Hesmondhalgh Theories Quotes

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Quotes About Hesmondhalgh Theories

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I'm not criticizing how people experience what they might call spirituality. I am interested in looking critically at something else - at how people use their language to articulate theories about something they call religion, to say, for example, that "in Islam religion and politics necessarily go together," or to insist that "violence has no place in religion," to universalize it. ~ Talal Asad
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Talal Asad
Evolution is among the most well-established theories in the scientific community. To doubt it sounds to biologists as absurd as denying relativity does to physicists. ~ Leonard Mlodinow
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Leonard Mlodinow
The theories and speculations of men concern us more than their puny accomplishment. It is with a certain coldness and languor that we loiter about the actual and so-called practical. ~ Henry David Thoreau
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Henry David Thoreau
Sometimes the best guesses turn out wrong, and the most improbable theories come to pass. ~ Brian Katcher, The Improbable Theory Of Ana And Zak
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Brian Katcher, The Improbable Theory Of Ana And Zak
The fuel for the sports fan is the ability to have private theories. ~ Jack Nicholson
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Jack Nicholson
It is not a struggle merely of economic theories, or forms of government or of military power. At issue is the true nature of man. Either man is the creature whom the psalmist described as a little lower than the angels ... or man is a soulless, animated machine to be enslaved, used and consumed by the state for its own glorification. It is, therefore, a struggle which goes to the roots of the human spirit, and its shadow falls across the long sweep of man's destiny. ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Dwight D. Eisenhower
When 'biblical' theologies ignore the gospels, something is clearly very wrong. (on atonement theories) ~ N. T. Wright
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by N. T. Wright
Smoke and mirrors' is a useful metaphor for the ways in which organised abuse has chided conceptualisation and understanding. The chapter provides an overview of cite often incendiary debates over organised abuse before going on to suggest that critical theories on gender, crime and intersubjectivity may offer new insights into the phenomenon. ~ Michael Salter
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Michael Salter
The most dangerous tendency of the modern world is the way in which bogus theories are given the force of dogma. ~ Jean Danielou
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Jean Danielou
The 1970s and 1980s: feminism, androgyny, modernism, aesthetics

In the 1970s and 1980s, Woolf studies expanded in a number of directions,
most notably in relation to feminism. Critical interest in Woolf developed at the same time as feminism developed in related academic disciplines. In this period her writings became central to the theoretical framing of feminism, in
particular to debates on Marxist and materialist feminism and to the emergent theories of androgyny. Both these areas of debate takeWoolf 's A Room of One's Own as a major point of reference...
At the same time as feminist approaches to Woolf were developing and expanding, so, too, was the critical interest in her modernist theories and her formal aesthetics. Again, Woolf 's writing became central to critical and theoretical formulations on modernism.


