Awam Movie Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Awam Movie.

Quotes About Awam Movie

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It would almost need a Mafia-like offer I couldn't refuse to do another movie. ~ Sean Connery
Awam Movie quotes by Sean Connery
There's a real cowardice in the movie business. If you don't meet the right crazy people, you can't do it. ~ Leos Carax
Awam Movie quotes by Leos Carax
In psychology, there's something called the broken-leg problem. A statistical formula may be highly successful in predicting whether or not a person will go to a movie in the next week. But someone who knows that this person is laid up with a broken leg will beat the formula. No formula can take into account the infinite range of such exceptional events. ~ Atul Gawande
Awam Movie quotes by Atul Gawande
You don't forget the movies, but you forget the details of them. ~ Sissy Spacek
Awam Movie quotes by Sissy Spacek
To be a movie star, you have to invent yourself. ~ Michael Caine
Awam Movie quotes by Michael Caine
There's a movie called 'Pod People' that has a weird little anteater alien. That was a good alien. ~ Bill Hader
Awam Movie quotes by Bill Hader
I'd played a lot of best friends, and/or bad guys, which seems to be my lot in life. In romantic comedies there's always a best friend and the woman has a best friend and they always antagonise each other and then they end up together at the end of the movie. ~ Rob Corddry
Awam Movie quotes by Rob Corddry
I would just love to do 'It's a Wonderful Life.' I think that movie is fantastic. ~ Tim DeKay
Awam Movie quotes by Tim DeKay
I've been keeping an eye out for the Charlie Brown Valentine's Day special. I know it will be on soon, and I never miss a Charlie Brown special. The best one is the Halloween show about the Great Pumpkin - which I've only missed one year in my life, due to the local ABC station having technical difficulties - but all the Peanuts shows make me feel like I'm one step closer to Halloween.

The thing I like about the shows isn't the characters - it's the background. The colors are so amazing it almost takes my breath away. Every time I watch The Great Pumpkin I feel like I'm going to have a seizure during the scenes where Snoopy is in a dogfight. Just look at the background in those scenes. It really is too much to take. I can barely keep from holding my head in my hands and involuntarily groaning like I have a mouthful of the best chocolate cake ever made. I look at them and can literally smell the crisp autumn air - even in this cell. No horror movie in the world makes me feel the magick of Halloween as strongly as The Great Pumpkin. ~ Damien Echols
Awam Movie quotes by Damien Echols
I love going to the movie theatre, seeing live comedy, and going to amusement parks. ~ Jennette McCurdy
Awam Movie quotes by Jennette McCurdy
My first western was 'Death Hunt' with Charles Bronson and Lee Marvin; that was where I learned to ride. The movie was based on a true story about a guy that eluded the Mounties in Canada. We were in Canada for six weeks riding horses. ~ William Sanderson
Awam Movie quotes by William Sanderson
As somebody who makes his living in the movie business and wants to contribute to it, I think that the best chance I have of doing that is just consistently working with great directors. ~ Matt Damon
Awam Movie quotes by Matt Damon
What troubles me is not that movie stars run for office, but that they find it easy to get elected. It should be difficult. It should be difficult for millionaires, too. ~ Shana Alexander
Awam Movie quotes by Shana Alexander
I've always wanted to do a horror movie, and I grew up watching a lot of horror. I now, recently in life, don't have the stomach for it because I spend so much time in it. ~ Lauren Cohan
Awam Movie quotes by Lauren Cohan
You know how sometimes you remember a place you once loved, a movie you've enjoyed, only to be disappointed when you return to that place or see that movie for a second time? Well, it wasn't disappointing. She sounds exactly as I remember her - and there is still something so warm and caring about her that it is difficult to hate her for how she abandoned us. ~ Christina Westover
Awam Movie quotes by Christina Westover
Woody Allen has done some excellent serious movies, too, like Crimes And Misdemeanors. Very overlooked movie, I think, and really his best. And currently I like Big Fish! ~ David Zucker
Awam Movie quotes by David Zucker
In live action movies, you just hope that everything works. Because the actor may had a bad morning and doesn't play good, or accidents happen continuously. Many things contradict what you are trying to say. But in cartoons, nothing contradict what you want to say. ~ John Hench
Awam Movie quotes by John Hench
I had to skydive for the movie and I was terrified. Like everybody, I thought it was going to be one of those experiences that changes your life. It didn't. ~ Yancy Butler
Awam Movie quotes by Yancy Butler
Movie acting, I later realized, reminds me of contract bridge. Each requires the same concentration, intense short-term memory, and obliviousness to everything else until the last trump is called - or whatever it is they do. ~ Gore Vidal
Awam Movie quotes by Gore Vidal
I was miserable in West Side Story. They really miscast me. I came from the Midwest; what they really needed was a guy that was street smart. The first time I saw the movie, I had to walk out. I looked like the biggest fruit that ever walked on to film. My character was so weak. ~ Richard Beymer
Awam Movie quotes by Richard Beymer
Change of plan–," she called to Jonah. "Can you drop us off in Rome?"
