Actuate Builders Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Actuate Builders.

Quotes About Actuate Builders

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just like we did back then. But the upgrades weren't done yet, the builders still needed to expand the trench. So, now they are working on that. A couple of notable villagers moved into town. One was named Peter. He claimed to be a great builder and wants to build amazingly tall buildings. Peter proposed to the mayor that we start building higher structures because it would help save space since our town was growing ~ Steve The Noob
Actuate Builders quotes by Steve The Noob
The devil hates the people who build the broken walls, he detests those who restore them ~ Sunday Adelaja
Actuate Builders quotes by Sunday Adelaja
As regards the efficacy of the art and the theories of it, I promise and expect that in these volumes I shall undoubtedly show myself of very considerable importance not only to builders but also to all scholars. ~ Marcus Vitruvius Pollio
Actuate Builders quotes by Marcus Vitruvius Pollio
Great salespeople are relationship builders who provide value and help their customers win. ~ Jeffrey Gitomer
Actuate Builders quotes by Jeffrey Gitomer
When I want an opinion, I'll get it from my peers - from men of vision, like our great railroad builders ... Stanford, Huntington, Dinsmore ... fellows with imaginations broad enough to span the continent. ~ Jonathan Raban
Actuate Builders quotes by Jonathan Raban
Our essential difficulty is that we are seeking in a mechanism, which is necessary, qualities it simply does not possess. The market does not lead, balance or encourage democracy. However, properly regulated it is the most effective way to conduct business.
It cannot give leadership even on straight economic issues. The world-wide depletion of fish stocks is a recent example. The number of fish caught between 1950 and 1989 multiplied by five. The fishing fleet went from 585,000 boats in 1970 to 1.2 million in 1990 and on to 3.5 million today (1995). No one thought about the long- or even medium-term maintenance of stocks; not the fishermen, not the boat builders, not the fish wholesalers who found new uses for their product, including fertilizer and chicken feed; not the financiers. It wasn't their job. Their job was to worry about their own interests.
(IV - From Managers and Speculators to Growth) ~ John Ralston Saul
Actuate Builders quotes by John Ralston Saul
I remembered once, in Japan, having been to see the Gold Pavilion Temple in Kyoto and being mildly surprised at quite how well it had weathered the passage of time since it was first built in the fourteenth century. I was told it hadn't weathered well at all, and had in fact been burnt to the ground twice in this century. "So it isn't the original building?" I had asked my Japanese guide.
"But yes, of course it is," he insisted, rather surprised at my question.
"But it's burnt down?"
"Many times."
"And rebuilt."
"Of course. It is an important and historic building."
"With completely new materials."
"But of course. It was burnt down."
"So how can it be the same building?"
"It is always the same building."
I had to admit to myself that this was in fact a perfectly rational point of view, it merely started from an unexpected premise. The idea of the building, the intention of it, its design, are all immutable and are the essence of the building. The intention of the original builders is what survives. The wood of which the design is constructed decays and is replaced when necessary. To be overly concerned with the original materials, which are merely sentimental souvenirs of the past, is to fail to see the living building itself. ~ Douglas Adams
Actuate Builders quotes by Douglas Adams
There came a day when the Masons, laying aside their stones, became workmen of another kind, not less builders than before, but using truths for tools and dramas for designs, uplifting such a temple as Watts dreamed of decorating with his visions of the august allegory of the evolution of man. ~ Joseph Fort Newton
Actuate Builders quotes by Joseph Fort Newton
All day I tried to distinguish
need from desire. Now, in the dark,
I feel only bitter sadness for us,
the builders, the planers of wood,
because I have been looking
steadily at these elms
and seen the process that creates
the writhing, stationary tree
is torment, and have understood
it will make no forms but twisted forms. ~ Louise Gluck
Actuate Builders quotes by Louise Gluck
Willis Rodney Whitney ... once compared scientific research to a bridge being constructed by a builder who was fascinated by the construction problems involved. Basic research, he suggested, is such a bridge built wherever it strikes the builder's fancy-wherever the construction problems seem to him to be most challenging. Applied research, on the other hand, is a bridge built where people are waiting to get across the river. The challenge to the builder's ingenuity and skill, Whitney pointed out, can be as great in one case as the other. ~ Chauncey Guy Suits
