Jealous Lovers Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Jealous Lovers.

Quotes About Jealous Lovers

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There is a sort of love whose very excessiveness prevents the lover's being jealous. ~ Francois De La Rochefoucauld
Jealous Lovers quotes by Francois De La Rochefoucauld
So are you here alone or is there someone looking daggers at my back right now, ready to challenge me to a duel? ~ Somi Ekhasomhi
Jealous Lovers quotes by Somi Ekhasomhi
If you know yourself and don't have a belief that other people are better than you, then you simply can't feel jealous or threatened. ~ Roberto Hogue
Jealous Lovers quotes by Roberto Hogue
Nor jealousy Was understood, the injur'd lover's hell. ~ John Milton
Jealous Lovers quotes by John Milton
The life has ups and downs.
You had just to learn to fall with class ~ Ariadna Athanasopulos
Jealous Lovers quotes by Ariadna Athanasopulos
If we're happy, to be happy together. If we're are sad, to be sad together. To always know the other is there for us. The best of friends ... and so much more. ~ Kasey Michaels
Jealous Lovers quotes by Kasey Michaels
Why did Jason lie about Naomi?"
Jeremy cleared his throat nervously. "Oh. That. Um ... well, you know, uh ... to see if you'd get jealous." He caught Taylor's expression. "His plan - not mine," he added quickly. Then he cocked his head curiously. "How did you know?"
Taylor couldn't help but smile. "The watch thing. ~ Julie James
Jealous Lovers quotes by Julie James
She shrugged, looking as baffled by it as he felt. "I don't know. I wonder sometimes if people even know what love is anymore. Some days, when I'm watching my friends change lovers as unperturbedly as they change shoes, I think the world just got filled with too many people, and all our technological advances made things so easy that it cheapened our most basic, essential value somehow," she told him. "It's like spouses are commodities nowadays: disposable, constantly getting tossed back out for trade on the market and everyone's trying to trade up, up
like there is a 'trading up' in love." She rolled her eyes. "No way. That's not for me. I'm having one husband. I'm getting married once. When you know going in that you're staying for life, it makes you think harder about it, go slower, choose really well. ~ Karen Marie Moning
Jealous Lovers quotes by Karen Marie Moning
You're getting angry, you know I can see. You're just jealous, cause you can't be me. ~ Madonna Ciccone
Jealous Lovers quotes by Madonna Ciccone
Not by mere eloquence, nor by handsome appearance, does a man become good-natured, should he be jealous, selfish and deceitful. ~ Gautama Buddha
Jealous Lovers quotes by Gautama Buddha
Some of the most intense affairs are between actors and characters. There's a fire in the human heart and we jump into it with the same obsession as we have with our lovers. ~ Sigourney Weaver
Jealous Lovers quotes by Sigourney Weaver
By its very nature [...] love is tragic. You can't protect it. No matter how tightly you hold on to the one you love, they leave you or you leave them. That's what life is, loving and letting go. I am so grateful to those two young lovers of sixty years ago. I am so grateful to have tasted love. But all love ends tragically. Because, tragically, love always ends. What a heartbreaking and wonderful conundrum! Whether you have it just a few weeks, or years, or your entire life--always, it ends. ~ Jon Cohen
Jealous Lovers quotes by Jon Cohen
Lovers should also have their days off. ~ Natalie Clifford Barney
Jealous Lovers quotes by Natalie Clifford Barney
I worry that friends will slowly become professional pallbearers, waiting for each death, of their lovers, friends and neighbors, and polishing their funeral speeches; perfecting their rituals of death rather than a relatively simple ritual of life such as screaming in the streets. ~ David Wojnarowicz
Jealous Lovers quotes by David Wojnarowicz
Never far from a dining table, the characters in Heather A. Slomski's limpid and elegant debut collection are not given to melodramatics. Civility reigns, voices are not raised, much goes unsaid. But just beneath the sophisticated composure are longing, loss, heartbreak. And how intensely familiar is the table itself, which made this reader suddenly understand how much of our real life takes place there. Heather A. Slomski is truly a fresh voice on the scene, and The Lovers Set Down Their Spoons is that rare thing, a new book as innovative in its design as it is compulsively readable. ~ Jaimy Gordon
Jealous Lovers quotes by Jaimy Gordon
First you have nothing, and then, astonishingly, after ripping out your brain and your heart and betraying your friends and ex-lovers and dreaming like a zombie over the page till you can't see or hear or smell or taste, you have something. ~ T.C. Boyle
Jealous Lovers quotes by T.C. Boyle
For me, I'm not a jealous person. That's just not my thing. You have to have trust in your relationship. ~ Fergie
Jealous Lovers quotes by Fergie
I walked out to the hill just now. It is exalting, delicious. To stand embraced by the shadows of a friendly tree with the wind tugging at your coattail and the heavens hailing your heart, to gaze and glory and to give oneself again to God, what more could a man ask? Oh, the fullness, pleasure, sheer excitement of knowing God on earth. I care not if I never raise my voice again for Him, if only I may love Him, please Him. Mayhap, in mercy, He shall give me a host of children that I may lead through the vast star fields to explore His delicacies whose fingers' ends set them to burning. But if not, if only I may see Him, smell His garments, and smile into my Lover's eyes, ah, then, not stars, nor children, shall matter--only Himself. ~ Jim Elliot
Jealous Lovers quotes by Jim Elliot
It takes three to make love, not two: you, your spouse, and God. Without God people only succeed in bringing out the worst in one another. Lovers who have nothing else to do but love each other soon find there is nothing else. Without a central loyalty life is unfinished. ~ Fulton J. Sheen
Jealous Lovers quotes by Fulton J. Sheen
A woman never loves to any man, she only controls him ~ Er.teji
Jealous Lovers quotes by Er.teji
Millions upon millions will attain your ceremony, but don't think all of them are in a ceremonius mood. ~ Michael Bassey Johnson
Jealous Lovers quotes by Michael Bassey Johnson
I felt ashamed for having been jealous of his life, considering the price he'd paid for it, and I tried to feel lucky for the safe and unextraordinary one that I had done nothing to deserve ~ Ransom Riggs
Jealous Lovers quotes by Ransom Riggs
I 've been married so much in my life that I never really had lovers, so it's been a fun time. Hopefully the men are enjoying it as well. ~ Angelina Jolie
Jealous Lovers quotes by Angelina Jolie
There was a time when mapmakers named the places they travelled through with the names of lovers rather than their own. ~ Michael Ondaatje
Jealous Lovers quotes by Michael Ondaatje
Some of the dairy people, who were also out of doors on the first Sunday evening after their engagement, heard her impulsive speeches, ecstasized to fragments, though they were too far off to hear the words discoursed; noted the spasmodic catch in her remarks, broken into syllables by the leapings of her heart, as she walked leaning on his arm; her contented pauses, the occassional laugh upon which her soul seemed to ride - the laugh of a woman in company with the man she loves and has won from all other women - unlike anything else in nature. They marked the buoyancy of her tread, like the skim of a bird which has not yet alighted. ~ Thomas Hardy
Jealous Lovers quotes by Thomas Hardy
Some of our superiors were indeed men of brains and learning and disinterested goodwill, but some were stuffed shirts, and some incompetents, and some timid souls escaping the fray, and some climbers, and some as bitter and jealous as some of us were at being inadequately appreciated. But still there they were, up in the sunshine above the smoke, a patch-elbowed tweedy elite that we might improve when we joined it, but that we never questioned. Especially during the Depression, when every frog of us was lustful for a lily pad. ~ Wallace Stegner
Jealous Lovers quotes by Wallace Stegner
God, you're so sweet." He holds my face in his hands and kisses me deeply. I slowly unzip his hoodie and touch a hand to his bare chest. I relish in the feel of it. Barely an hour ago I was admiring it from afar, and now it's no longer just a tease. When I slide my hand down to his stomach, he groans and his hands slip just under my shirt. "So that's why you didn't want to change." I can feel his smile against my lips. "You just wanted me to take your clothes off for you."

