Hasnas Afghan Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Hasnas Afghan.

Quotes About Hasnas Afghan

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The United States supports the reintegration of people who have fought with the Taliban into Afghan society provided they: one, renounce al Qaeda, two, lay down their arms and renounce violence, and three, participate in the public political life of the country in accordance with the constitution. ~ Richard Holbrooke
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Richard Holbrooke
Today the Iraqi and Afghan people are on the path to democracy and freedom. The governments that are rising will pose no threat to others. Instead of harboring terrorists, they're fighting terrorist groups. And this progress is good for the long-term security of all of us. ~ George W. Bush
Hasnas Afghan quotes by George W. Bush
If any overarching conclusion emerges from the Afghan and Iraq Wars (and from their Israeli equivalents), it's this: victory is a chimera. ~ Andrew Bacevich
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Andrew Bacevich
Afghan Girl

Ice blue eyes that look to the morning sky as I knit the pieces and remnants of my life. I have No books, no paper, no pencils, and no black boards. I look at the holes in my life as I see the hills of the Appalachians that echo. I think to myself, who will I marry? Is my life-like Pari?

These strings please come together.

Snowflakes give me hope, and my dreams dance all around me. I'll put another log on the fire. I watch the brown paper bag over the broken glass pane letting the cold wind in; I'll take some of these remnants and stuff it.

These strings are come together.

Mama told me that life would be hard. I bartered for flour the other day, and the chickens ain't laying no eggs. I struggle with life and these strings. My hands are worn and tired. Now, I have granny square hands.
I am unclean, unblemished, and finished,

