Accordingly Synonyms Quotes

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Quotes About Accordingly Synonyms

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If we view ourselves to achieve a great life and DESIRE to fulfill our visions then we will do nothing but act accordingly regardless of the setbacks we occur on the journey. "I am a unique individual who is on the journey for greatness and things will get in my way but I will figure out away around them or just go right through them with the conviction of my vision ~ Matthew Donnelly
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Matthew Donnelly
I had to start being aware of what I ate, what I'm planning to eat and take my twice-daily medication accordingly. That's not so difficult now, but when you're 10 years old, it's tough, let me tell you. ~ Dana Hill
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Dana Hill
The old ways are dead. And you need people around you who concur. That means hanging out more with the creative people, the freaks, the real visionaries, than you're already doing. Thinking more about what their needs are, and responding accordingly. Avoid the dullards; avoid the folk who play it safe. They can't help you anymore. Their stability model no longer offers that much stability. They are extinct, they are extinction. ~ Hugh MacLeod
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Hugh MacLeod
The prosperity of commerce is now perceived and acknowledged by all enlightened statesmen to be the most useful as well as the most productive source of national wealth, and has accordingly become a primary object of their political cares. ~ Alexander Hamilton
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Alexander Hamilton
[W]hat counts as 'realistic', what seems possible at any point in the social field, is defined by a series of political determinations. An ideological position can never be really successful until it is naturalized, and it cannot be naturalized while it is still thought of as a value rather than a fact. Accordingly, neoliberalism has sought to eliminate the very category of value in the ethical sense. Over the past thirty years, capitalist realism has successfully installed a 'business ontology' in which it is simply obvious that everything in society, including healthcare and education, should be run as a business. … [E]mancipatory politics must always destroy the appearance of a 'natural order', must reveal what is presented as necessary and inevitable to be a mere contingency, just as it must make what was previously deemed to be impossible seem attainable. ~ Mark Fisher
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Mark Fisher
George Jones is a national treasure and should be treated accordingly. A unique style so often emulated even inadvertently. ~ Keith Richards
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Keith Richards
The bravest thing you can do when you are not brave is to profess courage and act accordingly. ~ Corra Harris
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Corra Harris
We simply need to be aware of our capable self and accordingly, manage it in such a way that our efforts always complement our skills, competence, and dedication to perform. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Prem Jagyasi
Times, they are a-changing. Change accordingly, the sooner the better. ~ Haresh Sippy
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Haresh Sippy
I always saw there was more to be learnt outside a book than in; and I took my steps accordingly, or I shouldn't have been the man I am. ~ Thomas Hardy
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Thomas Hardy
Things, events and people align and position themselves accordingly when a strong enough thought stirs them. ~ Stephen Richards
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Stephen Richards
Descriptive geometry has two objects: the first is to establish methods to represent on drawing paper which has only two dimensions,-namely, length and width,-all solids of nature which have three dimensions,-length, width, and depth,-provided, however, that these solids are capable of rigorous definition.
The second object is to furnish means to recognize accordingly an exact description of the forms of solids and to derive thereby all truths which result from their forms and their respective positions. ~ Gaspard Monge
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Gaspard Monge
What I had experienced at the age of twenty was not yet a memory. And memory meant not that what-had-been recurring, but that what-had-been situated itself by recurring. If I remembered, I knew that an experience was thus and so, exactly thus; in being remembered, it first became known to me, nameable, voiced, speakable; accordingly I look on memory as more than haphazard thinking back - as work; the work of memory situates experience in a sequence that keeps it alive, a story which can open out into free storytelling, greater life, invention. ~ Peter Handke
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Peter Handke
Official justice does not dig deep, but regards what comes readily to the surface, and draws conclusions accordingly. ~ Ellis Peters
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Ellis Peters
[While voicing] you have to create a feeling for what happened before a scene, what's going to happen after a scene, and what you are doing in a scene. You need to use your imagination even more and once your emotions are up, then your voice and expressions will go accordingly. ~ James Hong
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by James Hong
Liberation is a beautiful thing when embarking on the glorious moment when the truth about someone is revealed to you, in bold and vibrant color and you have the courage, with wide-open eyes to see reality more vividly, and the wisdom to act accordingly. ~ Elissa Gabrielle
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Elissa Gabrielle
Proponents of efficiency standards argue that they save consumers and businesses money, reduce energy use, and reduce emissions. But families and businesses already understand how energy costs impact their lives and make decisions accordingly. ~ Gina McCarthy
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Gina McCarthy
Justice is the recognition of the fact that you cannot fake the character of men as you cannot fake the character of nature, that you must judge all men as conscientiously as you judge inanimate objects, with the same respect for truth, with the same incorruptible vision, by as pure and as rational a process of identification-that every man must be judged for what he is and treated accordingly ... ~ John Galt