"Yo, am I a movie star or a taxi service?" Jonah grumbled from the depths of the script pile.
"Technically, your neither," Hamilton puffed, lifting weights again. "I mean, you're a star and you've made movies... ~ Gordon Korman
Awam Movie quotes by Gordon Korman
I would like to have a movie under my own control sometime, and see what could be done with it. Who knows? Maybe Hollywood will make an improvisational movie someday. ~ Alan Arkin
Awam Movie quotes by Alan Arkin
At the end of the world, music always played on like a bad movie. ~ Mav Skye
Awam Movie quotes by Mav Skye
Acting for me was an escape and it wasn't until Smoke Signals that made me realize that acting is a personal development and challenge to grow. Smoke Signals really mirrored the way I grew up and how I felt, and that movie was the first time I'd dealt with my parents' death and how I felt that loss and sadness and anger. After that movie I said, "Y'know what, I have to realistically wear my emotions now when I do a job. That's gotta be as real as it gets. It's not just dialogue anymore." ~ Adam Beach
Awam Movie quotes by Adam Beach
I'll tell you one thing ... no doubt about it, my favorite kind of comedy is talking head comedy. I mean, if it were up to me, I'd do a whole entire movie that was just around a dinner table. ~ Adam McKay
Awam Movie quotes by Adam McKay
I think I'd be too scared to direct my first movie and put myself in the center. ~ Joel Edgerton
Awam Movie quotes by Joel Edgerton
Economy, speed, nervousness, and desperation produce the final wasteful, semi-incoherent movies we see. ~ Pauline Kael
Awam Movie quotes by Pauline Kael
For the most part, I think that people enjoy seeing a movie where they can just have fun in. ~ Agnes Bruckner
Awam Movie quotes by Agnes Bruckner
Bouquet list. You've heard of the Jack Nicholson movie, right? The Bucket List? Two old guys who make a list of everything they want to do before they die. Well, when I was starting to recover, I wrote a list of the things I want to do now that I know I'm not going to die - my bouquet list. ~ Barbara DeLeo
Awam Movie quotes by Barbara DeLeo
I'm also a huge cinephile, and I have witnessed that to honor the book literally word-for-word never makes a good movie. ~ Andrew Stanton
Awam Movie quotes by Andrew Stanton
Filmmakers, they tell me they want to make movies. I say, 'Good, go out, buy a $500 camera, get some friends and make a movie. Don't go to Hollywood. Stay wherever you are.' ~ Alan Arkin
Awam Movie quotes by Alan Arkin
Planet of the Apes was a gigantic challenge, making the clothes work so people could do stunts and action in the clothes. I really learned a lot about that in that movie. ~ Colleen Atwood
Awam Movie quotes by Colleen Atwood
Question the Thought "Failure is Just for Losers"

A failure-related thinking error that anxious perfectionists sometimes make is thinking that failure is just for losers. If you have this thinking bias, try this thought experiment:
Experiment: Think of a highly successful person you admire. It can be anyone, from Oprah to someone you actually know.