This period also saw considerable critical interest in the influence of the visual arts on Woolf 's writing, and particularly in the influence of the formalist theories of her Bloomsbury colleagues Roger Fry and Clive Bell. ~ Jane Goldman
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Jane Goldman
Unlike many in the conservative camp, I accept theories of global warming, and accept that man-made activity has played a part in global warming. My differences have only been on what the solutions should be. ~ Bradley A. Smith
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Bradley A. Smith
It cannot be disputed that these classical theories [advanced by these latter-day teachers, writers, legislators, economists, and philosophers] held that everything came to the people from a source outside themselves. ~ Frederic Bastiat
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Frederic Bastiat
Facts are constituted by older ideologies, and a clash between facts and theories may be proof of progress. ~ Paul Feyerabend
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Paul Feyerabend
That multiverse idea is not a notion invented to account for the miracle of fine-tuning. It is a consequence of the no-boundary condition as well as many other theories of modern cosmology. But if it is true, then the strong anthropic principle can be considered effectively equivalent to the weak one, putting the fine-tunings of physical law on the same footing as the environmental factors, for it means that our cosmic habitat - now the entire observable universe - is only one of many, just as our solar system is one of many. That means that in the same way that the environmental coincidences of our solar system were rendered unremarkable by the realization that billions of such systems exist, the fine-tunings in the laws of nature can be explained by the existence of multiple universes. ~ Stephen Hawking
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Stephen Hawking
One consequence of this formulation is that a physical principle that unites many smaller physical theories must autoomatically unite many seemingly unrelated branches of mathematics. This is precisely what string theory accomplishes. In fact, of all physical theories, string theory unites by far the largest number of branches of mathematics into a single coherent picture. Perhaps one of the by-products of the physicists' quest for unification will be the unification of mathematics as well. ~ Michio Kaku
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Michio Kaku
Much as I admired the elegance of physical theories, which at that time geology wholly lacked, I preferred a life in the woods to one in the laboratory. ~ J. Tuzo Wilson
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by J. Tuzo Wilson
But for the sake of simplicity we can speak about four dimensions: the way that evangelicals (1) adopted republican theories of politics, (2) took as their own democratic theories of society, (3) embraced liberal views of the economy (all discussed in this chapter), and (4) domesticated the Enlightenment for Christian purposes (examined in somewhat greater detail in the next chapter). ~ Mark A. Noll
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Mark A. Noll
She said, 'This will be a time of asking questions and not rushing to answer them. A time of poking holes in your own theories. A time of thinking and not knowing. ~ A.S. King
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by A.S. King
At the trial in which he would be sentenced to death, Socrates (as quoted by Plato) said that the unexamined life isn't worth living. Reading is the best way I know to learn how to examine your life. By comparing what you've done to what others have done, and your thoughts and theories and feelings to those of others, you learn about yourself and the world around you. Perhaps that is why reading is one of the few things you do alone that can make you feel less alone; it's a solitary activity that connects you to others. ~ Will Schwalbe
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Will Schwalbe
I discovered Einstein said the same thing about his celebrated theories of relativity that writers say about their work when he said he didn't have any feelings of personal possession of these ideas. Once they were out there, they came from somewhere else. And that's exactly the feeling when you write. You don't feel possessive about it. ~ E.L. Doctorow
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by E.L. Doctorow
The key role of entrepreneurs, like the most crucial role of scientists, is not to fill in the gaps in an existing market or theory, but to generate entirely new markets or theories ... They stand before a canvas as empty as any painter's; a page as blank as any poet's. ~ George Gilder
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by George Gilder
We must keep ourselves in touch, not with theories, but with people, and never get out of touch with human beings, if we are going to use the word of God skilfully amongst them. ~ Oswald Chambers
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Oswald Chambers
Conspiracy theories are an irresistible labor-saving device in the face of complexity. ~ Henry Louis Gates
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Henry Louis Gates
What is a fanatic but a man whose faith is impregnable to doubt? It is the faith that moves mountains, the faith that accomplishes. Revolutions are not made by Hamlets. The traditional "great" man, the "big personality" of current conception, may give to the world new thoughts, noble vision, inspiration. But the man that "sees every side" cannot lead, cannot control. He is too conscious of the fallibility of all theories, even of thought itself, to be a fighter in any cause. ~ Alexander Berkman
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Alexander Berkman
Songwriters can sort of get away with murder. You can throw out crazy theories and not have to back it up with data or graphs or research. ~ Andrew Bird
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Andrew Bird
Becoming a father made me a lot more sentimental than I ever was before. I never cried at movies before I became a parent. I feel music more intensely. I think of my political ideas as ideas about how I want to interact with other human beings as opposed to abstract theories about how the world should be. ~ Boots Riley
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Boots Riley
So I vowed to keep myself alive, but only if I would never use me again for just me - each one of us is born of two, and we really belong to each other. I vowed to do my own thinking, instead of trying to accommodate everyone else's opinion, credo's and theories. I vowed to apply my inventory of experiences to the solving of problems that affect everyone aboard planet Earth. ~ R. Buckminster Fuller
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by R. Buckminster Fuller
There'll be no sense in sexual theories until women start telling their minds; and, of course, until they have some. ~ Christina Stead
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Christina Stead
How thoroughly it is ingrained in mathematical science that every real advance goes hand in hand with the invention of sharper tools and simpler methods which, at the same time, assist in understanding earlier theories and in casting aside some more complicated developments. ~ David Hilbert
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by David Hilbert
For years postmodernists have lectured us that there is no truth, no absolutes, no timeless protocols worthy of reverence; Trump is their Nemesis, who reifies their theories that truth is simply a narrative whose veracity is established by the degree of power and persuasion behind it. ~ Victor Davis Hanson
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Victor Davis Hanson
The scientific world of the time was in the midst of a terrible ferment, with discoveries and realizations coming at an unseemly rate. To many in the ranks of the conservative and the devout, the new theories of geology and biology were delivering a series of hammer blows to mankind's self-regard. Geologists in particular seemed to have gone berserk, to have thrown off all sense of proper obeisance to their Maker... Mankind, it seemed, was now suddenly rather – dare one say it? – insignificant. He may not have been, as he had eternally supposed, specially created. ~ Simon Winchester
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Simon Winchester
There is an attraction and a charm inherent in the colossal that is not subject to ordinary theories of art ... The tower will be the tallest edifice ever raised by man. Will it therefore be imposing in its own way? ~ Gustave Eiffel
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Gustave Eiffel
Theories have nothing to do with life ... ~ Ellen Glasgow
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Ellen Glasgow
It is ironic that Keynesianism originated as a weapon to combat depression, but became universally accepted and "successful" only during (and because of!) the postwar expansion. At the first sign of renewed world recession, Keynesian theory has proved itself to be a snare and a delusion that has gone into immediate bankruptcy. The resulting "post-Keynesian synthesis" is also the theoretical reason for the reactionary exhumation of the simplistic, neoclassical, and monetarist economic theory of the 1920s. This revival of old theory is highlighted by the award of Nobel prizes in economics to Friedrich von Hayek, whose theoretical work was done before the Great Depression, and Milton Friedman, whose lone voice echoed in the wilderness until the new world economic crisis put his unpopular and antipopulist theories on the agenda of business board rooms and government cabinet rooms in one capitalist country after another. The real reason for the recent interest in fifty-year-old theories is that capital now wants them to legitimize its attack on the welfare state and "unproductive" expenditures on social services, which capital claims to need for "productive" investment in industry, including armaments. ~ Andre Gunder Frank
Hesmondhalgh Theories quotes by Andre Gunder Frank
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