Fixate 2 Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Fixate 2.

Quotes About Fixate 2

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I consider myself something of a self-taught anthropologist. I try not to talk about something unless it's something I love. But if it's something that really annoys me, I fixate on it, learn something about it and then, when I'm onstage, it comes out. ~ Reggie Watts
Fixate 2 quotes by Reggie Watts
We must not fixate on what this new arsenal of digital technologies allows us to do without first inquiring what is worth doing. ~ Evgeny Morozov
Fixate 2 quotes by Evgeny Morozov
Every life has a purpose. We need to let go of the past. Live in the present. Do not waste today worrying about what will happen tomorrow. Embrace your true spirit, embrace and listen to grace and you be transformed in the moment. Do not fixate on what you want but give thanks for what you have. ~ Caroline Myss
Fixate 2 quotes by Caroline Myss
There are two kinds of drivers, he thinks: those who see the world around the road, and those who fixate on the road itself. We'll end up where we want to be. We always do. ~ David Levithan
Fixate 2 quotes by David Levithan
Fixate on whole cultures, not specific pieces of poverty. No specific intervention is going to turn around the life of a child or an adult in any consistent way, but if you can surround a person with a new culture, and different web of relationships, then they will absorb new habits of thought and behavior in ways you will never be able to measure or understand. And if you do surround that person with a new, enriching culture, then you had better keep surrounding them with it, because if they slip back into a different culture, and most of the gains will fade away. ~ David Brooks
Fixate 2 quotes by David Brooks
Why do our minds fixate on the kinds of love we're not getting instead of the kinds of love we are? ~ Lucy Tan
Fixate 2 quotes by Lucy Tan
Our job is not to 'go with our gut' or fixate on the first impression we form about an issue. No, we need to be strong enough to resist thinking that is too neat, too plausible, and therefore almost always wrong. ~ Ryan Holiday
Fixate 2 quotes by Ryan Holiday
Those who fixate on what could have been are bound to miss what already is. ~ Sara Secora
Fixate 2 quotes by Sara Secora
Basically I wake up in the morning and I think everything's going to be great. I'm really kind of optimistic, and I look forward to a new day. I pick up 'The New York Times,' and I look at the front page and realize that once again I'm wrong. I start to fixate on stuff. ~ Lewis Black
Fixate 2 quotes by Lewis Black
If you fixate on the worst-case scenario and it actually happens, you've lived it twice. ~ Michael J. Fox
Fixate 2 quotes by Michael J. Fox
The cult of the Virgin Mary enabled the worship of the Goddess to flourish, albeit in a cauterised form. As I keep repeating in a mantra, sex is power. The Virgin was a method of turning the sexual impulse of Christians back into the Church and onto the figure of the crucified Christ. I would describe this as a particularly unsavoury form of magick. This is the use of repression and misery as a spiritual battery. This enslavement of the worshipper's natural desires is the exact opposite of the natural and healthy lust for Babalon.

With the resolutely chaste Mary in position, churches had a surrogate Goddess back in the house. Christ knows, they needed one. To sell Christianity to the fans of the God who dies and is reborn (like the crops in the fields) the Church used statues of Mary and Jesus that were rather close to those of Isis and the Child Horus. This mother/son icon propaganda was like a Pepsi taste test for the wavering pagans. They failed.

It requires other women to keep women as slaves stripped of their sexual power. The BVM did that job. She was the only role model that you could fixate upon.