Actuate Builders quotes by Chauncey Guy Suits
within the harbour, or on the beautiful sea without. The line of demarcation between the two colours, black and blue, showed the point which the pure sea would not pass; but it lay as quiet as the abominable pool, with which it never mixed. Boats without awnings were too hot to touch; ships blistered at their moorings; the stones of the quays had not cooled, night or day, for months. Hindoos, Russians, Chinese, Spaniards, Portuguese, Englishmen, Frenchmen, Genoese, Neapolitans, Venetians, Greeks, Turks, descendants from all the builders of Babel, come to trade at Marseilles, sought the shade alike - taking refuge in any hiding-place from a sea too intensely blue to be looked at, and a sky of purple, set with one great flaming jewel of fire. The universal stare made the eyes ache. Towards the distant line of Italian coast, indeed, it was a little relieved ~ Charles Dickens
Actuate Builders quotes by Charles Dickens
Yet each, in itself - this was the uncanny, the anti-organic, the life-denying character of them all - each of them was absolutely symmetrical, icily regular in form. They were too regular, as substance adapted to life never was to this degree - the living principle shuddered at this perfect precision, found it deathly, the very marrow of death - Hans Castorp felt he understood now the reason why the builders of antiquity purposely and secretly introduced minute variation from absolute symmetry in their columnar structures. ~ Thomas Mann
Actuate Builders quotes by Thomas Mann
In life, a person can take one of two attitudes: to build or to plant. The builders might take years over their tasks, but one day, they finish what they're doing. Then they find that they're hemmed in by their own walls. Life loses its meaning when the building stops.
Then there are those who plant. They endure storms and all the vicissitudes of the seasons, and they rarely rest. But unlike a building, a garden never stops growing. And while it requires the gardener's constant attention, it also allows life for the gardener to be a great adventure.
Gardeners always recognize each other, because they know that in the history of each plant lies the growth of the whole World. ~ Paulo Coelho
Actuate Builders quotes by Paulo Coelho
Wars are not a pub brawl. They are very complex projects that require an extraordinary degree of organisation, cooperation and appeasement. The ability to maintain peace at home, acquire allies abroad, and understand what goes through the minds of other people (particularly your enemies) is usually the key to victory. Hence an aggressive brute is often the worst choice to run a war. Much better is a cooperative person who knows how to appease, how to manipulate and how to see things from different perspectives. This is the stuff empire-builders are made of. The ~ Yuval Noah Harari
Actuate Builders quotes by Yuval Noah Harari
Television was for passive audiences; computers were for builders. ~ Ryan Quinn
Actuate Builders quotes by Ryan Quinn
Times like this were special. Memory builders. When something extraordinary happened to a person the
kind of things remembered forever after it didn't have to be a life-changing event like a graduation or
marriage or birth of a child. It more often was the small things. The sheer joy of summer sunlight on a
fragrant flower. The giggle of a toddler. The brush of a lover's fingertips. And the person marks the
moment with the flashing insight thinking ... This is special. I should remember this ~ Sandra Hill
Actuate Builders quotes by Sandra Hill
Horrible types, specialists in the One, builders of middle-class castles, and upper-class Usher houses, writers of boring Commencement speeches, creepy otherworldly types, worse than Pope Paul, academics who resembled gray jars, and who would ruin a whole state like Tennessee if put into it; people totally unable to merge into the place where they live
they could live in a valley for years and never become the valley ~ Robert Bly
Actuate Builders quotes by Robert Bly
Bangalore is India's fast growing cosmopolitan city with the most high tech industries and also well known for India's mana-candela-flats-in-bangaloreleading scientific establishments. However, in the recent past, Sarjapur Road has witnessed a large amount of infrastructure development and has attracted the interest of Property Developers in Bangalore and investors alike. Mostly all the Major Builders in Bangalore having Residential Apartments in Sarjapur Road offers 2BHK and 3BHK Flats for Sale in Sarjapur Road.
