Bialek Andre Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Bialek Andre.

Quotes About Bialek Andre

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I lift the corner of my sheets.

He shakes his head.

Just for a second?

Shakes it again. / know myself, he says.

I'd heard him use these very same words before. They meant I'm dying to, but may not be able to hold back once I start, so I'd rather not start. What aplomb to tell someone you can't touch him because you know yourself. ~ Andre Aciman
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Aciman
It is night at the front, a shadow, a shot. The Jew who has just fired
hears a moan ...
And then, mother, the hair stands up on his head, for only a few feet from him in the darkness the enemy voice is reciting in Hebrew the prayer of the dying. Ai, God, the soldier has cut down a Jewish brother! Ai, misery! He drops his rifle and runs into no man's land, insane with shame and grief. Insane, you understand? The enemy fires at him, his comrades shout at him to come back. But he refuses; he stays in no man's land and dies. Ai, misery, ai ... ! ~ Andre Schwarz-Bart
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Schwarz-Bart
I mean, art for art's sake is ridiculous. Art is for the sake of one's needs. ~ Carl Andre
Bialek Andre quotes by Carl Andre
You look happy, Naughty. Have you and Nice made up yet? ~ Bella Andre
Bialek Andre quotes by Bella Andre
As far as he was concerned, all women wanted all men. And vice versa. What stood in the way between a man and a woman at Cafe Algiers was a few chairs, a table, maybe a door
material distance. All a man needed was the will and above all the patience to wait out a woman's scruples or help her brush them aside. As in a game of penny poker, he explained, all that matters was simply the will to keep raising the pot by a single penny each time; a single penny, not two; a single penny was easy, you wouldn't even feel it; but you had to wait for her to raise you by a penny as well, which is when you'd raise her by another, she by yet another, and so on. Seduction was not pushing people into doing things they did not wish to do. Seduction was just keeping the pennies coming. ~ Andre Aciman
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Aciman
A lot of people look for you to change. Everything has stayed the same. Financially, this is God's money, and my wife and I are just stewards of it. ~ Andre Ward
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Ward
Setupcomplete.cmd is a file that is created under %WINDIR%SetupScripts to run a post-installation script in Full OS. It is required by Configuration Manager and Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT). Here's what Setupcomplete.cmd does: ~ Andre Della Monica
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Della Monica
And that's what I wanted: obliteration. Decimation. Just an instant smear of me right out of all this rising and falling and nothing changing that feels like living. ~ Andre Dubus III
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Dubus III
The common myth is that African Americans aren't well-educated about wine, but in truth, we're like everyone else. We like what we like – high or low. A $100 bottle of wine can taste as awful as a $2 bottle, and the opposite is true, as well. If you know what you like, buy it. But don't just buy it because it's expensive. ~ Andre Hueston Mack
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Hueston Mack
They often went over the line of his personal space. This was what he'd always wanted, he ~ Bella Andre
Bialek Andre quotes by Bella Andre
The most important quality in a leader is that of being acknowledged as such. All leaders whose fitness is questioned are clearly lacking in force. ~ Andre Maurois
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Maurois
We all love conflagrations. When the sky changes color, it is a dead man's passing. ~ Andre Breton
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Breton
The core of a director is the person's tastes in what elements go together and how they go together. It's a puzzle. ~ Andre Ovredal
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Ovredal
Art is a revolt against fate. All art is a revolt against man's fate. ~ Andre Malraux
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Malraux
I'm not wise at all. I told you, I know nothing. I know books, and I know how to string words together
it doesn't mean I know how to speak about the tings that matter most to me."
"But you're doing it now
in a way."
"Yes, in a way
that's how I always say things: in a way. ~ Andre Aciman
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Aciman
Qué lindo es sonar despierto, he says. How lovely it is to dream while you are awake. Dream while you are awake, Andre. Anybody can dream while they're asleep, but you need to dream all the time, and say your dreams out loud, and believe in them.