Afghan girl. ~ Edna Stewart
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Edna Stewart
Regardless of who they are, whether they are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, Afghan women often describe the difference between men and women in just one word: freedom. ~ Jenny Nordberg
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Jenny Nordberg
Let us also acknowledge that the hearts which suffer the most from our wars are those of mothers. Their vital voices have been left out of the political equation for too long. An Iraqi or American mother cries the same as an Israeli or Afghan mother. The eyes of a mother who has suffered the loss of a child can destroy the soul of anyone who gazes upon them. More souls become casualties of war than physical bodies. ~ Suzy Kassem
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Suzy Kassem
The reasoning for our civil-military plan is that lasting success will be when the Afghan government, security forces and people can resist the insurgents and terrorists themselves. ~ Bob Ainsworth
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Bob Ainsworth
It's being made out that the whole point of the war was to topple the Taliban regime and liberate Afghan women from their burqas, we are being asked to believe that the U.S. marines are actually on a feminist mission. ~ Arundhati Roy
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Arundhati Roy
The Taliban mostly attacks international and Afghan security forces. They rarely carry out attacks in markets. ~ Richard Engel
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Richard Engel
The pilot's voice came over the intercom, "We have just entered Afghan airspace. Everyone put on your body armor and kevlars and strap in. ~ Christian Warren Freed
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Christian Warren Freed
As I have said for two years now, when Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda were cornered in the mountains of Tora Bora, it was wrong to outsource the job of capturing them to Afghan warlords who a week earlier were fighting against us. ~ John F. Kerry
Hasnas Afghan quotes by John F. Kerry
Afghanistan has moved forward and Afghanistan will defend itself. And the progress that we have achieved, the Afghan people will not allow it to be put back or reversed. ~ Hamid Karzai
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Hamid Karzai
We provide transit facilities, we cooperate in equipping the Afghan army and security forces with arms and helicopters, we cooperate in training officers for law enforcement agencies. ~ Sergei Lavrov
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Sergei Lavrov
I myself had to grow a longer beard and Afghan clothes. I was in danger of being kidnapped by smugglers, though I didn't know it at the time. ~ Mohsen Makhmalbaf
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Mohsen Makhmalbaf
Then set out after repeated warning the grizzly
Afghan Duryodhan
in blazing sun
removed sandal-wood blooded stone-attired guards
spearing gloom brought out a substitute of dawn
crude hell's profuse experience
a night-waken drug addict beside head of feeble earth
from the cruciform The Clapper could not descend due to lockdown
wet-eyed babies were smiling
in a bouquet of darkness in forced dreams
The Clapper wept when learnt about red-linen boat's drowned passengers
in famished yellow winter
white lilies bloomed in hot coal tar
when in chiseled breeze
nickel glazed seed-kernel
moss layered skull which had moon on its shoulder scolded whole night
non-weeping male praying mantis in grass
bronze muscled he-men of Barbadoz
pressed their fevered forehead on her furry navel
in comb-flowing rain
floated on frowning waves
diesel sheet shadow whipped oceans
all wings had been removed from the sky
funeral procession of newspaperman's freshly printed dawn
lifelong jailed convict's eye in the keyhole
in autumnal rice pounding pink ankle
Lalung ladies ~ Malay Roychoudhury
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Malay Roychoudhury
What about Andrews? He doing any better? She spotted him near the entrance of the hangar, talking to one of the Afghan locals who worked as a janitor. The guys rarely talked to her ~ Kaylea Cross
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Kaylea Cross
The book came after the fall of the Taliban, it says something about Afghan family life. Those kind of stories - what happens behind the scenes on a TV screen - are important. ~ Asne Seierstad
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Asne Seierstad
Well, the movie isn't bad. For a while, I even told myself I liked it, even as it missed one mark after another. But in the end, it's shapeless and blandly apolitical, apart from its watered-down feminism. You see, Fey's Kim Baker - changed from Barker - transforms herself from a neophyte reporter, condescended to by male war correspondents, soldiers and Afghan officials, into a hard-charging political animal who speaks the language fluently and parties as hard as men. That's about as edgy as a sitcom. ~ David Edelstein
Hasnas Afghan quotes by David Edelstein
When the Taliban captured Kabul in 1996 after a searing, four-year civil war, they immediately instituted laws which fit their utopic vision of the time of Islam's founding more than 1,300 years earlier. Afghan women's lives offered the most visible sign of the imagined past to which Afghanistan's present was to be returned. ~ Gayle Tzemach Lemmon
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon
The Afghan - obviously the parties will decide which course of action. The most important there, get a government that is seen as legitimate to the people and has the credibility to be a partner in the effort to secure Afghanistan so it's not a haven for al Qaeda or other type of terrorists or international terrorist organizations. ~ Rahm Emanuel
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Rahm Emanuel
The reality is that [Barack] Obama has some 15 countries in the current Libya coalition. President Bush put together close to 50 countries for the Afghan coalition, some 40 countries for the Iraqi coalition, more than 90 countries for the Proliferation Security Initiative and over 90 countries in the Global War on Terror. ~ Donald Rumsfeld
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Donald Rumsfeld
The decision to rely heavily on high-altitude air power, target urban infrastructure and repeatedly attack heavily populated towns and villages has reflected a deliberate trade-off of the lives of American pilots and soldiers, not with those of their declared Taliban enemies, but with Afghan civilians ... There will be no official two-minute silence for the Afghan dead, no newspaper obituaries or memorial services attended by the prime minister, as there were for the victims of the twin towers. ~ Seumas Milne
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Seumas Milne
Do we really think that the United States will have the protection of innocent Afghans in mind if it rains terror down on the Afghan infrastructure? We are supposedly fighting them because they immorally killed innocent civilians. That made them evil. If we do the same, are we any less immoral? ~ George Lakoff
