Bjorn Again Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Bjorn Again.

Quotes About Bjorn Again

Enjoy collection of 42 Bjorn Again quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Bjorn Again. Righ click to see and save pictures of Bjorn Again quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

I believe in reincarnation," [Bjorn] said.
"I tried to live a good life. Does that help?"
Bjorn Again quotes by Terry Pratchett
There go the crazy eyes again," he whispered.

"Shit." I shut my eyes tight. Lizzy walking in on me and my boyfriend seven years ago had been pretty damn embarrassing, especially given that she then ran and told mom. Not that mom had been coherent enough to care. This, however, topped it.

"Your cheeks have gone all rosy. Are you thinking rude thoughts about me, Anne?"


"Liar," he taunted in a soft voice. "You're totally thinking of me with no pants on."

I totally was.

"That's just gross, dude. A massive invasion of my privacy." He leaned in closer, his breath warming my ear. "Whatever you're imagining, it's bigger."

"I'm not imagining anything."

"I'm serious. It's basically a monster. I cannot control it."


"You're pretty much going to need a whip and chair to tame it, Anne."

"Stop it."

"That okay with you? ~ Kylie Scott
Bjorn Again quotes by Kylie Scott
When I am in a relationship, I don't wear lipstick at all. I hate the smearing, the retouching, the constant throb of phoniness as you surreptitiously check the damage in your compact between kisses. I wear lots of mascara to compensate, different colors so I don't get bored. When I am about to break up with a guy, he has full warning because I start wearing lipstick again. ~ Emma Forrest
Bjorn Again quotes by Emma Forrest
What interested me about Chuck Berry was the way he could step out of the rhythm part with such ease, throwing in a nice, simple riff, and then drop straight into the feel of it again. We used to play a lot more rhythm stuff. We'd do away with the differences between lead and rhythm guitar. You can't go into a shop and ask for a "lead guitar". You're a guitar player, and you play a guitar. ~ Keith Richards
Bjorn Again quotes by Keith Richards
. . . the only legitimate reason that kingship is not attractive to us is because in this age and this world the only kings available are finite and sinful. Listen to C. S. Lewis describe why he believes in democracy:

A great deal of democratic enthusiasm descends from the ideas of people like Rousseau, who believed in democracy because they thought mankind so wise and good that everyone deserved a share in the government. The danger of defending democracy on those grounds is that they're not true. . . I find that they're not true without looking further than myself. I don't deserve a share in governing a hen-roost, much less a nation. . . . The real reason for democracy is . . . Mankind is so fallen that no man can be trusted with unchecked power over his fellows. Aristotle said that some people were only fit to be slaves. I do not contradict him. But I reject slavery because I see no men fit to be masters.1

If there could be a king who is not limited in his wisdom and power and goodness and love for his subjects, then monarchy would be the best of all governments. If such a ruler could ever rise in the world - with no weakness, no folly, no sin - then no wise and humble person would ever want democracy again.

