Idealized Love Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Idealized Love.

Quotes About Idealized Love

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Hatred always involves a painful sense of separation from love, which may be idealized. A person you feel strongly against at any given time upsets you because he or she does not live up to your expectations. The higher your expectations the greater any divergence from them seems. If you hate a parent it is precisely because you expect such love. A person from whom you expect nothing will never earn your bitterness.

In a strange manner, hatred is a means of returning to love; and left alone and expressed it is meant to communicate a separation that exists in relation to what is expected.

Love, therefore, can contain hate very nicely. Hatred can contain love and be driven by it, particularly an idealized love. You "hate" something that separates you from a loved object. It is precisely because the object is so loved that it is so disliked if expectations are not met. You may love a parent, and if the parent does not seem to return the love and denies your expectations, then you may "hate" the same parent because of the love that leads you to expect more. The hatred is meant to get your love back. It is supposed to lead to a communication from you, stating your feelings - clearing the air, so to speak, and bringing you closer to the love object. Hatred is not the denial of love, then, but an attempt to regain it, and a painful recognition of circumstances that separate you from it. -- ~ Jane Roberts
Idealized Love quotes by Jane Roberts
When he's not with me I feel less than whole. But the volatility of our relationship makes me wonder how much of that is what I want him to be, as opposed to what he actually is. If the idea of him is more fulfilling than being with him. ~ Melanie A. Smith
Idealized Love quotes by Melanie A. Smith
With 'Greenberg,' I wanted to make a movie about Los Angeles ... my great love for it and also the way that I felt not at home and alienated there. ~ Noah Baumbach
Idealized Love quotes by Noah Baumbach
This is a dying fleck of love,
about a drunken man, and a broken woman,
taking steps into the woods,
trying to remember the days,
when the moon was full. ~ Rachel Blattstein
Idealized Love quotes by Rachel Blattstein
Where I grew up, surfing was a way for people to celebrate their love and respect for the ocean. ~ Tristan Prettyman
Idealized Love quotes by Tristan Prettyman
In love deceit almost always outstrips distrust. ~ Francois De La Rochefoucauld
Idealized Love quotes by Francois De La Rochefoucauld
God takes great joy in the passionate romantic love between a husband and wife. ~ Jim George
Idealized Love quotes by Jim George
May you overflow with love, hope and joy of knowing the Saviour. ~ Lailah Gifty Akita
Idealized Love quotes by Lailah Gifty Akita
Well O. the thing's sick. It's even sicker than 4. Was it 4? The one you said that Loach inspired, where you'd supposedly just that very day dropped out of Jesuit seminary after umpteen years of disciplined celibacy because of carno-spiritual yearnings you hadn't even been quite in touch with as carno-spiritual in nature until you just now this very moment laid eyes on the Subject? With the breviary and rented collar?'

'That was 4, yes. 4's pretty much of a gynecopia also, but within a kind of narrower demographic psychological range of potential Subjects. Notice I never said 4 was no-miss.'

'Well you must be a very proud young man. This is even sicker. The fake ring and fictional spouse. It's like you're inventing somebody you love just to seduce somebody else into helping you betray her. What's it like. It's like suborning somebody into helping you desecrate a tomb they don't know is empty.'

'This is what I get for passing down priceless fruits of hard experience to somebody who still thinks it's exciting to shave.'

'I ought to go. I have a blackhead I have to see to.'

'You haven't asked why I called right back. Why I'm calling during high-toll hours.'