The latest Residential projects in Sarjapur Road have planning to build the 2BHK, 3BHK Flats in Sarjapur Road with international safety standards and amenities. This has attracted and encouraged the buyers to invest on ongoing Residential projects in Sarjapur Road, Bangalore. ~ Mana
Actuate Builders quotes by Mana
Builders eventually took advantage of the look of modernism to build cheaply and carelessly. ~ Arthur Erickson
Actuate Builders quotes by Arthur Erickson
Optimal Tower is a skyscraper unlike its predecessors, rising skyward as an artistic endeavor, spirited and soulful, with a steel and glass manifestation reminiscent of Claude Monet's water lilies, and instantly dismissive of the gray, steel and mortar structures of the past. The architects and builders have pilfered Monet's color pallet and painted this vertical stretch of the Cavanaugh skyline with the delicate greens and blues and grays and yellows of Giverny. Somehow, in the structure, the sensibility of an impressionist painting emerges as the muted colors are faded in splotches and sunlit in others, with gradual transitions as subtle as the delicate brush strokes of the master himself. Steel beams crisscross haphazardly throughout the towering facade, which only reinforces its intrinsic impressionistic essence by emulating the natural randomness of the lily pond. Atop the structure, a simple fifty foot spire seems to rein in the freeform work beneath it as it merges the natural splendor into one straight pinnacle skyward. This one hundred and fifteen story building reaches twenty-five stories above its surroundings, creating a gloriously artful and peaked skyline not unlike the Alps in France that will be instantly recognizable the world over and cause onlookers to gasp and utter, "C'est Magnifique. ~ Michael Bowe
Actuate Builders quotes by Michael  Bowe
It's easy to imagine that, in the future, telepathy and telekinesis will be the norm; we will interact with machines by sheer thought. Our mind will be able to turn on the lights, activate the internet, dictate letters, play video games, communicate with friends, call for a car, purchase merchandise, conjure any movie-all just by thinking. Astronauts of the future may use the power of their minds to pilot their spaceships or explore distant planets. Cities may rise from the desert of Mars, all due to master builders who mentally control the work of robots. ~ Michio Kaku
Actuate Builders quotes by Michio Kaku
We must remember that we are practicing. We are learning, and we will not be virtuous overnight. Just as "men become builders by building and lyre players by playing the lyre; so too we become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts"3. You may very well say that practice makes perfect, and in our case perfection is what we are striving for. ~ Samantha McEnhimer
Actuate Builders quotes by Samantha McEnhimer
To Florida -- its dreamers, its builders, its mavericks, and its scoundrels. (Sometimes all four at.) ~ Beatriz Williams
Actuate Builders quotes by Beatriz Williams
For most Builders, the journey is like shooting for the moon and instead hitting Mars-perhaps a better, but different outcome than envisioned. Builders are the first to admit (at least, in private) that planning works, but as the adage goes, the plan itself, rarely does. ~ Jerry I. Porras
Actuate Builders quotes by Jerry I. Porras
We CREATORS are builders. We are dedicated to the idea of building a beautiful world so different and so superior to the present one that we CREATORS of this generation will go down in history as the revolutionaries who ushered in the Golden Age of Mankind. ~ Ben Klassen
Actuate Builders quotes by Ben Klassen
Then there is my current reality, the smells that are constants in my life: lemon slices and fresh ginger, the sharp tannin and milky contrast of builder's tea, and the slightly sickly green scent of freshly cut flower stems. And not forgetting the classic ingredients of the chypre base of so many of my favorite perfumes- bergamot, oakmoss, patchouli and labdanum (rock rose)- which I'm finding so reassuring in this time of transition. ~ Maggie Alderson
Actuate Builders quotes by Maggie Alderson
Who built Thebes of the seven gates?
In the books you will find the name of kings.
Did the kings haul up the lumps of rock?
And Babylon, many times demolished.
Who raised it up so many times? In what houses
Of gold-glittering Lima did the builders live?
