Manuchar Pakistan Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Manuchar Pakistan.

Quotes About Manuchar Pakistan

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I want poverty to end in tomorrow's Pakistan. I want every girl in Pakistan to go to school. ~ Malala Yousafzai
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Malala Yousafzai
Obama was expected to restore an ethical sheen to post-9/11 foreign policy, but he has intensified drone warfare in Yemen and Pakistan, pursued whistle-blowers, and failed to close down Guantanamo. ~ Pankaj Mishra
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Pankaj Mishra
if a colonizer replaces language, clothes and names of a nation then what remains is a mere shadow of the colonizer. ~ Hassan Zia Ahmed
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Hassan Zia Ahmed
Look at the violence in Pakistan and the presence of U.S. troops in Afghanistan: the more troops we put in the more violent Pakistan becomes. ~ Michael Hastings
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Michael Hastings
Bhutto brought up the coup in Afghanistan, which has resulted in deposing the country's monarchy and replacing it with a republic under a nationalist cousin of the king. Kissinger said he had discussed the matter with the Soviet Ambassador. "I told him if the recent coup in Afghanistan remained an internal Afghan affair, that would be one matter" he said, "but if it resurrected the Pashtunistan dispute, the U.S. would be engaged. This is the basic policy of the president. ~ Husain Haqqani
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Husain Haqqani
Today's concrete-pouring ceremony of Chashma-2 marks yet another landmark in Pak-China relations and a milestone in the history of nuclear technology in Pakistan. ~ Shaukat Aziz
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Shaukat Aziz
for the first time I am confronted with the fact that places and people are like things: both made of memories and meaningful to us in the same way: we construct ourselves in our conversations with them. ~ Bilal Tanweer
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Bilal Tanweer
People in this country are still waiting for the war of their freedom to come from somewhere else, from the jungles, from the mountains, from China, from Pakistan. That will never happen. Every man must make his own Benaras.
The book of your revolution sits in the pit of your belly, young Indian. Crap it out, and read. ~ Aravind Adiga
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Aravind Adiga
My first novel, 'You Must be Sisters,' was started in Pakistan. I've wrote several novels and a TV drama set or partly-set there. ~ Deborah Moggach
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Deborah Moggach
We invaded Afghanistan to find bin Laden. We found him in Pakistan, and we're still in Afghanistan. We need better GPS. ~ Andy Borowitz
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Andy Borowitz
You must keep in mind that Pakistan has suffered the aftermaths of the Cold War, and that Cold War had left deep imprints on our society. We were the worst sufferers from the ills of the Afghan war. ~ Asif Ali Zardari
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Asif Ali Zardari
India just went 3 years with no cases [of polio]. Pakistan is our toughest location right now because some parts of the Taliban have not allowed vaccinators to come in and have even attacked vaccinators. We are hopeful this will get resolved since no one wants their kid to be paralyzed. I spend a lot of time making sure the polio campaign is doing the best it can. We have great computer models that help guide our activities. ~ Bill Gates
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Bill Gates
We wish Pakistan both stability and security; we expect them to understand our legitimate concerns of preventing people from using its soil to inflict problem in India. ~ Salman Khurshid
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Salman Khurshid
Terrorism is a big danger to Pakistan's independence. We will fight this danger for the sake of independence of Pakistan and will defeat it at all levels. ~ Shaukat Aziz
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Shaukat Aziz
I have founded Khudi, in Pakistan, a youth movement which tries to counter extremist ideology through healthy discussion and debate. ~ Maajid Nawaz
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Maajid Nawaz
Anyone who follows the Middle East and Islamic world in general can't deny it is often a very violent place, that a band of instability now stretches from Algeria to Pakistan. ~ Richard Engel
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Richard Engel
At a time when we are facing threats from nations such as North Korea and Iran, and attempting to convince others such as India and Pakistan to become responsible nuclear powers, it is vital that America reclaims the leadership we once had on arms control. ~ Ellen Tauscher
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Ellen Tauscher
The real reason for Father Braganza's laughter was the history of Amrapur. It was a quaint town, nestled amidst barren mountains. The Hindus and Muslims living there were perpetually warring with each other, reacting violently at the slightest provocation. It had started a long time ago, this squabble, and had escalated into a terrible war. Some people say it started centuries ago, but many believe it started when the country gave one final, fierce shrug to rid itself of British rule. The shrug quickly became a relentless shuddering, and countless people were uprooted and flung into the air. Many didn't survive. Perhaps the mountains of Amrapur absorbed the deracinating wave. People weren't cruelly plucked from the town. They remained there, festering, becoming irate and harbouring murderous desires. And while the country was desperately trying to heal its near-mortal wounds and move on, Amrapur's dormant volcano erupted. Momentary and overlooked, but devastating. Leaders emerged on both sides and, driven by greed, they fed off the town's ignored bloodshed. They created ravines out of cracks, fostered hatred and grew richer. The Bhoite family, the erstwhile rulers of the ancient town, adopted the legacy of their British rulers---divide and conquer. ~ Rohit Gore