'Plus I feel some kind of toothache starting, and it's the weekend, and I want to see Schacht before Mrs. Clarke's confectionery day in the sun tomorrow. Plus I'm naked. ~ David Foster Wallace
Idealized Love quotes by David Foster Wallace
The best things in life make you sweaty. ~ Edgar Allan Poe
Idealized Love quotes by Edgar Allan Poe
Death will not be denied. To try is grandiose. It drives madness into the soul. It leaches out virtue. It injects poison into friendship, and makes a mockery of love. ~ Helen Garner
Idealized Love quotes by Helen Garner
There will be people who hate everything you do. And some people will really love it. But that's not really different from the people who really hate it. ~ John Malkovich
Idealized Love quotes by John Malkovich
My arm draped her shoulder; we both felt safe, as if we were a complete solar system unto ourselves, dangling in the sky, warm heated planets inside a universe of stars.
-Richard ~ Douglas Coupland
Idealized Love quotes by Douglas Coupland
With all of my black and withered heart, I love you, my female. ~ J.R. Ward
Idealized Love quotes by J.R. Ward
All my grandparents and great aunts and uncle love 'Foyle's War.' They all lived through the war and love to see it reconstructed so authentically. ~ Honeysuckle Weeks
Idealized Love quotes by Honeysuckle Weeks
Would anyone else ever find him attractive? Would he be able to trust them? Would he ever make love again, or even want to? And why love things you were destined to lose? Why let yourself feel things if the feelings were doomed to die? (And ~ Garth Risk Hallberg
Idealized Love quotes by Garth Risk Hallberg
Winter Liar by Liam Doyle the Incubus
What come once here will never come again,
no matter monument nor memory;
all sunwarmed green succumbs to winter's wind.
And you, my love, were also my best friend,
and had your life to live. The tragedy
was not just my youth's recklessness, although
I trusted much to impulse, whim, freedom,
a destiny excluding doom. Frankly,
youth can be our insanity. But now I'm cured
of that fever, although the price was high;
and chilly April wind can only sigh
at my regrets, yet sun will brighten wind so,
one knows that soon green stirs, and wild bees hum.
And summer once more will make winter liar,
but I won't warm. You're all I'll ever desire. ~ Juliet Dark
Idealized Love quotes by Juliet Dark
I've appreciated every winner. I love them all. ~ Tony McCoy
Idealized Love quotes by Tony McCoy
Be loving, and you will never want for love; be humble, and you will never want for guiding. ~ Dinah Maria Murlock Craik
Idealized Love quotes by Dinah Maria Murlock Craik
With wisdom in your mind,
you can perform great deeds.
With faith in your heart,
you can perform extraordinary deeds.
With love in your soul,
you can perform remarkable deeds.
With God in your life,
you can perform supernatural deeds. ~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Idealized Love quotes by Matshona Dhliwayo
Faith gives us strength.
Grace gives us power.
Hope gives us anchor. ~ Lailah Gifty Akita
Idealized Love quotes by Lailah Gifty Akita
Love is a transaction, at least of emotions in the rarest cases: you love to get something in return. ~ Gabriel Chevallier
Idealized Love quotes by Gabriel Chevallier
I love my refrigerator. ~ Al Roker
Idealized Love quotes by Al Roker
She learnt how to give up on dreams she wasn't destined to dream about, and yet have the courage to breathe for a new beginning. She learnt the art of knowing love as something to be understood with mind before understanding with heart. She learnt to deal with people walking in and out of her life; she learnt it all and she learnt it well. ~ Kanika Bankhad
Idealized Love quotes by Kanika Bankhad
I live in L.A. - I love L.A., first off - but I didn't realize how much better the air quality was in Vancouver until I went back to L.A. for a weekend and I literally felt like I was breathing fire. ~ Emma Bell
Idealized Love quotes by Emma Bell
There is a hardly a more gracious gift that we can offer somebody than to accept them fully, to love them almost despite themselves. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert
Idealized Love quotes by Elizabeth Gilbert
We can acknowledge that while all good things in creation come from God (James 1:17), all evil in creation comes from wills other than that of God. God allows evil to take place because he desires humans to have the potential to love, and for this they must be free. But in no sense does he will their evil. 3. ~ Gregory A. Boyd
Idealized Love quotes by Gregory A. Boyd