Where, the evening that the Wall of China was finished
Did the masons go? Great Rome
Is full of triumphal arches. Who erected them? Over whom
Did the Caesars triumph? Had Byzantium, much praised in song,
Only palaces for its inhabitants? Even in fabled Atlantis
The night the ocean engulfed it
The drowning still bawled for their slaves. ~ Bertolt Brecht
Actuate Builders quotes by Bertolt Brecht
The most faithful disciples of Christ have been builders of peace, to the point of forgiving their enemies, sometimes even to the point of giving their lives for them. ~ Pope John Paul II
Actuate Builders quotes by Pope John Paul II
For instance, a new kind of rich person named John Henry bought the Florida Marlins in January 1999. Most baseball owners were either heirs, or empire builders of one sort or another, or both. Henry had made his money in the intelligent end of the financial markets. He had an instinctive feel for the way statistical analysis could turn up inefficiencies in human affairs. Inefficiencies in the financial markets had made Henry a billionaire - and he saw some familiar idiocies in the market for baseball players. ~ Anonymous
Actuate Builders quotes by Anonymous
We live in an age of apologies. Apologies, fake or true, are expected from the descendants of empire builders, slave owners and persecutors of heretics, and from men who -in our eyes- just got it all wrong. So, with the age of 85 coming up shortly, I want to make an apology. It appears I must apologize for being male, white, and European. ~ Alec Guinness
Actuate Builders quotes by Alec Guinness
Blockchain verifies the information using the following steps: Consensus - it requires the majority of the block builders to agree that the occurrence actually happened. Consistency - requires that the new information fits with the previous block. Transaction - it requires that the transaction occurred by looking at the previous block, ensuring that two people did not record conflicting accounts of the information. Automated Conflict Identifiers - the software itself trolls for conflicts within the blocks and the structure. There is no centralized location, or big computer in the sky, where the information can be altered or stolen. ~ Jacob William
Actuate Builders quotes by Jacob William
Self-builders are the adrenalin junkies of the DIY world; it's the equivalent of base-jumping off the top of the Gherkin to land in a paddling pool. ~ Kevin McCloud
Actuate Builders quotes by Kevin McCloud
Instantly, the noise stopped. The whole room lay in perfect silence. The tire builders stood in long lines, touching each other, perfectly motionless, deafened by the silence ... For the first time in history, American mass-production workers had stopped a conveyor belt and halted the inexorable movement of factory machinery. ~ Ruth McKenney
Actuate Builders quotes by Ruth McKenney
History teaches that the overwhelming majority of elected officials follow movement builders outside government when it comes to the new and risky ... Once you recognize it, demand it and reward it, it will happen. ~ Eric Schneiderman
Actuate Builders quotes by Eric Schneiderman
As the builders say, the larger stones do not lie well without the lesser. ~ Plato
Actuate Builders quotes by Plato
The city Babel is the Ham-like man, who builds this city upon the earth; the tower is his self-chosen god, and divine worship. All reason-taught, from the school of this world, are the master-builders of this tower. ~ Jakob Bohme
Actuate Builders quotes by Jakob Bohme
Blame yourself when things go wrong, and give credit to others when things go right. The process of giving other people credit is what it takes to build a team. Sandberg, one of America's great team builders, knows exactly what it takes to win. ~ Frank Luntz
Actuate Builders quotes by Frank Luntz
Much to the surprise of the builders of the first digital computers, programs written for them usually did not work. ~ Rodney Brooks
Actuate Builders quotes by Rodney Brooks
Building a baseball team is like building a house. You look for the best architects, the best builders - and then you let them do their jobs. ~ Pat Gillick
Actuate Builders quotes by Pat Gillick
This is how we go on: one day at a time, one meal at a time, one pain at a time, one breath at a time. Dentists go on one root-canal at a time; boat-builders go on one hull at a time. If you write books, you go on one page at a time. We turn from all we know and all we fear. We study catalogues, watch football games, choose Sprint over AT&T. We count the birds in the sky and will not turn from the window when we hear the footsteps behind us as something comes up the hall; we say yes, I agree that clouds often look like other things - fish and unicorns and men on horseback - but they are really only clouds. Even when the lightening flashes inside them we say they are only clouds and turn our attention to the next meal, the next pain, the next breath, the next page. This is how we go on. ~ Stephen King
