me alone. Good thing they have no idea how to kill an android here. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Are you being held prisoner right now, or are these bullies on our side?" "They're on our side." Iko ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
A kiss from the Captain would probably melt my central processor."
Thorne winked at her. "Oh trust me. It would. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
Tilting forward, Iko pressed her flat, cool face to Cinder's brow, no doubt leaving a smudge of lipstick. Cinder laughed. ~ Marissa Meyer
Mlango Iko quotes by Marissa Meyer
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