What failures has this person experienced in areas where he or she is generally successful? Has a businessperson you admire made some bad investments? Has your favorite actor made a movie that lost money? Has your favorite musician had an album flop?
You may be able to think of examples and failures off the top of your head, or you may need to do some online research or read a biography of that person. Make sure the examples are relevant to the person's core domain of success. A superstar chef opening a restaurant and failing is more relevant than an actor opening a restaurant and failing.
After you've done the thought experiment, ask yourself, "What's an alternative thought that's more realistic and less harsh than 'Failure is just for losers'?"
Alternate option: Ask mentors (people you actually know) about examples of their failures. Ask them what they learned from the experiences. You could also ask your mentors for examples of failures that have happened to prominent people in your field. They might be more willing to volunteer this information than to talk about their own failures. ~ Alice Boyes
Awam Movie quotes by Alice Boyes
As a child i used to complain to my father about not having toys and he would say (calvero points at his own head) this is the greatest toy ever created. Here lies the secret of all happiness. ~ Anonymous
Awam Movie quotes by Anonymous
I had this vision of shooting a great white in the studio with all the edge lights I use for movie posters. I knew that I couldn't bring the great white to the studio, so I had to bring the studio to the great white. ~ Michael Muller
Awam Movie quotes by Michael Muller
You know I never used to be a bad flyer, but I did start to have a fear of flying after I shot a movie where I was terrorized on a plane. I made Wes Craven's 'Red Eye'. I don't think they're linked but it does make me pause and wonder if they are, so perhaps I will explore that in therapy some day. ~ Rachel McAdams
Awam Movie quotes by Rachel McAdams
There is a difference between movie actors and TV acting, especially with movie stars, which is they know their face is 20 feet high on the screen. They know they don't have to do much. ~ Noah Hawley
Awam Movie quotes by Noah Hawley
I read some gossip thing saying, because I looked really uncomfortable in a paparazzi photo or something, they're like, 'He should get used to it. That's the price to pay if you're getting $12m a movie'. If I'm getting paid $12m a movie I'd walk around naked. That's all nonsense. I don't know who makes that stuff up. Even the price for the first one was nonsense. ~ Robert Pattinson
Awam Movie quotes by Robert Pattinson
Hanging out with my girlfriends is my sanity saver. We go out for a bad chick flick and dinner. I suggest you break free from the guys, see a really silly, girly movie, and get a little something to eat afterwards. It feels like a treat. ~ Tamara Taylor
Awam Movie quotes by Tamara Taylor
They make Spy Kids, they make Scream, they make A Scary Movie. This doesn't do that, so it could be a very bad marriage. I'm trying to keep this potential nightmare quiet because we're just finishing editing. ~ Terry Gilliam
Awam Movie quotes by Terry Gilliam
In a science fiction movie, the first act is a little longer than it is in most movies because there is so much world building to do. ~ Joseph Kosinski
Awam Movie quotes by Joseph Kosinski
There are times when I want to be plainspoken about my feelings in a song. But there are other times when it's really good to try and get my head around different kinds of song structures, or maybe I might get turned on by trying to write a song that would fit in this one scene in a movie. And by the end of all this, you just end up with a bunch of different ideas. And songs are really just ideas. ~ Ryan Adams
Awam Movie quotes by Ryan Adams
This room had long served as a retreat from the disharmony and sadness of the first floor, and it was here I had fallen in love with these books and authors in a way that only lifelong readers know and understand. A good movie had never once affected me in the same life-changing way a good book could. Books had the power to alter my view of the world forever. A good movie could change my perceptions for a day. ~ Pat Conroy
Awam Movie quotes by Pat Conroy
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