Hidden Truths Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Hidden Truths.

Quotes About Hidden Truths

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Freud, as I've already noted, believed that the false worlds of our dreams reveal deep and hidden truths about ourselves. ~ Kathryn Schulz
Hidden Truths quotes by Kathryn Schulz
There are no secrets in life; just hidden truths that lie beneath the surface. ~ Michael C. Hall
Hidden Truths quotes by Michael C. Hall
Truth be told, loneliness had seeped into her bones with the passing of time until it had become her normal way of life. ~ Katherine McIntyre
Hidden Truths quotes by Katherine McIntyre
Secrets make for good drama, and revealing the hidden truths and contradictions of life is, for me, one of the most exciting aspects of making movies. ~ Ira Sachs
Hidden Truths quotes by Ira Sachs
Perhaps great fiction is in reality, deep hidden truths. ~ S.G. Savage
Hidden Truths quotes by S.G. Savage
Over time, hidden truths morph in the dark soil of deceit into something much worse. ~ Patti Callahan Henry
Hidden Truths quotes by Patti Callahan Henry
Stories," he'd said, his voice low and almost husky, "we are made up of stories. And even the one's that seem the most like lies can be our deepest hidden truths. ~ Jane Yolen
Hidden Truths quotes by Jane Yolen
I grant you that the artist does not see Nature as she appears to the vulgar, because his emotion reveals to him the hidden truths beneath appearances. ~ Auguste Rodin
Hidden Truths quotes by Auguste Rodin
When you try to do one step forward to attain knowledge about the hidden truths, then do the same time three steps forward to perfect your character. ~ Rudolf Steiner
Hidden Truths quotes by Rudolf Steiner
Mastery is not a function of genius or talent. It is a function of time and intense focus applied to a particular field of knowledge. But there is another element, an X factor that Masters inevitably possess, that seems mystical but that is accessible to us all. Whatever field of activity we are involved in, there is generally an accepted path to the top. It is a path that others followed, and because we are conformist creatures, most of us opt for this conventional route. But Masters have a strong inner guiding system and a high level of self-awareness. What has suited others in the past does not suit them, and they know that trying to fit into a conventional mold would only lead to a dampening of spirit, the reality they seek eluding them.

