Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On.

Quotes About Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On

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The stubborn refusal to admit a failure due to sin can become a big problem because it makes you spend time rationalizing rather than learning from your mistakes and moving on. ~ Anonymous
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Anonymous
Guilt is not merely a concern with the past; it is a present-moment immobilization about a past event. And the degree of immobilization can run from mild upset to severe depression. If you are simply learning from your past, and vowing to avoid the repetition of some specific behavior, this is not guilt. You experience guilt only when you are prevented from taking action now as a result of having behaved in a certain way previously. Learning from your mistakes is healthy and a necessary part of growth. Guilt is unhealthy because you are ineffectively using up your energy in the present feeling hurt, upset and depressed about a historical happening. And it's futile as well as unhealthy. No amount of guilt can ever undo anything. ~ Wayne W. Dyer
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Wayne W. Dyer
Don't argue for other people's weaknesses. Don't argue for your own. When you make a mistake, admit it, correct it, and learn from it / immediately. ~ Stephen R. Covey
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Stephen R. Covey
As you have seen the treachery of love because of me, I have seen my cruelty because of you. But you learned mercy from me, and from you I learned resilience. As you came to understand me enough to know the value I placed on selfless love, I understand your nature better. ~ D. Morgenstern
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by D. Morgenstern
Remember that everyone who writes anything good wrote a lot of bad stuff first. You are learning, be kind to yourself, just as you would be kind to anyone learning to do something hard, like juggling or ballroom dancing or surgery. Learn from your mistakes, and get better ... It's fine to dislike something you've written. But don't dislike yourself for having made it. ~ Neil Gaiman
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Neil Gaiman
Don't just think about what you missed! Don't continue to dwell on your past mistakes. You shall also miss something in life, consciously or unconsciously! You shall never be able to do all things excellently in life though you must try to! The lesson from what you missed and its application for a better tomorrow is what matter! Move your thought! Move your body! ~ Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
I learned a lot from my Mom. My favorite lesson: remember there is no such thing as a certain way to parent and to remember that you are learning along with your child - it's ok to make mistakes. ~ Regina King
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Regina King
You cannot achieve success without the risk of failure. And I learned a long time ago, you cannot achieve success, if you fear failure. If you're not afraid to fail, man, you have a chance to succeed. But you're never gonna get there unless you risk it, all the way. I'll risk failure. Sometimes, half the fun is failing. Learning from your mistakes, waking up the next morning, and saying 'Okay. Watch out. Here I come again. A little bit smarter, licking my wounds, and really not looking forward to getting my ass kicked the way I just did yesterday.' So now, I'm just a little more dangerous. ~ Paul Heyman
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Paul Heyman
Everything happens for a reason...good and bad. Learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward...down the road of life.

www.bullyingben.com ~ Timothy Pina
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Timothy Pina
Learning from other people's mistakes is better than making your owns. And it is easier to live lonely than to have a broken heart. ~ Aria Adams
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Aria Adams
Learn from your mistakes and don't do the same. ~ Jonathan Burkett
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Jonathan Burkett
One of the most interesting parts of writing is that you can think about it all of the time. Writers get their ideas all day and all night long, not just when they sit at their writing tables. No one will see your thoughts, but inside you head you can always wonder and ponder. "Hmmm...that's strange." Or, "I might write about that later." When you write, you notice things that other people do not. Artists and scientists do this too. To create, one must observe ~ Edgardo H. Pangilinan
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Edgardo H. Pangilinan
People who blame others for their failures never overcome them. They simply move from problem to problem. To reach your potential, you must continually improve yourself, and you can't do that if you don't take responsibility for your actions and learn from your mistakes. ~ John C. Maxwell
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by John C. Maxwell
Life is full of lessons; learn the lessons in life you meet each moment of time well! So many people meet the same things in life time after time, because they fail to know, understand and take real lessons from the same things they always meet time and time again! Day by day, make a consistent effort to improve yourself. Day by day, take consistent steps in wit to avoid doing the same thing that resulted in the same thing in the same way! Life is full of lessons; don't forget to learn the lessons life teaches well, or else you shall leave each moment of your life learning the same life lessons! ~ Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Contrary to popular belief, I consider failure a necessity in business. If you're not failing at least five times a day, you're probably not doing enough. The more you do, the more you fail. The more you fail, the more you learn. The more you learn, the better you get. The operative word here is learn. If you repeat the same mistake two or three times, you are not learning from it. You must learn from your own mistakes and from the mistakes of others before you.4 ~ John C. Maxwell
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by John C. Maxwell
People move on quicker than I can comprehend. People forget you within days, they take new pictures to put on Facebook and they don't read your messages. They keep on moving forward and shove you to the side because you make more mistakes than you should. ~ Alice Oseman
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Alice Oseman
You make your mistakes to learn how to get to the good stuff. ~ Quincy Jones
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Quincy Jones
But here's the thing about learning from other people's mistakes: you miss out on the chance to make some mistakes on your own. And sometimes you get so busy dodging the potential mistakes that you miss the potential magic.