As a Goddess she is a clitoridectomy. If you lift her skirt you can see the coarse black thread where she has been snipped and stitched. The thread is plaited from the beard of Jehovah himself. This is not a woman anymore. Look under the hem and learn. ~ Peter Grey
Fixate 2 quotes by Peter Grey
I once read that love is like a rose: we fixate on the blossom, but it's the thorny stem that keeps it alive and aloft. I think marriage is like that. Like my father said, the things of greatest value are the things we fight for. And in the end, if we do it right, we value the stem far more than the blossom ~ Richard Paul Evans
Fixate 2 quotes by Richard Paul Evans
(in regards to watches) They were such insidious little machines- always there to pressure you, to make you fixate on what was next instead of taking pleasure in what was now. To remind you that your time was slowly, inevitable running out. ~ Kyle Mills
Fixate 2 quotes by Kyle Mills
Minds don't rest; they reel and wander and fixate and roll back and reconsider because it's like this, having a mind. Hearts don't idle; they swell and constrict and break and forgive and behold because it's like this, having a heart. Lives don't last; they thrill and confound and circle and overflow and disappear because it's like this, having a life. ~ Kelly Corrigan
Fixate 2 quotes by Kelly Corrigan
Quote from "The Dish Keepers of Honest House" ....TO TWIST THE COLD is easy when its only water you want. Tapping of the toothbrush echoes into Ella's mind like footsteps clacking a cobbled street on a bitter, dry, cold morning. Her mind pushes through sleep her body craves. It catches her head falling into a warm, soft pillow.
"Go back to bed," she tells herself.
"You're still asleep," Ella mumbles, pushes the blanket off, and sits up.
The urgency to move persuades her to keep routines. Water from the faucet runs through paste foam like a miniature waterfall. Ella rubs sleep-deprieved eyes, then the bridge of her nose and glances into the sink.
Ella's eyes astutely fixate for one, brief millisecond. Water becomes the burgundy of soldiers exiting the drain. Her mouth drops in shock. The flow turns green. It is like the bubbling fungus of flockless, fishless, stagnating ponds.
Within the iridescent glimmer of her thinking -- like a brain losing blood flow, Ella's focus is the flickering flashing of gray, white dust, coal-black shadows and crows lifting from the ground. A half minute or two trails off before her mind returns to reality.
Ella grasps a toothbrush between thumb and index finger. She rests the outer palm against the sink's edge, breathes in and then exhales. Tension in the brow subsides, and her chest and shoulders drop; she sighs. Ella stares at pasty foam. It exits the drain as if in a race to clear the sink of negativity -- of all g ~ Helene Andorre Hinson Staley
Fixate 2 quotes by Helene Andorre Hinson Staley
I think the main problem people have getting older, whether they know it or not, is that you're closer to dying. And we may fixate on not wanting to look a certain way, but it really is just the clock ticking, that it means, "Oh, I am not immortal!". ~ Elizabeth Lesser
Fixate 2 quotes by Elizabeth Lesser
It is not a good idea to continually repeat a mantra during meditation. Repeating a mantra throughout your mediation causes you to fixate on a specific level of consciousness. ~ Frederick Lenz
Fixate 2 quotes by Frederick Lenz
Next time you're selling yourself, don't fixate only on what you achieved yesterday. Also emphasize the promise of what you could accomplish tomorrow. - 141 ~ Daniel H. Pink
Fixate 2 quotes by Daniel H. Pink
How long's your vacation?"
A year. Maybe longer."
A year? What did you do? Win the lottery?"
Most americans we met on the road, or at least the ones without nose rings, had a hard time fathoming the idea of a year's travel. Australians and Germans would nod in "of course" approval. Our country men would fixate on language barriers or some hideous tropical disease. They'd talk about the nightmare scenario - a Third World appendectomy and not being able to tell the doctor to use clean needles. ~ Franz Wisner
Fixate 2 quotes by Franz Wisner
You could miss someone, but it did no good to fixate on loss. I wished I had the ready words of a Breeder or the ability to comfort with a soft touch. I didn't. Instead I had daggers and determination.
That would have to do. ~ Ann Aguirre
Fixate 2 quotes by Ann Aguirre
When a family is broken by death, there is no clear way forward out of despair. It is easy to mistake grief for proof of love, and so refuse to relinquish it. For the first year or longer, there is a constant, grinding question that hands over you: Stay or go? You fixate on the fantasy of willing time to roll backward. You find the precise moment before they were taken, and plant your flag there. Death becomes the territory where our love lives, a dangerous place for the living to stay for very long. ~ Galadrielle Allman