The question is not whether God broke into the universe as a king. He did. The question is: What kind of king is he? What difference would his kingship make for you? ~ John Piper
Bjorn Again quotes by John Piper
Resignation to misfortune is the only attitude, but not an easy one to adopt. It seems undeserved where plans were well laid and so nearly crowned with a first success. I cannot see that any plan would be altered if it were to do again, the margin for bad weather was ample according to all experience and this stormy December - our finest month - is a thing that the most cautious organiser might not have been prepared to encounter. It is very evil to lie here in a wet sleeping-bag and think of the pity of it all. ~ Robert Falcon Scott
Bjorn Again quotes by Robert Falcon Scott
Suspend for a moment your disbelief and encounter once again the sense of wonder you knew when there was ... magic! ~ Andrew Lord
Bjorn Again quotes by Andrew Lord
Words are very powerful. They live on forever and they can be shared again and again. Each one of us may find something different within them, but they have the power to truly guide us and impact us in our lives. ~ Amy Koto
Bjorn Again quotes by Amy Koto
Do I really have to face him again, Travis? The man will be insufferable after besting me as he did." Travis grinned and grabbed up the empty basket. "You can handle him. I've got faith in you." He held his hand out to her after she finished pinning a second petticoat to the line. She glanced uncertainly at his offering, then slipped her palm into his. On impulse, he tugged her arm, causing her to stumble into him. "We're Archers, Meri," he murmured as he tucked her briefly against his chest. "We can face anything if we do it together. ~ Karen Witemeyer
Bjorn Again quotes by Karen Witemeyer
I wouldn't like to meet her again," Jeff said, "and not in a dark alley." He'd need to be tougher than he ever could be, and it wasn't just this one old lady, it was most people in the world. Jeff felt as if he'd been keeping a secret from himself and had come around a dark inner corner to rediscover it. He felt shaky, but as if he'd learned something. Probably it was good for him. He thought it was. It wasn't good for him to get confident; just like he'd been confident about Melody. It was when you got confident you got taken by surprise and really banged around. ~ Cynthia Voigt
Bjorn Again quotes by Cynthia Voigt
One day pages of my life will end. But, if I get to read it once again, I will open it where I met you. Coz you are the most beautiful chapter in it. ~ Jan 3
Bjorn Again quotes by Jan 3
The source of all things, the luminescence, has more forms than heaven's stars, sure. And one good thought is all it takes to make it shine. But a single mistake can burn down a forest in your heart, hiding all the stars, in all the skies. And while a mistake's still burning, ruined love or lost faith can make you think you're done, and you can't go on. But it's not true. It's never true. No matter what you do, no matter where you're lost, the luminescence never leaves you. Any good thing that dies inside can rise again, if you want it hard enough. The heart doesn't know how to quit, because it doesn't know how to lie. You lift your eyes from the page, fall into the smile of a perfect stranger, and the searching starts all over again. It's not what it was, It's always different. It's always something else. But the new forest that grows back in a scarred heart is sometimes wilder and stronger than it was before the fire. And if you stay there, in that shine within yourself, that new place for the light, forgiving everything and never giving up, sooner or later you'll always find yourself right back there where love and beauty made the world: at the beginning. The beginning. The beginning. ~ Gregory David Roberts
Bjorn Again quotes by Gregory David Roberts
Since I didn't have any world-class fencing skills, I kicked Cernunnos in the nuts again. I didn't have to know how to use a sword to do that, and he was standing there like he was asking for it, so it seemed justified. Shock and rage filled his green eyes all over again and he doubled. I guess there must be rules that people fighting gods usually followed. Next time, maybe someone would give me a primer. ~ C.E. Murphy
Bjorn Again quotes by C.E. Murphy
Our politics and science have never mastered the fact that people need more than to understand their obligation to one another and to the earth; they need also the feeling of such obligation, and the feeling can come only within the patterns of familiarity. A nation of urban nomads, such as we have become, may simply be unable to be enough disturbed by its destruction of the ecological health of the land, because the people's dependence on the land, though it has been expounded to them over and over again in general terms, is not immediate to their feelings. ~ Wendell Berry
