I Have Tried And Tried Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about I Have Tried And Tried.

Quotes About I Have Tried And Tried

Enjoy collection of 33 I Have Tried And Tried quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about I Have Tried And Tried. Righ click to see and save pictures of I Have Tried And Tried quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

How I have tried and tried to be a splendid woman, and how destiny has been against me! ... I do not deserve my lot! ... O, the cruelty of putting me into this ill-conceived world! I was capable of much; but I have been injured and blighted and crushed by things beyond my control! O, how hard it is of Heaven to devise such tortures for me, who have done no harm to heaven at all! ~ Thomas Hardy
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Thomas Hardy
There have been openings, but I have not interviewed for any jobs, nor do I want to right now. ~ John Elway
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by John Elway
What has history to do with me? Mine is the first and only world! I want to report how I find the world. What others have told me about the world is a very small and incidental part of my experience. I have to judge the world, to measure things. ~ Ludwig Wittgenstein
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Ludwig Wittgenstein
I have always been vitally interested in physical conditioning. I have long believed that athletic competition among people and nations should replace violence and wars. ~ Johnny Weissmuller
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Johnny Weissmuller
I have an immensely understanding partner who does something creative herself, and we both need a lot of time alone. I structure my life around getting my work done, first and foremost. Everything else is secondary. That's the only way I've been able to do it. ~ Tom Bissell
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Tom Bissell
When I have reached a summit, I leave it with great reluctance, unless it is to reach for another, higher one. ~ Gustav Mahler
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Gustav Mahler
You know, sometimes the little victories that I have throughout the season are not necessarily obvious on the track. Maybe they're another aspect of what I'm doing, winning little victories here and there to get everything in line to be able to perform from top to bottom on race day. ~ Danica Patrick
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Danica Patrick
I'd just like to point out that I have a serious issue with the fact that we've sat here all night watching Eric hack into a hundred different secure and confidential websites and databases - including some really scary federal places - yet he refuses to get us free cable TV."

"That'd be illegal. ~ Paige Tyler
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Paige Tyler
I do not have 3,000 pairs of shoes, I have 1,060. ~ Imelda Marcos
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Imelda Marcos
I'm engaged to Hollywood. If there's something I find I have to do, I'll do it. Otherwise, I'll just stay home and have a vacation. ~ Mads Mikkelsen
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Mads Mikkelsen
We don't have a writ to enter."
"But I have diplomatic immunity." Ixtli found a window that was loose, and with some persuading, forced it open. "Care to accompany me lest my life be threatened and an incident between our respective countries occurs? ~ Tobias S. Buckell
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Tobias S. Buckell
How is this to be avoided, among ordinary men, even highly educated ordinary men? Frankly, I do not know. I do not see, even now. Many, many times since it all happened I have pondered that pair of great maxims, *Principiis obsta* and *Finem respice* - 'Resist the beginnings' and 'Consider the end.' But one must foresee the end in order to resist, or even see, the beginnings. One must foresee the end clearly and certainly and how is this to be done, by ordinary men or even by extraordinary men? ~ Milton Sanford Mayer
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Milton Sanford Mayer
I have left the federal government and the German Bundestag; I have resigned from all my positions in the Social Democratic Party of Germany. ~ Gustav Heinemann
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Gustav Heinemann
All my girlhood I always planned to do something big ... something constructive. It's queer what ambitious dreams a girl has when she is young. I thought I would sing before big audiences or paint lovely pictures or write a splendid book. I always had that feeling in me of wanting to do something worth while. And just think, Laura ... now I am eighty and I have not painted nor written nor sung."
"But you've done lots of things, Grandma. You've baked bread ... and pieced quilts ... and taken care of your children."
Old Abbie Deal patted the young girl's hand. "Well ... well ... out of the mouths of babes. That's just it, Laura, I've only baked bread and pieced quilts and taken care of children. But some women have to, don't they? ... But I've dreamed dreams, Laura. All the time I was cooking and patching and washing, I dreamed dreams. And I think I dreamed them into the children ... and the children are carrying them out ... doing all the things I wanted to and couldn't. ~ Bess Streeter Aldrich
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Bess Streeter Aldrich
If I burn the candles, it means not only giving you light. It means to show you the fire which I have inside. ~ Gaurav GRV Sharma
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Gaurav GRV Sharma
I now know that things I always thought I could depend on can crash in an instant. Because of the love that I have been shown, I now know what it means to be 'beloved.' I now know that no breath is to be taken for granted. ~ Rebecca Wells
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Rebecca Wells
I have a sudden urge to drag her out of her seat, bend her over my knee, spank her, and then fuck her over my desk with her hands tied behind her back. ~ E.L. James
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by E.L. James
Sunlight on orchids
Lightning on water
Twilight calls your name
I have searched for you for centuries
I am the woman who fell in love by accident-
Virtual love- who would have thought, is it even possible? ( I believe so )
I raise my white flag and listen for your echo in my dreams
I'm walking backwards to find you in my past
I'm entangled in your fate~