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by John Galt
Accordingly, one race is neither superior nor inferior to another. ~ Walter Lang
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Walter Lang
If higher summer temperatures become the norm in the future, people will adjust. Perhaps they'll take naps more frequently in the afternoon and convert their houses accordingly. The good thing is that all of these changes will not happen overnight, but in the space of decades. We still have enough time to react. ~ Hans Von Storch
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Hans Von Storch
Turns out, there are no synonyms for King. ~ Franny Choi
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Franny Choi
I tried to find a word for it in my thesaurus, but there isn't one. At least, not one that doesn't belittle the plight of POWs and victims of famine. I guess we can just call it beyond suck. -Lulu Dark ~ Bennett Madison
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Bennett Madison
It was Daisuke's conviction that all morality traced its origins to social realities. He believed there could be no greater confusion of cause and effect than to attempt to conform social reality to a rigidly predetermined notion of morality. Accordingly, he found the ethical education conducted by lecture in Japanese schools utterly meaningless. In the schools, students were either instructed in the old morality or crammed with a morality suited to the average European. For an unfortunate people beset by the fierce appetites of life, this amounted to nothing more than vain, empty talk. When the recipients of this education saw society before their eyes, they would recall those lectures and burst out laughing. Or else they would feel that they had been made fools of. In Daisuke's case it was not just school; he had received the most rigorous and least functional education from his father. Thanks to this, he had at one time experienced acute anguish stemming from contradictions. Daisuke even felt bitter over it. ~ Natsume Sōseki
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Natsume Sōseki
Alas, investors and businesses are not paid in probabilities; they are paid in dollars. Accordingly, it is not how likely an event is to happen that matters, it is how much is made when it happens that should be the consideration. How frequent the profit is irrelevant; it is the magnitude of the outcomes that counts. ~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
I read something once that when you're online, your inhibitions are lowered to the state where you've had three drinks. Once you basically know that the entire internet is slightly drunk, it all makes a lot more sense, and you deport yourself accordingly. ~ Caitlin Moran
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Caitlin Moran
I was merely an automaton endowed with power of movement, responding to the stimuli of the sense organs and thinking and acting accordingly. ~ Nikola Tesla
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Nikola Tesla
Sexism occurs when we assume that some people are less valid or natural than others because of their sex, gender, or sexuality; it occurs when we project our own expectations and assumptions about sex, gender, and sexuality onto other people, and police their behaviors accordingly; it occurs when we reduce another person to their sex, gender, or sexuality rather than seeing them as a whole, legitimate person. That is sexism. And a person is a legitimate feminist when they have made a commitment to challenging sexist double standards wherever and whenever they arise. An individual's personal style, mannerisms, identity, consensual sexual partners, and live choices simply shouldn't factor into it. ~ Julia Serano
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Julia Serano
We could learn a lot from the philosophy of Shaolin. Their belief that the ego must be transcended in order to focus on reality is an essential lesson that applies to all of humanity. We could also benefit greatly from their philosophy of independence, individualism and self-reliance. Instead of depending on governments and corporations, we should depend on our environment, our compassionate human interaction, and ourselves. To do this, we must practice what we preach. It is easy to speak of ways to heal the world, but to actually act accordingly is much more difficult. ~ Joseph P. Kauffman
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Joseph P. Kauffman
Most writers on the emotions and on human conduct seem to be treating rather of matters outside nature than of natural phenomena following nature's general laws. They appear to conceive man to be situated in nature as a kingdom within a kingdom: for they believe that he disturbs rather than follows nature's order, that he has absolute control over his actions, and that he is determined solely by himself. They attribute human infirmities and fickleness, not to the power of nature in general, but to some mysterious flaw in the nature of man, which accordingly they bemoan, deride, despise, or, as usually happens, abuse: he, who succeeds in hitting off the weakness of the human mind more eloquently or more acutely than his fellows, is looked upon as a seer. [...] Such persons will, doubtless think it strange that I should attempt to treat of human vice and folly geometrically, and should wish to set forth with rigid reasoning those matters which they cry out against as repugnant to reason, frivolous, absurd, and dreadful. However, such is my plan. ~ Baruch Spinoza
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Baruch Spinoza
From *the form of time and of the single dimension* of the series of representations, on account of which the intellect, in order to take up one thing, must drop everything else, there follows not only the intellect's distraction, but also its *forgetfulness*. Most of what it has dropped it never takes up again, especially as the taking up again is bound to the principle of sufficient reason, and thus requires an occasion which the association of ideas and motivation have first to provide. Yet this occasion may be the remoter and the smaller, the more our susceptibility to it is enhanced by interest in the subject. But, as I have already shown in the essay *On the Principle of Sufficient Reason*, memory is not a receptacle, but a mere faculty, acquired by practice, of bringing forth any representations at random, so that these have always to be kept in practice by repetition, otherwise they are gradually lost. Accordingly, the knowledge even of the scholarly head exists only *virtualiter* as an acquired practice in producing certain representations. *Actualiter*, on the other hand, it is restricted to one particular representation, and for the moment is conscious of this one alone. Hence there results a strange contrast between what a man knows *potentia* and what he knows *actu*, in other words, between his knowledge and his thinking at any moment. The former is an immense and always somewhat chaotic mass, the latter a single, distinct thought. The relation is like that betw ~ Arthur Schopenhauer
