Love Grows Stronger Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Love Grows Stronger.

Quotes About Love Grows Stronger

Enjoy collection of 38 Love Grows Stronger quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Love Grows Stronger. Righ click to see and save pictures of Love Grows Stronger quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

Tell me what it is that you are hiding behind your eyes.
Tell me of the pain, so I can make it go away.
Tell me what it is that you are missing in your life.
I want to be the angel who takes care of your soul.
Finally I'm alive in your love.

There is so much tenderness in your heart.
There is so much spirit in your smile.
But it is your innocence mixed with mischievousness that I love.
I am with you to protect you for the rest of my life.
Finally I'm alive in your love.

Do not let anything dilute your smile ever again.
To see you happy I would do anything, mi amor.
You are the woman that I dream of late into the night.
It is because of your smile that my life has meaning once again.
Finally I'm alive in your love.

And every day my love grows stronger for you.
And the sadness that I once carried is forever gone.
I thank destiny and God for putting you in my life.
Since you came into my world, my dreams have all woken up.
Finally I'm alive in your love. ~ Jose N Harris
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Jose N Harris
I may say that (Being) love, in a profound but testable sense, creates the partner. it gives him a self-image, it gives him self-acceptance, a feeling of love-worthiness, all of which permit him to grow. It is a real question whether the full development of the human being is possible without it. ~ Abraham Maslow
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Abraham Maslow
I think love changes you over time, and whether you have good or bad experiences, you always grow and learn from them. ~ Leighton Meester
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Leighton Meester
Maybe the best definition of what a great partnership or great love is when people make each other grow in a better direction than they would have grown on their own. ~ Brit Marling
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Brit Marling
Or maybe a person is just made up of a lot of people," I say. "Maybe we're accumulating these new selves all the time." Hauling them in as we make choices, good and bad, as we screw up, step up, lose our minds, find our minds, fall apart, fall in love, as we grieve, grow, retreat from the world, dive into the world, as we make things, as we break things. ~ Jandy Nelson
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Jandy Nelson
He made a commitment, Eena."
"And you believe this commitment," she spoke the word detestably, "is more important than true love?"
"No," she stubbornly disagreed.
"Yes," Ian insisted as he put his finger to her lips, preventing her from arguing any further. "Love grows and wanes, Eena, but honor, duty, and commitment, those things are constant and stable. They define who you are."
"They define who you are?" she repeated. "You mean miserable?"
"Content," he retorted.
"Lonely," she argued.
"Faithful," he insisted, his eyes widening to emphasize the importance of the word.
"Empty, regretful, and ... "
"Hopeful," Ian whispered in her ear.
This word caught her off guard. At present, hope was probably all any of them could cling to. ~ Richelle E. Goodrich
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Richelle E. Goodrich
Compassion grows in the recognition that we are all the same.

If you can't see some part of yourself in every single person you encounter, then you're not looking closely enough, at the person or at yourself. ~ Scott Stabile
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Scott Stabile
This Word Love"

I will not go when she calls
even if she says I love you,
especially that,
even though she swears
and promises nothing
but love love.

The light in this room
covers every
thing equally;
even my arm throws no shadow,
it too is consumed with light.