You miss the one ~ Lauren Layne
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Lauren Layne
To be successful in anything, a person must always want to be better, not only than your opponent but better than your last performance. Done correctly, being competitive is a wonderful way to always try to be a better person by learning from your mistakes and capitalizing on your successes. ~ Hale Irwin
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Hale Irwin
Literally falling on the ice and having to pick yourself up in front of thousands of people is not an easy thing to do. The thing that you learn is to pick yourself back up, to learn from your mistakes. ~ Michelle Kwan
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Michelle Kwan
Life is a cycle of the same choices with those lessons already taught. Some people act like they don't know what they are doing until they get caught. Learn from your mistakes and keep it moving never to repeat them. Don't be afraid to close that door. Since repeating a mistake becomes a choice, not a excuse for you anymore. -yl- ~ YackLounge Dj Kas
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by YackLounge Dj Kas
You have to forgive yourself for your past mistakes, and you have to forgive those that hurt you for what they did to you, or you're never going to fully move on. ~ Jennifer Gracen
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Jennifer Gracen
You've got to be able to take a hit and learn from it and get back up on your bike again, or get back doing whatever you do, and try even harder next time. It's all about learning from your mistakes and using it the next time so you don't put yourself in the same situation. ~ Magnus Backstedt
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Magnus Backstedt
Never let go of your appetite to go after new ideas, new experiences, and new adventures. Compete with yourself, not with others. Judge yourself on what is your personal best and you'll accomplish more than you could ever have imagined. Life stops for no one, so keep moving. Stay awake and stay alive. There's no AutoCorrect in life - think before texting the universe. Breaking the rules just for fun is too easy - the real challenge lies in perfecting the art of knowing which rules to accept and which to rewrite. The more you experiment, take risks, and make mistakes, the better you'll know yourself, the better you'll know the world, and the more focused you'll be. ~ Sophia Amoruso
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Sophia Amoruso
Life isn't perfect. It's not supposed to be. We all make mistakes. You bash your head against the wall and you get hurt, but you walk away and make the best of it. And that's what makes it life, Brenna, not perfection. You'll never find happiness if you only expect to find a perfect life. Happiness is something we reach for while we try to learn from our disappointments. ~ Karen White
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Karen White
You surely get a second chance to learn and grow with your next generation and become their hero. If you missed your own, then you must not throw away second one for your own sake. ~ Sandeep Sahajpal
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Sandeep Sahajpal
When you do your best you learn to accept yourself. But you have to be aware and learn from your mistakes. Learning from your mistakes means you practice, look honestly at the results, and keep practicing. This increases your awareness. ~ Miguel Ruiz
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Miguel Ruiz
In life it's not how you fall but how you get up that really counts! Don't let mistakes from your past haunt and hold you back ... always keep moving forward in your life ~ Timothy Pina
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Timothy Pina
Don't be too quick to leave the tree you are highly convinced of its future sweet fruits and comforting shade just because you see its present fruitlessness. Just sit under it and endure the scorching sun, one day, its branches will give you comfort and its fruits will give you smiles and nourish your body! ~ Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
CRITICISM is part of LEARNING and GROWTH. It means that you are taking INITIATIVES to learn something new and grow over from your current state. If you are not getting criticised, it means you are not taking enough RISK to learn something new and to grow. ~ Sanjeev Himachali
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Sanjeev Himachali
In our modern world, we look unkindly on mistakes and imperfection. But this is far from the samurai ideal. Mistakes are part of the learning process and if you haven't made them then you are, indeed, dangerous because it means you have never learned anything. Mistakes, to a samurai, are the proof of your learning. ~ Alexei Maxim Russell
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Alexei Maxim Russell
You can reduce your anxiety somewhat by facing the fact that there isn't a mechanic alive who doesn't louse up a job once in a while. The main difference between you and the commercial mechanics is that when they do it you don't hear about it - just pay for it, in additional costs prorated through all your bills. When you make the mistakes yourself, you at least get the benefit of some education. ~ Robert M. Pirsig
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Robert M. Pirsig
Naturally, in 10 years, you change as a person and you learn a lot from your mistakes. You also learn a lot about wasting time and the right way to handle things. We're not touring as much. We're not doing eight or nine months of the year, so I've got a bit more time to get a perspective on what I do. I think I've improved my songwriting. I'm every bit as enthusiastic about playing as ever and I'm still learning. ~ Rory Gallagher
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Rory Gallagher
Recognize that there will be failures, and acknowledge that there will be obstacles. But you will learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others, for there is very little learning in success. ~ Michael Dell
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Michael Dell
Sometimes you just have to pick a direction and make mistakes. Then you use what you learn from your failure to pick new, better directions so you can make more mistakes and keep learning. ~ Matthew Quick
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Matthew Quick
I don't want to give advice to a 19-year-old, because I want a 19-year-old to make mistakes and learn from them. Make mistakes, make mistakes, make mistakes. Just make sure they're your mistakes. ~ Fiona Apple
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Fiona Apple
Everyone's done bad in their life. No one's perfect. But what makes the difference between bad and good is learning from your mistakes. You've done that Siva. You've acknowledged that you've done bad and you've learned from those mistakes. You're good Siva. When I look at you I see someone that's good and kind and loving. I see the man that I love," I said.

