Mcfarling Law Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Mcfarling Law.

Quotes About Mcfarling Law

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The only law is one which leads to freedom ~ Richard Bach
Mcfarling Law quotes by Richard Bach
When two people marry they become in the eyes of the law one person, and that one person is the husband. ~ Shana Alexander
Mcfarling Law quotes by Shana Alexander
To create reality, focus beyond the outcome, as if it has already happened. ~ Gregg Braden
Mcfarling Law quotes by Gregg Braden
Someday I'll be a lawyer… someday I'll bring justice to people who need it. Lawyers are either legalized liars… or saviors of the truth. ~ Rebecca McNutt
Mcfarling Law quotes by Rebecca McNutt
For most people, the question why be good - as distinguished from merely law abiding - is a simple one. Because God commands it, because the Bible requires it, because good people go to Heaven and bad people go to Hell. ~ Alan Dershowitz
Mcfarling Law quotes by Alan Dershowitz
Benjamin Fitzpatrick was admitted to the practice of law in Alabama in 1821. Within five years, having participated in some law suits regarding conflicting property claims among slaveholders, he had built up a clientele sufficiently broad to allow him to begin acquiring slaves. In 1826 Fitzpatrick purchased three slaves for a thousand dollars; in 1827 he bought a fifteen-year-old boy for four hundred dollars. The following year he spent over five hundred dollars on a seventeen-year-old girl and her six-month-old son, $975 on a sixteen-year-old girl along with a twelve-year-old mulatto and a nine-year-old boy. Later in 1828, he added a boy named Peter and a woman named Betsey ~ James Oakes
Mcfarling Law quotes by James Oakes
Paradox is an overrated threat. There is ... a quality similar to inertia at work. Once an event has occurred, there is an extremely strong tendency for that event to occur. The larger, more significant, or more energetic the event, the more it tends to remain as it originally happened, despite any interference."
I frowned. "There's ... a law of conservation of history? ~ Jim Butcher
Mcfarling Law quotes by Jim Butcher
More importantly, the Court forgets that ours is a government of laws and not of men. That means we are governed by the terms of our laws, not by the unenacted will of our lawmakers. 'If Congress enacted into law something different from what it intended, then it should amend the statute to conform to its intent.' In the meantime, this Court 'has no roving license ... to disregard clear language simply on the view that ... Congress 'must have intended' something broader. ~ Antonin Scalia
Mcfarling Law quotes by Antonin Scalia
from 'Incident Light Poem'

And all surprisingly without outrage
without gunshot
without a call of timber with/out bleak rows
to fall:
Light follows the path of least time

A law becomes gospel and sharp eye-water
is a diminished story
The thrill of being an airplane
Of being possibly broken
An amnesiac love between white mud
and the disintegration of shells
winnowed away ~ Andrea Strudensky
Mcfarling Law quotes by Andrea Strudensky
For when the Law of Price declares that a good actually commands a particular price, and explains why it does so, it of course implies that the good is able to command this price, and explains why it is able to do so. The Law of Price comprehends the Law of Exchange-Value. ~ Ludwig Von Mises
Mcfarling Law quotes by Ludwig Von Mises
Opinions alter, manners change, creeds rise and fall, but the moral law is written on the tablets of eternity. ~ John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton
Mcfarling Law quotes by John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton
This compassion, or sympathy with the pains of others, ought also to extend to the brute creation, as far as our necessities will admit; for we cannot exist long without the destruction of other animal or vegetable beings either in their mature or embryon state. Such is the condition of mortality, that the first law of nature is 'eat, or be eaten.' Hence for the preservation of our existence we may be supposed to have a natural right to kill those brute creatures, which we want to eat, or which want to eat us; but to destroy even insects wantonly shows an unreflecting mind, or a depraved heart. ~ Erasmus Darwin
Mcfarling Law quotes by Erasmus Darwin
Necessity hath no law. Feigned necessities, imaginary necessities, are the greatest cozenage men can put upon the Providence of God, and make pretences to break known rules by. ~ Oliver Cromwell
Mcfarling Law quotes by Oliver Cromwell
Be in the world but not of it; become less attached to outcome and more attuned to outgo, which is the natural radiance of your being. ~ Derek Rydall
Mcfarling Law quotes by Derek Rydall
Old Mother Hubbard
Went to the cupboard
To get her dear dog a bone.