"Guilty." I lift my arms for him to pull it off. Instead of returning to kissing me, his eyes roam down my body. I fight the urge to cover myself; even though my bra is still on, I feel exposed. His hands lightly touch each side along the seam. My breath catches in my throat.

Meeting my eyes, he says, "You're so damn beautiful." He leans forward, pressing a soft kiss in between my breasts. I shiver at the light touch of his lips to my sensitive skin. If this is how he makes me feel with such little contact, then how will the rest of this feel? The need is building inside like a spark starting a fire. ~ Lilly Avalon
Jealous Lovers quotes by Lilly Avalon
With respect to Committees as you would perceive I am very jealous of their formation. I mean working committees. I think business is always better done by few than by many. I think also the working few ought not to be embaras[s]ed by the idle many and further I think the idle many ought not to be honoured by association with the working few.-I do not think that my patience has ever come nearer to an end than when compelled to hear ... long rambling malapropros enquiries of members who still have nothing in consequence to propose that shall advance the business. ~ Michael Faraday
Jealous Lovers quotes by Michael Faraday
We were lovers,' he says dramatically. 'I was very convincing.' Livia giggles and reaches up to stroke his hair. Hank pretends not to notice Livia's hand as it crawls across his cheek, and it turns into a game. Her fingers pet his lips as he mumbles through them, 'What part do you want? ~ Rachel M. Wilson
Jealous Lovers quotes by Rachel M. Wilson
As I kid, I was always jealous of the music that my favorite bands had written - but not really of how they played. So I'd daydream about having written songs, and this way above being able to perform them. ~ Jonny Greenwood
Jealous Lovers quotes by Jonny Greenwood
The endless thing in the world is Love.That is Beautiful. ~ Avinash Babu
Jealous Lovers quotes by Avinash Babu
If you don't like me, why do you waste your time making fun of me? ~ Chad Anderson
Jealous Lovers quotes by Chad Anderson
In this world, it is too common for people to search for someone to lose themselves in. But I am already lost. I will look for someone to find myself in. ~ C. JoyBell C.
Jealous Lovers quotes by C. JoyBell C.
There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats. ~ David Gemmell
Jealous Lovers quotes by David Gemmell
When I came up, I chanced a look at him. A mistake. The famished, wounded set of his body hinted agony. That he was dangerous seemed secondary to how alive I became. I'd been pretty all my life, but no one had ever watched me as Mark Donahue did now - as if I were a mythical creature.
I hooked my elbows over the side of the tub, nipples pressed against the slick porcelain, and crooked a finger at him. "Come here."
He was on his feet immediately. I stood, naked skin steaming, smelling like Johanna's gardenias, not like Wren at all. Like someone loved and desperately needed. But he kept his distance, as if I were the dangerous one. ~ Talia Vines
Jealous Lovers quotes by Talia Vines
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