Dornoch Firth Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Dornoch Firth.

Quotes About Dornoch Firth

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I don't think it's aiming at gags, I think the humour is woven into it. It's part of how the characters operate and how they deal with disaster because they're worldly enough to have a bit of irony and wryness about their own circumstances. So, I think the humour comes out of that. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
Whenever you take on playing a villain, he has to cease to be a villain to you. If you judge this man by his time, he's doing very little wrong. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
I do notice that when I've been away and I come back to London. People look at you. People are ready to pick arguments. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
The first principle of life is love. The second principle is kindness. The third principle is compassion. The fourth principle is trust. The firth principle is integrity. ~ Debasish Mridha
Dornoch Firth quotes by Debasish Mridha
I think the dictator director is based upon stories from the past. I don't think anyone would put up with it now. There are a lot of people on a film set with egos. So, to be completely authoritarian, you'd probably have to have a reputation like Kurosowa or somebody to get away with it. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
I often think it can often be very difficult for comedians to revisit the same gag. I think Russell's a bit more than a comedian. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
Perception is a fantasy that coincides with reality. - Christ Firth, from Making Up the Mind: How the Brain Creates Our Mental World ~ Alberto Cairo
Dornoch Firth quotes by Alberto Cairo
I think it's quite extraordinary that people cast me as if I'm Warren Beatty: until I met my present wife, at the age of 35, you could name two girlfriends. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
Actors are basically drag queens. People will tell you they act because they want to heal mankind or, you know, explore the nature of the human psyche. Yes, maybe. But basically we just want to put on a frock and dance. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
It's entirely to do with personality, I think. There are good directors who talk a lot, bad directors who talk a lot, and good directors who don't say much and vice-versa. It just depends on whether people respond to that personality and whether people have a willingness to do something for them. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
Some people come up to be directors by coming through the camera department and there's not a lot of women in the camera department. The ones that are have to kind of prove they're one of the boys, I think. I don't want to get into trouble with generalisations but I think it's a fair observation. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
Her invisible remains would combine, over time, with all the wonders under the sun. When it snowed she would be part of it, falling softly to earth, rising up again with the snow's evaporation, When it rained, she would be there in the spectral arch that spanned from firth to ground. She would help to wreathe the fields in mists, and yet would always be transparent to the stars. She would live forever. ~ Michel Faber
Dornoch Firth quotes by Michel Faber
It's just so impressive to see how the women have used making Fair Trade clothes to escape poverty and empower themselves and their children. - Emma Watson ~ Safia Minney
Dornoch Firth quotes by Safia Minney
They said: "Make it in this amount of time and go for it now ... " Which is why I was suddenly ambushed and we all found ourselves doing it. I suspect this wasn't quite recognisable in its genre to give people the confidence just to throw money at it. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
You have to be ill if you want to get better. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
So, I think there's a danger that good stuff can fall by the wayside if it doesn't conform to formula. But I think it comes down to money and they just don't know where it's going if they haven't got any precedent. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
Thank you to my wonderful actors, the triangle of man-love which is Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush and me. ~ Tom Hooper
Dornoch Firth quotes by Tom Hooper
My primary instinct as an actor is not the big transformation. It's thrilling if a performer can do that well, but that's not me. Often with actors, it's a case of witnessing a big party piece but wondering afterwards, where's the substance? ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
I got rid of all my Colin Firth movies in case they consider it erotica. ~ LIZ
Dornoch Firth quotes by LIZ
The skill of a good actor is to make it always seem like you're in that fantastically spontaneous moment. Very often, a stand-up comedian has a different instinct, which is to reinvent. Once you've laid down some material, and made them laugh, you move on and find some new material. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
I can't bring you absolute truth in the detailed factual sense. All I can do is bring you an interpretation as I understand it. That's all you can ever get from an actor. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
Firth - all dodgy 'tache and frantic eyebrows - has got the sexual allure of a man who runs a swingers' club in Surbiton. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
I'll be your friend so long as you're not crap ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
I think everyone is throwing happy stuff at you, and that's when you come over all humbug. It's happy stuff in your face, happy stuff is being sold to you ... ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
I thought every other kid was like me. I'd watch films and act them out on my own and wish I could be one of the actresses. When I saw 'Pride And Prejudice,' the one with Colin Firth, I just absolutely knew that was what I wanted to do, and for 'Cranford' to be my first job was poetic, really. ~ Kimberley Nixon
Dornoch Firth quotes by Kimberley Nixon
Most actors will tell you they have some sort of dream of doing something other than what they're doing. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
I do think I'm a character actor. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
Nothing brings you closer together than blind terror. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
There's no point in it unless it's a story that you really want to tell. It's a nebulous job. Unless you're doing it well, you're not doing anything. And there are a few of those. It's perfectly possible to be a passenger on a film set because if somebody else has written it, you can make nothing of that role and that's exactly what bad directors do. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