Hasnas Afghan quotes by George Lakoff
In Afghan society, parents play a central role in the lives of their children; the parent-child relationship is fundamental to who you are and what you become and how you perceive yourself, and it is laden with contradictions, with tension, with anger, with love, with loathing, with angst. ~ Khaled Hosseini
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Khaled Hosseini
Definitely in the West, we're all cast as the same now. Whether you're Indian, Pakistani, Arab, Iranian, Afghan or whatever, you just get thrown into this category. And nine times out of 10, you're depicted as bad. ~ Maz Jobrani
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Maz Jobrani
If you're an Afghan village leader in a small town down around Kandahar somewhere, and you know that the footprint is getting smaller for your security, and the Taliban saying don't forget, I'm going to be back real soon, who is your loyalty going to go through? ~ Mike Rogers
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Mike Rogers
The draconian prohibitions of the Taliban years and the gains Afghan women have achieved since the Taliban government was overthrown in 2001 are now well known and often cited: Today, Afghans lucky enough to live in secure regions can go to school, women may work in offices, and the burqa is no longer mandatory. ~ Gayle Tzemach Lemmon
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon
If the story had been about anyone else, it would been dismissed as laaf, that Afghan tendency to exaggerate
sadly, almost a national affliction; if someone bragged that his son was a doctor, chances were the kid had once passed a biology test in high school. ~ Khaled Hosseini
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Khaled Hosseini
In all the debate about Afghanistan, we don't hear much about our obligation to the wretched lives of Afghan women. They are being treated as collateral damage as the big boys discuss geopolitical goals. ~ Tina Brown
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Tina Brown
We stayed huddled that way until the early hours of the morning. The shootings and explosions had lasted less than an hour, but they had frightened us badly, because none of us had ever heard gunshots in the streets. They were foreign sounds to us then. The generation of Afghan children whose ears would know nothing but the sounds of bombs and gunfire was not yet born ... ~ Khaled Hosseini
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Khaled Hosseini
Marriage can wait, education cannot. ~ Khaled Hosseini
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Khaled Hosseini
He was an Afghan Hound name Kabul. Since him I have had other Afghan Hounds ... Perhaps I am looking for his ghost. He is the only one that I sometimes think about. Often, if he comes in to my mind when I am working, it alters what I do. The nose on the face I am drawing gets longer and sharper. The hair of the woman I am sketching gets longer and fluffy, resting against her cheeks like his ears rested against his head. ~ Pablo Picasso
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Pablo Picasso
The majority of the Afghan people support a strategic partnership with the United States. ~ Hamid Karzai
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Hamid Karzai
Now, al Qaeda's on the run. Afghanistan is no longer a base of operations. The Afghan government is a friendly government that is trying to bring democracy to its people. ~ Condoleezza Rice
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Condoleezza Rice
Jihad is the Afghan bling. ~ Aman Mojadidi
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Aman Mojadidi
I laughed. Partly at the joke, partly at how Afghan humor never changed. Wars were waged, the Internet was invented, and a robot had rolled on the surface of Mars, and in Afghanistan we were still telling Mullah Nasruddin jokes. ~ Khaled Hosseini
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Khaled Hosseini
The fact is that Iran doesn't want to see the Taliban come back any more than do most Afghan citizens. ~ David Petraeus
Hasnas Afghan quotes by David Petraeus
The first time I visited Afghanistan in May 2000, I was 26 years old, and the country was under Taliban rule. I went there to document Afghan women and landmine victims. ~ Lynsey Addario
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Lynsey Addario
In 2012, I received a phone call from the family of Arsala Rahmani, the Afghan senator with whom I'd become friendly. That morning, a gunman had pulled up alongside Rahmani's vehicle, idling in a crowded intersection, and shot him point blank. ~ Anand Gopal
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Anand Gopal
It's the Afghan national army that went into Najaf and did the work there. ~ George W. Bush
Hasnas Afghan quotes by George W. Bush
Deborah Rodriguez went to Afghanistan to transform her own life and ended up revolutionizing the lives of many of her Afghan sisters. This book made me feel like I was right there in the beauty salon, sharing in the tears and laughter as, outside my door, an entire country changed. KABUL BEAUTY SCHOOL is inspiring, exciting, and not to be missed. ~ Masha Hamilton
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Masha Hamilton
If we can't understand the Afghan family, we can't understand Afghanistan. ~ Asne Seierstad
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Asne Seierstad
Foreign aid projects have pumped billions of dollars into the Afghan economy. ~ Richard Engel
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Richard Engel
an Afghan archaeologist followed the Taliban through the museum, "pleading for mercy as if begging for the lives of [his] own children."14 Such pleas were meaningless to those who felt their axes swung with God's weight behind them. ~ Karima Bennoune
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Karima Bennoune
The Afghan government is as corrupt as a prostitute with a law degree. ~ Craig Ferguson
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Craig Ferguson
Protecting Afghan civilians is the cornerstone of our mission. ~ John R. Allen
Hasnas Afghan quotes by John R. Allen
The family is the single most important institution in Afghan culture. It is described in the country's constitution as the 'fundamental pillar of society'. ~ Asne Seierstad
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Asne Seierstad
Many Afghan intellectuals in the United States believe that their country is best kept together. They are encouraged by the fact that no leading tribal or political figure there has called for secession. ~ Stephen Kinzer
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Stephen Kinzer
Afghanistan is where much of the al Qaeda journey began. It is the main site where Osama bin Laden, Mullah Omar and their cohort rose to prominence fighting the Soviets in the 1980s. Afghan territory holds special significance to the group, which is committed to retaking it and re-establishing it as the base of a global movement. ~ Jack Keane
Hasnas Afghan quotes by Jack Keane
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