Paul Kearney Quotes

Most memorable quotes from Paul Kearney.

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It's all very well to say beauty is under the skin, or in the eye of the beholder, but no-one would say no to being prettier if they had the chance, so it is all rot.
Paul Kearney Quotes: It's all very well to
Memories are important, like the bones of the mind. We build ourselves upon them, flesh and blood moulded around the pictures of what is past.
Paul Kearney Quotes: Memories are important, like the
No man could truly say what he was until he had been pushed to the edge of things with the precipice of his own ruin staring up at him.
Paul Kearney Quotes: No man could truly say
I have seen worse things than ghosts, and if one were to appear to me, I should have so many questions to ask of it that it would have no time to groan and moan and shake its chains.
Paul Kearney Quotes: I have seen worse things
I am almost dizzied by a sudden knowledge, as cold as snow down my spine; that I, too, will grow up one day like everyone else, and look back and miss the years gone by, and the things I could have done, should have done. And growing up is suddenly not something to be impatient for, not all jam and buns and doing as one pleases. It is precisely the opposite.
Paul Kearney Quotes: I am almost dizzied by
Places ain't home. People is. Bricks and chairs is nothing.
Paul Kearney Quotes: Places ain't home. People is.
That is the problem with being twelve. All the grown-ups think they have a right to know your business.
Paul Kearney Quotes: That is the problem with
What do they be teaching the young these days? I declare, they think more on machines and formulas than they do on the true knowledge of the world. They blow things up, and call it progress. They kills one another by the million, and calls it civilization ... But you takes a single life, just one, and that is murder most foul, and they will pin you for that, and lay it against you the rest of your life. It hardly seems fair.
Paul Kearney Quotes: What do they be teaching
There are men in frock coats and top hats with the blood of the world on their hands, and they eat with silver forks and white napkins every day, and they will give up their last breath in a linen-made bed whilst the ones they sent out to die lie forgotten in the earth, mouldering bones with the poppies fat and red above 'em. Ah, mankind.
Paul Kearney Quotes: There are men in frock
The time is coming to an end when you can wander the roads of the world as free and easy as you like, and meet a stranger across firelight. They will fence in the world entire ere they are done, the clever men of this earth, and there will be no space left on it for vagabonds, and dreamers ... and little lost girls running from their fate.
Paul Kearney Quotes: The time is coming to
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