How do you react when you think you need people's love? Do you become a slave for their approval? Do you live an inauthentic life because you can't bear the thought that they might disapprove of you? Do you try to figure out how they would like you to be, and then try to become that, like a chameleon? In fact, you never really get their love. You turn into someone you aren't, and then when they say "I love you," you can't believe it, because they're loving a facade. They're loving someone who doesn't even exist, the person you're pretending to be. It's difficult to seek other people's love. It's deadly. In seeking it, you lose what is genuine. This is the prison we create for ourselves as we seek what we already have. ~ Byron Katie
Idealized Love quotes by Byron Katie
I love people who are openly gay in theatre, because they have license to do what they like, and there's a kind of artistic liberal tolerance thing that goes on. ~ Steve Coogan
Idealized Love quotes by Steve Coogan
We all have scars & deep pain. It's
what makes us human & vulnerable. ~ Anshuma Sharma
Idealized Love quotes by Anshuma Sharma
I can be attracted to a woman sexually, but it doesn't mean I want to be in love with a woman. ~ Cameron Diaz
Idealized Love quotes by Cameron Diaz
Love endures everything, love is stronger than death, love fears nothing. ~ Maria Faustyna Kowalska
Idealized Love quotes by Maria Faustyna Kowalska
Yes, it was love at first sight. I feel that after all these years, I have finally found my soul mate. ~ Barbara Hershey
Idealized Love quotes by Barbara Hershey
But we are the same, yes, but were not. We are three completely different people, we play three completely different instruments and all epically fail when trying to play each other's" he said as Daniel and I nodded slowly. That was far to true. "I wrote this piece because I love that these three instruments that make three different sounds, are played three different ways and look different, can create such a beautiful harmony if they're played correctly" he swallowed again then looked at Daniel and I "And I think although we are three different people, who - usually - look different, and who come out with three different kinds of ridiculous-ness" he said and we both laughed "If we come together we work perfectly with each other and can in some senses create a beautiful harmony ~ R.J. Seeley
Idealized Love quotes by R.J. Seeley
Our self-love can be resigned to the sacrifice of everything but itself. ~ Jean-Francois De La Harpe
Idealized Love quotes by Jean-Francois De La Harpe
What are we when there is no one doing anything, no one attaining anything, no place to go? There is no place to go. The whole foundation is already here in each one of us. It is the same in all of us. There is only one foundation, which is presence, wholeness, boundless love. ~ Toni Packer
Idealized Love quotes by Toni Packer
You only have power in your energy field ... so the only way to live the life you want is in your energy field ... and your greatest power is love. ~ Oprah Winfrey
Idealized Love quotes by Oprah Winfrey
There is no room for exclusion in family ... only love. ~ Wes Fesler
Idealized Love quotes by Wes Fesler
Love. The only indestructible thing. The only wealth and the only reality. The only survival. At the end of it all there was nothing else. ~ Elizabeth Goudge
Idealized Love quotes by Elizabeth Goudge
A little while, a moment of rest upon the wind, and another woman shall bear me. ~ Kahlil Gibran
Idealized Love quotes by Kahlil Gibran
I love to go to Washington - if only to be near my money. ~ Bob Hope
Idealized Love quotes by Bob Hope
I love television. Television is a great medium; I'm fortunate enough to direct amazing television. ~ Michelle MacLaren
Idealized Love quotes by Michelle MacLaren
Adrenaline pumped through her veins. Was it the thrill of the ride or something else making her heart pound?...She clamped her eyes shut as the roller coaster started to drop and squeezed the words through her tightened throat. "I love you. ~ Rachel Skatvold
Idealized Love quotes by Rachel Skatvold
The opposite of love is apathy, and hate is really the same as love-if your so consumed with hatred for someone, you might as well be loving them because your thinking about them for the same amount of time. ~ Marilyn Manson
Idealized Love quotes by Marilyn Manson
Because when something happens, she's the person I want to tell. The most basic indicator of love. ~ David Levithan
Idealized Love quotes by David Levithan
In love there is no standard, no norm, no right and wrong. There is only attraction and desire. ~ Marty Rubin
Idealized Love quotes by Marty Rubin
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