Sloane to Siva ~ Micalea Smeltzer
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Micalea Smeltzer
It's about reaching that moment of pure ecstasy when a drawing just happens. Where every move you make with your hand and every thought you have in your head grows in front of you without any mistakes; no rubbing out, starting again and getting frustrated. It's like being in a trance - it's a fluid - and you almost don't remember doing the picture. Drawing is an escape from all the unnecessary things in life that get in the way of being free. ~ Jamie Hewlett
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Jamie Hewlett
Failing forward is the ability to get back up after you've been knocked down, learn from your mistake, and move forward in a better direction. ~ John C. Maxwell
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by John C. Maxwell
It is growing up different. It is extreme hypersensitivity. It is a bottomless pit of feeling you're failing, but three days later, you feel you can do anything, only to end the week where you began. It is not learning from your mistakes. It is distrusting people because you have been hurt enough. It is moments of knowing your pain is self inflicted, followed by blaming the world. It is wanting to listen, but you just can't anymore because your life has been to full of people that have judged you. It is fighting to be right; so for once in your life someone will respect and hear you for a change. It is a tiring life of endless games with people, in order to seek stimulus. It is a hyper focus, so intense about what bothers you, that you can't pay attention to anything else, for very long. It is a never-ending routine of forgetting things. It is a boredom and lack of contentment that keeps you running into the arms of anyone that has enough patience to stick around. It wears you out. It wears everyone out. It makes you question God's plan. You misinterpret everything, and you allow your creative mind to fill the gaps with the same old chains that bind you. It narrows your vision of who you let into your life. It is speaking and acting without thinking. It is disconnecting from the ones you love because your mind has taken you back to what you can't let go of. It is risk taking, thrill seeking and moodiness that never ends. You hang your hope on "signs" and abandon reason for re ~ Shannon L. Alder
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Shannon L. Alder
It is very likely an anxiety dream, brought on by your move out of your childhood home and the comfort of the reach of your family's love and protection." Gideon reached to stroke her hair soothingly. "I am only surprised it has not happened sooner."
"Are you sure?" Her nervousness was clear, but she was truly relaxing already.
"Yes. And so are you. You know everything there is to know about psychology, you tell me what you think."
"But you thought it was this . . . new level of ability."
"And for the first time in a millennium my diagnosis is wrong. I do despise it when such bothersome things occur. Now I shall have to start the 'No Mistakes' clock all over again."
Legna giggled at him, which was of course his intention. She swung her arms around his neck, hugging him warmly.
"You smell so good," he murmured against her ear a long minute later.
"I smell like sex," she argued.
He nodded, making a loud noise of appreciation as he sniffed and nibbled her neck.
"You smell like very good sex," he amended with a voracious growl and an eager mouth moving over her bare skin with bold appetite.
"Gideon!" She squealed as he went straight for her waist, knowing she was ticklish there. The playful flicker of his tongue and the scrape of his teeth drove her mad, and she twisted as she screamed for him to stop.
When he tickled her she absolutely could not use her classic escape method. She could barely catch her breath, never mind her ~ Jacquelyn Frank
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Jacquelyn Frank
People screw up. People screw up a lot. We allow our own selfishness to overpower us at times. It happens. But you can't allow that to tear you down. You can't keep dwelling on your past choices, and your past actions, or else you'll never learn from them. ~ Nicole Sobon
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Nicole Sobon
Do not feel bad about your mistakes or those of others. Love them! Remember that one: they are to be expected; two: they're the first and most essential part of the learning process; and three: feeling bad about them will prevent you from getting better. ~ Ray Dalio
Learning From Your Mistakes And Moving On quotes by Ray Dalio
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