And so inevitably, these Masters, as they progress on their career paths, make a choice at a key moment in their lives: they decide to forge their own route, one that others will see as unconventional, but that suits their own spirit and rhythms and leads them closer to discovering the hidden truths of their objects of study. This key choice takes self-confidence and self-awarenes–the X factor that is necessary for attaining mastery... ~ Robert Greene
Hidden Truths quotes by Robert Greene
There are many hidden truths behind a lie ~ Arlin Sailesh Kapadia
Hidden Truths quotes by Arlin Sailesh Kapadia
It is the controller of Nature alone that can bring light out of darkness, and order out of confusion. Who is he that causeth the mole, from his secret path of darkness, to throw up the gem, the gold, and the precious ore? The same that from the mouths of babes and sucklings can extract the perfection of praise, and who can make the most abject of his creatures instrumental in bringing the most hidden truths to light. ~ James Hogg
Hidden Truths quotes by James Hogg
Enter the streets that you have never been to for the sake of the concealed beauties and the hidden truths! ~ Mehmet Murat Ildan
Hidden Truths quotes by Mehmet Murat Ildan
A mathematical problem should be difficult in order to entice us, yet not completely inaccessible, lest it mock at our efforts. It should be to us a guide post on the mazy paths to hidden truths, and ultimately a reminder of our pleasure in the successful solution. ~ David Hilbert
Hidden Truths quotes by David Hilbert
Many hidden truths are often unobserved, not invisible. ~ Matthew A. Petti
Hidden Truths quotes by Matthew A. Petti
You share with people who've earned the right to hear your story ... You have to earn the right to hear my story. It's an honor to hold space for me when I'm in shame. ~ Brene Brown
Hidden Truths quotes by Brene Brown
We can't blame the entire Muslim society because of the mischievous acts of a few individuals. Therefore, at the general public level we must cultivate the notion of not just one religion, one truth, but pluralism and many truths. We can change the atmosphere, and we can modify certain ways of thinking. ~ Dalai Lama
Hidden Truths quotes by Dalai Lama
Give me a hidden eddy
a residence free from dust and noise
paths of newly trampled grass
clouds above for neighbors
birds to help me sing
no one asking for sermons
springtime for this Saha tree
nowadays lasts how many years ~ Han-shan
Hidden Truths quotes by Han-shan
You see, it's really quite simple. A simile is just a mode of comparison employing 'as' and 'like' to reveal the hidden character or essence of whatever we want to describe, and through the use of fancy, association, contrast, extension, or imagination, to enlarge our understanding or perception of human experience and observation. ~ Norton Juster
Hidden Truths quotes by Norton Juster
Liberty may be granted but freedom cannot be conferred. Freedom is from within. Notwithstanding all the abuses to which freedom is now subject
marking man down as a commercial item and cutting him off from his birthright by senseless
excess and the demoralization of the profit-system
yet man may still be in love with life and find life less and less abundant for this very reason. Truth is of freedom, always safe and affirmative, therefore conservative. Truth proclaims rejection of dated minor traditions, doomed by the great Tradition of The Law of Change is truth's great "eternal." Freedom is this "great becoming. ~ Frank Lloyd Wright
Hidden Truths quotes by Frank Lloyd Wright
renounce it as soon as it comes to mind - renounce everything in its entirety until there is no hidden dishonesty or craftiness about you at all. ~ Oswald Chambers
Hidden Truths quotes by Oswald Chambers
Women are brought up to conform: all the rules of femininity - dress, behavior, attitude - essentially break the spirit. Women are trained to need men, not sexually but metaphysically. Women are brought up to be the void that needs filling, the absence that needs presence. Women are brought up to fear men and to know that they must please men and to understand that they cannot survive without the help of men richer and stronger than they can be themselves, on their own. Women are brought up to submit to intercourse - and here the strategy is shrewd - by being kept ignorant of it. The rules are taught, but the act is hidden. Girls are taught "love, " not "fuck. " Little girls look between their legs to see if "the hole" is there, get scared thinking about what "the hole" is for; no one tells them either. Women use their bodies to attract men; and most women, like the little girls they were, are astonished by the brutality of the fuck. The importance of this ignorance about intercourse cannot be overstated: it is as if no girl would grow up, or accept the hundred million lessons on how to be a girl, or want boys to like her, if she knew what she was for. ~ Andrea Dworkin
Hidden Truths quotes by Andrea Dworkin
Deep down, no one really believes they have a right to live. But this death sentence generally stays cosily tucked away, hidden beneath the difficulty of living. If that difficulty is removed from time to time, death is suddenly there, unintelligibly. ~ Jean Baudrillard
Hidden Truths quotes by Jean Baudrillard
Love is complicated, love can be hidden, love, above all else, is loyalty. ~ Alice Hoffman
Hidden Truths quotes by Alice Hoffman
I have spent all my years
accepting sad truths.
- Quebrado ~ Margarita Engle
Hidden Truths quotes by Margarita Engle
The instruments of darkness tell us truths ... ~ William Shakespeare
Hidden Truths quotes by William Shakespeare
I do not want to drive across a bridge designed by an engineer who believed the numbers in structural stress models are relative truths. ~ R.C. Sproul
Hidden Truths quotes by R.C. Sproul
A subtle thought that is in error may yet give rise to fruitful inquiry that can establish truths of great value. ~ Isaac Asimov
Hidden Truths quotes by Isaac Asimov
True science investigates and brings to human perception such truths and such knowledge as the people of a given time and society consider most important. Art transmits these truths from the region of perception to the region of emotion. ~ Leo Tolstoy
Hidden Truths quotes by Leo Tolstoy
Privation and suffering alone open the mind to all that is hidden to others. (Igjugarjuk) ~ Joseph Campbell
Hidden Truths quotes by Joseph Campbell
So here is that line from the American Declaration of Independence translated into biological terms: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men evolved differently, that they are born with certain mutable characteristics, and that among these are life and the pursuit of pleasure. ~ Yuval Noah Harari
Hidden Truths quotes by Yuval Noah Harari
What does it really mean to be a leftist in the early part of the 21st century? What are we really talking about? And I can just be very candid with you. It means to have a certain kind of temperament, to make certain kinds of political and ethical choices, and to exercise certain analytical focuses in targeting on the catastrophic and the monstrous, the scandalous, the traumatic, that are often hidden and concealed in the deodorized and manicured discourses of the mainstream. That's what it means to be a leftist. So let's just be clear about it. ~ Cornel West
Hidden Truths quotes by Cornel West
A man`s success is hidden in the place of his labor. ~ Sunday Adelaja
Hidden Truths quotes by Sunday Adelaja
Imagine this:
Instead of waiting in her tower, Rapunzel slices off her long, golden hair with a carving knife, and then uses it to climb down to freedom.
Just as she's about to take the poison apple, Snow White sees the familiar wicked glow in the old lady's eyes, and slashes the evil queen's throat with a pair of sewing scissors.
Cinderella refuses everything but the glass slippers from her fairy godmother, crushes her stepmother's windpipe under her heel, and the Prince falls madly in love with the mysterious girl who dons rags and blood-stained slippers.