In other words, when in the final of a slam, I must dream. I must play to win. ~ Andre Agassi
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Agassi
The lamentable expression: 'But it was only a dream, the increasing use of which - among others in the domain of the cinema - has contributed not a little to encourage such hypocrisy, has for a long while ceased to merit discussion. ~ Andre Breton
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Breton
One is called a criminal for being different, and malicious for observing other people with too much clarity and penetration. But what if one began with oneself? ~ Andre Suares
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Suares
Do crazy things if you must, they told me all the while, forever prying to unearth the mysterious, tel tale signs of heartbreak which, in their clumsy, intrusive, devoted way, both would instantly wish to heal, as if I were a soldier who had strayed into their garden and needed his wound immediately stanched or else he'd die. You can always talk to me. I was your age once, my father used to say. The things you feel and think only you have felt, believe me, I've lived and suffered through all of them, and more than once - some I've never gotten over and others I'm as ignorant about as you are today, yet I know almost every bend, every toll-booth, every chamber in the human heart. ~ Andre Aciman
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Aciman
I can see it, hear it, feel it, taste it - but I can never be on the inside of it with you. I cannot even be sure whether I really know what it is like. Is it 'like' my own? Or incomparable? Just as I can never know if what you see at any given moment is exactly the same as what I see. We look at a colour. We both call it red. But it is only because we have been taught to call it by that name. There is no guarantee - not ever - that we see it in the same way, that your red is my red. ~ Andre Brink
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Brink
I don't benefit by minimizing his accomplishments Andre Ward. ~ Carl Froch
Bialek Andre quotes by Carl Froch
The process of putting intangible thoughts into an imperfect system of notation - which is difficult enough, depending on your ideas - acquaints you with how best to express your ideas so that it is as clear as possible to the performer. ~ Marc-Andre Hamelin
Bialek Andre quotes by Marc-Andre Hamelin
He hated Egypt and he's buried in Egypt. "What could be worse than being buried in a cemetery where you know nobody, Monsieur Jacques?" he would ask.
"And I tell you what. Worse than dying is the thought that no one will ever come to your grave, that no one will come wash the letters of your name. Everyone remembers for a few months, a few years, on anniversaries, and then, a generation later, they forget you. And the earth might as well make dust of you, for you're as good as unborn - you never were born - even if you live to be a hundred. ~ Andre Aciman
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Aciman
To acquire the full consciousness of self is to know oneself so different from others that no longer feels allied with men except by purely animal contacts: nevertheless, among souls of this degree, there is an ideal fraternity based on differences,
while society fraternity is based on resemblances.
The full consciousness of self can be called originality of soul, -and all this is said only to point out the group of rare beings to which Andre Gide belongs.
The misfortune of these beings, when they express themselves, is that they do it with such odd gestures that men fear to approach them; their life of social contacts must often revolve in the brief circle of ideal fraternities; or, when the mob consents to admit such souls, it is as curiosities or museum objects. Their glory is, finally, to be loved from afar & almost understood, as parchments are seen & read above sealed cases. ~ Remy De Gourmont
Bialek Andre quotes by Remy De Gourmont
They can bite, but cannot be us,
They can come and pick up little slang but cannot see us,
You ought to be ashamed trying to fit in my adidas,
So Run like DMC like you don't know you got no heater ~ Andre Benjamin
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Benjamin
Just take me and molt me and turn me inside out, till, like a character in Ovid, I become one with your lust, that's what I wanted. Give me a blindfold, hold my hand, and don't ask me to think - will you do that for me? ~ Andre Aciman
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Aciman
No: she is one of us, and what she said and did on that April evening was, like the warm sunlit sky, enough: for me, for the end of winter, for the infinite possibilities of the human heart. ~ Andre Dubus
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Dubus
Not saying I rate myself lots now, but I rate myself more because I've been exercising. I'd say a six now. Just above average. There are a lot of good-looking people out there, you see, so more than six is getting a bit cocky. ~ Peter Andre