~Lady A~ ~ Ladyaslan
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Ladyaslan
I opened the show with this line: I have decided to give the greatest performance of my life! Oh, wait, sorry, that's tomorrow night. ~ Steve Martin
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Steve Martin
I have dreams of being a producer, being behind a camera, eating seven tacos for every meal, and making movies that affect people the way they affect me. I don't even need to be in them. ~ Emma Stone
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Emma Stone
So you're here by yourself?"
"Seems like an odd place to come by yourself."
"I needed to get away."
"Woman trouble? That's another of my father's expressions."
"No, actually. I poisoned my neighbor's dogs."
After a moment she said, "How drunk are you?"
"Is that true?"
"That you poisoned your neighbor's dogs."
"I'm afraid it is."
"I have dogs."
"Well, keep them away from me. ~ David Gilmour
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by David Gilmour
Sometimes it's strange being me. I travel the world meeting people, I'm surrounded with friends and my life is full, but all the time I am confronted by a young man I have nothing in common with. He is me, but he is not me now. In fact I have been me now for longer than I was him, but no one wants to know about me. ~ Eddy Merckx
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Eddy Merckx
I have a horror of rest; possessions encourage one to indulge in it, and there's nothing like security for making one fall asleep; I like life well enough to live it awake, and so, in the very midst of my riches, I maintain the sensation of a state of precariousness, by which means I aggravate, or at any rate intensify, my life. I will not say I like danger, but I like life to be hazardous, and I want it to demand at every moment the whole of my courage, my happiness, my health ... ~ Andre Gide
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Andre Gide
You complain
because things don't arrange themselves around you like a bouquet of flowers, without your taking the
slightest trouble to do anything. But I have never asked as much: I wanted action. You know, when we
played adventurer and adventuress: you were the one who had adventures, I was the one who made
them happen. ~ Jean-Paul Sartre
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Jean-Paul Sartre
From the time I entered the industry, I have always been clear about certain things - no short clothes, no kissing, no bikinis. Nobody comes to me with such roles. And I have no dearth of work. ~ Sonakshi Sinha
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Sonakshi Sinha
how to (un)cage a girl

longer hair bigger breasts smoother skin
flatter stomach whiter teeth smaller nose
if you worry enough you won't have time
or energy to see
what really is

what could i have learned
if i didn't live here in this cell?
where could i have flown?
how would i have grown?
if i forgave this shell?

oh, my body
let me cradle you like my girl's
her long limbs spilling over
or folding up like silk
her gold-tinged curls
ringleting my fingers
her eyes the blue of sorrow
and hyacinth

oh, my body
when you are at peace
rocked here to sleep
as if by a mother
as if by a lover
who sees your flushed skin
the grace that you're in
the gleam of your hair
the green of your stare
then this soul can fly off
to understand pyramids and time
that all of us are one
that all of us are love ~ Francesca Lia Block
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Francesca Lia Block
I have a problem with homosexual acts. ~ Rick Santorum
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Rick Santorum
As I said just now, the world has gone past me. I don't blame it; but I no longer understand it. Tradesmen are not the same as they used to be, apprentices are not the same, business is not the same, business commodities are not the same. Seven-eighths of my stock is old-fashioned. I am an old-fashioned man in an old-fashioned shop, in a street that is not the same as I remember it. I have fallen behind the time, and am too old to catch it again. ~ Charles Dickens
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Charles Dickens
I have found that being honest is the best technique I can use. Right up front, tell people what you're trying to accomplish and what you're willing to sacrifice to accomplish it. ~ Lee Iacocca
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Lee Iacocca
You are my friend, Prairie Flower. If I tell you what is in my heart, will you promise never to tell?"
Prairie Flower laid a hand on Jesse's shoulder, pulling it away quickly when her friend flinched in pain. "I will not betray my friend."
Taking a deep breath, Jesse lifted her head. "When Rides the Wing comes near to me, my heart sings.But I do not believe that he cares for me.I am clumsy in all of the things a Lakota woman must know.I cannot speak his language without many childish mistakes. And..." Jesse reached up to lay her hand on her short hair, "I am nothing to look at.I am not..."
Prairie Flower grew angry. "I have told you he cares for you.Can you not see it?"
Jesse shook her head.
Prairie Flower spoke the unspeakable. "Then,if you cannot see that he cares for you in what he does,you must see it in what he has not done. You have been in his tepee. Dancing Waters has been gone many moons."
"Stop!" Jesse demanded. "Stop it! I..just don't say any more!" She leaped up and ran out of the tepee-and into Rides the Wind, who was returning from the river where he had gone to draw water.
Jesse knocked the water skins from both of his hands. Water spilled out and she fumbled an apology then bent stiffly to pick up the skins, wincing with the effort.
"I will do it, Walks the Fire." His voice was tender as he bent and took the skins from her.
Jesse protested, "It is the wife's job." She blushed, realizing that she had used a wrong wor ~ Stephanie Grace Whitson
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Stephanie Grace Whitson
When it was her turn to say good-bye, Aryal said, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
Niniane opened and closed her mouth. She said, "I have no idea how to respond to that. ~ Thea Harrison
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Thea Harrison
What can I say? I deal with it. I think I have come to terms with my absolutely hateful and vile childhood. No, I have, really. But I did hate it at the time. I resented it. There were elements of it that were positively Dickensian. ~ Richard Griffiths
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Richard Griffiths
I don't know what the future holds, but I know that God holds tomorrow, so it is exciting. Even when I have hard things happen, He loves me so big, so much. I come through it and I grow from it, because He has got me. ~ Barbara Mandrell
I Have Tried And Tried quotes by Barbara Mandrell
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