Dina Demille Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Dina Demille.

Quotes About Dina Demille

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Will you take this seriously? The future of an entire species is at stake."

"Yes, we're going to save them with a fart gun. ~ Ilona Andrews
Dina Demille quotes by Ilona Andrews
It's being handled. Your involvement isn't necessary. You're free to continue on your serial urination spree. ~ Ilona Andrews
Dina Demille quotes by Ilona Andrews
He smiled at me, turning into the old Sean Evans. The transformation was so sudden, I blinked to make sure I didn't imagine it. Because you're a carebear. ~ Ilona Andrews
Dina Demille quotes by Ilona Andrews
Did you hear that? a woman asked. I crouched behind the growth. No. No, you didn't hear anything. Don't mind me, I'm not hiding the corpse of a nasty creature behind your flower bed. Nope. Nothing here but cute, fluffy bunnies scampering adorably into the night ... ~ Ilona Andrews
Dina Demille quotes by Ilona Andrews
If he ever becomes an issue, I could eat him. He looks delicious." "Thank you, but that won't be necessary." And that wasn't creepy. Not at all. Caldenia smiled. "You will be surprised how difficult it is to get rid of a human body. I'd say he is perhaps a hundred and seventy pounds? That's a lot of flesh to manage. We could freeze it. He'd feed me for at least three months. ~ Ilona Andrews
Dina Demille quotes by Ilona Andrews
That suit has gone to your head."
"It's not the suit, buttercup."
"I don't do pet names."
"Do you do werewolves?"
"Okay, I'm not talking to you anymore. ~ Ilona Andrews
Dina Demille quotes by Ilona Andrews
I'd worked in the state senate in college and seen how important legal decisions were. And at the last minute, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison said, 'Why don't you come do an internship?' That turned into almost 15 years in the government, in the White House, and at the State Department. ~ Dina Powell
Dina Demille quotes by Dina Powell
In war, villainy and good change hands all the time, like a football. ~ Dina Nayeri
Dina Demille quotes by Dina Nayeri
I wasn't sure about that, but one never knows. Sometimes a neighborhood, like a culture or civilization, is strong enough to absorb and acculturate any number of newcomers. But I don't know if that's true around here any longer. The outward forms and appearances look the same - [ ... ]- but the substance has been altered. ~ Nelson DeMille
Dina Demille quotes by Nelson DeMille
God is still in the miracle working business. He's still the same God yesterday, today and forevermore. ~ Prophetess Dina Rolle
Dina Demille quotes by Prophetess Dina Rolle
today it is clear that Indigenous peoples everywhere are-and always have been-the miner's canary on a global scale. In a hyper-industrialized, super-exploitative world, what happens to indigenous peoples will eventually happen to everyone. ~ Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz & Dina Gilio-Whitaker
Dina Demille quotes by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz & Dina Gilio-Whitaker
Every time I make a picture the critics' estimate of American public taste goes down ten percent. ~ Cecil B. DeMille
Dina Demille quotes by Cecil B. DeMille
Power doesnt come from fights, and fist, and musles, it comes from the heart. -Dina"

"Life is short, live it to the fullest. -Dina"

"Never let your anger out when your angry, keep it inside. Let the people who your angry with know how strong you are. -Dina"

"Put a smile on your face no matter what happens. keep walking forward because you cant changed what already happened. -Dina"

"Never look back, keep walking forward, this is the path you chosed. -Dina"

"Don't ruin your life because of a small mistake. -Dina"

"We people do not need god to make things happen, we need the will and courage to do it ourselves.-Dina"

"I wonder what life would be like if i didnt have the people i have today. -Dina"

