Gehts Wieder Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Gehts Wieder.

Quotes About Gehts Wieder

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Somewhere fate laughs in her far-off country, because now I am the human and it is Grace I will lose again and again, immer wieder, always the same, every winter, losing more of her each year, unless I find a cure. ~ Maggie Stiefvater
Gehts Wieder quotes by Maggie Stiefvater
Jetzt sind wir in einer Situation, in der wieder zusammenwächst, was zusammengehört."

("Now we are in a situation where what belongs together, will grow back together.")

Berlin radio interview, November 10, 1989 [the day after the de facto abolition of intra-German border controls by the East German government] ~ Willy Brandt
Gehts Wieder quotes by Willy Brandt
Und nicht wahr, wenn man ihn zwänge, in das Licht selbst zu sehen, so würde er Schmerzen an den Augen haben, davonlaufen und sich wieder jenen Schattengegenständen zuwenden, die er ansehen kann, und würde dabei bleiben, diese wären wirklich deutlicher als die, welche er gezeigt bekam?

And if he is compelled to look straight at the light, will he not have a pain in his eyes which will make him turn away to take and take in the objects of vision which he can see, and which he will conceive to be in reality clearer than the things which are now being shown to him? ~ Plato
Gehts Wieder quotes by Plato
It is essential to our well-being, and to our lives, that we play and enjoy life. Every single day, do something that makes your heart sing. ~ Marcia Wieder
Gehts Wieder quotes by Marcia Wieder
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