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Rohit Gore
Bengali leader, Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy (who served as Pakistan's prime minister in 1956) had noted as early as March 1948 that Pakistan's elite was predisposed to 'raising the cry of "Pakistan in danger" for the purpose of arousing Muslim sentiments and binding them together' to maintain its power. ~ Husain Haqqani
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Husain Haqqani
Whenever you see riot footage on TV - you know, someone throwing a brick in Pakistan or somebody throwing a fiery piece of pooh through a Starbucks window up in Seattle - you ever see anybody throwing anything underhand? I think it just takes all the aggression out of the act. ~ Brian Posehn
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Brian Posehn
It is one thing being able to contest an election and to give the people hope that I can be the next prime minister. It is a totally different situation where the people of Pakistan are told that the results are already taken and the leader of your choice is banned. ~ Benazir Bhutto
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Benazir Bhutto
Abdul brushed the dirt from the American's forehead, where it had been pressed to the cool ground. "Not Pakistan man," he said. "But if you say Bosnia, I believe. ~ Greg Mortenson
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Greg Mortenson
So in many ways, the bombing at the end of this year and the terrorist attack of last year in Peshawar have bookended both those years in a very unfortunate way. But at a bigger picture since, the impression in Pakistan is that things are actually improving on the terrorism front quite dramatically. ~ Mohsin Hamid
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Mohsin Hamid
Her definition of romance was absentminded intimacy, the way someone else's hand stray to your plate of food.
I replied: no, that's just friendship; romance is always knowing exactly where that someone else's hands are. She smiled and said, there was a time I thought that way, too. But at the heart of the romance is the knowledge that those hands may wander off elsewhere, but somehow through luck or destiny or plain blind groping they'll find a way back to you, and maybe you'll be smart enough then to be grateful for everything that's still possible, in spit of your own weaknesses- and his. ~ Kamila Shamsie
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Kamila Shamsie
It is commonly and, I believe, accurately said of Pakistan that her women are much more impressive than her men. ~ Salman Rushdie
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Salman Rushdie
I went to L.A., and I was on two different studio movies at Fox and Sony, but they were never made in the end. When the second one wasn't happening, I ended up doing an episode of 'Who Do You Think You Are?' for the BBC, and went on a roots trip from England to Kenya, India, and pre-partition India in Pakistan, where my family originally came from. ~ Gurinder Chadha
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Gurinder Chadha
The problem with the United States is that it is making an increased use of drones/Predators [which are] particularly prominently used now in relation to Pakistan and Afghanistan ... My concern is that drones/Predators are being operated in a framework which may well violate international humanitarian law and international human rights law. ~ Philip Alston
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Philip Alston
John McCain will follow the fanatics to their caves in Pakistan or to the gates of hell. What Obama wants to do is give them a place setting at the table. ~ Mike Huckabee
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Mike Huckabee
Pakistan is an Islamic country and the victim of an Easter terrorist attack. Groups like Isis or in this case the Taliban are not about religion. No more than the KKK is about Christianity. These groups are about hate! I did post on the Pakistani attack because it is really important to point out that brown and black people in the middle east and Africa are being killed. Terrorism isn't about Islam. It is about hate. SO let's fight this hate. Let's stand united with our Islamic brothers and sisters who are being slaughtered. Step back from judging a religion you are not exposed to. Understand that we need to work together. ALL faiths. That's how we defeat this ~ Johnny Corn
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Johnny Corn
With Zia's controversial demise in 1988, Jinnah was finally spared the false beard Zia kept pinning on the founder's otherwise clean-shaven face. ~ Nadeem Farooq Paracha
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Nadeem Farooq Paracha
I'm not a representative of Pakistan; I'm just an example that Pakistanis are different from each other. I believe it in my fiction and I believe it personally. ~ Mohsin Hamid
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Mohsin Hamid
When the British left, India was a multireligious, multiregional, multiethnic country, exploited, backward, and poor from colonialism. ~ Prem Kishore
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Prem Kishore
Where I grew up in Pakistan, it's really the luck of the draw. My mother got married when she was 17. She never went to college but she wanted each and every one of us to go to college and then work. She was relentless about it. And i think that part of who i am is shaped by her strength. If [girls] families support them, they can achieve their dreams ~ Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy
What is the Obama Doctrine? It seems to be one of disengagement, to try to ignore the hot, religious, dry, poor countries from Algeria to Pakistan. ~ Richard Engel
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Richard Engel
In response to the question "Do you favor or oppose making sharia law, or Islamic law, the official law of the land in our country?" the nations with the five largest Muslim populations - Indonesia (204 million), Pakistan (178 million), Bangladesh (149 million), Egypt (80 million), and Nigeria (76 million) - showed overwhelming support for sharia. To be precise, 72 percent of Indonesian Muslims, 84 percent of Pakistani Muslims, 82 percent of Bangladeshi Muslims, 74 percent of Egyptian Muslims, and 71 percent of Nigerian Muslims supported making sharia the state law of their respective societies. In two Islamic nations that are considered to be transitioning to democracy, the number of sharia supporters was even higher. Pew found that 91 percent of Iraqi Muslims and 99 percent of Afghan Muslims supported making sharia their country's official law. ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
I want the American people to understand, we have a clear and focused goal: to disrupt, dismantle and defeat Al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan. ~ Stanley A. McChrystal
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Stanley A. McChrystal
Being a Muslim is not a joke but a challenge. If you think it is, come and live in Pakistan where you will know about Muslims' enemies around the globe ~ Faisal Nawaz Maitlo
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Faisal Nawaz Maitlo
Lahore, the second largest city of Pakistan, ancient capital of the Punjab, home to nearly as many people as New York, layered like a sedimentary plain with the accreted history of invaders from the Aryans to the Mongols to the British. ~ Mohsin Hamid
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Mohsin Hamid
When I go there to Afghanistan or Pakistan, the question both asked - and if it's not asked, implied - is, 'Are you staying this time?' because we left last time, in 1989 in Afghanistan, and we sanctioned Pakistan from 1990 to 2002. So I think it's a fair question. ~ Michael Mullen
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Michael Mullen
Pakistan is not going to be a theocratic State - to be ruled by priests with a divine mission. We have many non-Muslims - Hindus, Christians, and Parsis - but they are all Pakistanis. They will enjoy the same rights and privileges as any other citizens and will play their rightful part in the affairs of Pakistan. ~ Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Muhammad Ali Jinnah
The sanction of force stands behind the medley of personal orders and regulations of Martial Law. The sanction of the people's consent stands behind the hierarchy of laws. In one situation, the population is regimented into acquiescence. In the other, the population voluntarily establishes a contract with Parliament. For this reason, one is called a regime and the other, a government. Martial law rests on the sanction of force and not on the sanction of law. ~ Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
Gossip is not adopted by the bored. It is an art of discourse adopted by those who have experienced absolutely nothing thrilling in their lives; they have never really fallen in love or casually spoken to a complete stranger, and they never dreamt of doing anything extraordinary. They are a group of people with dull lives and souls. ~ Kanza Javed
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Kanza Javed
In countries other than Pakistan - I won't necessarily call them 'Western' - people support me. This is because people there respect others. They don't do this because I am a Pashtun or a Punjabi, a Pakistani, or an Iranian, they do it because of one's words and character. This is why I am being respected and supported there. ~ Malala Yousafzai
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Malala Yousafzai
Taking the logic of Jinnah's demand to its extreme, Congress now offered him a 'Pakistan' stripped of the Punjab's eastern divisions (Ambala and Jullundur), Assam (except Sylhet district) and western Bengal and Calcutta - the 'mutilated and moth-eaten' Pakistan which Jinnah had rejected out of hand in 1944 and again in May 1946. Such a permanent settlement would at a stroke eject Jinnah from the centre, clear the way for a strong unitary government wholly under Congress's sway, and give away only parts of provinces which past experience had shown lay outside the Congress's ken. ~ Ayesha Jalal
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Ayesha Jalal
In the ultimate analysis, all of us would have served Pakistan better if history and our future generations judge us positively. ~ Ashfaq Parvez Kayani
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Ashfaq Parvez Kayani
We shouldn't be thinking about individuals or departments. We should be thinking about national interest. Lifting the standard of Pakistan squash is like working towards national interest. ~ Jahangir Khan
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Jahangir Khan
I am NOT fighting for Muslims, believe me, when I demand Pakistan. ~ Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Recently, while I was in England, I saw a documentary on the BBC about the border between India and Pakistan at Wagah. When the border closes each evening around six o' clock, the soldiers on each side do these amazing high-stepping peacock march-offs (like a dance-off). The displays are almost identical on each side and thousands gather to watch them. Though they're patrolling along their separate borders, what comes across is how similar they are. ~ Matthea Harvey
Manuchar Pakistan quotes by Matthea Harvey
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