But it's interesting being directed by someone who is a very good actor. There's nothing like it. It might sound like a territorial thing about what I do, but I don't think you can understand what it is until you've done it. I know that to be a fact. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
It does help to actually realize that however stunning the person who is, you know, fluttering eyelashes at you, she doesn't do anything to match up to your wife. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
Certainly, from where I stand, I'm not a specialist in wildly different walks and voices. But I find as much variation and nuance as what satisfies me in what I do. So, I don't find this particularly different. He has his own peculiarities. You're probably talking about a cluster of Englishmen in suits but I've done quite a big cluster of guys not in suits as well, which I've occupied myself with. So, I don't find that this is the one that stands out. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
To work effectively in a film, you have to repeat and work consistently. Basically, you shoot a big master then you do close-ups. You're supposed to be in the same moment, the same 30-second moment, for a day. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
I find that at almost every press junket I get that comment, "this character's different from what you generally play ... " And that's OK! But I think "generally play" stems back to Mr Darcy. I'm fine with it but I tend to find that if it's a departure, which in other people's words it always is, it's always a departure from that. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
They're not bombarding me with offers, although the ones that have come along have been too preposterous to contemplate, so it's not as if I spend every day resisting $20 million pay cheques. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
Nature's particular gift to the walker, through the semi-mechanical act of walking - a gift no other form of exercise seems to transmit in the same high degree - is to set the mind jogging, to make it garrulous, exalted, a little mad maybe - certainly creative and suprasensitive, until at last it really seems to be outside of you and as if it were talking to you whilst you are talking back to it. Then everything gradually seems to join in, sun and the wind, the white road and the dusty hedges, the spirit of the season, whichever that may be, the friendly old earth that is pushing life firth of every sort under your feet or spell-bound in a death-like winter trance, till you walk in the midst of a blessed company, immersed in a dream-talk far transcending any possible human conversation. Time enough, later, for that…; here and now, the mind has shaken off its harness, is snorting and kicking up heels like a colt in a meadow. ~ Kenneth Grahame
Dornoch Firth quotes by Kenneth Grahame
Directors don't get to see other directors at work - they're the only one on the set. I've met directors who've asked me what another filmmaker is like. So, there's probably nobody better placed to make all the comparisons and to pick up stuff than an actor. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
I was gearing up for it. I took some singing lessons. And I opened my mouth, and Atom promptly said, 'That's not going to happen. We love your voice, but maybe we could use some of your English wit.' He had doubts about it from way back. For starters, we weren't going to be doing the Italian-American crooning thing. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
I've walked down the street with Madonna, and I've walked down the street with Colin Firth, and it was a little bit more ... with Madonna they were a little rougher, but they were all there for Colin. It was amazing. Women adore him. They swoon. ~ Beeban Kidron
Dornoch Firth quotes by Beeban Kidron
Films are wonderful but they do fix an identity. I can't read 'Pride and Prejudice' anymore, for instance, without imaging Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy. ~ Deborah Harkness
Dornoch Firth quotes by Deborah Harkness
Brentwood stands on that fine and wealthy slope of country, one of the richest in Scotland, which lies between the Pentland Hills and the Firth. In clear weather you could see the blue gleam-like a bent bow, embracing the wealthy fields and scattered houses of the great estuary on one side of you; and on the other the blue heights, not gigantic like those we had been used to, but just high enough for all the glories of the atmosphere, the play of clouds, and sweet reflections, which give to a hilly country an interest and a charm which nothing else can emulate. Edinburgh, with its two lesser heights - the Castle and the Calton Hill - its spires and towers piercing through the smoke, and Arthur's Seat lying crouched behind, like a guardian no longer very needful, taking his repose beside the well-beloved charge, which is now, so to speak, able to take care of itself without him - lay at our right hand. From the lawn and drawing-room windows we could see all these varieties of landscape. The colour was sometimes a little chilly, but sometimes, also, as animated and full of vicissitude as a drama. I was never tired of it. Its colour and freshness revived the eyes which had grown weary of arid plains and blazing skies. It was always cheery, and fresh, and full of repose. ("The Open Door") ~ Mrs. Oliphant
Dornoch Firth quotes by Mrs. Oliphant
Oh, I love period dramas, especially period dramas starring Colin Firth. I'm like Bridget Jones if she were actually fat."
"Oh ... Colin Firth. He should only do period dramas. And period dramas should only star Colin Firth. (One-star upgrade for Colin Firth. Two stars for Colin Firth in a waistcoat.)
"Keep typing his name, even his name is handsome. ~ Rainbow Rowell
Dornoch Firth quotes by Rainbow Rowell
Almost every comedy you see is about people making all wrong choices and making all the errors of judgement possible. Good comedy is when it works on this scale. Because it is psychologically very real. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
The great thing about dealing with people about whom we have historical resources, is that if the writing needs work, there's everywhere to go to enrich it. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
There's a para-phrase about Orson Welles saying: "Great films are made by great directors and the rest are made by everyone else." I've been very lucky ... before I start insulting the profession of directing, but I think a good director is everything and a bad director really is nothing at all. ~ Colin Firth
Dornoch Firth quotes by Colin Firth
No golfer has completed his education until he has played and studied Royal Dornoch. ~ Herbert Wind
Dornoch Firth quotes by Herbert Wind
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