Imagine this:
Persephone goes adventuring with weapons hidden under her dress.
Persephone climbs into the gaping chasm.
Or, Persephone uses her hands to carve a hole down to hell.
In none of these versions is Persephone's body violated unless she asks Hades to hold her down with his horse-whips.
Not once does she hold out on eating the pomegranate, instead biting into it eagerly and relishing the juice running down her chin, staining it red.
In some of the stories, Hades never appears and Persephone rules the underworld with a crown of her own making.
In all of them, it is widely known that the name Persephone means Bringer of Destruction.

Imagine this:
Red Riding Hood marches from her grandmother's house with a bloody wolf pelt.
Medusa rights the wrongs that have been done to her.
Eurydice breaks every muscle in her arms climbi ~ Theappleppielifestyle
Hidden Truths quotes by Theappleppielifestyle
..and even after knowing the truths, our hearts love to believe the lies ~ Megha Upadhyaya
Hidden Truths quotes by Megha Upadhyaya
In front of me 327 pages of the manuscript [Master and Margarita] (about 22 chapters). The most important remains - editing, and it's going to be hard. I will have to pay close attention to details. Maybe even re-write some things ... 'What's its future?' you ask? I don't know. Possibly, you will store the manuscript in one of the drawers, next to my 'killed' plays, and occasionally it will be in your thoughts. Then again, you don't know the future. My own judgement of the book is already made and I think it truly deserves being hidden away in the darkness of some chest.
[Bulgakov from Moscow to his wife on June 15 1938] ~ Mikhail Bulgakov
Hidden Truths quotes by Mikhail Bulgakov
When she shouted, the gulls hidden by the dune buckshot the low clouds. ~ Lauren Groff
Hidden Truths quotes by Lauren Groff
There is a point in every philosophy at which the "conviction" of the philosopher appears on the scene; or, to put it in the words of an ancient mystery: adventavit asinus, / pulcher et fortissimus. (Translation: The ass arrives, beautiful and most brave.) ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
Hidden Truths quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche
Give me sweet lies, and keep your bitter truths. ~ George R R Martin
Hidden Truths quotes by George R R Martin
Hypocrisy is a detriment to progress. There's always a hidden agenda. ~ Larry Flynt
Hidden Truths quotes by Larry Flynt
Truth is like a double edged sword.

Truth, as in the colors of the rainbow, are truths, not to be confused with THE TRUTH, which is like LIGHT, all colors and no single color.

The Truth is like a tree, with all its fruit, while truths are like the fruit on the tree, part of the whole; parts of The Truth, half-truths.

Truth can be true, yet it can also lie.