Actuate Builders quotes by Stephen King
They are approaching now a lengthy brick improvisation, a Victorian paraphrase of what once, long ago, resulted in Gothic cathedrals - but which, in its own time, arose not from any need to climb through the fashioning of suitable confusions toward any apical God, but more in a derangement of aim, a doubt as to the God's actual locus (or, in some, as to its very existence), out of a cruel network of sensuous moments that could not be transcended and so bent the intentions of the builders not on any zenith, but back to fright, to simple escape, in whatever direction, from what the industrial smoke, street excrement, windowless warrens, shrugging leather forests of drive belts, flowing and patient shadow states of the rats and flies, were saying about the chances for mercy that year. ~ Thomas Pynchon
Actuate Builders quotes by Thomas Pynchon
Relationship builders, on the other hand, try to help other people first. They don't keep score. They're aware that many good deeds get reciprocated, but they're not calculated about it. And they think about their relationships all the time, not just when they need something. ~ Reid Hoffman
Actuate Builders quotes by Reid Hoffman
I firmly believe this ... that without His concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better, than the builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our little partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a reproach and bye word down to future ages. And what is worse, mankind may hereafter from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing governments by human wisdom and leave it to chance, war and conquest. ~ Benjamin Franklin
Actuate Builders quotes by Benjamin Franklin
Tour guide tells them that after the Taj was completed, each of the builders, twenty-two thousand men, had his thumbs cut off so that the structure could never be built again. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Actuate Builders quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
Architects face this threat, but builders don't. ~ Matthew B. Crawford
Actuate Builders quotes by Matthew B. Crawford
Perhaps you understand now why that crystal pyramid was set upon the Moon instead of on the
Earth. Its builders were not concerned with races still struggling up from savagery. They would be
interested in our civilization only if we proved our fitness to survive -by crossing space and so
escaping from the Earth, our cradle. That is the challenge that all intelligent races must meet,
sooner or later. It is a double challenge, for it depends in turn upon the conquest of atomic energy
and the last choice between life and death." (do conto The Sentinel) ~ Arthur C. Clarke
Actuate Builders quotes by Arthur C. Clarke
Among my European ancestors were piano builders, goldsmiths, and vintners but, to the best of my knowledge, no professionals of any kind. ~ Herbert A. Simon
Actuate Builders quotes by Herbert A. Simon
Fear, hydra-headed fear, which is rampant in all of us, is a hang-over from lower forms of life. We are straddling two worlds, the one from which we have emerged and the one towards which we are heading. This is the deepest meaning of the word human, that we are a link, a bridge, a promise. It is in us that the life process is being carried to fulfillment. We have a tremendous responsibility, and it is the gravity of that which awakens our fears. We know that if we do not move forward, if we do not realize our potential being, we shall relapse, sputter out, and drag the world down with us. We carry Heaven and Hell within us; we are the cosmogonic builders. We have choice - and all creation is our range.

For some it a terrifying prospect. It would be better, think they, if Heaven were above and Hell below - anywhere outside, but not within. But that comfort has been knocked from under us. There are no places to go to, either for reward or punishment. The place is always here and now, in your own person and according to your own fancy. The world is exactly what you picture it to be, always, every instant. It is impossible to shift the scenery about and pretend that you will enjoy another, a different act. The setting is permanent, changing with the mind and heart, not according to the dictates of an invisible stage director. You are the author, director and actor all in one: the drama is always going to be your own life, not some one else's. A beautiful, terrible, in ~ Henry Miller
Actuate Builders quotes by Henry Miller
Our whole evolution up to this point shows that human groups spontaneously evolve patterns of behavior, as well as patterns of training people for that behavior, which tend on balance to lead people to create rather than destroy. Humans are, on net balance, builders rather than destroyers. ~ Julian Simon
Actuate Builders quotes by Julian Simon
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