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Arthur Schopenhauer
The virtue of a democratic system with a [constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech] is that it readily enables the people, over time, to be persuaded that what they took for granted is not so, and to change their laws accordingly. ~ Antonin Scalia
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Antonin Scalia
A year earlier, no company had been accorded more faith than Enron; by late November, none was trusted less. And so, a gasping gurgle, a desperate SOS: Enron, the emblem of free markets, the champion of deregulation, reached into its depleted treasury and forked over $100,000 to each of the major political parties' campaign war chests. Then, it shuttered its online trading unit - its erstwhile gem. On November 28, Standard & Poor's downgraded Enron to junk-bond level - which triggered provisions in Enron's debt requiring it to immediately repay billions of its obligations. This it could not do. Its stock was seventy cents and falling, and, now, no gatekeepers and no credit remained. Accordingly, in the first week of December, Enron, the archetype of shareholder value, availed itself of the time-honored protection for those who have lost their credit: bankruptcy. ~ Roger Lowenstein
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Roger Lowenstein
To make a resolution and act accordingly is to live with hope. There may be difficulties and hardships, but not disappointment or despair if you follow the path steadily. Do not hurry. This is a fundamental rule. If you hurry and collapse or tumble down, nothing is achieved. DO not rest in your efforts; this is another fundamental rule. Without stopping, without haste, carefully taking a step at a time forward will surely get you there. ~ Shinichi Suzuki
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Shinichi Suzuki
Spirituality has thus come to be regarded by the world as those futile, self-torturing excesses of strange men and women who lived in far-off, benighted places and times. Accordingly, the One who came to give abundance of life is commonly thought of as a cosmic stuffed shirt, whose excessive "spirituality" probably did not allow him normal bodily functions and certainly would not permit him to throw a frisbee or tackle someone in a football game. ~ Dallas Willard
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Dallas Willard
Although the body is very intelligent, it cannot tell the difference between an actual situation and a thought. It reacts to every thought as if it were a reality. It doesn't know it is just a thought. To the body, a worrisome, fearful thought means "I am in danger," and it responds accordingly, even though you may be lying in a warm and comfortable bed at night. The heart beats faster, muscles contract, breathing becomes rapid. There is a buildup of energy, but since the danger is only a mental fiction, the energy has no outlet. Part of it is fed back to the mind and generates even more anxious thought. The rest of the energy turns toxic and interferes with the harmonious functioning of the body. ~ Eckhart Tolle
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Eckhart Tolle
Natural death is independent of all reason and is really an irrational death, in which the pitiable substance of the shell determines how long the kernel is to exist or not; in which, accordingly, the stunted, diseased and dull witted jailer is lord, and indicates the moment at which his distinguished prisoner shall die. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche
Remember that Florida is a land of weirdos and bizarre happenings, and conduct yourselves accordingly. ~ Jeff Zentner
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Jeff Zentner
It is very difficult to pass from pleasure to work. Accordingly more poems have been swallowed up by sorrow than ever happiness caused to blaze forth in unparalleled radiance. ~ Honore De Balzac
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Honore De Balzac
The Home Guards are required to come in at once and deliver up their arms, those who fail to do so will be regarded as enemies of the Government and treated accordingly. ~ John Hunt Morgan
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by John Hunt Morgan
Success or failure depends more upon attitude than upon capacity successful men act as though they have accomplished or are enjoying something. Soon it becomes a reality. Act, look, feel successful, conduct yourself accordingly, and you will be amazed at the positive results. ~ William James
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by William James
Women forget all those things they don't want to remember, and remember everything they don't want to forget. The dream is the truth. They then act and do things accordingly. ~ Zora Neale Hurston
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Zora Neale Hurston
Animals (human and nonhuman) feel pain, can suffer, and ought to be treated accordingly – pain and suffering are always of moral concern. ~ Lisa Kemmerer
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Lisa Kemmerer
Virtue is a greater good than honour; and one might perhaps accordingly suppose that virtue rather than honour is the end of the political life. ~ Aristotle.
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Aristotle.
"Lily and Lo f**k a lot," Ryke says, each f-bomb bleeped accordingly ... "If we had to rank who's getting the most, it'd be my brother, his girlfriend, then maybe Connor Cobalt and his hand."
Beside me, Connor grins and sips his wine, finding Ryke's comment more amusing than I would. ~ Krista Ritchie
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by Krista Ritchie
The most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows. Ascertain this and teach him accordingly. ~ David Ausubel
Accordingly Synonyms quotes by David Ausubel
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