"I wonder what life would be like for others if i wasn't born. -Dina ~ What
Dina Demille quotes by What
Everyone looked pensive, which is good cover-up for clueless. ~ Nelson DeMille
Dina Demille quotes by Nelson DeMille
I honestly don't know how anyone functions in this society without a law degree. ~ Nelson DeMille
Dina Demille quotes by Nelson DeMille
It's really so depressing to be still listed in the Social Register after all the acting I've done. ~ Dina Merrill
Dina Demille quotes by Dina Merrill
Chemical and biological attacks are scary and will kill a lot of people but don't rise to the level of nuclear. ~ Nelson DeMille
Dina Demille quotes by Nelson DeMille
Face Book is a tutti - frutti garden. There are all the kinds of fruits here, bitter or sweet, tasteless or sour taste, fresh or rotten fruits, all together mixed in....sweet harmony! ~ Dina Stylianou
Dina Demille quotes by Dina Stylianou
No matter what the Constitution says, it won't endure if the people don't closely read it and demand that it be followed. ~ Oliver DeMille
Dina Demille quotes by Oliver DeMille
My daughter, Carly, has been in and out of drug treatment facilities since she was thirteen. Every time she goes away, I have a routine: I go through her room and search for drugs she may have left behind. We have a laugh these days because Carly says, So you were lookingfor drugs I might have left behind? I'm a drug addict, Mother. We don't leave drugs behind, especially if we're going into treatment. We do all the drugs. We don't save drugs back for later. If I have drugs, I do them. All of them. If I had my way, we would stop for more drugs on the way to rehab, and I would do them in the parking lot of the treatment center. ~ Dina Kucera
Dina Demille quotes by Dina Kucera
A lot of our perception of history is influenced by inaccurate movies. ~ Nelson DeMille
Dina Demille quotes by Nelson DeMille
An Englishman once said that he found it easier to be a member of a club than of the human race because the bylaws were shorter, and he knew all the members personally. That sounds about right. ~ Nelson DeMille
Dina Demille quotes by Nelson DeMille
There is no harder worker than a former government employee who has discovered the word incentive. ~ Nelson DeMille
Dina Demille quotes by Nelson DeMille
I try to use short sentences, short paragraphs and short chapters to keep the reader's interest. ~ Nelson DeMille
Dina Demille quotes by Nelson DeMille
Love yourself. Don't worry about what others say, think, or feel about you. They didn't create you, do not own you, and therefore hold no power over you. Do not allow your ego to replace your self-worth. ~ Dina Redmon
Dina Demille quotes by Dina Redmon
I don't know why you're crying… but I hope it's because you're as in love with me half as much as I am in love with you. ~ Dina Silver
Dina Demille quotes by Dina Silver
We drift from the safe places of our childhood. There is no going back. Like stories, villages and cities are always growing or fading or melding into each other. We are all immigrants from the past, and home lives inside the memory, where we lock it up and pretend it is unchanged. ~ Dina Nayeri
Dina Demille quotes by Dina Nayeri
She asked me, "Was your divorce nasty?" "Not at all. The marriage was nasty. ~ Nelson DeMille
Dina Demille quotes by Nelson DeMille
Hope doesn't disappoint. God is FAITHFUL to His promises. Being delayed is a part of God's plan for our lives. So don't lose hope everything will come forth at the appointed time. ~ Prophetess Dina Rolle
Dina Demille quotes by Prophetess Dina Rolle
I thought over and over about what I was going to do when Carly overdosed and died. How would we go on? And then I knew: I wouldn't go on. And then I realized that it was just going to be too painful to actually have to watch her die. Right in front of me. My daughter was dying. That's when I snapped. ~ Dina Kucera
Dina Demille quotes by Dina Kucera
As he'd thought, and as he'd always known, Henry and Vivian were better suited for each other. But better is not best, and though he was angry - and hurt - he was also concerned about Vivian. He still liked Henry, but not as much as Henry liked himself. He would have told Vivian this - as a friend - but she might think it was coming from a jealous ex-lover. So he wasn't going to say anything now. ~ Nelson DeMille
Dina Demille quotes by Nelson DeMille
Honestly, I don't know what 'having it all' means. I do my best - that's what I want my daughters to see. ~ Dina Powell
Dina Demille quotes by Dina Powell
We cannot break the Ten Commandments. We can only break ourselves against them - or else, by keeping them, rise through them to the fulness of freedom under God. God means us to be free. With divine daring, he gave us the power of choice. ~ Cecil B. DeMille
Dina Demille quotes by Cecil B. DeMille
Thinking is like exercise, it requires consistency and rigor. Like barbells in a weightlifting room, the classics force us to either put them down or exert our minds. They require us to think. ~ Oliver DeMille
Dina Demille quotes by Oliver DeMille
I continued, "The painting shows this fish with a big eye and a halo, floating in air, and underneath the fish are all these Native Americans having sex." "What? What does that have to do with Custer's Last Stand?" "Well, the painting is titled, Holy Mackerel, Look at All Those Fucking Indians. ~ Nelson DeMille
Dina Demille quotes by Nelson DeMille
"Thanks," many small businesspeople are saying, "but no thanks. Forget the government credits and loan programs, and just get rid of all the bureaucratic red tape and high taxes which make it hard to build businesses, hire employees and meet our payroll." ~ Oliver DeMille
Dina Demille quotes by Oliver DeMille
I used the pen name because I knew I wanted to write better novels under my own name someday. ~ Nelson DeMille
Dina Demille quotes by Nelson DeMille
Nothing will have more impact on the future of the world than for each of us to find out why we were born and to do it. Human beings tend to do this when parents, teachers and other mentors invite us to it. ~ Oliver DeMille
Dina Demille quotes by Oliver DeMille
An idle mind is just a playground, a place to roam and play and discover. ~ Dina Santorelli
Dina Demille quotes by Dina Santorelli
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