Bjorn Again quotes by Wendell Berry
Now she knew where to find me, if it was written that we would meet again, we would. The important thing is to allow fate to intervene in our lives and to decide what is best for everyone. ~ Paulo Coelho
Bjorn Again quotes by Paulo Coelho
1. Don't be boring.
2. Be able to pass the airport test; be interesting enough to carry on a 3 hour conversation with a stranger.
3. When in doubt, do what you can never do again. ~ Michael Bell
Bjorn Again quotes by Michael Bell
Imagine the state of distrust in which I move through the world. Revealing anything shameful to anyone, I run the risk of exposure, censure, mockery. Everyone should be told this about fame before they start pursuing it: you will never trust anyone again. You will be a kind of damned person, not only because you can't trust anyone but, still worse, you must always be considering how important you are, how newsworthy, and this divides you from yourself and poisons your soul. It sucks to be well-known, Pip. And yet everyone wants to be well-known, it's what the whole world is made of now, this wanting to be well-known. ~ Jonathan Franzen
Bjorn Again quotes by Jonathan Franzen
If I could just get my partner to see me how she used to - to fall in love with me all over again - everything would be okay. Every morning I would vow to work harder, and every morning something would go wrong. ~ Sloane Crosley
Bjorn Again quotes by Sloane Crosley
From the totalitarian point of view history is something to be created rather than learned. A totalitarian state is in effect a theocracy, and its ruling caste, in order to keep its position, has to be thought of as infallible. But since, in practice, no one is infallible, it is frequently necessary to rearrange past events in order to show that this or that mistake was not made, or that this or that imaginary triumph actually happened. Then again, every major change in policy demands a corresponding change of doctrine and a revelation of prominent historical figures. This kind of thing happens everywhere, but is clearly likelier to lead to outright falsification in societies where only one opinion is permissible at any given moment. Totalitarianism demands, in fact, the continuous alteration of the past, and in the long run probably demands a disbelief in the very existence of objective truth. ~ George Orwell
Bjorn Again quotes by George Orwell
We had scar-tissue
romance and ours was
a relationship of saying
goodbye - every time
we fought, every time
we fucked, and every time
we called it quits, before
picking up our knives
again ~ Phil Volatile
Bjorn Again quotes by Phil Volatile
That won't be enough for me, Auburn. I can already tell. And whoever's favorite color is blue won't stand a chance in this tent, because I'm about to make sure that the only thing she ever thinks about when she sees a tent again is Oh My God. ~ Colleen Hoover
Bjorn Again quotes by Colleen Hoover
And Josh was never in a hot tub video with one of his daughters."
"Oh my God, let it go already! My dad's forgotten about that." "Forgotten" might be too strong of a word. Maybe more like he's never brought it up again and he hopefully never will. ~ Jenny Han
Bjorn Again quotes by Jenny Han
She CAN'T say it. To tell someone who cares about you that you're being teased is really hard to do. I…couldn't say it either. But after a while my mom found out and then…I would apologize to her like I was stupid. I would feel so pathetic. I would think that I was so pathetic for being teased. I was ashamed when my mom found out. I wondered…what would I do if she started to hate me? I was so scared. I was so scared I didn't want anyone to know I was like that. I would desperately make up stories to try and hide it. And then I'd feel even more pathetic and ashamed so when mom told me, "It's okay" I was so relieved. When she told me, "There's nothing to be ashamed of." I was so relieved that I started crying again. Kisa-san might be feeling the same way. She didn't want you to hate her. It's because she loves you…that she couldn't tell you. ~ Natsuki Takaya
Bjorn Again quotes by Natsuki Takaya
I would like to see more Bollywood films! The more stylized musicals are a new trend in the U.S. We are beginning to make musicals again after a long break, practically since the days of the studio structure, so perhaps we can learn a few things from Bollywood about this fun style of film-making. ~ Maggie Grace
Bjorn Again quotes by Maggie Grace