Fixate 2 quotes by Galadrielle Allman
I had sex," I blurt out for the second time.
All eyes immediately fixate on Connor, who has been very quiet. His phone is gone and his hands are in his pockets. "Yes, it was with me," he answers the non-existent question. ~ Krista Ritchie
Fixate 2 quotes by Krista Ritchie
There was one thing Felix had denied her. One prohibition he'd set down - which made it something to fixate on and wonder about.
What was so secret about suite 3013? ~ Sarah Cross
Fixate 2 quotes by Sarah Cross
I've found that all weak people share a basic obsession - they fixate on the idea of satisfaction. Anywhere you go men and women are like crows drawn by shiny objects. For some folks, the shiny objects are other people, and you'd be better off developing a drug habit. ~ Nic Pizzolatto
Fixate 2 quotes by Nic Pizzolatto
Generally speaking, 99 percent of the time life is benign and supportive. The ego leads us to fixate on the 1 percent when it is painful, dark, or tragic - although even in these times, it is usually only painful and tragic to us (our tragedy might be someone else's good luck). Although the mind imagines worst-case scenarios - like car crashes - most of our lives are not composed of these kinds of events. If we look at our lives more objectively, we see that reality is actually highly supportive of us - a miracle, if we could see it for what it is. The universe is much more generous than most of us have ever recognized or acknowledged, and in the face of this overwhelming abundance, it simply makes sense to awaken and open ourselves to this generosity. ~ Don Richard Riso
Fixate 2 quotes by Don Richard Riso
I don't fixate on other people's opinions of my body. ~ Gabourey Sidibe
Fixate 2 quotes by Gabourey Sidibe
You know we fixate on the food so much itself: "Oh, the ultimate brownie or the ultimate this or that"
well, let me tell you something: It's all poop in about 12 hours, okay? The real power that food has is its ability to connect human beings to each other
that's the stuff right there and, to me, everything else is secondary to that. ~ Alton Brown
Fixate 2 quotes by Alton Brown
Our bodies speak, if you would only listen. They speak another language: the mother tongue. It's half the puzzle, the missing pieces you have been searching for, the how and why behind the symptoms you fixate on, the whole behind the healing, which cannot be found at the bottom of a bottle of pills.
But you do not speak our language. My sick sisterhood, whose bodies have been felled by mysterious illnesses, bearing the arcane names of men long dead, to signify their suffering with no cure, no hope. The mothers who long for answers to the questions that their bodies are living, for soul-utions to the protest against this cold, hard world.
Into their dry hungry mouths are dropped pills not answers. Prescriptions and descriptions of symptoms – not cures or laws to halt the toxic corporate world that is allowed to carry on felling us like trees in the Amazon…
Each woman is an Amazon. But she does not know it. Instead she is treated. Separately. Her pile of notes, her bills, growing higher. Each one believes the sickness is hers alone. Each is sent home, ignored, tolerated.
Alone. In the darkness.
Until one day Medicine Woman arises within her.
And there in the centre of her pain she finds her outrage, her strength, her persistence as she searches for answers. She finds the will to die to this world and the right to live a different life where she is honoured for the value of her soul, not the sweat of her brow.
She begins to understand the messa ~ Lucy H. Pearce
Fixate 2 quotes by Lucy H. Pearce
We fixate on sins of commission: Don't do this, don't do that - and you're OK. But that is holiness by subtraction. And it's more hypocrisy than holiness! It's the sins of omission - what you would have, could have, and should have done - that break the heart of your heavenly Father. ~ Mark Batterson
Fixate 2 quotes by Mark Batterson
Fixate your love on Him, be obedient to God's word, and don't seek the glory of this world. In doing these things, God will exalt you in this earth and you won't have to sacrifice your soul for earthly crowns that will fade. ~ Monica Johnson
Fixate 2 quotes by Monica Johnson
Pining for what could have been only holds people back from living their lives now. Life is full of surprises, and it doesn't help us to fixate on regrets or try to recover what has been lost. ~ Jeff Goins
Fixate 2 quotes by Jeff Goins
Murder is such a charged word. You know how some people fixate and won't let things go? They're called cops. ~ Tim Dorsey
Fixate 2 quotes by Tim Dorsey
When we fixate on the worst in something, we render ourselves incapable of fixing anything ... But attend to the good in something - and we act towards the best in everything. ~ Ann Voskamp
Fixate 2 quotes by Ann Voskamp
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