Bialek Andre quotes by Peter Andre
It was good to travel to the other side of the world. ~ Andre Braugher
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Braugher
There are some guys you have problems beating because of their style - I always had difficulties with guys like Michael Chang and Andre Agassi because their returns were so good and they played so well in defence. ~ Guy Forget
Bialek Andre quotes by Guy Forget
Carezza, like Tantra, considers the sex act to be a true feast of love, and ejaculation is seen as a clumsy, crude incident-something quite banal which kills sexual desire. The man who, a few minutes before was seized by a frantic sexual desire, changes as soon as he has ejaculated and turns away from his wife, damaging her in her self-respect and her love as well. ~ Andre Van Lysebeth
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Van Lysebeth
Valentino made my day suit for the wedding of Paloma Picasso in Paris. ~ Andre Leon Talley
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Leon Talley
I like Velvet Underground, but I was never really hardcore into them. I like them, and I like Nico, but I won't front like I'm super knowledgeable. I just never got around to it. ~ Eric Andre
Bialek Andre quotes by Eric Andre
Elliott Carter does not write the kind of music that the kids go off to school whistling. ~ Andre Previn
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Previn
You lose it, as you always knew you would, and were even prepared to; but you can't bring yourself to live with the loss. And hoping not to think of it, like praying not to dream of it, hurts just the same. ~ Andre Aciman
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Aciman
I can never get enough. The more I have of you, the more I want. - Kiss Me Like This by Bella Andre ~ Bella Andre
Bialek Andre quotes by Bella Andre
The truth has to be unveiled. If the West insists, if it keeps pushing, the battles have to be fought. And they will be fought. ~ Andre Vltchek
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Vltchek
Now that I've won a slam, I know something very few people on earth are permitted to know. A win doesn't feel as good as a loss feels bad, and the good feeling doesn't last long as the bad. Not even close. ~ Andre Agassi
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Agassi
I've had the healthy and sobering experience of constantly working with music that is invariably better than any performance of it can be. ~ Andre Previn
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Previn
(speaking of Ann Radcliffe) A work of art worthy of the name is one which gives us back the freshness of the emotions of childhood. ~ Andre Breton
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Breton
I think there are people who use classical music to say, 'I am better than you, because I know all the rules and you don't.' You're not allowed to have fun or entertain. ~ Andre Rieu
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Rieu
One of the popular views in the liberal circles of the West is that we are actually 'all victims of capitalism'. I disagree. This savage global capitalism is only one of the most terrible bi-products of the dominant Western culture of racism, greed, brutality and unbridled desire to control the world. ~ Andre Vltchek
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Vltchek
there's a blessing ;
even when you lose That ; There's always stay inside Your Heart, Memories That You'll never Been Forgotten Until the Rest Of Your Life ;
mine?; There's inside My Heaven
"Miquel Andre" . ~ Anne Idris
Bialek Andre quotes by Anne Idris
I am reconciled to my death, but I detest the mode. ~ John Andre
Bialek Andre quotes by John Andre
I would never want to force you to do something you don't want to do, I don't ever want to take something from you that you don't want to give me. ~ Bella Andre
Bialek Andre quotes by Bella Andre
How am I looking at you?"
"Like I'm Little Red to your big bad wolf."
"Well," he said slowly, "I do want to eat you. ~ Bella Andre
Bialek Andre quotes by Bella Andre
And yet another part of me knew that if he showed up tonight and I disliked the start of whatever was in store for me, I'd still go through with it, go with it all the way, because better to find out once and for all than to spend the rest of the summer, or my life perhaps, arguing with my body. ~ Andre Aciman
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Aciman
he was thrusting into her in one hard stroke that stole the breath from both their lungs. She was small but strong as she pulled ~ Bella Andre
Bialek Andre quotes by Bella Andre
I can be man and woman, or both, because you've been both to me. Find me, Oliver. Find me. ~ Andre Aciman
Bialek Andre quotes by Andre Aciman
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