One cold winter's day a number of porcupines huddled together quite closely in order, through their mutual warmth, to prevent themselves from being frozen. But they soon felt the effects of their quills on one another, which made them again move apart. Now, when the need for warmth once again brought them together, the drawback of the quills was repeated so they were tossed between two evils, until they discovered the proper distance from which they could best tolerate one another. Thus the needs for society, which springs from the emptiness and monotony of men's lives, drives them together but their many unpleasant and repulsive qualities once more drive them apart. ~ Irvin D. Yalom
Bjorn Again quotes by Irvin D. Yalom
I promise that this won't be our last night together, that there will be lots of nights together. I'm promising that we will see each other again, and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that happens in less than a year." He gently brushed the hair back from my face, looking in my eyes. "And I promise you that I'm going to love you, forever. Na'u 'oe, nau ko'u. You're mine and I'm yours. I'm promising you mau loa. I'm promising you forever." - Kai ~ H.R. Willaston
Bjorn Again quotes by H.R. Willaston
A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings us together again and again. ~ Maya Angelou
Bjorn Again quotes by Maya Angelou
I feel the 21st century is another new age. Not only can we collaborate again with nature, but we have to. It's an emergency. ~ Bjork
Bjorn Again quotes by Bjork
Singing from your heart is like fresh air that heal you again from the pollution around you ~ Ahmed Farrag
Bjorn Again quotes by Ahmed Farrag
What had they done to Bogrov? What had they done to this sturdy sailor, to draw this childish whimpering from his throat? Had Arlova whimpered in the same way when she was dragged along the corridor? Rubashov sat up and leant his forehead against the wall behind which No. 402 slept; he was afraid he was going to be sick again. Up till now, he had never imagined Arlova's death in such detail. It had always been for him an abstract occurrence; it had left him with a feeling of strong uneasiness, but he had never doubted the logical rightness of his behaviour. Now, in the nausea which turned his stomach and drove the wet perspiration from his forehead, his past mode of thought seemed lunacy. The whimpering of Bogrov unbalanced the logical equation. Up till now Arlova had been a factor in this equation, a small factor compared to what was at stake. But the equation no longer stood. The vision of Arlova's legs in their high-heeled shoes trailing along the corridor upset the mathematical equilibrium. The unimportant factor had grown to the immeasurable, the absolute; Bogrov's whining, the inhuman sound of the voice which had called out his name, the hollow beat of the drumming, filled his ears; they smothered the thin voice of reason, covered it as the surf covers the gurgling of the drowning. ~ Arthur Koestler
Bjorn Again quotes by Arthur Koestler
What an idiot he was! Had he really thought he could get away with kissing a marquess's daughter?
And not just any marquess's daughter, either. Celia looking oh so tempting in her sumptuous purple gown. Lovely, angry Celia.
Lady Celia, he reminded himself. But he'd never be able to think of her like that again, not when the taste and smell of her still filled his senses.
Hearing voices behind him, he slipped into an empty room to wrangle his emotions into some semblance of control. But it was no use. He could still feel her body yielding to his, still hear her rapid breathing as he'd taken every advantage.
Damn her and her soft mouth and her delicate sighs and her fingers curling into the nape of his neck so that all he wanted to do was press her down onto a bench...
"Hell and blazes!" He thrust his hands through his hair. What in thunder was he supposed to do about her?
And why had she let him kiss her, anyway? Why had she waited until he'd made a complete fool of himself before she'd drawn that damned pistol?
Oh. Right. That was why. To make a fool of him herself. To lull him into a false sense of security so she could prove she could control any situation.
Well, he'd stymied that, but it was little consolation. He'd behaved like a damned mooncalf, devouring her mouth as if he were a wolf and she were supper. If he'd allowed her to speak of their kiss, she probably would have pointed out exactly how insolent he'd been. Would have warn ~ Sabrina Jeffries
Bjorn Again quotes by Sabrina Jeffries
But you kissed me!"
He wished she'd quit reminding him of that. It just made him want to do it all over again. "Devon, I give you my word, all I intend to do now is sleep."
She studied him through narrowed eyes. "How do I know that once we're in bed you won't… won't…"
"Turn into a wild, rutting beast who's unable to control himself?" he supplied.
"Exactly," she breathed, looking supremely relieved that he'd said it and not she.