Though the cupboard was bare,
When she focused elsewhere
Her heart overflowed with fun! ~ Kristen McKee
Mcfarling Law quotes by Kristen McKee
The position we have now reached is this: starting from the State, we try to remedy the failures of all the families, all the nurseries, all the schools, all the workshops, all the secondary institutions that once had some authority of their own. Everything is ultimately brought into the Law Courts. We are trying to stop the leak at the other end. ~ Gilbert K. Chesterton
Mcfarling Law quotes by Gilbert K. Chesterton
It is a kind of law of nature. The goal one aims for can rarely be reached by a direct road. ~ Konosuke Matsushita
Mcfarling Law quotes by Konosuke Matsushita
I can't get over this. Dad isn't Sam's dad? Dad is a friend? How was I supposed to know that? People shouldn't be allowed to sign themselves as Dad unless they are your dad. It should be the law. ~ Sophie Kinsella
Mcfarling Law quotes by Sophie Kinsella
The law is God's first word; the gospel is God's final word. ~ Tullian Tchividjian
Mcfarling Law quotes by Tullian Tchividjian
If you see something, say something. This is more than a slogan. If you see someone turning toward violence, say something. Say something to law enforcement or to one of you in your community. ~ Audie Cornish
Mcfarling Law quotes by Audie Cornish
Understand, our police officers put their lives on the line for us every single day. They've got a tough job to do to maintain public safety and hold accountable those who break the law. ~ Barack Obama
Mcfarling Law quotes by Barack Obama
Liberals don't care. Their approach is to rip out society's foundations without asking if they serve any purpose. Why do we have immigration laws? What's with these borders? Why do we have the institution of marriage, anyway? What do we need standardized tests for? Hey, I like Keith Richards - why not make heroin legal? Let's take a sledgehammer to all these load-bearing walls and just see what happens! ~ Ann Coulter
Mcfarling Law quotes by Ann Coulter
It was worth repeating, because it constituted the First Law of Sentient Ordnance: Thou shalt not blow up the wrong planet. On that point the programmers had been insistent to the point of fussiness. Accordingly, ~ Tom Holt
Mcfarling Law quotes by Tom Holt
God, through the Law, His alien
work, brings man to despair and humility and to a recognition of his
need, and through the Gospel, His appropriate work, He gives man faith
and the knowledge of His forgiveness. ~ Joel R. Beeke
Mcfarling Law quotes by Joel R. Beeke
My father's a firefighter. He was my whole life. And my brother-in-law and several family members are firefighters. ~ Brad Paisley
Mcfarling Law quotes by Brad Paisley
Law intends indeed to do service to human life, but it is not able when men do not choose to accept her services; for it is only in those who are obedient to her that she displays her special virtue. ~ Epictetus
Mcfarling Law quotes by Epictetus
The bicovenantal structure of the promise and administrative covenants provides the key for understanding the unity and diversity in God's covenantal dealings with men. Unity and continuity are founded on the promise covenants that secure it. The elements of diversity and discontinuity are found in the administrative covenants. But as explained [earlier], the discontinuity [within the administrative covenants] is not theological or ethical, but ceremonial and typological. The law of God, in terms of its ethical demands, does not pass away, nor is it abolished by a new administrative covenant. ~ William O. Einwechter
Mcfarling Law quotes by William O. Einwechter
Written history may, in the course of its narrative, use some of the laws established by the various sciences, but its own task remains that of relating the essential sequence of historical action and, qua history, to tell what happened, not why. ~ Lloyd DeMause
Mcfarling Law quotes by Lloyd DeMause
Do you ever read any of the books you burn?"
He laughed. "That's against the law!"