But this word love -
this word grows dark, grows
heavy and shakes itself, begins
to eat, to shudder and convulse
its way through this paper
until we too have dimmed in
its transparent throat and still
are riven, are glistening, hip and thigh, your
loosened hair which knows
no hesitation. ~ Raymond Carver
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Raymond Carver
The bonds between ourselves and another person exists only in our minds. Memory as it grows fainter loosens them, and notwithstanding the illusion by which we want to be duped and which, out of love, friendship, politeness, deference, duty, we dupe other people, we exist alone. Man is the creature who cannot escape from himself, who knows other people only in himself, and when he asserts the contrary, he is lying. ~ Marcel Proust
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Marcel Proust
The love of money grows as the money itself grows. ~ Juvenal
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Juvenal
You know you've found love when they have: a smile that melts you, an innocence that soothes, a presences that glows and a trust in them that grows. - For Lydia ~ Kieran Harper
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Kieran Harper
The only thing in this world is music–music and books and one or two pictures. I am going to found a colony where there shall be no marrying–unless you happen to fall in love with a symphony of Beethoven–no human element at all, except what comes through Art–nothing but ideal peace and endless meditation. The whole of human beings grows too complicated, my only wonder is that we don't fill more madhouses: the insane view of life has much to be said for it–perhaps its the sane one after all: and we, the sad sober respectable citizens really rave every moment of our lives and deserve to be shut up perpetually. My spring melancholy is developing these hot days into summer madness. ~ Virginia Woolf
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Virginia Woolf
The soul that walks in love neither tires others nor grows tired. ~ John Of The Cross
Love Grows Stronger quotes by John Of The Cross
We tell lies when we are afraid ... afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we tell a lie, the thing that we fear grows stronger. ~ Tad Williams
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Tad Williams
He found that love is never to be defined, that it grows and changes with every year of life, that each person knows it as a different miracle ... Nothing can shame it. Nothing can make it more splendid than it already is. Shared, wantoned or hidden forever, it can fill a life. There is no understanding love, and there is no defeat so precious as trying. No aspect of life is more complex, and none so simple. A look, a word, and the heart is torn forever; a touch, and it is mended. Love is brave and cowardly. In the same person it is secret and garrulous. But above all, love establishes its own rules and no man can know its complete manifestation in the heart of another. ~ James A. Michener
Love Grows Stronger quotes by James A. Michener
Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years. People grow old only by deserting their ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up interest wrinkles the soul. Worry, doubt, self-distrust, fear and despair; these are the long, long years that bow the head and turn the growing spirit back to dust. Whatever your years, there is in every being's heart the love of wonder, the undaunted challenge of events, the unfailing childlike appetite for what next, and the joy and the game of life. ~ Douglas MacArthur
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Douglas MacArthur
Only if you are part of a community of believers seeking to resemble, serve, and love Jesus will you ever get to know him and grow into his likeness. ~ Timothy Keller
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Timothy Keller
For love is like a tree; it grows of itself; it send its roots deep into our being, and often continues to grow green over a heart in ruins. ~ Victor Hugo
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Victor Hugo
What i'm trying to tell you," Min said, "is that im going to grow up to be one of those chubby old ladies. It's in my genes. Like self raising flour. i'm going to pouf."
"thats going to work out well for me," Cal said. "because i'm going to grow up to be one of those horny old men who chases chubby old ladies around the couch. ~ Jennifer Crusie
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Jennifer Crusie
Once a month, ripe with psychic energy, the moon grows to Her zenith. Blazing full with the sun's rays through the night sky, it is with great compassion and love for her children that she luminesces. ~ Lawren Leo
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Lawren Leo
To say "I love you," Yanomami Indians of the Amazon say, "Ya pihi irakema," meaning "I have been contaminated by your being" - a part of you has entered me, and it lives and grows. ~ David Servan-Schreiber
Love Grows Stronger quotes by David Servan-Schreiber
I think I've always believed in Ronald Reagan's adage, "Peace through Strength." Let's grow stronger on a transatlantic basis in our economies. ~ Mike Pence
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Mike Pence
Is fall in love, drop out of college, learn to subsist on water and air, have a species named after me, and ruin my life. ~ Nicole Krauss
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Nicole Krauss
I love thee, I love thee with a love that shall not die. Till the sun grows cold and the stars grow old. ~ William Shakespeare
Love Grows Stronger quotes by William Shakespeare
A man may as well expect to grow stronger by always eating as wiser by always reading. ~ Jeremy Collier
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Jeremy Collier
Deep within every blind, absolute love grows a hatred toward the beloved, who now holds the only existing key to happiness ~ Peter Hoeg
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Peter Hoeg
If we're lucky, we find the one person who will hold our trust and keep it sacred and safe against all attackers. That one soul who will restore our belief that people are decent and kind, and that life, while messy, is still the most wondrous gift anyone can know. But until that day comes, we have to try and remember that home isn't a specific place or person. It's a feeling we carry inside ourselves. That touch of the divine that lights a fire inside us that burns out the past and consumes the pain until nothing is left but a warmth that allows us to love others more than ourselves. A warmth that only grows when we do right even while others seek to do us wrong. Peace is knowing that one life, no matter how trivial it seems, touches thousands of others, and learningto respect that about all people. While you may not mean much to the world, to those who know and love you, you are their entire world. And it is knowledge that no one can hurt you unless you allow them to. The only power they have isn't something they're taken or demanded. It's what we give them by choice. And while it is imperative that we value the lives of others, it is equally important to value our own. ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Sherrilyn Kenyon
The love within us is meant to extend outward. The closer we grow to our inner light, we feel a natural urge to share it. We all long for meaningful work, some creative endeavor that will be our ministry, by which the energies within us might flow out to help heal the world. ~ Marianne Williamson
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Marianne Williamson
Flowers grows in silence, quietly, slowly, passionately, with great love and with all its power just perfectly. ~ Debasish Mridha
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Debasish Mridha
As I drive home, I picture other signs- one for everyone who has a secret. Bill Corso's would say, I CAN'T READ, BUT I CAN THROW A FOOTBALL. Mr. Shunk's would read, I WISH I COULD TOSS YOU ALL ON AN ISLAND BY YOURSELVES. Dad's would read, I HATE MYSELF FOR NO GOOD REASON.

My Idea grows. ~ A.S. King
Love Grows Stronger quotes by A.S. King
I still love hockey. It's just I'm at a different stage of my life and I think I'm just ready to grow in other ways outside of just being a hockey player. ~ Angela Ruggiero
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Angela Ruggiero
When men are prosperous, they are in love with life. Nature grows beautiful, the arts begin to flourish, there is work for painter and sculptor, the poet is born, the stage is erected - and this life with which men are in love is represented in a thousand forms. ~ Robert Green Ingersoll
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Robert Green Ingersoll
As your silence grows; your friendliness, your love grows; your life becomes a moment-to-moment dance, a joy, a celebration. ~ Rajneesh
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Rajneesh
Love doesn't die, Meadow. It starts out small at first, and then it grows, and it keeps growing, until it takes over out entire heart. I think some people were born to love. Others fall into it, and when it becomes too much, they're afraid. ~ Lindsay Cummings
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Lindsay Cummings
A mother's love - how sweet the name! What is a mother's love? - A noble, pure and tender flame, Enkindled from above, To bless a heart of earthly mould; The warmest love that can grow cold; This is a mother's love. ~ James Montgomery
Love Grows Stronger quotes by James Montgomery
I am a gardener of thoughts, and my garden only grows flowers of love. ~ Debasish Mridha
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Debasish Mridha
If we make our goal to live a life of compassion and unconditional love, then the world will indeed become a garden where all kinds of flowers can bloom and grow. ~ Elisabeth Kubler Ross
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Elisabeth Kubler Ross
We've shared so much laughter, so many tears. We're a spiritual bond that grows stronger each year. We're not sisters by birth, but we knew from the start, something put us together to be sisters by heart. ~ Meghan Trainor
Love Grows Stronger quotes by Meghan Trainor
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