So the question is does truth lead to THE TRUTH, or do truths lead us to a lie ? To see the difference is the key to the gates of Eden. ~ Caesar J. B. Squitti
Hidden Truths quotes by Caesar J. B. Squitti
Read the sacred writings of all the peoples on Earth. Through all of them runs, like a red thread, the hidden Science of attaining and maintaining wakefulness. ~ Gustave Meyrink
Hidden Truths quotes by Gustave Meyrink
When we believe ourselves in possession of the only truth, we are likely to be indifferent to common everyday truths. ~ Eric Hoffer
Hidden Truths quotes by Eric Hoffer
Never compromise your perceptions and truth to validate the perceptions of others. ~ Debasish Mridha
Hidden Truths quotes by Debasish Mridha
Joy is hidden in sorrow and sorrow in joy. If we try to avoid sorrow at all costs, we may never taste joy, and if we are suspicious of ecstasy, agony can never reach us either. Joy and sorrow are the parents of our spiritual growth. ~ Henri Nouwen
Hidden Truths quotes by Henri Nouwen
No one believes a liar even when he tells the truth ~ Aesop
Hidden Truths quotes by Aesop
Yes, Soteria. I have. I assure you, my life has never been an easy one and you should be grateful every day you live that you can't imagine what kind of childhood I had. (Acheron)
I'm sorry, Ash. I didn't know. (Tory)
It's easy to look at people and make quick judgments about them, their present, and their past, but you'd be amazed at the pain and tears a single smile hides. What a person shows to the world is only one tiny facet of the iceberg hidden from sight. And more often than not, it's lined with cracks and scars that go all the way to the foundations of their soul. (Acheron) ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon
Hidden Truths quotes by Sherrilyn Kenyon
When one of my characters becomes aware of a magical element, it might be because the world is wider than we assume it to be, but it might also be a reminder to pay attention to what is here already, hidden only because it's been forgotten. ~ Charles De Lint
Hidden Truths quotes by Charles De Lint
The beauty that emerges from woundedness is a beauty infused with feeling; a beauty different from the beauty of landscape and the cold perfect form. This is a beauty that has suffered its way through the ache of desolation until the words or music emerged to equal the hunger and desperation at its heart. It must also be said that not all woundedness succeeds in finding its way through to beauty of form. Most woundedness remains hidden, lost inside forgotten silence. Indeed, in every life there is some wound that continues to weep secretly, even after years of attempted healing. Where woundedness can be refined into beauty a wonderful transfiguration takes place. ~ John O'Donohue
Hidden Truths quotes by John O'Donohue
I am like a book, with pages that have stuck together for want of use: my mind needs unpacking and the truths stored within must be turned over from time to time, to be ready when occasion demands. ~ Seneca The Younger
Hidden Truths quotes by Seneca The Younger
I had thought we could be happy, just the two of us hidden away. ~ Anne Zoelle
Hidden Truths quotes by Anne Zoelle
When you challenge other people's ideas of who or how you should be, they may try to diminish and disgrace you. It can happen in small ways in hidden places, or in big ways on a world stage. You can spend a lifetime resenting the tests, angry about the slights and the injustices. Or, you can rise above it. ~ Carly Fiorina
Hidden Truths quotes by Carly Fiorina
Happiness is like the mountain summit. It is sometimes hidden by clouds, but we know it is there. ~ Helen Keller
Hidden Truths quotes by Helen Keller
We must make the intellectual world safe for democracy. But in the conditions of modern mental anarchy, neither that nor any other ideal is safe. just as Protestants appealed from priests to the Bible, and did not realize that the Bible also could be questioned, so republicans appealed from kings to the people, and did not realize that the people also could be defied. There is no end to the dissolution of ideas, the destruction of all tests of truth, that has become possible since men abandoned the attempt to keep a central and civilized Truth, to contain all truths and trace out and refute all errors. Since then, each group has taken one truth at a time and spent the time in turning it into a falsehood. We have had nothing but movements; or in other words, monomanias. But the Church is not a movement but a meeting-place; the trysting-place of all the truths in the world. ~ G.K. Chesterton
Hidden Truths quotes by G.K. Chesterton
If it's God you're worried about, the Lord Jesus said that we needn't keep to the old ways anymore. They had their day years ago. ~ Diane Samuels
Hidden Truths quotes by Diane Samuels
You are surrounded by beauty, the wonder of Creation, art, your music and culture, the sounds of laughter and love, of whispered hopes and celebrations, of new life and transformation, of reconciliation and forgiveness. These also are the results of your choices and every choice matters, even the hidden ones. ~ Wm. Paul Young
Hidden Truths quotes by Wm. Paul Young
Our compassion and acts of selflessness take us to the deeper truths. ~ Mata Amritanandamayi
Hidden Truths quotes by Mata Amritanandamayi
...many of us know deep down, whether we choose to admit it or not, a number of simple truths: the global capitalist economy is incompatible with life. As numerous environmentalist authors... have noted, the global economy effectively creates infinite demand and no natural community can support infinite demand, especially when nothing beneficial is given back. A global economy is extractive, it gives nothing back, but follows the ecocidal pattern of a genocidal machine converting raw materials into power at the expense of living things and living systems. ~ Damien Short
Hidden Truths quotes by Damien Short
Feelings can only be hidden so long from those who really pay attention.
page 141 ~ Jamie Ford
Hidden Truths quotes by Jamie Ford
Darks drifts covered the horizon. A strange shadow approaching nearer and nearer, was spreading little by little over men, over things, over ideas; a shadow which came from indignations and from systems. All that had been hurriedly stifled was stirring and fermenting. Sometimes the conscious of the honest man caught its breath, there was so much confusion in that air in which sophisms were mingled with truths. Minds trembled in the social anxiety like leaves at the approach of the storm. The electric tension was so great that at certain moments any chance-comer, thought unknown, flashed out. Then the twilight darkness fell again. At intervals, deep and sullen mutterings enabled men to judge of the amount of lightning in the cloud. ~ Victor Hugo
Hidden Truths quotes by Victor Hugo
With life, everything that's needed to be known can be known by human. No mystery can be hidden from you if you really try to look into it. ~ Roshan Sharma
Hidden Truths quotes by Roshan Sharma
What in this fucking world are you going to tell me?

One book has been written by You so far... you have read few books and you are spreading what!? ~ Deyth Banger
Hidden Truths quotes by Deyth Banger
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