"Oh. Of course. ~ Ray Bradbury
Mcfarling Law quotes by Ray Bradbury
But of all the views of this law [universal education] none is more important, none more legitimate, than that of rendering the people the safe, as they are the ultimate, guardians of their own liberty. ~ Thomas Jefferson
Mcfarling Law quotes by Thomas Jefferson
I've successfully lobbied and testified for stalking laws in several states, but I would trade them all for a high school class that would teach young men how to hear "no," and teach young women that it's all right to explicitly reject. ~ Gavin De Becker
Mcfarling Law quotes by Gavin De Becker
Great way to impress your future brother-in-law, by the way," Kieran continued. "You look like you took a blood bath. The only thing missing is the axe. Would Dallas really let his little sister date a crazed murderer who hacks bodies in the basement? You need to change that shirt pronto. And oh, you're welcome. I just saved you from making a complete and utter fool of yourself, but don't mention it."
I curled my lips into a fake smile. "Thanks. It's so nice to know you've got my back."
Kieran regarded me coolly. "A hobby might help ease all that hunger. Have you ever considered fixing cars, or woodworking, or maybe a DIY project around the house?"
"You're getting a big laugh out of this, aren't you?"
Kieran shrugged. "There's nothing on TV. ~ Jayde Scott
Mcfarling Law quotes by Jayde Scott
You can't expect law enforcement to provide the solution to the drug problem. ~ Bill McCollum
Mcfarling Law quotes by Bill McCollum
Think big or die small!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ Stephen Richards
Mcfarling Law quotes by Stephen Richards
To live as one likes is plebian the noble man aspires to order and law. ~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Mcfarling Law quotes by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Now everything that you do is written in red or black in Angel Gabriel's book. Not for everyone is this record kept, but only for those who have taken a position of responsibility. There is a Law of Sins, and if you do not fulfil all your obligations, you will pay. ~ G.I. Gurdjieff
Mcfarling Law quotes by G.I. Gurdjieff
I love the quote she once gave me: "When supply seems to have dried up, look around you quickly for something to give away." It is a law of the universe: to get good things you must first give away good things. (And of course this applies to love and friendship, as well.) ~ Bear Grylls
Mcfarling Law quotes by Bear Grylls
In matters of literary and historical appraisement, one cannot operate with the methods of a laboratory or furnish the proof to be demanded in a court of law. The best is only the probable. Any who raise complaint have an easy remedy: to offer something better, something coherent and constructive. ~ Ronald Syme
Mcfarling Law quotes by Ronald Syme
But the Christian writer seems, by the usual course of the argument, to have been deprived of the common presumption of charity in his favor; and reversing the ordinary rule of administering justice in human tribunals, his testimony is unjustly presumed to be false, until it is proved to be true. ...{independent historians} have been treated, in the argument, almost as if the New Testament were the entire production, at once, of a body of men, conspiring by a joint fabrication, to impose a false religion upon the world. ~ Simon Greenleaf
Mcfarling Law quotes by Simon Greenleaf
In a sense, I am a moralist, insofar as I believe that one of the tasks, one of the meanings of human existence - the source of human freedom - is never to accept anything as definitive, untouchable, obvious, or immobile. No aspect of reality should be allowed to become a definitive and inhuman law for us. We have to rise up against all forms of power - but not just power in the narrow sense of the word, referring to the power of a government or of one social group over another: these are only a few particular instances of power. Power is anything that tends to render immobile and untouchable those things that are offered to us as real, as true, as good. ~ Michel Foucault
Mcfarling Law quotes by Michel Foucault
We shouldn't waste any more time in making sure that democracy is properly rooted in our political life and the supremacy of the law becomes an integral part of our state's structure. ~ Ahmet Necdet Sezner
Mcfarling Law quotes by Ahmet Necdet Sezner
That is good. It is a law of nature. That is the way with all founders of religion. Without persecution superior ideas cannot penetrate into the heart of society. ~ Swami Vivekananda
Mcfarling Law quotes by Swami Vivekananda
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