"That's very flattering, but I can assure you that you're quite safe." He waited until he saw her relax to add casually, "That only happens when the moon is full. ~ Victoria Lynne
Bjorn Again quotes by Victoria Lynne
The born-again gospel promises joy and peace of mind, but it does so by prolonging childhood. ~ Robert M. Price
Bjorn Again quotes by Robert M. Price
His mouth brushed over hers with kisses of soft fire. And as he possessed her, she gradually came to understand the pattern he was working within her… eight shallow thrusts, two deep… seven shallow, three deep… progressing until he finally gave her ten heavy, penetrating plunges. Lottie cried out with wrenching pleasure, her hips lifting against his sleek weight as she was filled with volatile sensation. When the burning delight had begun to fade, Nick altered their positions subtly, moving farther over her, nudging her knees wider, adjusting the angle of his sex. He thrust deeply, sealing their bodies together, and circled his hips in a slow, steady rhythm.
"I can't," Lottie said breathlessly, realizing what he wanted, knowing that it was impossible.
"Let me," Nick whispered, tireless and wickedly adept as he continued the gentle circling, using his body to pleasure her.
She was astonished by how quickly the heat rose again, her senses welcoming the patient stimulation, her sex turning slick and swollen as he moved inside her, over her, against her. "Oh… oh…" The sounds were torn from her throat as she reached another crest, her limbs jerking, her cheek pressed hard against his shoulder.
And then he began the entire cycle again. Nine shallow, one deep…
Lottie lost count of how many times he brought her to ecstasy, or how much time passed while he made love to her. He whispered in her ear… endearments… intimate praise… telling her how hard she ma ~ Lisa Kleypas
Bjorn Again quotes by Lisa Kleypas
At the same yoga retreat, we stood and faced each other in pairs, really looking at each other from a close distance. We were told to simply BE with the other person, maintaining eye contact, with no social gestures like laughing, smiling, or winking to put ourselves at ease.
Grown women and men cried. Really and truly sobbed.
When we were finished with the exercise, we talked about how it had felt. The thread echoed again and again: many people had never felt so *seen* by another person. Seen without walls, without judgment ... just seen, acknowledged, accepted. The experience was
for so many painfully rare. ~ Amanda Palmer
Bjorn Again quotes by Amanda Palmer
The world's becoming a better place, and again it is up to us to make sure we're doing the right things. ~ Michael Corbat
Bjorn Again quotes by Michael Corbat
It may be a superhuman effort to lose oneself so completely, but that's nothing compared to the effort of getting oneself back again ~ Donna Tartt
Bjorn Again quotes by Donna Tartt
Have you heard the love story
of the blue Cloud and Sea?
They were always together as one
until separated by the yellow Sun.
Cloud drifted into the sky slowly.
Sea cried until she became salty.
Cloud grew big enough to block Sun
but nothing could be done.
Sea became enraged and drowned everyone
but still nothing could be done.
Cloud's heart ached and he became grey,
watching his beloved from far away.
He was too proud and tried to stop his tears
but they fell and fell for what felt like years.
Losing himself drop by drop, he became empty
and was once again reunited with his beloved Sea. ~ Kamand Kojouri
Bjorn Again quotes by Kamand Kojouri
I love re-creating myself. Change means you get to choose again. Become something new.
-Dani ~ Karen Marie Moning
Bjorn Again quotes by Karen Marie Moning
And I thought, I am in love. For the first time I am in love. And loved. Someone loves me. And I love them. And within me things clicked and whirled like the insides of some gigantic clock, cog against wheel, spring against spiral, tick against tock, and I knew that nothing would ever be the same again. I had shown someone what I really was. I had shown someone my truth, my secret. Out there, beyond the walls of the Castle, there was a boy who had seen inside my chrysalis. And I would never be safe again. ~ Philip Ridley
Bjorn Again quotes by Philip Ridley
And then again, had I declared myself I should have robbed the woman I love of the wealth and position that her marriage to Clayton will now insure to her. I could not have done that - could I, Paul? ~ Edgar Rice Burroughs
Bjorn Again quotes by Edgar Rice Burroughs
I suppose if I had my time again I would refuse it and stay at Fulham because I thoroughly enjoyed my time there, and secondly I would have taken it on my own terms. ~ Kevin Keegan
Bjorn Again quotes by Kevin Keegan
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